"This is answering my own Star Wars x Harry Potter Crossover challenge, I got this form of idea from Mon bade's short stories although I changed a few things around. I do not own Harry potters for that right goes to J.K. Rowling. Star Wars belongs to Lucas film."


Eighteen year old Harry Potter staggered from the explosion from behind him as rock debris pelted his body. He was deep beneath Hogwarts following some subterranean tunnels while trying to escape the ministry enforcement officers that were perusing him. He had been charged by the new Wizengamot of murder of three pure bloods during the war, the good news, he had gotten word of it and emptied his vaults into several seven compartment trunks. He bought enough supplies to last him a year on the run along with his wife Daphne Potter and her family. Harry discovered that his supposed friend Ron was stealing from his vaults along with Dumbledore who is now dead. He should have realized something had gone badly wrong when Kingsley had been murdered three months before. Turning Harry threw a few Reducto's at the tunnel walls behind him causing a partial cave in the cavern. He turned back to the way he was going. Ahead of him, Neville and Hannah carried an unconscious Susan Bones while he had Luna over his shoulder. They had been hiding out at a Longbottom property getting the last bit of Neville's plants from his greenhouse when Hannah found reference to a gate that would take them to Central America since the ministry had sealed the borders to prevent them from escaping. The good news was that all the members of the DA were with them. Hearing a cry from his three-year-old godson, Harry picked up the pace to catch up to Andromeda to check on his godson. All the DA Students along with Draco and his mother Narcissa Malfoy, and the Professors Flitwick, Babbling, Sinistra, cleaned out their Vaults and had them in shrunken trunks along with their families libraries. They manage to raid several Stores for muggle guns, ammo, kits, cleaning kits, food, water and clothes. All of it was stored in their trunks.

Harry found Andromeda in a larger cave with Teddy, and she had lit up the cave to show everything. Everyone that was in the DA was checking each other for injuries and offering comfort. Neville had set Susan down and Hannah was checking on her so he set Luna down beside them and turned. He re-entered the tunnel they had come from. Casting a rock liquefying spell on the last forty feet of the tunnel, he turned it into magma and let it drop to the floor where he it started flowing back down the way they had come from after using a shield spell to keep it from flowing in his direction. Suddenly he heard screaming as the magma found their pursuers and burned them alive. Turning around he headed back to find Susan and Luna on their feet and their wounds healed by Andromeda. Harry found Daphne with her family as they tended to her fathers left hand which was blasted off thanks to an explosion. The stump was cleaned and was now bandaged up.

"Are you two Okay?" Harry asked.

"Yeah just a headache from where those stunners hit us," Susan replied and then she said, "Sure glad you guys arrived when you did."

"Thanks," Harry replied.

"What about the other teachers?" Flitwick asked with a bit of hope. The same with Babbling and Sinistra.

"Dead, the bastards executed them all professors," Harry replied in anger for the deaths of all the teachers. Sinistra was hugging Babbling as she cried. Their colleagues dead by the dark and corrupted Ministry.

The group let a few tears fall but then they shook it off, "We will never forget them."

"True and they will have a hard time starting the school up again," Neville said.

"Oh? Why?"Susan asked.

Neville chuckled while Harry blushed, "I stole the library, the stuff in the greenhouses, hospital, classes and the house elves and anything else they could think of," Harry replied.

"You did what?" Andromeda asked in shock. Daphne smirked at her husband with a big smile.

"I had the house elves pack everything up in all the main classrooms, the greenhouses, hospital and the library into trunks and for us to take. The elves, all one hundred and fifty of them also asked to come with us and to use a muti-compartment trunk. I expanded the trunk and put all but Dobby and Winky in stasis and is inside watching over their friends, But we don't have time to talk about that. What I did back there won't last long and we need to get going," Harry said to his group. Daphne smiled at him as did Hermione and her parents.

"You're right, we better get going," Neville replied as he pulled out the map he had from the book and looked at it. They all packed their stuff and gathered around Harry and leaders of their group.

