And Then.

Summary: Ever felt your life couldn't get any worse? As though there was nothing really left for you to get through each and everyday for? And then.

Disclaimer: Mine? No, no, no. J.R.R.Tolkien's.

Life's a b***h, and then you die.

Italics - speech, Arial -Memory, Comic - Diary

A single girl in black stood stooping over a freshly dug grave in an empty grave yard, the night almost at its end, the first light of a new day could already be spotted on the horizon. The lone girl stood perfectly still, a look of deep sadness filled her eyes and yet only one single tear fell down her pale check. ''God, I should have known. Why couldn't I tell she was so depressed? I should have known. How the hell, didn't I spot it, for God sake her favorite Blink 182 song was Adam's Song, and our favorite saying.'' *Two practically identically girls stood side by side at their lockers, both dressed in tartan mini-skirts, one red, the other blue, with a red Blink 182 t-shirt and black really long-sleeved tight top on the other, each with a side bag decorated with a multitude of badges saying ''Eat well, Stay fit, Die anyway'' and ''How's my Skating call 1800-Kiss-My-Ass'' ''Hi Babe!'' called the pretty girl in the red t-shirt on called to the other ''How was the exam, Babe?'' asked the other ''Like all the others'' the girl sighed in a dramatic way ''It just said those things so it could test me.they're all the same, just after my mind.'' ''Aah the comparison between test and boys again huh?'' ''You know me to well.'' ''It's on the best friend list, right after ''Your make-up, is my make-up'' and before ''When you discover a new band I won't claim I was there first'' ''Ooh, I thought it was after ''I will hold your hand when you get anything pierced''?'' ''Nope!, check for yourself' replied the other girl who then swung open her locker door even more to reveal the list which actually existed, beside a horde of Sum 41 and American Hi-Fi cut outs and a ''In Dave We Trust'' sticker. ''Ooh. So how was your day Em?'' ''Nothing, to special. Failed a test. Got strange looks on the bus in the way in for writing on my hand.'' ''You really need to stop that you know, I want to give you fake tattoos during class.'' Said the girl in the red t-shirt as she linked her arm with Em ''Aah, yes Sam, tattoo artist extraordinaire. Think you passed or failed the exam?'' asked Em ''Properly just passed, she gives us such hard test, no one finished. Aw well what can you say. Life's a b***h.'' ''And then you die." finished Em and both girls closed their lockers and walked down the deserted school halls.

''God, I was so stupid and self-centered. Better go home before my mothers notice I'm gone. I promise to come tomorrow Sam.'' With that the girl dropped to he knees and placed a blue flower on the grave before gently touching the engraved letters on the tombstone

Samantha Henderson

22nd June 1985 -24th March2003 Beloved daughter and friend ''See you tomorrow, Sam'' The girl then stood quickly, knowing that if she didn't she wouldn't be able to get up again, turned and ran out through the graveyards looming pillars towards her home.

''The lights aren't on great.'' Thought Em as she trudged up the pathway She slowly turned the key wanting to make sure no one hear any unnecessary noise, pushed the door open kicked off her runners and tip-toed upstairs. She went first to the bathroom where she washed her hands and then splashed some water on her face, as she looked up she thought she say a familiar face with a smile on it in the bathroom mirror, but when she blink it was gone. ''Great, I'm insane now. No wonder I didn't notice anything off with Sam, I was talkin' to bloody pink 6 foot bunnies'' she thought as she tread wearily towards her room. As she entered she threw off her black jacket and black dress and changed into a really long Sum 41 t-shirt and, carefully looking around she removed a box from under her bed and opening it removed a black book, and lay down onto her purple bed-sheets, matching her purple wall colour she began scribbling down her thoughts

Dear, Diary, I went to Sam's funeral a few days ago, sorry not having written for a while I was to busy. It was very small, just me and my mother and her family. The priest was late. Everyone except me left after the service. That'll be just like my funeral except no one'll stay behind. My mother didn't even wait up for me, no surprise there, Sam always says, no said, Sam used to say that you only got yourself and your best friend to look out for ya, so don't go hoping some Knight in Shinning Armour is going to make you his sleeping beauty who he just wants to wake-up. Thought I saw her face in the mirror, I must be going crazy. I'm a complete self-centered cow, hell at lest I 'm going to see Colin tomorrow. Later. Em

Em and Sam where sitting at a lunchroom table during a free class, talking about kidnapping the Red Hot Chilli Peppers so Flea could teach Em to play bass better and Sam could lock the rest in her locker, laughing their heads off not caring who was listening in there conversation, ''Em, Blondie over there has been staring at ya for the past half-hour, he's cute, what do ya think?'' Em looked over to where Sam was ''discreetly'' nodding her head, towards a tall, blond haired boy in a kickers jacket, who just smiled when he caught Em's gaze, who, trying very hard not to smile, turned back to Sam ''The cute Blondie appears to be starring at me'' Em smiled. The rest of the free class Em spent stealing glances at Blondie, as the girls had named him, and laughing with Sam. The loud ringing of the bell, reminded the girls that the free class was over, and both went to grab their bags under the table, but when Em looked up she met the eyes of Blondie smiling down at her, granted she was 5ft 7 but, he was over 6ft so down is the right word there. ''I got to rush to get my books, Babe, see you in English.'' And with that Sam made her ooh so tactful exit. ''Hi, I'm Colm.'' ''I'm Em, you new here?'' ''Yeah, moved from Scotland'' ''How's Ireland treating ya?'' The pair walked off to English. ''Great, fit girls, same weather, plenty of sheep, just like home.'' Both broke into smiles. ''Are you going to the school disco for second years tonight?'' ''Yeah, nothing better to do I guess. Why?'' ''Safe me a dance?'' ''.okay'' ''See you later, Em'' ''Same, Colm.''

