A/N: Hello FanFiction fiction readers!

Yes, I'm doing my third draft of a Mori/oc story. Will this be better than the last? I hope so considering I have an actual plot. This chapter is the prologue to the story itself and is just introducing my OC and her future problems.

As for anyone who is following my other stories and got the alert that I created a new one, I can promise that I will begin to keep on a constant update more this year. I lost a bit of inspiration but I've most recently gained it back and have many more ideas I'm excited to post on this site for different books and anime.

Either way, Enjoy!

And don't forget to favorite the story and most importantly REVIEW!


Foreign Territory

Valentina Watanabe glanced up at the formidable structure before her with a deep breath. There was a pit in her stomach- and endless bottomless cavern that swirled with different emotions and made her feel apprehensive. She had never appreciated the feeling of change. It was both heart wrenching and freightening all at once.

For her, it signified moving from her home to a new country and staying with a family she was still becoming accustomed to. Despite being blood and the sister of her mother, the Russian girl had never felt so distant from her aunt who had offered to house her when moving suddenly to Japan. Only getting there a week before hand and now being thrown into another unknown territory that very moment was stifling in her chest.

In front of her stood the imposing figure of Ouran Academy, its grand structure looking over her like a dark rain cloud. She didn't want to be here- she imagined she was in Russia, the feeling of cold snow flakes caressing her skin as she made it home from a long day of training to her house staff greeting her with her parents. She could hear their voices, even smell the food being cooked by her favorite chef, the distinct feeling of warmth in the air. And then she focused on her surroundings again and it was all ripped away.

The thought only helped to still her nerves slightly, walking through the lush school campus towards her destination.

Ouran Academy, a school for the rich and privileged, known as one of the top schools in Japan- and it was a pink color. The seventeen year old looked at it with slight chagrin. While she had seen dozens of strange things ever since landing in Japan only a week before hand, she would have to admit that the sight before her topped all of them.

The country in and of itself was foreign despite half her heritage pertaining from the culture. From the people to the architecture and atmosphere, she felt as if she were a stranger in an unknown land. The fact made her homesick for Russia- sick for her home and most for her parents.

She swallowed deeply at the thought. Making her way through the school campus to the main building, the mixed girl soaked up her surroundings. She couldn't help but admit that the school was quite beautiful, with lush lawns perfectly mowed and small trees perfectly aligned. A fountain stood out to her, streaming freshwater just as she made her way into the building. The interior was just as gorgeous, soaking in the detail. It was exquisite, or rather almost if it weren't for the yellow monstrosities that they considered the female's uniform. Valentina grimaced at the thought of having to wear such, compared to her pale dress. Small heeled shoes clicked with each step she took, only further gaining the attention towards the pretty girl.

Valentina definitely stood out among the crowd of teenagers with either brown or black hair as the foreigner made her way to the Chairman's office. With thick auburn hair, bordering red, and smooth pale skin, it was obvious she wasn't from the country. Full lips pursed at the amount of stares cast her way, her green eyes glancing away from them and straight ahead despite the whispering around her. Despite her calm and perhaps confident exterior, she would admit to the small coil in her stomach, tightening the more she made her way around the maze- like school.

Prideful by nature, she found herself walking aimlessly around the halls of Ouran Academy, as if she knew where she was going despite being completely lost. There was no possibility she could ask anyone for directions, feeling her cheeks heat up at the thought of their opinion when she spoke given her choppy Japanese and accent. Despite her father being a traditional Japanese man by birth, he had never forced the culture on her in the past despite knowing the language, not having any need of it until that moment.

Valentina withheld a sigh. She had been wandering around for a good amount of time by now, finding herself in a rather quiet hallway with no one in sight. She looked down at her silver flip phone clenched tightly in her hands. It was almost eight in the morning, and classes would be starting soon. The ginger haired teen grinned in chagrin at her own luck, glancing out the large canopy windows at the large view of the school. It was almost the size of a college campus- just how was she going to figure out how to get to the headmaster's?

"Are you lost, imouto- chan?"

Valentina paused at the sudden sound of the rather high pitched voice, glancing down at a small fugue she had not taken notice of till now.

Imouto-chan? Shouldn't I be calling him that? Valentina looked down at the small boy in front of her, blond hair and chocolate eyes standing out at her. He looked foreign given his characteristics but looking closer she could make out the trace of his Japanese descent, leading her to assume he was perhaps mixed. She smiled politely and forced the urge to hold him away.

"Is it that obvious?" She chuckled slightly, green eyes taking in the High School uniform he was wearing as she rose an eyebrow.

"I'm Hani and this is Usa-chan!" The young boy said, smiling adorably as he offered her sight of the small stuffed rabbit in his hand. Valentina giggled despite herself. "And this is Takashi, but everyone calls him Mori. We can take you to wherever you need to be!"

Valentina glanced up at the mention of the second person next to the blond boys. Her eyes followed up long legs, coming up until she stood to her full height of 5'7 and craned her head to look at the tall male. Midnight hair stood up in an almost spikey manner, and she met his dark onyx eyes as he looked down at her stoically. He was quite handsome with tan skin, and Valentina offered an upturn of her mouth as she took notice of his distinct Japanese heritage.

"I'm Valentina." She said, gripping the phone tighter in her hand as she attempted a bow. "It's nice to meet you two."

"... Ah." The dark haired teen said, and she smiled slightly despite the lack of response while Hani greeted her happily. Mori didn't seem rude, just rather quiet, and she was reminded that perhaps this was normal for certain people in the country. The two before her seemed like polar opposites she took note of, like night and day or black and white.

Hani grabbed hold of her hand after that, pulling her the opposite direction she has come as he began to talk freely. So she had been going the wrong way. Behind her, Mori followed after them closely and quiet. "So where are you going, Val- chan?"