Neville and Harry looked at the map and quickly found where they were and the cave they were in had five tunnels going off in different directions. They wanted the one going down on the left side, so they headed for it and Andromeda canceled her wide area light spell and they lit their wands and headed down. The map showed they had to go about two hundred feet and take the first right and followed it. They were all praying this wasn't a fool's journey and quickly headed that way. Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out a dozen small eggs and threw them into the cave where they landed and expanded into the latest version of the twins swamp traps. Following the tunnels for what seemed like miles they came into a large cavern that had what could only be described as a temple in the center.

"That must be the temple they mentioned in the book. The gate is on top," Neville said. The adults and one child hurried up the long stairs to the top.

Once they reached the top, they wound an arch standing in the center of the top of the temple and they hurried to it. Neville dug out the scrap of parchment and looked at the runes he had written down. Susan, Luna and Andromeda started examining the arch and pressing the runes that they had found in the book that would take them to the colonies. The book said the last time this arch had been used was in the seventeenth century to deliver British exiled magical people to the new world. No one noticed but Luna's eyes glazed over a little and then cleared as she went back to hitting the runes that were on the list and then the center of the arch started swirling in a white circle like a whirlpool then the center went clear and they could see blue sky. They all looked at each other and Harry was about to step through when spell fire flew over their attackers broke, though.

"Hurry, go through the gate," Harry ordered as Daphne looked at him. She gave him a kiss as he returned fire with his wand. he watched as his wife allies and friends ran through as he raised a strong shield to protect them as he backed through the arch.

Once through the arch, Harry fired a Reducto at the arch and blew part of it off before they took off running down the steps to get away from the gate that started hurling lightning bolts everywhere. They reached the bottom of the temple when the whole top blew off and the remains of the arch went scattering in all directions.

"Everyone alright?" Harry asked.

Everyone replied they were okay, and that's when Neville asked, "Harry, where are we?"

"We should be in the US, why?" Harry asked as he tried to catch his breath. Daphne handed him a Pepper-up Potion and he drank it up quickly.

' Harry, I don't think were in the US or on Earth at all" said Hermione pointing to the horizon. The group looked to where she was pointing and there jaws dropped. They saw that they were on some sort of planet with a deep jungle, waterfalls and crystal blue skies with clouds. The sun shined down on the planet. But what shocked them the most was that there was creatures roaming the planet that was once extinct on earth. "Bloody hell dinosaurs," said Dan Granger. There was many dinosaurs ranging from the giant Apatosaur to the T-rex.

Hannah since she is Half-blood stated. "Toby, i don't think were in Kansas anymore"

"Ah hello, Welcome to my humble home," said an elderly voice. The group looked to see an elderly man with a Grey robe and a Grey beard sitting on the ruins of the temple. "Excuse me sir but where are we?" asked Harry with his wand out not trusting the man

"You are on the moon Terra 6. The Planet of the Dinosaurs deep in the Middle Rim system of the Naboorean System."said the man. 'Who are you all?"

Harry put his wand down before he said "My name is Harry James Potter and these are my friends and family, We are from Earth fleeing from a corrupt Ministry hell bent on killing us. We escaped using the Gate before they can kill us."

"I see, I've never heard of Earth, It must be very far out in the Outer Rim." said the man stroking his beard. " Since you told me your name, My name is Darius, Jedi Master and Former Padawan of Grandmaster Yoda. The gate must have sent you here for a reason. The Force works in mysterious ways."

"The Force?Whats that?""asked Daphne

Darius cleared out his throat before he spoke. "The Force is a living energy that is connected to all living beings in the galaxy. It flows though us and some of us are able to use the power of the Force."

"The Force sounds a lot like magic," said Hermione earning a look from Darius. "Magic? What is this magic you speak off?"he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Here allow us to demonstrate for you," said Harry pointing his wand at some broken rocks from the gate. "Wingardium Leviosa." The rock floated off the ground before harry cast another spell "Reducto!"The rock exploded into many pieces of rubble. Darius was shocked to what he just saw. He felt the full power of the Force. These people were all force sensitive. "Amazing!This Magic you just demonstrated is your planets form of the Force. Are there different forms of this magic on your home world?"he asked with a bit of glee.

