Alexis groaned in annoyance as she searched for Kelly annoyed at the turn of events. 'Why is Kelly like this?' Alexis asked herself for what felt like the fifth time in as many minutes as she went up a set of stairs to a less crowed area of the castle predicting Kelly wanted to be left alone. As she got up to the second floor she saw a flash of turquoise hair which was Kelly moving up into a tower with some speed behind her. Shaking her head in annoyance Alexis moved fast only to find Kelly had shut the door to it and locked it behind her. After spending a minute or two cursing to herself Alexis opened a window and took off flying to the top of the tower looking for any windows to slip through. She was graced with a balcony that she lighted upon finding Kelly was pacing in the room murmuring to herself in annoyance.
"Kelly." Kelly looked up in shock as Alexis stepped down from the railing of the balcony and entered the room. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" Kelly turned her back on Alexis as she responded.
"No, cause I already know what you're going to say. I have to kick Tad out and what not, our relationship wasn't that great to begin with, I need to grow a spine, and ladedadeda." Kelly hit her head against a wall as Alexis responded.
"Actually no I wasn't." Kelly looked up in confusion. "I mean I was going to but Star gave me a better idea that I think you need to hear." Kelly rolled her eyes and sat down.
"What does she know, she and Marco are a match made in heaven like it's some sort of fairytale children's book." Alexis repressed a wave of annoyance at Kelly's words holding back a rather mean remark.
"It didn't start out that way; in fact if you remember the truth box sleepover it was actually sheer luck she and Marco got together." She sat down next to Kelly. "Star blamed herself for getting between Marco and Jackie even though their relationship was far from good; I mean Marco himself admitted that he treated the relationship the wrong way. And did you see him trying to clamber back towards Jackie when they broke up? No, because he knows enough to know that that is not how relationships work. Marco almost didn't go for Star because he thought he would have been a bad boyfriend to her along the lines of 'falling back' on his best friend." Kelly's face had softened as Alexis had talked. 'Ok, now to see if I can do this right.' Alexis thought taking a deep breath. "Star said the reason why Marco came to her and accepted his feeling was because he asked himself one question… what does Star mean to him? He didn't ask whether or not he loved her or thought of her in 'that way' he looked at his life and asked himself how Star fits into it and whether they truly can be close like that. Star and Marco are best friends first and a couple second even now." Kelly went to reply but stopped when she couldn't find any words prompting Alexis to continue. "Do you want to know what your problem is? You are obsessed over keeping Tad close to you as a boyfriend to the point where you don't even ask if he should fit into your life in the first place. This is why they are treating you like a running joke Kelly, because you are so dependent on him that it's kind of pathetic." Kelly looked sharply at Alexis making her realize exactly what she had said. 'Well I'm not backing down now; she knows this is the truth.' After a tense stare off between them that lasted for who knows how long Kelly broke down and began crying. Alexis blinked in shock not sure of what to do except hold Kelly close when Kelly grabbed onto her. After a few minutes Kelly finally calmed down enough to answer.
"*sniff* y-your right. *sniff sniff* I-I am t-that dependent on Tad. *sniff* I j-just want s-somebody to lean on." Alexis went to pat Kelly on the head but her arm sunk up to her shoulder before she hit scalp.
"Kelly… this isn't the way to do it. What you need to do is be satisfied with yourself first alright sweetie." Kelly looked up with Alexis removing her arm to dry away Kelly's tears removing her glasses. 'Wow, her black eyes actually look rather pretty without those glasses.' Alexis chuckled internally as she continued. "Now, I know this next part isn't going to be easy…"
"Don't bother." Kelly and Alexis both blinked in shock as Tad pulled himself out of Kelly's hair setting down next to them. "I heard everything. Also, I'm sorry Kelly." He looked up at Kelly with tears in his own eyes. "I couldn't let you go because… I just want someone to lean on as well but… I seem to only be hurting you." Alexis's eyes narrowed as she replied.
"And you couldn't tell that sooner?" Tad sighed as he replied.
"Yes… I think. Couples fight and I thought maybe these were just rough patches but after watching 'The Bachelor' I realized that if Kelly finally made me move out this time that this wasn't going to stop, this was just the beginning and nothing was going to change. *sigh*Or then again maybe I am just a masochist following a false hope after Kelly gave me a chance, this little cowardly furball." He kicked a dust bunny in annoyance with it rolling away prompting Kelly to speak up.
"Wow, that was really mature of you Tad." Kelly looked like she wanted to say something more but then shook her head as if holding herself back. "So need a lift back home real quick?" Tad pulled a pair of scissors and cut a portal with them.
