"Quick note for all you readers. chapter one and chapter two has been revised by My Beta. flamers i will ignore your reviews and delete you dont like my story then don't read it. Enjoy!"

The newly named Excalibur moved through hyperspace towards the planet Naboo. The Paladins stayed in the bridge of the ship. Harry looked at Daphne talking to her parents. He wished that he had his parents with him, but he could talk to them anytime he wanted to with the Resurrection Stone. He keeps the item locked up along with the elder wand, but always kept his invisibility cloak on him.

"Hey Harry," said Colin getting Harrys attention.

"Yes Colin? What is it?" He asked

"Fred and George want to see you in the maintenance room, they want to show you something," said Colin.

"Alright I'm on my way. Contact me when we get close to Naboo," said Harry standing up from his chair Dobby brought him.

Grong stood up from his chair as well. "Allow me to join you," He said.

Daphne looked at her husband. "Where are you going love?" she asked.

"Fred and George want to see me at Maintenance. I'll be back in a little bit," said Harry.

She nodded as the two entered the elevator. Harry pressed a button as the elevator went down towards the lower levels of the ship.

"Grong can I ask you a question?" Harry asked the man

"Yes Harry? What do you want to know?" Grong answered.

"Before we rescued you, were you a Jedi?" asked Harry.

Grong looked at the elevator door. He said, "I use to be, but I left the Order for going against the Code."

He went into his pocket and pulled out a holocron. The holocron showed a beautiful woman with grey eyes and long black hair. Next to her was two small children about age five. The boy had grey eyes and black hair while the girl had Blue hair and hazel eyes.

"Grong, you have a family. You're a Dad," said Harry looking at the holocron.

"Aye, I meet my beloved Bailey at Coruscant. I was a Knight at the time and she was a ship maker at the nearby port. We met each other often until I professed my love to her. We were married six months after and the Council found out. I planned to tell them that I was leaving the Jedi behind because I found love and occasionally I am visited by my old master."

"Who was your master?" asked Harry as the two exited the elevator and walked down the corridor of the ship.

"Master Kit Fisto. He was like a father to me. He was a bit upset that I was leaving the order, but he was glad that I found happiness."

"Why were you captured?" asked Harry.

"I promised my Daughter Kimi that I would get her a very rare flower that could be only found on Naboo. I didn't expect to be captured or the Trade Federation at all." said Grong. "My son wants to be like me, but I feel I won't be able to see them grow up because of the debt I owe you."

"No, you won't Grong. Once we help liberate Naboo, you can bring your family to live in Terra Six. There is no way I am separating families like the Jedi," said Harry.

Grong looked at Harry with a shocked expression. "You would do that? Allow my family to live in Terra Six?"

"Aye Grong, you're a husband and a father to two children. They need you in their lives," said Harry.

Grong looked at him with a big grin. "You are a good friend Harry."

The two walked in silence in the ship. They passed by a few OOM-9 droids that were inactive. "Do you feel remorse for killing that Neimoidian?" asked Harry breaking the silence.

"No, many have tried to attack my family and I will protect them even with my last breath," said Grong.

Harry looked at him before he said. "The same with me. I lost my parents to Voldemort when I was a baby, I will keep Daphne and our children safe. That's if we do want kids."

"Trust me my friend, it will happen." said Grong putting his big hand on his shoulder. "Now, let's go see what Fred and George have," he said as they came to the door to maintenance chamber.

They came inside to see four OOM-9 droids guarding the doors. Each of them had been painted the color red, green, yellow and blue.

"Hello Harrikins," started Fred.

"How nice of you to join us," finished George. He was working on another OOM-9 droid and had almost finished painting the droid Red. He said to the droid "There you are Red-2."

"Thank you, sir," said Red-2. He was given a blaster before he walked out of the room along with the other OOM-9 droids.

"Did you reprogram them?" asked Grong looking at the droids.

