Chapter 1: The Lone Fighter.

A/N: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Read this disclaimer. I saw Logan just like many other millions of fans in the world, and it was so emotional and great. Farewell Hugh Jackman…..for now cuz Nobody can do Wolverine better than him. Tom Hardy may surprise us if he's casted but he's no Hugh. Anyway. This is an idea I came up with about the infamous X-23 in the world of Overwatch. It's not my main focus but I felt as though I just had to right it to get it off my chest. Please enjoy and just so yall know, I am aware of how both fandoms work because I'm a hardcore fan! Well not entirely from Overwatch but I'm getting there.

Earth- Year of 2076

New York City, the city that never sleeps. A title it has maintained since the now seemingly days of old. The beautiful Metropolis glistened with its majestic sight of futurism. Buildings were running their businesses, streets were full, transporters littered the ground terminals and sky, and stores were open with customers coming to exchange money for food, goods and services, some tourists, some inhabitants. The Brooklyn bridge lights were on the verge of lighting up due to the sun going down across the island and bay. But had anyone had the power to fly they would've noticed something od. Someone was perched upon the highest antenna of the renovated structure, legs crossed. It was a girl, around the appearing age of twelve even though there was more to her than met the eye.

What no one in the world knew, was that this girl was the last of a race gone and forgotten. Sure, it had been more than three decades, but the humans have already accepted and acted as though Mutant kind never existed.

Mutants, the carriers of the X-gene, beings of once great potential. The supposed Homo-Superiors, the next step in Human evolution, gone and wiped by the inferiors that are Homo-Sapiens. This youngling, at least she looked like a youngling, was a girl dressed in simple attire. The worn out black jeans with a hole in the knee suited her nicely, along with a shirt with a faded-out unicorn and rainbow due to years of wear and tear. The dark blue jean jacket she wore fit snuggly against her figure since the breeze always came around night. A tight backpack was strapped around her shoulders even though she was sitting criss-crossed on the antenna and electric boxes with signs saying, "Danger High Voltage." Her face would indeed make a middle-aged woman and senior citizen use the phrase "Well aren't you adorable", if not for her stoic features and Hello Kitty sunglasses that laid on the bridge of her button nose. Straight wavy brown hair blew in the wind but didn't disturb her at all.

Laura Howlett, daughter of James "Logan" Howlett, held the Subway footlong sandwich with both hands as she chewed loudly with the wrapper keeping the contents in. The taste of BLT with extra ranch, pickles, bell peppers, and sliced red onions on her tongue. Who could forget the large Mountain Dew filled soda she had next to her, along with the opened tube of Pringles she bought at a liquor store. The bags at the Subway were too small to her liking. She ate her dinner while admiring the Sunset. The only thing that made this scene stand out were her worn out biker boots and her knuckles that were smudged in a coppery mess.

Dried Blood.

The fluids that she had seen and spilled over the last forty-seven years. The Mutant raised her glasses to rest on her frontal lobe, revealing the other thing that made her appearance stand out.

Her eyes, those aging stoic eyes. The only emotional part of her body that would make anyone stop and regret when they say "Kid, you got it easy."

Today marked the day in which he died, James Howlett, the Infamous Wolverine and also, her Father. She couldn't believe it had been forty-seven years since she laid the cross across her daddy's grave, to indicate he was the last of the X-Men. Forty-seven years since she watched Charles Xavier be buried. And forty-seven years since her friends, Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Bobby, Delilah, and Rictor, perished in the final fight at Eden against Transigen with the aid of The United States government. Her father had been right and wrong. Eden did exist, but not as a pure Safe Haven. They were hunted down again because it wasn't going to stop. And when it did, the government announced the end of the Mutant Phenomenon that reigned in the shadows for centuries. Laura would be lying if she thought she wasn't relieved when the United Nations issued the order of shutting down every facility across the globe that have captured and experimented on those with the X-gene.