"Not really, you can have your scissors back; and you can keep everything in your hair as none of that is mine to begin with." He went to step back through but stopped turning back towards Kelly. "You know in a way I knew you never really 'liked' me in the way I liked you." This took both Kelly and Alexis off guard. "As for me being a masochist I must say you are the master considering you live so close to someone whom you have unrequited feelings for as well. Respect." He walked through the portal with it closing behind him as Alexis looked at Kelly in concern.
"Ummm…" Kelly immediately took off leaving her scissors behind. "Wait Kelly… what's wrong? And don't leave your scissors behind!" Alexis scooped them up and rushed after Kelly.
Kelly had made it down the stairs rather quickly with Alexis having lost sight of her in the chase. Groaning in frustration Alexis took into the air thinking to herself 'Ok what other shit do I have to deal with today?!' As she scanned the school from above she caught sight of a massive statue of Turdina with Marco being carried past in a litter. 'Hmmmm, Star might need some help as well… once I get Kelly.' Flying over the school in a lazy fashion similar to a condor she eventually did see Kelly running forward past small crowds of princesses who were moving in the same direction Marco was being carried in. Kelly was also shying away from groups, especially those that had couples in them. 'What is Kelly so upset about now?' Alexis sighed and made to glide down but saw Kelly suddenly stop and stare at something with what Alexis could tell even from this height was a lost look. As Alexis got closer she glanced where Kelly was looking and saw Rico who, having put the moves on a princess, was now making out with her behind a column. 'What's with Kelly that's just Rico making out with… oh… oh… ohhhhhh.' Alexis stalled in flight losing some altitude before pulling herself up and gliding down to make a landing. At that point Kelly had moved away with her head cast down hiding her face. Alexis moved quickly to intercept and, after receiving a defensive stance from Kelly, guided her to one of the burnt out gardens so they could talk; though there wasn't much to talk about.
"Soooo… *sigh* Rico?" Kelly hung her head at Alexis's words and replied bitterly.
"I friend zoned him years ago. Why… I just didn't feel that way at the time. I know for a fact he doesn't view me that way anymore; we even made jokes about it not so long ago." Kelly slouched down with her hands around her knees next to a burnt stump. "If I confess now he'll interpret it as a joke and even if he took it seriously he would just 'let me down gently' like I did to him." Kelly sighed curling up into a ball with Alexis replying.
"Mistakes happen girl, I get it." She sat down next to Kelly. "But I still think you have a chance as strange as it may sound." Kelly looked up in shock. "Well Rico never really settled for any girl for very long, not even past one or two dates in most cases. One night stands all the way; and that's what he said." The two chuckled at that despite everything. "But he always comes to you to hang out so, while it's not confirmed, you do have a chance. One catch here though…" She took Kelly's face into her hand and looked her dead in the eye. "You need to get over Tad FIRST. You can't just fall onto Rico thinking he can save you even if he likes you in return. Got it?" Kelly sniffed and nodded giving her a weak smile before hugging Alexis which she returned. "Good. Now let's get going as I saw everyone moving to the party stage so I think the main event is about to start."
"Oppression! Eternal darkness! Suddenly, light! Freedom! Turdina!" As doves were released into the air at those last words Marco prepped himself on what he was going to say for a thank you speech of sorts. He was feeling pretty good about this all things considered as while not to his personal taste, he shuddered internally at the piles of garbage in the main hall, they were finally free and what's more happy. Even Ponyhead was happy about what he had done, which was a first if you didn't count the implied happiness about him taking care of Star for Ponyhead; which he was fairly sure had a bit of jealousy mixed in. Speaking of Star, the only thing bringing him down was Star's view on the whole thing. He got that the truth is good but sometimes it could do more harm than good and what would the princesses do if they found out that this was a lie. Shaking his head he walked out on stage to the podium as he was called out with a crowd of cheering princesses greeting him.
"And now to you Turdina, I present this honorary diploma of The New St. Olga's!" Marco accepted it from the pixie princess smiling broadly as the princesses cheered him on. Marco waved his hand getting everyone to settle down so he could speak.