"That we did," said Fred. The twins had set up the maintenance room like their workshop in Weasley Wizard Wheezes. All of their joke products were to the left side and Potions and Weapons to the right.

"So, what did you two summon me for?" Harry asked.

"We been working on a top-secret project for the last few months," said George. Fred went over to a small counter and picked up a small box. He brought it back to them and set it down on the counter.

"Behold," said Fred.

"The Goliath," said George. The two tapped their wands on the box to reveal a small four-legged walker like tank. The metal was colored black. Two large barrels that harry assumed to be weapons was on each side of the tank. (Think of the Goliath from the Resistance games.) Harry and Grong were thoroughly impressed with it.

"Wow, you guys made that?" said Harry.

"Yeah, we sure did! We had the idea when Darius showed us the tanks the Trade Federation used for their army," said Fred

"We figured that we should have siege engines of our own," said George.

"We plan to have them being manned by four people. three to control the weapons and one to control the machine."

"How big do you plan to make them?" asked Grong.

"At least over 50 ft tall. We added concussion missiles as well as proton torpedoes to the weaponry. There is also a AG-2G Quad Laser Cannon right under the chin." said George. "Master Darius was more than glad to fetch us the parts for it."

"And then there is this beauty," said Fred revealing an assault rifle and handed it to Harry.

"We call this the Ak-11 blaster gun. The first hybrid of an AK-47 and a E-11 Blaster," said George.

"This gun has two attachments. We added a grenade launcher that launches shock grenades," said Fred.

"We just actually just made this. We want you Harry to test it out when we get to Naboo," said George handing him the gun.

Harry placed the gun on his back as a hologram of Hermione appeared. "Harry, we're pulling out of hyperspace. Hurry up here so we can discuss our plan."

"We're on our way Hermione," said Harry as the hologram turned off. "Well, we'll see you guys later."

"Yeah, don't tell the others about our projects," said Fred.

"Don't worry, we'll keep it a secret," said Harry.

After taking several shock grenades from George, Harry and Grong quickly returned to the bridge of the Excalibur. The two made it back just as the ship came out of hyperdrive. Naboo was a turquoise colored planet with clouds. Surrounding the planet was Trade Federation ships and a battleship.

"Naboo is inhabited by peaceful humans called the Naboo and the Gungans. An amphibian race that have homes in the waters of Naboo," said Darius. "My old friend Tao is living in Gungan City with his Padawans."

"So we need to find their city," said Neville.

"That's right, but we need to get past that blockade first,' said Darius.

"No doubt they will blast us before we can even get close," said Blaise thinking.

The group tried to come up with a plan to get past the blockade until Luna said, "Why not use an escape pod?"

"That could work. but it can only fit at least three of us," said Daphne.

"Harry should go after all he is the strongest force user," said Astoria.

"Let me come, I've been to Naboo plenty of times," said Grong.

"Count me in as well," said Neville.

"Alright we've got our team. The rest of us will remain on the Excalibur until you return. Find Tao and save the Queen," said Darius.

The group went over to an escape pod. Grong had his shield on his back as he was the first one in. Neville and Harry were talking to their wives and assuring them that they will be fine. The two got on as the hatched sealed shut. The pod launched from the ship as it headed for Naboo.

"Is this going to work?" asked Neville.

"I hope so Nev," said Harry as the escape pod flew very close to the Blockade.

Inside the Trade Federation Battleship.

"Sir, there's an Escape pod falling down to Naboo!" said a Neimoidian. The two aliens watched the pod fall towards the planet.

"It must be the escaped prisoner falling to the surface. Our forces will destroy him when he reaches the planet," said the commander.

"Yes sir," said the officer.

Harry, Neville and Grong let out a breath of relief as they went past the blockade. Soon the pod started to race down to the surface.

"Brace for impact!" said Grong.

The pod crashed into a nearby forest taking down several trees and scaring away several of the lifeforms.