And now here she was, alone in the world that entered a new era a decade after the death of her Father. If only he had been alive to see the Birth of Overwatch and the disasters topped with chain reactions that followed. Laura had been there during the manifestation of the Omnics, the formation of Volskaya Industries, and who could forget, the Omnic Crisis. Those years were the times that Laura had to come out of hiding and defend herself from the war that struck civilian territories. They were no match for her Weapons made of the world's most now rare Transition Metal. The amount of skulls and wires she had to tear to protect families who's homes were disturbed and broken into. She could only hope to this day that they never reported her, she doubted they even remember the claws of The Wolverine.

Overwatch, had helped big time. A new facility established at the time to protect the world, and they indeed have done they're part. But nothing was meant to last forever. A decade after the crisis ceased, the organization began to lose its grip with the people and they no longer saw them as heroes. During this time Laura had stow awayed to live in the UK, to officially get away from the major cities of the U.S. and then it happened.

The King's Row Uprising.

Good thing it only lasted for almost thirty days. But for Laura, it had been a risk it all with staying in the shadows of society. If it wasn't for her, thousands would have died, and the people all reported the same thing when the city went into recovery from Null Sector.

"She tore through them like nothing."

"There was a child using machete like swords."

"They shot and electrocuted her, and she still kept coming at them."

"My family is alive because of her, where ever she is, I just want to say thank you."

"No, she was not Overwatch, this lad looked almost ten years old in civilian clothing."

The Omnics have failed to establish a Human less society. The Prime Minister had order investigations on who was this girl responsible for the destruction of the robotic enforcers and base.

Jesse Mcree, BlackWatch agent and Cadet Oxton's reports were unbelievable to Morrison.

"Three long metal claws on each hand."

Now that the word was out on her mysterious heroics, Laura hid inside another airline plane and traveled back to the states. To this day she remained in New York. Here she had no problem hiding among the Humans, the U.S. rarely paid attention to major disasters in other countries these days. Her face was never caught one hundred percent on camera, so there was never any description as to what she looked like.

She abandoned her feral side once again and settled down in an apartment in Manhattan. Most would question what was a twelve-year old girl doing alone in the city. But the Land lady was kind and generous to her. They never spoke to each other since Laura still played her role of being a mute. But they had a silent friendship. The mutant even made sure they were on good terms since she paid rent quite handsomely. Twenty grand a month. The only paranoia the girl ever got was if she would be reported to the local authorities, not from her time in King's row, but for the fact of being a lone underaged girl with no guardian or supervision. Then again, she had been doing this for a long time.

She was a lone fighter, she could handle what the world threw at her.

She munched the final piece of her Sandwich before crumbling the wrapper and tossing it out towards the water below. She then grabbed her soda and began to slurp it up through the straw. With her dirtied hands she also snacked on her chips. The temperature was dropping as the heat from the sun was no longer in the area. After a while she threw the empty large cup where the wrapper went and secured the lid of the tubed chips to place it in her backpack.

She just sat there, contemplating on what has happened the last few years. Overwatch had disbanded much to her relief and dismay prior to today. She didn't hate Overwatch but she didn't trust it one hundred and ten percent. Overwatch sought out to help those who couldn't help themselves but not every organization was perfect. Overwatch itself had its own armada of superpowered beings but they were not Mutants, that much was certain. Under the command of Jack Morison, may he rest in peace, Overwatch had a few poster boys and girls. It brought a smile to her face in remembering Tracer, the time agent of the facility. In her backpack Laura had added a new catalogue comic to her others that were adaptions of the X-Men, it was a miracle that the issues were not worn out yet. Another face that was easy to know off the top of one's memory was Mercy, the greatest Healer in the world and the most brilliant mind of this soon to be ending century. Laura even saw her soaring through the dangerous skies during the uprising. Another that her friends would've loved was the Raptora warrior from Egypt, Pharah. She absolutely loved the thought of seeing the monstrous metallic amazon in action.

She shook her head with a faint snarl.


That could and never will happen. Her place was nowhere in this world. Laura didn't even want to think of what would happen if any facility were to find out she was a Mutant, a creation of science but still a Mutant with the X-gene.

An Alpha class Mutant.

She walked this world, only her and her alone.

To change the topic that wouldn't leave her mind Laura went off to remember the big change she endured during her short-lived period in the U.K.