"Dearest princesses, congratulations on this wonderful school. I know you see me as an idol, but today you're my idols!" He got a big cheer from everyone at that with his gaze going over the crowd finding his friends in it. Kelly it seems had shaken off her mood with Alexis standing close to her cheering him on alongside Ponyhead, cheering like crazy, and Starfan13, who was dressed like Turdina for some reason. "You embody everything that Princess Turd… um actually what all princesses should stand for– not letting anyone force you to be something you're not, living by your true colors, loving who you are!" As the audience cheered Marco caught a glimpse of Star, the only one who wasn't cheering, with a sad look on her face. "I'm proud to have inspired you to be brave, even when it's scary." Marco felt like he was losing focus seeing the look on Star's face. "Especially when being true to yourself might mean disappointing... thousands of people." Marco found his voice drifting off when he began remembering all the times he had messed up with Star, especially around the school field trip, and she had still stood by him. It also brought back another memory of his when he had last seen a face that sad…
"Marco, fighting is wrong when you can just go to an adult! Why did you lie about this?!" Raphael looked down equal parts exasperated and shocked at a slightly bruised up younger Marco who was hiding his head.
"Be-because… you would have made it worse. Everyone was saying I would make it worse by snitching." Raphael shook his head in disappointment as he responded.
"And lying was going to make it better?" Marco responded in a whisper.
"I thought… it would just go away and… that you didn't need to know." Raphael sighed and looked at Marco with one of the saddest looks Marco had ever seen.
"Hijo… las mentiras tienen las patas cortas. (lies have short legs) The truth would have come out eventually and now it is worse because your principal had to tell us when you got in real trouble." He put his hand on Marco's shoulder making him stare eye to eye with him "Never lie to us again and remember those who tell you to tell the truth are the ones who matter most for they are the ones who truly care about you." Marco sniffed and nodded
'What am I doing?' Marco thought to himself. As the princesses grew quite as he inhaled and exhaled deeply. "Which is why I… actually have something to tell…" His words were cut off however when a portal opened above the stage with a rundown looking car coming through having an oversized kitchen knife tied to its front. The driver door opened with Gemini coming out only to be thrown back by another door bursting open to reveal Ms. Heinous stepping out with a maniacal and crazed look in her eyes. As the princesses whispered to each other in shock with tints of fear Ms. Heinous chuckled a little before stepping to the mic, which Marco reflexively let her do, and spoke up to the crowd.
"Princesses, I have learned that your so called idol is a FRAUD!" The princesses gasped at this… and then began laughing. Heinous simply smiled at that and held up the confession tape. "You want proof? Oh I have plenty of proof for you lot." The laughter died down at the tape with Marco speaking up quickly.
"What, that thing you forced me to do at sword point? Go ahead, it's fake." The princesses gave an 'ooohhh' in victory only for them to stop cold when Heinous started chuckling… which turned into a vicious laughter that sounded eerily similar to a hyena's.
"Oh this thing? I learned the confession was fake when I rewatched it…" She dropped the cassette on the ground and stamped on it shattering the tape making Marco pale in shock thinking 'oh this is not good'. "… what is important is THIS!" She pulled Marco's dress down exposing his chest which had a single hair on it. "This 'Turdina' of yours does not even exist. 'She' is actually a HE; and he isn't even royalty!" Marco backed away slapping her hand down while responding.
"How'd you learn about Rodrigo?!" Heinous pointed to the cassette tape with princesses calling out from the audience.
"This doesn't prove anything!"
"Princesses can be hairy too!"
"We believe in you Turdina!"
"Yeah, be as hairy as you want!" That last line was said by a princess who looked like a small bigfoot.
"No." The princesses went eerily silent as he locked eyes with Star who was now smiling at him. "I am not a princess." He took off his dress reveal his grey t-shirt and pants. "I'm not even a girl." He took off his ponytail tossing it to the side. This got a gasp of shock from most of the princesses… except for a few who seemed 'interested' in him before giving gasps of shock as well. This prompted Ms. Heinous to smile even more maliciously if that was possible before speaking.
"This, princesses, is why you need me running St. Olga's. Look where all this freedom got you; living in filth and championing a 'hero' who's been lying to you all along." The princesses looked around the school with some of them looking down in shame, including one who was wearing a burlap potato sack instead of a dress. "You need a better role model, someone who could lead you to being the proper people you are supposed to be!" She slammed her hand at the podium to push her point across. "Let's face it, you need me!" The princesses looked at each other clearly wavering at Heinous's words… until Alexis's words rang out.
"Well the real Marco is so much better then Turdina!" Everyone looked at her in shock. "Because Turdina is only ONE part of Marco Diaz!" The princesses whispered to themselves for a second with some having heard about Marco, the so called 'Sir Shadow Slayer'. As Ms. Heinous went to reply a water balloon flew through the air hitting her in the face with Kelly yelling out.
"Now that is a bullseye." Alexis and Kelly fist bumped as princesses began yelling out.
