'Rewriting The Stars

Authors Note: Sorry for the looonnngg wait! I've been super busy. Here's another chapter. Sorry it is a short one but I hope you guys still enjoy x

Chapter Six

That night Phillip had laid in bed just staring up at the ceiling contemplating what he had done.

'I should have told her... I should have just trusted her... I do trust her... more than anyone, so why were you afraid?' he thought to himself. He grabbed a pillow and buried it to his face hating himself.

'Idiot' he thought.

Phillip laid awake until the sun crept through the curtains, it was just nearing 6.00am and Phillip was quick to get up skipping breakfast and heading out the door for the circus rehearsal. He hadn't even bothered to change his clothes or clean himself up, so much had happened hygiene and nutrition was the last thing on his mind. He sprinted to the docks where he saw the entrance to the tent flapping wide open where he could just make out Lettie, Tom and the others laughing amongst themselves. The sign was out that read "Welcome to the circus! 6.00pm! $10.00 admission!" Phillip felt nervous. He entered the tent and as he did laughter stopped and everyone turned to look at him, not the same respectful way they used to, now it was in almost a disgusted and displeasing way.

"Hi..." Phillip choked.

"Phillip." Lettie snorted. Phillip stepped inside and everyone turned away from him. He looked around for Anne who was nowhere to be seen and felt his heart drop.

"Where's Anne and W.D?" he asked. Everyone looked up at him wondering how he had the nerve to ask such a thing.

"Well what did you expect Phillip? I'll go home have a good night's rest and then everything will be fine in the morning? That's not the way reality works Phillip." Lettie said to him.

"You really hurt Anne, you're lucky that we even showed up..." Tom said. Hearing this struck Phillip hard as he felt really hurt.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... I-"

"You're apologising to the wrong people Phillip." Lettie said. She then stood up with the others and they all proceeded to rehearsal.

Phillip felt his gut wrench. None of this would have happened if he had just been honest with Anne, and put his foot down to his mother.

Some time later Phillip had gone home. He took a shower and put on his costume for the night. When he looked in the mirror he realised his face was practically hammered with cuts and bruises, but he didn't care, he deserved it.

When Phillip arrived back at the circus it was nearing the evening and everything was in preparation.

"Alright lets go!" Phillip called out doing his best to stay strong for the circus, just like Barnum had taught him, the show must go on no matter what. Everyone came out of the changing room in costume and Phillip's heart sunk at the sight of Anne coming out with the family dressed in her purple attire and pink wig. Phillip felt a spark light up in him.

Was she here to take him back?

He ran over to her but just as he got within a meter W.D stepped in front of her.

"Did I not make myself clear last night?" he said to Phillip harshly.

"It's okay W.D... just give us a moment..." Anne said politely. W.D gave Anne a reassuring nod and went over to rehearse with the others leaving Phillip and Anne alone. They stood only a short distance apart. Phillip just looked at her for a while feeling a heartache of guilt. Her eyes were red and he could tell she had been crying and she could scarcely look at him.

"Anne..." he said sympatheticall stepping forward.

"No Phillip." she said taking a step back. Phillip stopped motionless.

"Anne I'm so sorry I-" he began.

"Look... I don't want to cause any trouble between you and your family and... whoever else..." Anne said slightly trembling, she looked to the ground and Phillip's heart broke seeing her about to cry.

"I'm just here to work. I only came back because I love the circus, I love performing and I love everyone here as if they were my own family." Anne said.

"What about us?" Phillip asked tearfully. "I love you Anne." he said. Anne sighed grabbing her arm nervously and avoiding Phillip's eyes.

"I loved you too... but you lied to me... you kept things from me and you even shoved me away..." Anne said bursting into tears and finally looking up at Phillip. Phillip felt his heart being shattered. He quickly stepped forward to grab Anne into his arms but she backed away.

"No Phillip... please... just stay away from me." she said wiping her tears from her eyes and walked away to join the others to rehearse.

Phillip had never felt more depressed in his life. He had just lost his true love. His only love. He felt tears streaking down his face as his lip began to quiver.

'No.' he thought to himself as he wiped the tears away from his eyes and straightened his suit. "The show must go on." he whispered as he went over to rehearse.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter although it was rather short. Sorry for the delay. Next chapter will be up soon x Be sure to leave reviews