"Yes sir, it's practiced everywhere but a lot of the humans that live on earth are not like us and we have to hide because they fear it. Some of them know about the existence of magic. " Said Neville.

"Then can I ask a favor of you?" asked Darius taking a seat on the ruins. The Witches and Wizards took a seat on the ground. "Teach me your magic and in turn I will teach you about the Force and show you the way things are in this part of the galaxy."

Harry looked at his group and they all nodded. "Sure, we are curious about the Force." said Harry doing the talking for his group. Darius lifted his hand as he was lifting a boulder ten times his size. Darius sat the rock back down as the Witches and Wizards was shocked to what they saw. "It's like Wandless magic," said Blaise. "Every Jedi is able to draw out the power of the force and there is this," said Darius pulling out a strange metal Cylinder. "The weapon of the Jedi and Sith. The Lightsaber"

He pressed a button as a white blade of Light came out of the cylinder. The wizards and witches was staring at the blade with wide eyes. "Whoa, can I have one?" asked Ginny Weasley wanting her own.

"Me too," said Luna as Darius chuckled. "In due time my Padawans. The light saber is the tool the Jedi used to enforce peace."

"Can it be used like a wand?" asked Harry, Darius said "Perhaps if it can? Shall we try?"

"Yeah, Try Stupefy." said Seamus Finnegan standing up. He pulled out his wand, and he aimed at Dean Thomas. "Stupefy" He cast the stunning spell at Dean and he was knocked out. Ginny had rolled her eyes before she waved her wand on her boyfriend "Finite" She undid the spell and Dean was a bit angry. "What in Merlins name was that for Seamus!" he snapped before he stood up with his wand out.

"Sorry mate needed a target" Seamus apologized stepping away from the angered man. Darius with a wave of his Lightsaber "Stupefy!"

He hits Seamus with the stunning spell as he fell face first into a pile of dinosaur dung. The former housemates laughed as Ginny revived Seamus. "Oh bloody hell, I am covered in shite!" Seamus shouted in disgust. Daphne cleaned him off with a cleaning charm. 'Amazing, Magic is like the force but i think i bit better," said Darius with a bit of a grin. They all sat there in silence as they watch Pterodactyls fly over them in a V formation. Terra 6 was sure peaceful.

"So what is the difference between the Jedi and the Sith Master Darius?" asked Astoria curious breaking the small silence, The others leaned in a bit closer. Darius began his explanation. "For more than four thousand years have the Jedi and the Sith been at war for control of the Galaxy. The Sith haven't been seen for A thousand years and the Jedi council believe they are gone. But they still remain as a cult of two. The Master and the Apprentice.

The Jedi are or, at least, see themselves as the servants and protectors of the Republic and the whole galaxy from conflict or government instability. They are moderators and negotiators as much as fighters. They are led by a Council of twelve members consisting of the most powerful and wise members of the order. To keep them on the right path, the Jedi are bound to a code of morality and justice and are trained from early childhood in the use of the light side of the Force part of which is controlling their baser emotions. They see it wrong to find Love for they believe Love will lead to anger and then anger leads to the Dark Side.

"The Sith use emotion, the Jedi taught that fear, anger, and pain were negative emotions to be overcome and avoided, the Sith believed that these strong emotions were natural survival traits. By harnessing their emotions rather than suppressing them, the Sith believe they could achieve true power. Indeed, the Sith saw passion as the only real way to fully understand the Force. However, the Sith believed strongly that the worthy could control their emotions and use them while the weak was ruled by them."

Daphne appeared to be thinking over the explanations before asking, "Does that mean that the Sith are the bad guys and the Jedi the good guys?"

Darius shook his head, "No my dear, it doesn't really but that is how most see the world. I suppose moreā€¦ah, neutral Sith could exist, but they would be few and far between. There are also those who walk a path between both codes. Force sensitive, grey Jedi and many individuals like yourselves who wield the Force without these two narrow definitions. I am one of those who see The Grey Side of the Force."