She looked at her hands, ignoring the dried blood that coated her knuckles, the old fucker deserved it after he tried to mug her before she came to the bridge. Lucky for her she dumped his body into the water of the docks, no one would ever find it. She flexed her knuckles and upon mental command, three metallic claws too long to fit in her forearm came out, yes, three.

Her body had finished its mutation and her skeleton had officially enforced itself with the spreading rare metal on the planet. Adamantium. Her skeletal structure had deteriorated all bone and they were now made of said metal. To her own amazement her claws grew longer along with the extra one in the middle, she was now just like her daddy in his prime. Her advanced healing factor could now help her regenerate from any type of injury and she hardly felt pain whenever she was struck by a band of rapists or street muggers. Although she still had her appearance of a small girl, Laura was now strong enough to lift or throw a transporter over her head. The true power of The Wolverine was within her.

Not even she had the answer as to why after all these years she stopped aging. But deep down she wouldn't have it any other way.

The world was no place for the weak, but Laura Howlett was no weakling.

To conclude her visit to the bridge Laura opened her pack to retrieve a large red rose. She knew that her father was no where near her location, but as the forty-seventh anniversary of his death was today, she extended her fingers and watched as the wind blew the flower away, most likely rendering it to land in the water after its trip in the air.

"Duerme bien Papá, todavía vivo." She whispered in her first language.

Looking at the traffic in the terminals below Laura had to hurry if she wanted to catch the cargo hovered eighteen wheelers if she wanted to make it back to the city in time to be home and do her nightly routine. But first, she needed music. Of-course the very Ipod that Nate Munson gave her years ago was obsolete beyond use, so instead Laura pulled out a set of black wireless earbuds from her breast pocket and inserted them into her hearing canals. She then pulled her sleeve back and tapped the watch like device on her wrist, sure enough a holoscreen of over a million soundtracks shined across her face in alphabetical order. She swiped until she reached one of her all-time favorite songs and played it.

"I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known."

After tucking her shades into a side pouch on her backpack she leaped of the edge and began to grind on the rail going down. Fear not once showing in her face.

"Don't know where it goes but its home to me and I walk alone."

Once she reached a certain altitude, Laura tilted sideways and fell of balance, but her hands gripped a suspension wire and she trailed down, the skin on her hands burning from friction in the process but she ignored it. With precise timing the girl leaped and landed onto a carrier transporting who knows what that was heading towards Manhattan. She ducked down on her tummy and eyed her hands for a second, the burn marks quickly disappearing and leaving nothing but small clear hands.

"I walk this empty street, on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams, where the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk alone.

It was only a matter of time before they reached the toll, so Laura did the smart thing and popped out just one of her claws from her right arm, she dug it into the inferior metal and drew a circle around herself, thus causing her body to sink into the trailer carrying goods. Smiling that the goods were all packed snacks, Laura cut open dozens of the boxes and began to stuff as many chips, cookies, and treats that she could find into her pack. The girl not once in her long life past on the opportunity of pillaging junk food. It wasn't her problem as to what would happen once this vessel reached its destination.

"I walk alone, I walk alone, I walk alone, I walk a…..

Once the security men checked the clipboard of the driver he drove passed the toll and into the part of New York that is Manhattan. Laura peaked her head out from the hole and got onto the hood once again. she waited until the driver reached a lane where traffic would begin again and leaped onto a bus, then a truck, then taxi. It was amazing how after all these years, cars were still on the ground but hovering. Only certain terminal lanes aloud complete aerial travel. For instance, the taxi that Laura was on, lucky for her she leaped of it before it took off.

"My shadow's only one that walks beside me! My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating! Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me till then I walk alone!"

She landed with a roll on the sidewalk with several citizens aweing her stunt work for a second before going about their business, the drivers of the taxi, truck, and bus honking at her acrobatics.

"Stupid Kid!"

She would've flipped them off if not for the music in her ears.

"Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, Aaah-ah. Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah."

She continued within the crowds. This is what she loved about the city, no one judged who walked the streets and no eyes on her.

"I'm walking down the line, that divides me somewhere in my mind, on the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone."

She came across a point where there were night time street performers jazzing it out on the saxophone, small drums and base. The youngling pulled out several twenties and tossed them into the open guitar case that had a few coins. Anywhere else in the world would be different but in the states, the dollar and coins were still in use. They gave her a two-finger salute and she continued, daring for someone to touch her since several men saw how much money she gave up.