"Why does it matter if he's a boy?"
"Nothing he said was wrong!"
"He can be a princess if he wants to!"
"Turdina is a state of MIND!" As the princesses began moving towards the stage as Heinous, not looking too perturbed, spoke softly.
"So you have chosen… death." She nodded with Gemini pulling out his chain-gun/flamethrower weapon and began liberally blasting the crowd with a wave of flames.
Star shot a 'Blueberry ice doom' at the wave of flames but managed to only absorb some of it with the rest deflecting to the sides. As the princess's charge stalled Gemini used said flamethrower to provide a screen of fire blocking all entry to the stage. Heinous immediately threw DuBois's head at Marco with DuBois latching on with her 'teeth' biting into Marco's arm. Marco tried to knock her off but was immediately tackled by Ms. Heinous jabbing an elbow into his solar plexus. Marco gasped for air falling to the ground hard with Ms. Heinous pushing down on his throat with her left arm. Marco tried to wrestle free but one arm was pinned down by DuBois's head and the other was at a bad angle to do anything. DuBois raised the large kitchen knife from the car into the air in her free hand and went to bring it down on Marco, who flinched at this,… but nothing happened. Marco, feeling no slice or stab, looked to see Ms. Heinous looking at Marco with a surprisingly glassy eyed appearance as a strange smile overtook her face… followed by a brief flash of light from her cheeks the shape of card clubs. 'What the hell!?' Marco thought in shock blinking in confusion at this as the wall of fire Gemini had made was put out by Star's wand. This brought Heinous back to the real world and she went to stab again only to have the knife knocked out of her hand by a bolt of pixie magic.
"GET HER!" A wave of princesses crested onto the stage with Gemini shooting a few rail gun shots into the midst but it didn't seem to do anything.
Sensing an opportunity Marco twisted his body weakening Ms. Heinous's hold enough for him to wrestle free. Once he was standing he gave the now stunned Heinous a roundhouse kick that sent her flying with Gemini catching Heinous and dragging her deeper into St. Olga's as the car was now overwhelmed by princesses. To finish things off Marco smacked DuBois's head sending it flying after the duo and took several steadying breaths before being glomped by Star.
"Marco you're ok!" He shakily hugged her back still trying to get his breath back, 'man she put a lot of force behind that elbow jab', as princesses swarmed around them chasing Heinous and her company deeper into the school. Starfan13 spoke up as the rest of Marco and Star's friends came up on stage.
"Wow, you guys do this kind of things all the time?!" Star separated from Marco chuckling as she replied.
"Well not exactly but you could say that." Starfan13 then gave an 'oohhh' in awe and put back on her copy of the Star headband and heart shaped cheek marks before replying.
"You know what; I'm gonna be both of your fans now." Ponyhead yelled out at this.
"As if you can! Turdina is gone now thanks to you earth turd!" Marco shrugged and breathed deeply.
"Hey, las mentiras tienen las patas cortas Ponyhead. Lies have short legs; they were gonna find out eventually." Star smiled and spoke up.
"Nice. And you look like you can breathe a lot easier now." Marco shrugged and rubbed his mid-section a bit before replying.
"Well partially because the corset is gone. How do you girls live with that thing?" Alexis and Star shrugged with Alexis speaking up.
"Say, what was that cool language you just spoke?" Marco replied with his voice giving away to confusion.
"Oh it was Spanish a language from… earth. Star shouldn't your head band translate these things?" Star shrugged and replied.
"Well if it's a phrase put best in the native language it sometimes doesn't translate so it can 'sound' better. I think." Star handed him his hoodie as the five princesses from earlier approached the group with the four armed princess speaking up.
"So… you're a boy and not royalty?" Marco nodded before responding.
"Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but…" The purple haired princess cut him off.
"No no it's ok; people get the impression that nobles don't like dealing with people below their 'station'." At this the pixie princess began speaking.
"So is the 'Shadow Slayer' rumor about you true?" Marco nodded with the pixie outright squealing taking everyone, especially the other princesses off guard. "OMG this is awesome. Are you single?" She fluttered in close to his face with Marco spluttering a little with sheep princess holding the pixie back and speaking up.
"Ok ok he's had enough excitement for one day. But would you mind getting a picture with us; the real you?" Marco smiled and posed with the princesses with his friends getting into the picture as well with all of them shouting 'camera phone'. Star spoke up at this.
