
Finn and his shuttle reaches Kylo Rens Star Destroyer and enters the hangar-bay. As he leaves the shuttle, his uniform is in perfect condition and an officer and two stormtroopers walks up to him.

"What is the meaning of this?" the officer inquires. "We were not informed of any shuttle arriving at this hour?"

Finn hands the officer the data-stick he was given by Rose. "I am here on a personal assignment on behalf of Captain Phasma, to deliver a report to the Supreme Leader himself."

"Is that so?" the officer says, retrieves the stick and checks the information on it.

"I trust there wont by any problems, lieutenant" Finn says. "I would hate to point you out personally to Captain Phasma as the reason my information was not delivered to the Supreme Leader."

"All seems to be in order" the officer says, a bit skeptical. "Carry on, lieutenant."

"As you were" Finn says, retrieves the data-stick and moves on, leaves the hangar-bay, walks down a corridor and enters an elevator.

The Xiphos:

A butler-droid places a plate of fine dining on a table, the table covered with various delicacies and expensive wine. Yorrick and Armitage are enjoying the food and drink.

"So" Yorrick says. "When will you make your move?"

"Soon" Armitage says. "The Supreme Leader is distracted by a young girl. A girl strong in the Force like he is. He is obsessed with her. He has neglected many of his duties because of this, which has allowed me to place officers loyal to me in key positions throughout the First Order. Both at key military positions, as well as administrative. As soon as the Republic has been destroyed, I will deal with Kylo Ren."

Yorrick grins and offers a toast. "All hail the Supreme Leader."

"All hail the rise of the new empire" Armitage says as he grins and raises his glass of wine.

Kylo vs Rey:

Kylo backflips up on top of his shuttle and Rey jumps after, the fight continues up on the dorsal of the shuttle, between its giant bat-like wings. Kylo lands a kick in Rey's gut, sending her flying down and crashing onto the floor. He jumps after and she rolls out of the way and Kylos lightsaber stabs the flooring. Kylo goes on the offensive, pushing Rey back with each strike, until she has her back up against the wall. Their lightsabers are crossed and Rey is struggling to keep Kylos weapon away from her. Eventually the two blades gets so close they burn at her skin, wounding her entire left-hand side of the face, twisting skin and flesh from the intense heat. Rey screams from the pain! Kylo grabs her by the collar and throws her to the floor.

"You are beaten!" Kylo growls. "You are weak! I can make you strong! Strong enough to defeat me. Isn't that what you want? I can teach you!"

Rey slowly turns around, her face disfigured. "You would teach me to become strong enough to kill you? Why? Why would you do that?"

"Because then you will have to turn to the Dark Side" Kylo says. "And then you will see the truth. You will realize our potential. What we are destined to become. Let me teach you. Let me train you. Let me show you the true nature of the Force. Join with me. Join the Dark Side and you will have powers you could only dream of. If vengeance is all that will convince you to accept my offer, then I am willing to accept that. Join with me."

Kylo holds out his hand. Rey, able to see with only one eye, spots her lightsaber behind Kylo. She looks up at him and extends her hand to grab his, but tries to hide the fact that she is using her other hand to manipulate the her lightsaber.

At this point, Finn enters the hangar-bay and spots Kylo and Rey, and he sees that Rey is about to take Kylos hand.

"REY! NO! DON'T!" Finn calls out, pulls his blaster and fires three shots at Kylo.

Kylo deflects all three, the first two hit random objects in the hangar-bay, but the third is deflected directly back at Finn and hits him in the chest. Finn takes a step back from the hit, severely wounded. Rey is in chock at seeing Finn getting hit. Kylo reaches out with his hand and pulls Finn to him, Finn flying across the room and lands with his throat in Kylos grip, Kylos lightsaber impaling Finn through the torso.

Rey can't hold it in. "NOOOO!"

Kylo drops Finn to the floor, Finn's body lifeless, and then turns to look at Rey.

"Finally" Kylo says.

Rey pulls to her her lightsaber and ignites one blade, holding it with one hand. After only a few strikes at Kylo, Rey then pulls to her Finns blaster and after forcing Kylo to parry two more blows she fires the blaster at point-blank-range into his gut. Kylo steps back from the blast, and gets shot again in the gut by Rey. Kylo stumbles and falls over, holding his wounded abdomen. Rey shoots him one more time and he falls over on his back. As Rey watches, Kylo slowly tries to regain some strength, slowly turning over on all fours.