"Read between the lines what's fucked up when everything's alright, check my vital signs to know I'm still alive and I walk alone….I walk alone, I walk alone, I walk alone, I walk a…."

Laura turned into an alley and ran as fast as she could in it, when she approached the brick wall she extracted her claws and used them to leap and sink them into the structure. She quickly climbed up, occasionally looking down to see if anyone spotted her, they didn't. Once she got to the top she took a large breath and began a freestyle run off to her destination. She jumped, summersaulted, front flipped, backflipped, and side flipped over ledges and advanced water towers. She enjoyed the thrill when she had to make a large jump when there was another alley opening, she made it without a doubt.

"My Shadow's only one that walks beside me!"

Her claws glistened in the developing moonlight. The weapons that would be forever part of her.

"My shallow Heart's the only thing that's beating!"

Contrary to her music, her heart was as normal as ever, she was a raging huntress and no cage would hold her.

"Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me, till then I walk alone!"

Another contrary statement to the music. Laura would never want anyone to personally find her. She had seen enough hell to know what power hunger people would do to her. But if there was someone who she really wanted to find her… would her Daddy, or Charles. Maybe even Gabriella. Heck any of her friends.

"Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah. Aaah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah…..I walk alone, I walk a….."

The fantastic Instrumental solo that always made her want to do air guitar pushed her adrenaline to maximum levels and she ran faster to escalade taller buildings. The island of Manhattan was always great at night, but it wasn't like her complex was in the middle of the whole time square and lights. Laura loved big cities, because they were large enough to populate all kinds of people, unlike small areas or towns that could easily hunt down criminals, immigrants, and for her occasion, freaks. She was approaching the apartments but before she would lower herself to ground level again she felt as though she just had to it. The girl climbed up a large water tower that overlooked several large streets, just a few more blocks and she could already be in the areas where the lights glowed the brightest. The moment was coming. The claws went back into her knuckles.

"I walk this empty street, on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams, where the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk a…..

She sang along in a whisper with Billy.

"My Shadow's only one that walks beside me, my shallow heart's the only thing that's beating. Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me. Till then I WALK ALONE!"

"GGGRRRRRRRAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH*******SNNIKKTT*******" she screamed to the dark heavens with her claws shooting out to the sides just as the final solo played in her ears.

This world still had one mutant…..The Wolverine.

Laura let the tear fall and she jumped off the tower into the alley beside it.

Unknown safehouse- Europe

"You may come back when the time is ready guys, I'm glad you got my call." The kind baritone voice belonging to the gorilla on the holoscreen.

"We all did, you big fur ball." The giggle came from none other than Lena Oxton, her thick accent filed with life and joy. "Oi Jack, ready to get back on it."

Every one- Angela, Fareeha, Jesse, Hana, Genji, Zenyatta, Torbjörn and Mei, who had been found by the team and brought to their hideout, looked to the aged Jack Morrison sitting on the couch. He was a slight sight for sore eyes since his days appearing as a head strong soldier were behind him. His chrome dome forming, his eyesight going, his white hair glooming. But overall this was only how he looked. He sported an unusual uniform, indicating he was the anonymous vigilante known as Soldier:76, without the mask that is. A motive he was very proud of.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt. Don't know what I'll do about this gig I'm running." He gestured to his getup.

Lena grinned playfully while snuggling with Angela on one side, while Fareeha was on the other. "No harm in doing both gramps."

He gave a stern look. "Not your gramps "kid". he finished with emphasis.

"Sure thing, Dad." Everyone laughed including Winston on the other line. The gorilla changed the subject and spoke strongly.

"Since Athena is now installed into safehouse sector B, I'm delivering you all information on unsolved cases. The world needs us now more than ever, this is a start." the last phrase could only mean that he was cutting off his communication and wishing them the best of luck. They all waved to him and the holoscreen ceased its broadcast.

"Commander Morrison, the cases have been installed." The voice of the A.I. beauty rung from the speakers in the ceiling.

Jesse whistled loudly. "That fast eh." He pulled out a cigar and lit it with the built-in lighter in his robotic thumb.

