Thomas Lynch presents

Caboose and May play surgeon simulator

One day Caboose was visiting TL LUCARIO'S home. Hello! Anyone home? Caboose yelled in his very childish and blue team voice. May hears him and walks to him. Oh hello Caboose what brings you here and how did you get in? May asked. Oh yeah I was waiting outside and the door all of a sudden shined a blue light around me and the door automatically opened and said i was approved…. Caboose replied. Oh you mean the ID scanner? You must have your ID card to enter. May exclaimed. What's a ID card? Is it a Pokémon? Caboose asked excitedly. Uh no it's the card with a pic of yourself, remember? May asked. Huh...Oh Yeah…! Caboose exclaimed loudly. May looked at him in amazement. My god, thomas wasn't lying about caboose being "weird". May thought to herself. So what brings you here Caboose? May asked him trying to not make this meeting more awkward than it already is. Oh yeah I was looking for Thomas and see if he wanted to play surgeon simulator with, no one else at blue base wouldn't… Caboose Explained. Really? No one at blue base? May asked a bit confused. Yeah.. tucker said he would play unless their was a option to operate on girls. Caboose explained. Oh… May replied. Well Thomas is not here he's at school but should be back later today- May explained but gets interrupted by Caboose. Oh…but I have the simulator right here and blue base is pretty far from here...but ok… Caboose replies as he walks in a sad look (despite wearing a helmet) with his back leaned forward and his head looking down at the ground. ….However I can play with you till Thomas comes home. May finishes explaining. As soon as Caboose heard those words he ran and hugged May very tightly. THANK YOU NICE MAY LADY! Caboose yells in happiness. May smiles and the two put the game into the xbox and played for about 2 hours until TL Riolu came home. Oh hey Caboose, what are you two playing? TL Riolu asked. Surgeon simulator. Caboose replied. Cool can I try? TL Riolu asked. You can take my turn. May exclaimed to him. May gets up and starts walking upstairs but stops and looks at Caboose. Hey Caboose… thanks for letting me play this... despite it being a bit...well interesting… May exclaimed to Caboose trying not to saying it look extremely gross and weird. No prob nice may lady. Caboose replies in a happy tone. TL Riolu and May hug each other and TL Riolu goes to play with Caboose. As may goes upstairs she remembers how she thought Caboose was a bit weird but still interesting when TL Riolu first introduced the reds and blues to May. Now she fully respects Caboose and will still hang out with him anytime she can.