That was their first meeting, they started going out with each other a week after the disco and stayed together. Em, place the diary, lovingly, back into the box and throwing the blanks over herself, turned off the light and went to a dreamless sleep.


The ear-piercing alarm that rang out around the room was just loud enough to wake up any sleepy teacher so it was not to long before Em finally gave up on getting a few more minutes of sleep. ''Honey, your breakfast is ready. Come and get it while its nice and hot.'' Her mother's annoyingly chirpy voice rang out. A few groan later Em was up and had put the radio on to wake her up even more. ''Love Fool'' was currently playing so she hummed along as she brushed her hair and gave her face a splash of cool water. At the end of the song she reached over and turn the radio off before trudging down the stairs to find her breakfast out, but her mother already off to work, even though it was a Saturday. Em passed the day after breakfast my getting clean and dressed, and watching some TV and reading before she was meant to meet up with Colm at half seven, for staying in and watching some films. Finally after what seem like more time then can ever be counted it turn half seven and Em left the house for the twelve minute walk on the main road of the town. It was a wet and windy night, it was already very dark with the only light coming from the streetlights over head, the wind cut right through Em seeming to blow her back even more, she put in her headphones and listened to some music as she walked. She arrived not to long after at Colm's home, she quickly ran up the steps leading to the front door, anxious for the warmth the house guaranteed. Giving a knock at the oak door in it was almost instantly open my Colm, who for once wasn't welcoming Em with a smile, instead all he said was ''Em, I think we need to talk, Treasure, you better come in.'' . Colm lead Em into the sitting room and sat her down ''Treasure, we've been going out with each other for almost four years now, and I do like you it's just.'' ''Just what, Colm?'' ''I like someone else, and its not like we were all that serious or anything.'' ''Ooh.'' ''Thought I should tell ya is all, instead of going behind your back.'' He continued as he led Em back to the door. ''You've changed is all, everyone does, but we've just grown apart is all. Bye Em.'' With that he closed the door on Em and left her standing speechless on the front porch of his house, the guy she had been going out with for almost four years had just dumped her. She turned sharply on her heel and putting her headphones ran out in the rain, determined not to let Colm or anyone else see her cry. She ran down the path, the wind pushing back her hooded giving her head little protection from the on slot of rain from every direction. Her headphones blaring ''Exgirlfriend'' by No Doubt

Kinda always knew I'd end up your exgirlfriend, ooh oh, Kinda always knew I'd end up your exgirlfriend, ooh oh, I hope I hold a special place with the rest of them, ooh oh, Kinda always knew I'd end up your exgirlfriend, ooh oh, Just another exgirlfriend on your list, but I should have thought of that before we kissed, Just another exgirlfriend on your list, But I should've thought of that before we kissed.
''The young one feels much hurt, Gandalf, are you sure your course of action is wise?'' questioned the fair maiden, Galadriel, as she looked into the bowl of water. ''Yes, this might not be her world, but there is less heartbreak and weeping for her here, friend.'' Was the answer from the wise Istari. ''King Thranduild knows of her arrival already, I most prepare and then hurry to greet the child.''


Tears were streaming down her face, Em gave up caring if anyone saw, which was doubtful because no one would go out in the type of weather. ''First Sam is taken from me, then Colm dumps me, My Mother doesn't even care what's happening to me. Why did Sam overdose? Why did Colm dump me? Why couldn't I tell what was going on with Sam.?'' Em ran up to the front steps of her house, unlocked it and ran up to her room, grabbed her diary, Dear, Diary, First Sam now Colm. Nobody wants me around them anymore. Why don't I just die. Raced back down the stairs, slamming the door on her way out. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her towards her one friend, who was currently lying in a wooden box, six feet under ground. She ran past the two pillars almost slipping on the wet gravel under her feet, and dropped to her knees on the grass in front of the gravestone, and began crying, she dropped her whole body to the wet grass, and letting all her angry tears fall, angry that Colm had dumped her for some other girl, angry that she didn't see what was happening with Sam right in front of her own eyes, angry that Sam hadn't told her and angry that Sam had done what she'd done, but instead of finding the cold, wet ground to comfort her she found nothing, no grass, no gravel, no solid land at all..nothing.

Should I continue? What do you think? How do you spell Legolas' father's name?

If you read all they way down here, why not review.

For everyone who has read this only love and kittens for you.