"Well, we're here," said Neville as Grong opened the hatch to the pod.

The three climbed out of the ruined pod. "Grong how do we reach Gungan City?' asked Harry. his hands reaching for his lightsaber.

"We need to find a Gungan to take us there. It's deep underwater," said Grong.

"How in Merlin's name are we supposed to find a Gungan out here?" asked Neville. As soon as Neville finished speaking, the three heard a scream.

"There, follow the screams," said Harry sarcastic.

The three left the pod and ran into the forest, running past wildlife trying to escape the Trade Federation. Stumbling into a clearing, the three saw a man in brown robes along with a Gungan with red coloring and yellow eyes taking cover from a AAT. Harry pulled out his wand and pointed it at the AAT.


His spell left his wand and hit the tank, making it explode. The man looked at them as the three came out of the forest. Grong however recognized the man.

"Qui-Gon? Is that you, old friend?" he asked.

"Grong?" said Qui-Gon. The two exchange a brotherly handshake. "It's been too long my friend," said Qui-Gon.

"The council sent you to talk to the Trade Federation?" asked Grong.

"Yes, but it was a trap. Negotiations never happened," said Qui-Gon. "Who are your friends?"

"My name is Harry Potter, " said Harry with a bow.

"And mine is Neville Longbottom," said Neville.

As they were speaking, a squad of B1 battle droids came out of the forest.

"It's the Jedi! Blast them!" said the squad leader.

The droids opened fire at them. Harry, Neville, Grong and Qui-Gon had their lightsabers out deflecting the bolts right back at the droids. Neville pointed his lightsaber at a Droid.


The droid's chest exploded leaving a big hole as it fell. Harry cast at a small lake.

"Aqua Eructo!"

A column of water shot out of the lake and washed all over the droids. They all short circuited because they couldn't handle water. Qui-Gon was looking at the two with wide eyes.

'What is this power they're using? Its feels like the full power of the Force!' thought the Jedi Master.

More battle droids came with another AAT. Grong had his shield taking the shots as he slashed at any droid that was near him with his lightsaber. Neville decapitated A droid with his Gold blade. Harry raised his hand at the AAT

"Baubillious!" he said. A yellow bolt of lightning shot out of his hand and hits the AAT. It exploded as many debris hits the droids. A boy about seventeen came out of the forest with a blue lightsaber and took out the last droid while it was distracted.

"Hello Master sorry I'm late," said the man. he had short, light brown hair, and grey-blue eyes.

"Not at all my Padawan," said Qui-Gon before he motioned for Grong. "Obi-wan, this is Grong, an old friend of mine. Grong this is Obi-Wan Kenobi, my Padawan."

"Nice to meet you Obi-Wan. My friend has taught a fine apprentice," said Grong offering his hand.

Obi-Wan shook it before he let go. "Master, there are more Dropships dropping off more droids. We need to move now."

"I agree. Let's go," said Qui-Gon.

The Five walked away into the forest until they heard the Gungan catching up to them.

"Ex-squeeze me, but the mostest safest place would be Gunga City. 'Tis where I grew up. 'Tis a hidden city."

"The droids can't reach it at all?" asked Harry.

"Besides the sooner we get there, the sooner we will be safe from the Trade Federation," said Qui-Gon.

"And not to mention their droid army," stated Obi-wan

"Hmm... yousa point is well seen. Dis way, hurry!" said the Gungan. He lead the group though the forest.

Harry asked the Gungan "What's your name?"

"Mesa called Jar Jar Binks," said Jar Jar. Jar Jar lead them to a lake called Lake Paonga." Yousa should follow me now, okeeday? My warning yous: Gungans no like outsiders. Don't 'spect a warm welcome," said the Gungan.