Angela did not approve.

"Jesse what have I said about doing that indoors." She brushed her arms over the two woman she was holding, being careful not to make her adoptive daughter and lover uncomfortable.

"Still giving me crap about smoking eh Angie?" He crushed the cigar in his hand since he knew better than to face an upset Dr. Zeigler.

"If you want to destroy your lungs so be it, I gave up telling you to stop but you don't have to destroy everyone else's." she looked at Mei who had a hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry child."

"Its okay." She adjusted her glasses.

"Will you lads quit it? How about those cases Jack?" Torbjörn protested. Everyone stopped what they were doing to eye Morrison who popped his neck and grabbed the holopad on the coffee table.

"Let's find out sha'll we?" he pressed a certain code and a barrage of holo squares appeared, over hundreds of files were going around the living room. Most with the mark of approval for closed, others that were announced "Failed", and others that remained unsolved prior to the year the organization disbanded. "One hell of a list."

"It disturbs me to find some of these abandoned." Zenyatta dragged his fingers across a holo square before watching it sway away.

"This sure brings back so many memories." Lena followed with enthusiasm.

"Indeed Child." Angela agreed while pressing a kiss to the Brit's temple.

Torb watched one go by his face and his eyes marveled when he grabbed it with his good arm. "Ah ha! Who could forget this one eh?" before anyone could ask, he opened it, and reports of the King's Row Uprising Manifested with all the other files going back into the holopad.

"I don't think we need a reminder of that month." Jack scowled but it did nothing to affect the midget.

"Sure we do. Just Angie, the lad, Reinhardt, and I kickin evil Omnic Arse." He paused realizing what he said and turned to the floating sentient. "No offense there."

"None taken." Came his calm voice in Harmony.

Angela shook her head in disapproval.

Jack had also had enough and was prepared to shut down the completed case when the Cowboy stopped him.

"Wait just a sec." his voice was on the alert, which was something that he never did unless he was in the deadly action. The man walked to where Torbjörn and the rest of the gang were seated. He took a knew and with a hand, he scrolled down to the bottom where the last patch of information was left. "Maybe not all of this is solved."

Instead of the usual images of the Null Sector designed Omnics terrorizing the community, there were now ones with a small human rampaging through the sentients with what appeared to be long knives on her hands. Judging by the long hair sticking out of the big purple hoodie it was hard to see if the small bundle of destruction was a girl or boy, but the interviews that traumatized civilians gave supported the fact that it was a female child. If only the captured footage caught a glimpse of her features and not just a tiny face with a snarl topped with sunglasses.

"I have heard about the child that saved the population in some of those areas." Fareeha said and brought herself out of Angela's snuggle hug to sit properly and eye the evidence. "I just never saw it up close before.

"Right you are Amari, I almost forgot this part, play that one would ya Jess?" Jack asked, all traces of frustration replaced with curiosity.

Recovered security footage from a hotel lot recorded a blurred run time of dozens of sharpshooters and devastators from Null Sector marching down the long road, weapons at the ready when suddenly, a transporter was thrown in their direction, crumbling several under the cracking rubble. The girl with the long claws came out of nowhere and sliced through the torso of a devastator followed by a stab in the motherboard weapon of a sharpshooter. She cut off its head after sparks emitted from the stumps. While all this happened, the other units did not hesitate to open fire but no matter how many times they peppered the youngling with bullets, she only shrugged them off, it was a miracle how not one bullet collided into her shades and her hoodie stayed on. One by one they fell. Their titanium silicone armor tore apart like butter against the shiny blades. The snarling coming from the girl was heard and she ran from the scene just as she came.

"Feral, yet impressive." Genji openly stated.

"That's not all Ninja hands. Lena." He called to the Brit. "You remember this."

The final screen shot shown that was tied with status observations was the photo of the Omnic base control room, one of the exits had Jesse in his BlackWatch attire blocking the way out and Lena in her armored blue uniform topped with an Overwatch Beret, ceasing passage from the other end. In the middle of the room on the ground was an Omnic dressed in a long dark uniform and coat. Indicating he was the leader, or at least one of them. His head had been decapitated and the bundled-up girl had her claws in his chest.

