The reactions of the 10 people when first seeing the doll Chucky in the movie:

1: The Average Joe: Cool!

2: The Scardy-cat: *Faint screams as subjects jumps out the window*


4: The Insane: Hey, look! It's Ryan, see? I'm not crazy!

5: The Asshole: Yeah, stab them motherfuckers creepy ass doll!

6: The Murderous: I like that guy. Now I'm off to go find a voodoo amulet.

7: The Nerd: Damn, that's some good CGI right there!

8: The Horror-Freak: Eh. SAW was better.

9: Sheltered Kid: Uh... what's that doll doing with that kni... HOLY CRAP-NUGGETS! WHAT IN THE LORDS NAME?

10: Me: Why the FUCK am I watching this hyped up on Redbull? SO that's Chucky... Wait, whats with the knife? Hol- SHIT, BURN IT WITH GREEK FIRE! FUCK, WHAT THE HELL AM I EVEN WATCHING!? And... fuck it, I'm out, goddamnit.

-King of Lines-

So, I'm thinking about making more POVs, but frankly, I made this hyped up on Redbull, so... Yeah, I'm not doing it unless you lot tell me to. And yes, that was my reaction the seeing Child's Play. Now, on the topic of my other stories... My computer got wiped, so... Yeah, my muse got assassinated, and it was very, very sad. So I've basically been banging my head against the wall, and have personally rewritten my PJO cross-fic 13 times already. And don't get me started on the HS fic. Meanwhile, I'm working out some kinks in the PJO-Gamer fic, so... yeah. Gravity falls is coming around some-what alright, relative to the others, anyway. Also, I've been practicing my java-code once more, and slowly working on making an HS typing-quirk generator, which basically takes what you put in, and depending on the variables you apply, IE: H=8, S=5 I=1, O=0, and so on, and replaces them so that 'I am badass, just because.' turns out as '1 am bada55, ju5t becau5e.' I just have to figure out how to make it a have a GUI, so it's not all text-based. *sigh,* Yeah, so programming rant over, Hope you enjoyed, review, favorite, follow, and all that rot. See yall when I update next.

-ForbiddenFandom, Roxas Ordic