Chapter II – Acceptance

Flashback, 5 Years Prior: Heaven's Gate, China.

"Come on kiddo, ain't that far now, just a few more steps and you can see the spectacular view!" spoke a jovial voice as a now 12 year old Ishikawa scaled up the never-ending stairway that led to the top of a mountain.

Azazel had decided, that she was fit enough to begin training so to commemorate their first session, he brought her trekking in a certain famous mountain in China with a promise of good views.

"Easy for you to say! You're a damned Angel who can fly up these cursed steps. Are you sure that there's only 999 steps? It feels like it has been hours since I started! Why can't you just teleport us up to the top?" She whined, a lot more expressive than usual. Perhaps from the tiring activity wearing down her usual detachment from conversations.

"Ah, less complaining, more climbing! This is the most expressive that I've ever seen you be." shot back a clearly amused Azazel as he flew up the stairs backwards, with that ever-present annoying smile on his face as if to taunt her. "Trust me, you'll find that it is all worth it once we reach the top."

Giving a resigned sigh, Ishikawa puffed some of her raven hair out of her face and focused on climbing the last two flights of steps. Tracing her eyes up where the steps led to, she saw a large arch-shaped hole that was apparently naturally formed between the two large mountain formations that surrounded them. With the light of dawn peeking through the hole, it gave of an ethereal golden glow that was really deserving of the mountain's namesake, Heaven's Gate Mountain.

As she finally reached the summit of the 999th step through the natural archway, Ishikawa let her shoulders slump as she breathed a sigh of relief and felt a sense of accomplishment wash over her. After regaining her bearings, she took a look at the view that was painted before her. The rising sun stained the morning sky amber, with layers of fog drifting around the various mountain peaks that dotted the background. The ground full of lush greenery, untainted by the hands of civilisation. The air smelled of fresh morning dew and free from the pollution of an industrial city. Overall it gave Ishikawa a peaceful vibe as she stared off into the horizon, naturally relaxing further as she took in the scenery and the sounds of nature at its purest form.

"Great view huh? Always reminds me of the entrance of the Seventh Heaven back when I was still serving as an Angel of God. Especially the entrance to this place, truly the Heaven's Gate. I always come here when I need to think and have some alone time. Makes me feel some of Father's warmth y'know?" Azazel spoke with a small nostalgic smile.

"I thought Shemhazai always said you disappeared off to some nightclubs to get wasted and hit on cougars." questioned Ishikawa with a deadpan stare.

"Ahahaha… that was only one time, Shem really doesn't let me hear the end of it huh." Laughed Azazel nervously. Shaking his head, Azazel pulled Ishikawa in for a hug, surprised at the sudden embrace, Ishikawa didn't know how to react so she tensed up. "It's alright to cry you know, got to let out those emotions instead of bottling everything up. What happened two years ago was not your fault, neither was it God's fault. Your family was just in the wrong place, and at the wrong time."

Hearing those words, like a dam that broke lose, Ishikawa began to tear up and subconsciously tightened her hold on Azazel's suit.

"It was scary you know. *sniff* Being able to… do nothing but watch as some psychotic murderer slaughter your parents and their screaming heads being thrown at your feet. I was very sure that I wouldn't have made it out alive that night." Whispered a tired Ishikawa. She silently continued to cry into Azazel's shoulders as he rubbed circles into her back, letting her release all her bottled emotions.

"Yeah… I know. Trust me, I know." Whispered Azazel in a wistful voice. "Being able to do nothing as my comrades in arms gave their lives for me to retreat to safety, knowing that I would never see them again… This is why another Great War must not happen, no matter the cost."

It was only the small nod into Azazel's shoulder that clued him in that she had acknowledged what he mentioned, but she said nothing otherwise. The two stayed in the embrace for a few more minutes, before Azazel attempted to break the sombre atmosphere with a badly timed joke.

"Ah. I just remembered that I might have left the stove on back home."

Pulling back her head to give Azazel a deadpan glare for ruining the mood, Ishikawa momentarily forgot that she was crying moments before, quickly swiping her head to the side to look at anywhere but her father figure to hide her tear-stained eyes with a huff.

Azazel wasn't going to tell her that she looked all too much like an adorable chipmunk instead with that pout of hers. Releasing her from his embrace, he sat down on a nearby bench as he let Ishikawa explore the area around. Really, this is what young girls should be like, expressive and emotional, free from the burdens of the world. It had taken him 3 months to get his surrogate daughter to even crack a smile, he had no doubt that she would grow up to be quite a charmer with the sincere heartfelt smile he saw.

Suddenly, he felt Ishikawa's magical signature skyrocket and the temperature around him increase beyond what was comfortable. Worried, he immediately snapped out of his musings as he looked towards Ishikawa, body tensed and ready for a fight if needed.