It was only a picture, but Lena and Jesse now remembered that moment clear as day. They had walked in from the entrance/exits to find the young girl hacking at the body of the sentient, her shouting was echoing throughout the walls and ceiling. When she realized that there were others in the room she eyed them for a second and proceeded to jump through the bullet proof glass in front of her that would lead to the lower hangar bay filled with slaughtered robots. The two surprised beyond comprehension to even make a statement or go after her.

"Yep…and had it not been for her things could've been much more-ugly." The skinny woman rubbed her neck nervously. "We only showed up when we thought all had been lost.

Angela nodded at that. "Reinhardt told me that he even tried going after her once the assault was over. She lost him in in an alley way. Poor child had to fight our war, she's so young!"

"Angela, I don't think that was any ordinary child." Jack furrowed his brows. "Children don't fight like her, children don't take bullets to the legs and chest then get up like nothing. Children don't have weaponized claws coming out of their hands."

"Don't be jealous just cuz she did our Job for us." Torbjörn blasted out of nowhere. "If I recall the National Gallery in London has a section dedicated to the Uprising."

"Oh yeah." Lena recalled. "The biggest portrait there is that of the luv's arm with three claws."

"And yet they still hated us." Jack shook his head while signing.

Angela scolded at him. "Jack, we were never here for fame in the first place, we do this to help without receiving anything!"

"Yeah yeah." He gestured for Jesse to shut the holopad down, he had enough exploration of memories for today. He just had to hold tight for his team and wait what the future had in mind. Whatever would come, they would be ready. But as of right now, he needed a Beer.

Laura walked out of the alley casually, but not before shutting off her music and hiding her earbuds. Hand now in her jacket pocket while the other held around the strap of her backpack. Just a couple more blocks and there it was. The apartment complex where she had been living in the past few years. One might think that someone like her would be residing in a shabby run-down place such as the low east side. But that was not the case for Laura. The building was a seventeen-story structure that looked like as if it was made of alloy and crystal glass. Sure, there were other areas with better taste, but this was nice for someone with no family or supervision. Another reason why Laura chose this place to begin with was because it was mostly an establishment for Omnics. Although Laura had done her time with taking the life of the sentient walkers in the past she really had no hatred for the beings. She knew that some were good, and some were bad. After all, this felt like the Mutant persecution all over again. Except the Omnics were holding on better.

The girl politely waited for the couple, a human and Omnic to walk out the double-sided glass doors before entering. The place was so neatly constructed it could pass for a low star hotel. Laura hurried down the lobby and made her way to the elevator.

"Hello sweetheart." The mutant stopped in her tracks upon hearing the robotic feminine voice of Karen, an Omnic with an hour glass body sporting a business suit with a dress skirt. Indicating she was the owner, manager and potential entrepreneur. Laura gave a small smile and waved to her. The sentient approached her and bowed slightly to meet her short gaze.

"How have you been?" another nod from the mutant was the only answer she would get. Then she noticed Laura's hands. "You are hurt."

She tried to reach for the dried blood coated digits, but they were pulled back in retaliation. Laura shook her head no while looking down at her boots.

The robot let out what could only be the sound of a sigh and straightened her back.

"Please take care of yourself, your room has been cleaned while you were gone." Laura waited for the dismissal and she was alone once the sound of metallic heals began down the hall. Wasting no more time the youngling entered the blue glass elevator and pressed the button to the top floor. The music was nice but it sure was no rock or punk. She never really liked calm orchestra.

Lucky for her the elevator not once stopped for anyone except for the old lady that lived just a floor below her, Mrs. Corvin, was her name. she was a nice lady. A widow probably. Laura hardly ever saw her let alone spoke to her, but she had no problem being in the presence of the woman. Atop of being old she was nice, caring, and slight short turned in the memory.

"Well if it isn't you again dearly." The white haired elder dressed in a long red Mumu spoke with a tremble of her lip. Laura giggled when her chin was stroked with a wrinkled hand. "I never see your parents around the area, just you. Such a shame that they let someone like you go up and about."

A strand of hair was tucked behind Laura's ear and the girl shrugged her shoulders.