Valentina was positive she has not introduced herself as "Val" and nor did she prefer the name of it. Still and yet she only rose a thin eyebrow, having a feeling in her chest that it would be no use complaining. "The headmaster's office but I got lost on the way."

"So you are new like I thought!" The young boy said, sounding happy at the revelation as he continued leading her along. "What grade are you in Val- chan?"

"I'm a third year but I believe I'll be taking one or two first year classes for a short period of time because I'm foreign." She announced, feeling slightly annoyed at the mention of the fact once again. The news had come as a surprise after her sudden move to Japan to live with her aunt, but Valentina supposed she could not complain given her situation.

"Aw yay!" Hani cheered. "You're a third year like Takashi and me. Then we could be in the same classes maybe!"

Feeling her eyes widen slightly at the revelation, Valentina glanced at the young boy holding her. A prodigy of some sort? "How old are you Hani- kun?"

She wasn't prepared for his next announcement. "Eighteen." The short teenager stated cheerfully, looking up at her surprised eyes. Valentina blinked at his seemingly innocent eyes, glancing back curiously at the silent giant behind them as if looking for confirmation. He didn't seem surprised at her confusion, only looking at her blankly. However looking closer, into his depths of dark eyes, she took notice that there was certain glint to them as he nodded.

Turning around, and glancing down at Hani again, she blew out a sigh. Japanese people were weird.

Coming before large French doors, Valentina paused just as Hani came to a halt and looked up to her happily. "We're here, Val-chan!"

"Thank you so much." Valentina said, almost forgetting to bow as she did so quickly. "I don't know what I would do if I hadn't run into you guys."

"It's no problem!" Hani gushed, reaching out to hug the younger girl much to her surprise as she caught his flying body. "Hopefully we have classes together! And if we don't try visiting us in Music Room #3 after school so we can eat cake together." The older boy seemed to pause for a moment, cutely as a thoughtful expression came to his face. "You like cake, right Val-chan?"

"Yes I love cake." The Russian girl laughed, unwrapping the small arms from around her. "I'll see if I can come but no promises okay?"

"Okay! Bye Val-chan!" Hani cheered, waving at her as her eyes filtered to his taller companion. His handsome face was neutral once again. She smiled at him slightly just as he nodded at her, seeming sincere and almost gentle in the gesture. The duo turned after that and Valentina watched their retreating figures as Hani climbed onto Mori and began rambling at miles per hour.

She sighed, reaching forward to raise a delicate hand as she knocked on the wood rather loudly. A deep male voice announced for her to enter, and the girl did so rather hesitantly as she entered the large and spacious room. An older man sat behind a large oak desk in front of her, a gentle smile crossing his face as his golden eyes and matching hair shone from the lighting sprinkling into the room. "Good morning." Valentina said, making her way into the room and feeling tense. "I'm Watanabe Valentina."

"Ah, yes, the new foreign exchange student! It's a pleasure to meet you, Watanabe-San!" The chairman beamed, smirking warmly. "I've been informed of your remarkable results for our school's entrance exam and I must say I'm impressed. It was rather last minute but we're grateful to have you joining our school at this time."

Valentina forced a smile. She was certain it had been an inconvenience at first when her aunt had first contacted the school about her sudden transfer. If it had been anyone, even given their family's money it would have taken some time. Valentina, however, was positive that given her family's name and influence that they had made the exception and allowed her a quick transfer in a matter of days after taking the entrance exam.

"Thank you, Chairman Suoh. I'm honored to be here." Valentina smiled, bowing slightly to seem polite in her manners.

"As are we. I'm sure you'll fit in quite perfectly here in Ouran. Now, here is your class schedule." The man said politely, handing her a sheet of paper as she grabbed hold of it. Valentina glanced down at it ever so slightly and when she glanced back up, the male's face was solemn. "Now, as I am sure you know, the faculty here is aware of your situation. You have my sincere condolences for your loss and you will have our help as you adjust here."

At his words, the seventeen year old felt her chest drop. There was a certain burning in the back of her eyes that she had grown accustomed to when she bit back tears whenever her situation was mentioned. Valentina knew though that she should be stronger- her parents had always said she was, that they had named her such because it meant strength. That was at least before they died a month before.

Her mouth twitched. "Thank you, sir." She replied and even to her own ears she could hear her voice croak.

"Of course." The chairman smiled gently. "Now as you already are aware, due to your sudden transfer to Japan, you are behind compared to other students in your year. While you excel in the regular classes such as math and science, you will need to take two first year classes for Japanese literature and history. Besides those two, the rest of your classes are advanced placement due to your scores."

"Yes I understand."

"Very good. You may pick up your books and uniform in the secretary's office to your left when you leave. If there are any other questions or problems please don't be hesitant to come seek me out. We aim to please here!"

I'm sure you do. Valentina thought dryly, smiling only when she glanced at the chairman. "Thank you, Chairman."

"Of course! I hope you enjoy Ouran."

She hoped so too, making her way out the office after she bowed, feeling her stomach twist in knots.

Because in the back of her mind she knew that this was not Russia. That place was not home, and her parents were not there to guide her.

Valentina was alone.

A/N: This is really short so I'll apologize for that. I had planned on writing more along with more introductions to the characters but decided against it at last minute knowing it would be too long.

Also I tend to start off my stories a bit gloomy in case you haven't noticed?

On another note chapter One will come out within the next week along with an update for my Twilight fanfiction Secret. So to all my followers that came here because of that story look forward to an update very soon!

Again thank you for all the continued support over my absence. I know it may have been annoying because my stories had not been getting updated but I hope you continue on this journey with me. I have much love for you all!