"Been there, done that," said Harry.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan placed breathers on their face. Harry pulled out his wand much to the confusion of Obi-Wan and Jar-Jar. With a wave of his wand. Harry casted the Bubblehead charm on him, Neville and Grong. Obi-Wan's eyes widen to what he just saw. He looked at his master and he nodded. The group dived into the lake and swam after Jar Jar. Once they got deep enough they saw Gunga City. Its buildings were in the shape of bubbles. The group entered the force field that allowed them to breathe. Many Gungans looked at them until guards riding Kaadu came to them with spears. All of them put their hands up.

"What a welcoming committee," Neville whispered.

"Put yoursa weapons down Roos!" shouted a male's voice.

The guards looked to see a Grey Gungan in a grey cloak with green eyes approaching with three others clad in grey. The first was a female human with Hazel eyes and dark red hair. Harry looked at the girl before him

'Strange, have I met this girl before?' He thought. He felt something in the Force but ignored it for now.

The two other aliens Harry and Neville didn't know about. The first was a Shark-like humanoid with a head of a hammerhead shark, the second was an orange like amphibian like fish with yellow eyes.

"But Tao-Rae, they brought back Jar-Jar!" said Roos.

Gungan guards had their spears pointed at Jar Jar who held his head down.

"Yesa, but thosea are Jedi," said Tao.

"Very well, butsa big bossa will have Jar Jar punsished for coming back," said the General.

The guards led Jar Jar, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan away. Harry, Neville and Grong approached Tao, and they bowed their heads in respect.

"Greetings master Tao, Master Darius sent us to get you," said Harry.

"Masta Darius sent you. Great, wesa have been trying to communicate to the outside world," said Tao-Rae.

"The Trade Federation is blocking all forms of communication," said Neville.

"Tat is what mesa feared," said Tao-Rae with a small sigh.

"Don't worry master, they come to get us," said the girl. She gave them a small bow of respect. "My name is Holly."

"My name is Goba, from Mon Cala," said Gola with a wave of his webbed hand.

"And you can call me Hammerdon, from Karkaris," said Hammerdon

"Do mind me asking but what kind of species are you two?" asked Neville.

"Mon Calamari," said Goba.

"Karkarodon," said Hammerdon.

"Theysa all aquatic worlds," said Tao. The group walked and found Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Jar Jar loading up on a Bongo submarine.

"There you are, we have found transport to take us to Theed," said Qui-Gon.

He had a feeling that's what Harry and his group was here for. The group entered the sub as it drove away from the City. They passed by a Goba fish unaware that they were being followed by another.

"Why were you banished Jar Jar?" Obi-Wan asked him.

"He crashed the big bosses Bongo by accident," said Holly making everyone look at her.

"You'd say, "boom de gasa"... den crashded da boss's heyblibber... den banished," said Jar Jar.

Suddenly, the ship was yanked back into the mouth of a large fish.

"Uh-oh! Biiiiiig Goober fish! Hasa bigger teeth!" panicked Jar Jar.

The fish started to swim away with its prize until a larger grey fish-like monster came up and bit down on the Goober fish.

"There's always another big fish," said Harry and Qui-Gon at the same time.

"There! Go that way, it's sure to lead us to Theed," said Grong. The submarine headed down the tunnel.

Back on the Excalibur. Daphne was holding her belly while looking out the window of the ship with Astoria.

"I didn't get the chance to tell him," She whispered looking out into space.

"Don't worry sis, you can tell him when they get back," said Astoria.

Daphne looked at her sister before she pulled her close. The sisters watched as a shooting star went past them.

To be continued...

B.N. Sorry this came out so late, I had a bunch of family stuff on this last week, and have only just had a chance to finish editing the chapter. I hope you enjoy!

To be continued...

A.N."I wonder what daphne has to tell harry. Will the rescue team and the Jedi reach Theed and save the queen? find out in the next chapter. what do you guys think about grongs past?"

Weapon info-

AK-11-A hybrid of a AK-47 and E11 blaster rifle.

laser color-Green.

Attachments-Gernade launcher, enhanced scope, Plasma cartridges that hold up to 600 rounds.