"Now there is no shame in being mute, you will find your voice again someday." The elevator dinged. "Oh, here's my stop." The old lady completely forgot about the presence of the young girl and tightened her grip on the purse resting on her shoulder to leave the confinement. The mutant waved anyway despite not receiving the gesture back.

When her own stop came she stepped out and hustled to the end of the hallway. She made sure that no one was looking and pulled out the keycard from her back pocket. When Laura stepped into the dark room she turned around and practically slammed the door shut.

The room was nicer then expected. A king-sized bed with a large sixty-inch Holo T.V. laid on the large dress cabinet. Laura's backpack was hanging from the open closet and her clothes were scattered everywhere on the floor, consisting of her Jean jacket, her worn out rainbow shirt, jeans, socks, and underwear. Her boots were placed side by side at the door however. Noise was coming from the large kitchen that was connected to her bedroom. Sure, one could say that the place could have passed as a studio Apartment, but the place lacked the run-down part and it was much larger. Not to mention the good view of the city from the large window expanding from the bedroom. It turns out the noise was not coming from the kitchen, but the bathroom door at the very end of the complex. The door was swung open and out came a clean bathed Laura Howlett with her hair slightly moist. She wore a hot pink shirt with Hello-Kitty on the center with black pajama pants with the word "Pink" in white letters going down the left leg. They were a little too big for the girl. Her feet were bare, with her small toes poking out of the bottom of the pants that dragged on the floor.

Laura knew she already had dinner, but it was time for dessert.

She grabbed a chair and dragged it to the refrigerator. One of the downsides of being a twelve-year old in appearance was standing two inches shorter than five feet in height. But like before, Laura wouldn't have it any other way. The freezer opened, and the youngling grabbed the large tub of mint chocolate chip, she closed the advanced contraption then leaped off the chair to run to the bedroom while remembering to fetch the ice cream scooper. She happily jumped onto the huge bed and grabbed the sleek remote by the lamp next to her bedframe. She did miss the art of Plasma screens but its like what they say, "Out with the old and in with the new."

She looked down at her tub then realized, this needed something. One look at her backpack made her grin with excitement. Within seconds she unhooked her bag and dumped the major of the contents, which were the snacks that she pillaged, on the bed. One might say she would be bouncing off the walls later on but Laura didn't give a shit. For as long as she had her powers, no sickness would come from this.

The Mutant spent the next three hours watching the earlier seasons of "The Simpsons." How she loved that yellow colored family up to nothing but no good. She laughed spilling ice cream and Oreo crumbs on her chin when Homer unscrewed the cap of the toilet to retrieve a beer, then drank it to grow big muscles to move his pectorals. She lost it when he saw the alcohol fueled car at the science fair then had a day dream where he took turns filling his car up and then drank from the nozzle.

"One for you, one for me, one for you, one for me!" she mouthed along.

The night was full of laughs and fun for her despite being alone. She had already finished her "Dessert" and collected all the piles of empty wrappers to toss in the bin below on the right. She figured it was enough Ice Cream for one night since the tub was almost empty, so she took it back to the freezer and ran back to jump onto her pillows. Normally this was a night where she would just chill and relax but Laura rubbed her eyes for a good half minute. Guess the sleep was starting to develop in her brain. It was funny, she could go for days without sleep, but if the last Mutant wanted to maintain her prime stage of power, she would need rest.

Letting out a sigh of defeat, her hand hit the power button to shut off the holo screen and realized that the lights in the kitchen were still on. Laura rolled her eyes and unfolded the bed sheets to slide in. She paid to live here with the bills she stole from ATM'S and she was too lazy at this point to get up and turn them off, there was always tomorrow.

She placed her head in her comfy pillows to snuggle with them and did one more thing before she would naturally drift off into a dreamless sleep. Reaching into her shirt Laura pulled out the two dog tags that she always carried with her no matter what. Two rusted chains held them together and soft fingers brought them to her face to read the names.

The first one, "James L. Howlett. The other, "Wolverine."

The last Mutant brought them to her lips to kiss them and with the honor from her Daddy, she embraced the act of sleep into the early night.

A/N: Hope you guys liked this concept. I'm open to any kind of ideas and you will be credited!