POW Barge:

The barge flies in towards the Xiphos and Kylo Rens Star Destroyer in orbit of the planet. The crew of the Millennium Falcon operating the bridge of the barge, with Chewie as its captain. Chewie growls something into his commlink.

In a hangar-bay, the Brawling Gundark is being prepared to launch. Poe is in the cockpit, helmet on his head.

"The is the Brawling Gundark, we're good to go in just a minute" Poe tells Chewie over the commlink of his helmet.

Behind Poe, BB-8 gets secured in a droid-pit by Republic crew. Two other Republic crewmembers help Rose securing a spacesuit, she gives them the thumbs up and then climbs down into the bomb-section of the bomber.

"Are you sure this will work?" Rose asks as she is climbing down the ladder, surrounded by a hundred bombs.

"Sure it will" Poe says confidently. "They wont suspect a thing."

Rose is not as confident. "I'm more worried about the things we're not expecting."

On the bridge, Chewie growls his commands and the barge keeps closing in on the two First Order warships.

Kylo vs Rey:

Kylo, coughing blood and pale in the face, turns around and faces Rey. Her face is one of pure hate and utter contempt.

"At last…" Kylo coughs. "Finally… you understand."

"All I understand" Rey says, "is that you are a monster and you deserve no pity or remorse."

Rey aims the blaster at Kylo.

"Kill me and your journey to the Dark Side will be complete" Kylo tells her. "Do it! DO IT!"

Rey fires a single shot. Kylo falls over on his back and slowly his last breath escapes him. Rey drops the blaster, looks at Kylo's lifeless body and then runs over to Finn.

"Finn?! Finn?!" she calls out and grabs Finns body, but there is no reaction.

A sad R2D2 comes out of hiding and moves on over to Rey, obviously depressed judging by his behavior and sounds. Rey is hugging the body of Finn, crying a flood of tears.

Planet of Ahch-To:

Luke, a Force Ghost, falls to his knees in the Jedi Temple. In the distance, the roll of thunder is heard and rains sweep in over the island. Behind Luke, Yoda hangs his head and sighs, and then turns to look at a third Force Ghost; it is Obi-Wan Kenobi. He is stern as he says nothing, turns and leaves through a doorway. Yoda shakes his head and then slowly fades into nothing. Luke looks up at the cloud-covered skies as the rains pour down. Lightning strikes overhead. Luke is disheartened. He slowly turns and finds the Force Ghost of his father, Anakin Skywalker, looking back at him. Anakin too says nothing, but turns and walks away, fading away with each step until he is nothing but air. Luke hangs his head again, almost as if having lost hope.

POW Barge:

Poe is checking his cockpit. "Everyone good to go?" he asks.

BB-8 gives the ok.

"I'm ready" Rose says, standing at the bottom of the ladder in the bomb-section.

"Ok" Poe says and takes a deep breath. "Finn, you better have found a way out of there by down… Chewie, we're ready down here."

On the bridge, Chewie growls.

The Brawling Gundark gets released by the barge and falls down from its belly and heads for the Xiphos, igniting its engines and diving straight towards the large Star Destroyer.

"Hold on!" Poe says. "Igniting afterburners!"

The engines of the bomber burn that much more intense and the bomber gains more speed. Rose struggles to hold on as the ship gains momentum and she grabs the ladder.

On the bridge of the barge, Chewie gives a command and Poqmoq replies in his alien language and hits a button.

Kylo Rens Star Destroyer:

In the hangar-bay of Kylos personal battleship stands the shuttle Finn had arrived with. And in its cargo-hold are stacked a huge amount of explosives and a red light begins to blink rapidly. Seconds later, the explosives detonate, ripping the Star Destroyer apart from within, causing a series of explosions that spread throughout the ship.

In Kylo Rens personal hangar-bay, Rey feels the tremors and hears the rumble from the explosions. R2 beeps in panic. Rey grabs Finn and drags him along and up the ramp of Kylo Rens personal shuttle.

The Xiphos:

Armitage and Yorrick get out of their chairs and walk up to the viewports and watch, astonished at what they are witnessing, as Kylo Rens Star Destroyer gets ripped apart from within.

Rey and Finn:

Kylo Rens personal shuttle leaves the hangar-bay just in time as a massive explosion rips it apart and the shuttle, with Rey at its controls, leaves the Star Destroyer behind. Moments later, the entire ship cracks into three pieces by a giant explosion and the three parts slowly fall towards the planet.

The Brawling Gundark:

Poe watches the destroyed remains of the Star Destroyer. "I hope you got out" he says and then turns his attention at the Star Destroyer he is diving towards. "This is it, Rose! Get ready to drop the payload!"