Ishikawa didn't know what was going on within her, as she was held by Azazel, she felt warm, incredibly so, almost as if she was back in her parents embrace 3 years ago. The comfort she felt brought her to tears, but something was missing, she knew that a part of her died with her parents that night, her childish innocence was burned away along with that rogue Fallen Angel. Right now, the warmth within her seemed to multiply, superheating the atmosphere around her, small licks of orange flame rolling off her form, it did not cause her any pain or discomfort just like that night. Strangely enough Ishikawa felt right at home, at the heart of everything.

The flames gathered a good distance in front of her, pooling together to make a distinctly humanoid form before solidifying and was replaced by a person standing before her, one that looked almost exactly like her, except a few years older with a confident aura around her. The slightly older girl had raven locks like hers that fell down to her knees, golden metal boots that ran up to her knees with the insignia of the Chrysanthemum Crest as knee-guards. She was clad in a black Showa-era military uniform with a decorated red coat draped around her shoulders, held close by another golden crest stylised in a five-petal flower of sorts. On her head sat a ceremonial military hat that matched the uniform with the same golden crest as the one on her coat, surrounded by golden metal pieces reminiscent of the rising sun's rays. One of her hands rested on a familiar red katana sheathed in a black and gold scabbard, her other free hand gripped the hem of her coat and gave a small curtsy. A young girl, who at first glance would look unfit for those clothes. That is, until she opened her burning vermillion eyes and heard her booming voice.

"Heroic Spirit, Avenger. It's nice to finally meet you again after two years pipsqueak. I am the one that's sealed into the Sacred Gear named Incinerate Anthem." The now identified famous warlord declared. "Let it be known that the ones who inherit this sacred gear also inherit my will, and are all my descendants. Rejoice, for you would have heard of me, the Fool of Owari! The King of Innovation! The Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Oda Nobunaga!"

After saying that, she raised her free hand like she was demanding applause, and as if on cue, several rifles materialised behind her in a flash of crimson flames, fanning out in the air around her like a peacock's feathers. Each one being an antique arquebus design, made of mahogany wood with gold accents and a golden flaming wheel where the matchlock mechanism would be.

And such, was how Ishikawa met her predecessor who resided within her sacred gear.

Present Time: Kuoh Academy.

After the discussion with the Sitri, Ishikawa was about to make her leave as she heard a knock on the Student Council room's door. After an acknowledgement from Sona, the door slid open to reveal pretty good looking blonde teen with light blue eyes.

"Greetings Sona-kaichou, I am here on behalf of Rias-buchou to escort Hyoudou-san to the ORC clubroom." Spoke the blonde teen with a polite bow.

At the sight of a nod from Sona, Ishikawa motioned for the teen to lead the way as she inclined her head towards Sona in goodbye before following him.

As they walked, the blonde introduced himself as Kiba Yuuto, which got Ishikawa curious as he did not look Japanese. Deciding to bite the bullet, she asked.

"Forgive me if it is rude, but you do not look Japanese at all despite the name. If anything you look more European."

"Haha no need for such caution, I get that question a lot." replied Kiba politely. "I never got to know my parents, I was raised in an orphanage. Rias-buchou saved my life many years ago and I served her since then." His sombre tone taking on a wistful edge at the end.

"I see. I assume you read my file?" At the sight of his nod, Ishikawa continued. "Then you should know about the fallen attack that lead me to join the Grigori seven years ago. In a way, we are similar." She gave him a small smile at that statement. "Depressing talk aside, do you have any hobbies?"

"Yeah, I enjoy practicing my swordsmanship, really takes my mind off things and helps me relax. I would like to spar with someone but none of Rias-buchou nor Sona-kaichou's peerage members use a sword like me." He lamented.

"Oh? I happen to be a swordswoman myself. Say how about we go for a spar after the meeting? I have to keep my skills polished after all." Suggested Ishikawa.

Kiba seemed to brighten up a little and his tone gained a competitive edge as he gave Ishikawa a nod and a smile.

They continued the rest of the journey to the old school building in comfortable silence.

[Heh, already flirting on your first day at school I see.] chuckled an amused voice from inside her head. No doubt the warlord was teasing her.

"No I am not, stop trying to ship me with every guy I come across!" retorted Ishikawa. "Besides, we may get a chance to sync up again if this guy proves worthy to be a challenge."

[Boo, ruin my fun why don't you. Meh, wake me up if anything interesting happens, I'll take a small nap.] Ishikawa could imagine Nobunaga sticking her tongue out at her within her mindscape and decided to tune her out at the end, focusing on the appearance of her destination.