"I used to be one for light but after all i gone through, i consider myself Grey as well" said Harry. Hermione nodded after all they was betrayed by Dumbledore, Ron and Molly. "Come you all must be tired. lets go to my Ship" said Darius standing up. Darius leads them though the jungle. The group watched as the giant reptiles looked at them with curiousity. Soon they came upon a grass clearing. Right in front of them was an YT-1300 light freighter spaceship. The ramp of the ship was down. The group never seeing a ship like it before looked at the ship. 'I take it your planet hasn't perfected Space travel yet?'

"Not yet, so far the muggles or non-force users have been able to get to our moon," said Tracy.

"This is my ship, The Star Seeker." said Darius as A DD-13 droid and a black R2 droid came out. "Seriously robots!" said Dennis excited. Darius chuckled a bit. "Allow me to introduce you to my droids. D-12 and R5-R3. They help maintain my ship."

'Hello to you all," spoke D-12. R5 beeped at them as it moved around them. "Actually we already ate before we entered the gate." said Katie Bell. The sun was already starting to set over the horizon. Hermione and Daphne started to set up wards to keep the dinosaurs away around the ship and their camp. D-12 was working on a new hand for Daphnes Father. "Almost done with your new hand sir," said the medical droid as he made sure the hand was working. Cyrus had tested his new hand out before he covered it with a black glove. Iris was happy that her husband got a new hand. Fred and George returned from the forest with firewood as they got a fire set up and tents pitched. Darius was sitting near Andromeda with Teddy. "So young to be without his parents. What happened to them?' He asked.

"They were killed during the second war with Voldemort." said Harry, harry told the man about the first and second wizarding war against Tom Riddle and Dumbledore who had the knowledge of getting rid of him kept it a secret until Harry hunted his anchors with Hermoine, Ron and Daphne. 'I was lucky that while at Gringrotts, the goblins manage to remove the soul fragment trapped in my scar. I fought Voldemort at Hogwarts and came victorious. I thought my days of running were over but then the ministry decided to kill me and all those who was my friends because they feared another Dark Lord."

"That is why we had no choice but to leave Britain," said Daphne sitting beside her husband near the fire.

"You know, long ago before I left the Jedi Order I received a vision from the Force telling me that someday I will encounter force users from another world with a power so stronger than the Sith and Jedi. That's when I learned that the Force gave me the task of training them." said Darius.

"And you think we are those Force Adepts," said Hermione.

"Precisely," said Darius. The moon was high in the sky of Terra Six. Teddy yawned in his grandmas arms which made everyone chuckle at the child. Darius said 'You all have had a long day, get some rest. Tomorrow we will begin Training."Darius retreated into his ship with his droids. Harry looked at Daphne as she had her arms crossed. "Can we trust him harry?" Daphne asked her Husband.

"I don't know, His words are truthful and he doesn't do that eye twinkling that Dumbledore did," said Harry earning a slap on the shoulder from his wife. "Prat!" she exclaimed before she leads her beloved to their tent right next to Andromeda's. Harry and Daphne after taking off their muggle cloths and replacing them with their sleep attire, Daphne a white nightgown and Harry only clad in his boxers, Crawled into their beds and cuddled as sleep finally took them. Little did they know that their destiny was about to become bigger than they ever hoped.

End of chapter one.

AN: "I wanted to get this out before I lost the doc on it. This is a response to my Harry Potter/Star Wars crossover. I couldn't figure out a way to start my story, but I owe all the credit for opening my story to Monbade. His short drabbles stories gave me the idea i needed to start this crossover. For those reading my Pokemon stories, in sorry, I hit a roadblock trying to come up with what to add in the story. I will get back to that story as soon as I overcome this roadblock.

Yes, Harry and his Allies will colonize on Terra Six, The OC planet I made and make it their new home. They will eventually go back to earth for the thing they need for the future of their new planet. What do you think of Darius? He will become a Mentor to Harry not like Dumbledore.