Rose pulls a lever, but the bomb-doors don't open. She pulls it again and nothing happens.

"Rose?!" Poe says, a bit nervous, as they are closing in fast on the Star Destroyer.

Rose climbs down from her platform, attaching a tether between herself and the ladder, and begins to jump on the bomb-doors.

"Rose?!" Poe repeats. Behind him, BB-8 is beeping and chirping in panic!

The Xiphos:

On the bridge, Admiral Harloff steps up to the viewport and spots the Republic bomber as it comes down towards the ship.

The Brawling Gundark:

"Rose! We need those damned bomb-doors open now!" Poe growls and pulls on his controls.

The bomber levels out as it flies along the length of the Star Destroyer, heading for its command-tower. Rose keeps jumping on the bomb-doors. Poe struggles with his controls.

The Xiphos:

Admiral Harloff turns to his officers. "Activate our bridge-deflector shield!"

The Brawling Gundark:

Poe pulls on his controls as the bomber flies straight towards the command-tower and the bridge, dangerously close to crashing into the hull of the Star Destroyer. Rose jumps once, twice and a third time; the bomb-doors give way and open, Rose drops down and is saved by her tether, being dragged along as the bomber races forward. In the cockpit, a green light lights up and Poe grins.

"Yeah! Good job, Rose!" Poe calls out and pulls a lever.

The bombs begin to drop en-masse and Rose watches as she gets dragged along by the bomber. The one-hundred proton-bombs begins to carpet the Xiphos as they fly past.

The Xiphos:

Both Armitage and Yorrick run from the viewports but it is no use, as the bombs hit, they are engulfed in flames.

Admiral Harloff covers his face with his arms as the bombs strike the bridge and he too is engulfed in flames.

The Brawling Gundark:

The bomber leaves the Xiphos behind and Rose, still outside the bomber, can see how the ship loses power, now a burning wreck, and begins to fall towards the planet. In the cockpit, Poe lets out a victorious howl!

Planet of Baramon, Republic Capitol:

Thousands of Republic officers and soldiers attend a formal gathering, standing at attention. A path leads straight through the huge formation of troops. Bombastic fanfares are heard all over. In front of the formation stands several politicians and high-ranking generals and admirals, with the banners of the Republic behind them. Walking down the path through the massive formation of troops are Poe, Rose, Rey and Chewie. Rey's face is badly scarred and her eye is covered by a metal eye-patch ( like Captain Typho in Episode 2 ). They climb stairs to reach the politicians and then receive a golden medal each ( including Chewie! ) from the new Chancellor.

The Chancellor then addresses all troops, as well as the four heroes. "For their incredible courage at the battle of Holqawa'weyu, elimaniting the leadership of the First Order, our enemies have lost their will to fight. They are in disarray and disorganized, the First Order has fallen apart from vicious infighting. Let us all give thanks to these heroes who made this possible. Who made it possible for the Republic to win this brutal conflict and bring peace to the galaxy. Honor them and remember them!"

The chancellor applauds our heroes and so does the thousands of troops and politicians. Our heroes are filled with pride, smiles wide, especially so when they spot BB-8 and R2D2 standing in the front-row of troops.

Rey's Destiny:

Rey walks across a cemetary, more akin to a beautiful garden. She stops by a small monument with a holographic image of Finn, the same golden medal placed beneath the hologram, along with six other medals awarded for his service.

"I miss you" Rey says. "If it hadn't been for you, I would've still been rotting away on Jakku. I would've never met my father. I would have never fulfilled my destiny. I just wanted you to know that I am so incredibly grateful for everything. So that's why I'm going to make you this promise; I wont rest until I've brought order to the galaxy."

She pauses, then retrieves a small device from a pocket in her belt. Opening her hand, we see it is the Sith Holocron that is resting in the palm of her hand, and behind her we see one of the Sith Ghosts. And we hear the sinister laughter of the Sith Ghost as Rey looks up, her eyes yellow.


So that is how I would have made Episode 9, based on my rewrite of Episode 7 and 8. So there is no romance between Rey and Kylo, because I just don't see the appeal, or even the logic behind it. Instead, Kylo tries to turn Rey to the Dark Side; and she was about to resist him! But then, of course, Finn enters and ruins it all. It is the death of Finn that seals Reys fate and finally pushes her down the path of the Dark Side. And of course, perhaps most important of all; Chewbacca finally got his god damn medal! So that's it. If you love it or hate it, leave a comment and let me know what you think!