It is a three storey European-styled building with a black roof that looked run down and abandoned with vines creeping up to the second floor. Surely a devil family as rich as the Gremory wouldn't be so poor to not afford lawn service?

"Rias-buchou says that it adds to the mystery of the Occult Research Club if the exterior looked spooky. Come on, after you." Spoke Kiba as he noticed the confusion evident in Ishikawa's eyes.

The interior was completely different from the messy outside, Ishikawa had to do a double take to make sure she did not step into a portal instead of through an ordinary wooden door. A large space consisted of the commons living room of the clubhouse. The ceiling was padded with really expensive looking wood, the floor was made of polished marble. On the floor in the left corner which Ishikawa assumed to be a VIP area was a large magic circle on the floor with the Gremory clan's insignia. Probably to facilitate guests from the Underworld teleporting in. In the other corner sat an area cordoned off by velvet satin curtains with gold stitching. It looked suspiciously like a changing corner or a bath given the size. Lush Victorian-styled couches flanked the walls on either side with tables. To the right was a luxurious looking staircase leading up to the second floor, which she assumed was a dormitory for them to stay in the Human world. In the centre of the room with the windows facing them sat Rias Gremory in her overly-ornate looking desk with a golden trim and rubies slotted into the corners. Like the student council room, a red carpet ran from the entrance all the way to the Gremory's desk. Sitting on the desk was Rias Gremory herself in all her glory with a satisfied grin. It was then that she remembered that Sona had said most devil families tend to go all out in showing their wealth and the Gremorys were damn bloody well one of them. Standing from her seat, she made her way around her desk while tracing a hand along her desk.

"I've heard quite a lot about you. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, former resident of Kuoh, Hyoudou Ishikawa-san." Spoke Rias with a mysterious tone.

[This woman gives off many wrong vibes compared to Sona Sitri, it would be wise to be more cautious here.] Suggested Nobunaga. A sentiment which Ishikawa fully agreed upon.

"Oh the pleasure is fully mine I assure you." Giving a forced smile, Ishikawa shook her extended hand and noticed the minor charm spell that Rias was giving off. Directing her towards the VIP corner with refreshments already waiting, they began discussions in proper. Rias no longer giving off an easy going playful aura, instead taking on a more serious tone as she sat upright proper.

"Sona has given a brief rundown on the situation and I too, give my permission for you to operate freely within the city on the condition that you share with us everything that you find." She said.

"That is acceptable. However, seeing as we are to be working together in the future, I'd like to suggest a duel or perhaps a joint operation to see if we are able to work well together." Replied Ishikawa. "I would certainly like to spar with Kiba given that he mentioned swordplay on our way here."

"Very well, we can arrange a spar in the training room on the second floor where it is reinforced and warded to prevent magic signals from being picked up. And we can go for a stray devil hunt later at night, there was a request from the Underworld recently about a stray from the peerage of Paimon fleeing to Kuoh injured."

Kiba and Ishikawa stood 20 metres apart from each other in the training room that had been expanded larger than what the room was with magic.

"Combatants ready." Called a tall raven haired girl that is Rias's Queen, Akeno, from the spectator's seats with the rest of the peerage.

On cue, Kiba summoned an ornate European longsword that had a silver blade, with a golden cross guard and hilt imbued with a ruby in place of the pommel. Giving a nod signalling that he is ready, Akeno looked towards Ishikawa.

[This will be interesting, let's go partner!] called Nobunaga. Ishikawa could feel her grinning in her mindscape as they are both getting excited at an opportunity to cut lose.

The air around her superheated as orange flames rolled off her form and she seemed to gain Nobunaga's red military coat and military hat over her Kuoh Academy uniform. The same red katana appearing stabbed down into the ground angled slightly away from her as she rested her left hand on the pommel. Its matching sheath hanging from her left hip while her right hand rested on the other hip as she stood ready and waiting with a grin for the signal to begin.


The fastest way to know a swordsman was not with words, but to let your steel do all the talking. As one, they both kicked off towards each other, eager to test each other's mettle. Using his momentum, Kiba twisted into a sideways spin as he threw out a vicious overhead slash coming from his right. Ishikawa, not one to back down, swiped upwards from her left, parrying the incoming strike that would've no doubt cut clean into her chest. Seeing an opportunity from the unexpected parry, she reversed her swing's direction with a decisive horizontal swipe into the blonde's exposed left side. With her fighting left-handed and Kiba being right-handed, it would have been a guaranteed strike, except Kiba did a risky sidestep to his left and into the incoming strike as he raised his right hand over his head, with the flat of his blade resting against his shoulder, performing a perfect deflect as Ishikawa's katana skimmed off his longsword with a loud ring and a flash of sparks. Kiba used this moment of surprise to transition into a two-handed overhead chop. Eyes widened as Ishikawa did not expect this and now in a compromising position, she shifted to a two-handed grip as she stepped back, crossing her katana over her head in a similar position that Kiba did to deflect her strike as the powerful chop came down to strike her waiting blade. As their blades were crossed, both of them were grinning from ear to ear.

"You're pretty good Blondie!" challenged Ishikawa.

"Heh, you're pretty good yourself as well." returned the polite boy, albeit with a more enthusiastic tone now.

Pushing him away she returned with a series of quick swipes as did he. Now they resembled blurs as they exchanged blow after blow, occasionally getting grazes on each other but nothing that would otherwise decide the match.

"Hyoudou-senpai is fast. But Kiba-senpai is faster." A white haired girl spoke a monotone voice up in the spectator's stands. This was Tojou Koneko, a first year and Rias Gremory's Rook.

"Of course, he is my Knight after all." Stated Rias as-a-matter-of-factly. "Still, for a human to be able to match a Knight piece, I can certainly see why she is ranked pretty highly within the Grigori's agents. There's also that fire ability of hers she displayed at the beginning. That was not magic." She said while furrowing her eyebrows.

"Ara ara, Hyoudou-chan sure has many surprises doesn't she?" Akeno chipped in with a hand on her lips. No doubt her 'strange' tendencies were surfacing while witnessing the ongoing battle.

Rolling her eyes, Rias decided to focus on Ishikawa's strange battle outfit. The golden crest on her hat and coat were familiar, and being a Japan otaku, she was sure that she had seen it before. She'll definitely research into it later.

Back on the arena floor, both Kiba and Ishikawa were starting to pant slightly as they stared each other down. Knowing that she would not win with speed alone, she decided to up the ante.

"How about we kick things up a notch?" suggested Ishikawa. Seeing Kiba's hesitant look to do so, she shook her head before intoning.

"It's Inevitable."

The heavy two words hung in the air and seemed to throw everyone for a loop trying to process what just happened. Ishikawa on the other hand started to immolate, her red coat now seemingly alive as equally red flames blazed off into the wind. But it did not end there, the battlefield was now burning as a ring of fire surrounded them, and with the feral grin on her face, she seemed to look like the Devil herself.

"I don't have long before I collapse from exhaustion so let's end this off with a bang shall we?" said Ishikawa as she sheathed her sword, taking an iai stance.

Kiba could see the scabbard of the sword burn with flames as red as Ishikawa's eyes, he swallowed a lump down his throat knowing that he had to take this seriously. Dismissing his ornate longsword, he called forth a pair of gleaming silver swords that matched the other. Each sword has blue aquamarines slotted in the cross guard. Channelling his magical energy into the swords, they started to smoke as the now cold metal was cooling the ambient burning temperature down. He then stabbed both swords down on the ground in front of him and he was encased in a triple-layered thick ice barrier. Removing his hands from the swords, he now summoned a two-handed great sword and stabbed it down in front of him for extra measure.

Seeing that Kiba was now ready, Ishikawa made her move.

"Searing Incense!" she called out, drawing her sword with an upwards diagonal slash in the same movement, releasing the concentrated flames towards where he stood.

Kiba braced himself against the great sword as a wave of fire so dense that it turned white-hot barrelled towards him, the moment it made contact with his ice barrier it seared off the first layer with ease, before meeting resistance on the second, slowly melting it down to a puddle of steaming water.

The rest of the ORC watched on with baited breath as the ridiculously powerful attack approached the last barrier. They saw first-hand what the roaring flames did to the first two barriers, hopefully Kiba would make it out unharmed.

Finally, as it slammed into the last barrier, the ice wall instantly shattered, taking along with it the last few remnants of fire before cutting halfway into the great sword and leaving a deep gash in its side, the remaining flames wrapped around him as the last of the attack fizzed out. Seeing the result of the attack Kiba let go of the breath that he didn't know he was holding. Even after three ice barriers he could still feel the impact the cut left behind the great sword.

"I think that's a draw…" piped up Akeno after a brief moment.

"Phew that worked up quite a sweat huh?" said Ishikawa casually, dismissing her red cloak and hat as they faded away like ashes. "Is there a shower here?"

Sorry for the really slow updates guys. (It is literally once a year now LUL)

I will continue this story as i've gotten some pretty solid inspiration from some friends of mine, that and the reviews you guys wrote made me feel bad for leaving you guys hanging.

I've now gotten a Beta Reader too so hopefully I should not make as many errors as i did before.

With that said, hopefully everyone stays safe during these difficult times and I'll see you all in the next chapter.

Astrea out!