"You know Alexis here is right, Marco is a better role model then Turdina. He could help you make the school better." The princesses turned towards him with shining eyes as Marco looked at Star in concern. "Oh come on Marco I know you had suggestions for the place like making it a school where princesses can not only be themselves but gain their parents respect… for the most part." Kelly, who had been silent so far, began trying to get their attention.
"Um guys, should we do something about that?" Ponyhead whipped her mane replying.
"Yeah man, earthturd is gonna ruin the best party school now!" Kelly's face went deadpan as she pointed out that the deflected flames from the flamethrower had now set fire to parts of the school with the flames spreading rapidly.
"Yeah we should." Everyone all replied at once.
SN: One uneventful fire fig-
Marco, clad in royal clothing colored red, gazed up at Ms. Heinous with a nervous look on his face in a warm rose filled garden at twilight. The roses were calmly fragrant and the insects were giving a calming atmosphere to the situation.
"My-my lady. What did I do wrong?" Miss Heinous offered a genuine smile to Marco before answering.
"Nothing my dear, I wish to give you a reward for good behavior." She leaned down ready to plant a kiss on him with Marco reciprocating hesitantly.
"My lady… this is so improper…"
Heinous couldn't get her mind off of that vision she just had when over Marco. 'It felt so real' She thought to herself and felt her knees weakening, her breath hitching, and her heart bounding not just from the pursuing princesses but from those thoughts. Gemini continued to screen them with the flamethrower but it was low on fuel so he couldn't get too much out. And since Heinous had lost the dimensional knife there was no cutting a portal to get out of here. Trying to escape the princesses the group had fled deep into the corridors of St. Olga with the trio coming to a large intersection with multiple corridors branching off in multiple directions. Above them in a high vaulted ceiling were images of demons fresco'd into the plaster. Heinous always had the strangest feeling of unease yet comfort whenever she came here; like a memory that never fully revealed itself to her was toying in her mind. They stopped to catch their breath as it seems the princesses had been lost with DuBois speaking up.
"What happened back there? What did he do to you to break your concentration?" Heinous slowly replied.
"I don't know… I'm not even sure HE did anything to me." DuBois and Gemini looked at each other concerned especially as Heinous's cheek marks flashed beneath the makeup she kept over it.
The sounds of a fire being combated could be heard even in here making the group cringe at what was becoming of their beloved school. But they didn't have much time to think on that as a group of princesses still hunting them spotted their group and began moving in. The trio went to run but Heinous heard a whisper in her mind, that of a high class British man. 'This way, now.' Heinous, not really sure what to do, reflexively followed the whisper pulling Gemini and DuBois along with her. Going down one of the corridors hounded by the princesses they trio spotted a strange portal had been cut up ahead. Running out of options and egged on by the whisper Heinous plunged through the portal coming in front of what appeared to be a ruined castle with the sounds of swamp life in the background and the smell of said swamp not too far off. As they took their surroundings in the portal closed behind them with several princesses leaping through at the last second. Gemini turned rail gun at the ready only to find the princesses suddenly caught in a blackish-red halo that levitated them and silenced them. As both groups tried to comprehend what just happened the whisper Heinous had heard spoke up in the real world.
"Tsk tsk, hounding my dear sister like a common criminal? You should be ashamed of yourselves." Stepping into view the groups could see who was producing the blackish-red halo of magic through a black cane with a platinum handle looking like a dragon's head.
He was wearing a full dark red suit and vest coat, closer to the color of dried blood then anything else, with a bowtie of the same color. He had a top hat over his curly green streaked silver hair that was kept short over a pale face with high cheek bones that would make even an elf jealous framing a handlebar mustache the same color as his hair. He could have been mistaken for an ordinary Mewman but there were a few things that stood out. A furry tail waved behind him almost hypnotically with the whitish-green fur on his forearms showing through his suit and black gloves at points. His face showed a suave smile with sharp teeth between dark red Mewni marks the shape of eastern Imperial dragons. His most stunning feature however were his three eyes; his left one being a pale red color, almost pink, and the two on the right glowing a faint yellow color.
As both groups took him in several more figures emerged, most of them being short and stooped green creatures with pale pupil-less eyes and broken glass in the place of teeth barking like dogs occasionally. One stood out however being a good 25 feet tall and rather burly with the branches growing out of its head in place of hair making it seem far larger. Shrouded in a black robe only it's head was unobstructed with a face a strange mixture of a frog's and a human's face with pointed ears and beady amber eyes that glinted with intelligence and amusement. Said latter figure spoke up to the suit clad figure in a deep throaty voice that sounded vaguely frog-like.
"Invited and uninvited guests today? Well, worry not intruders…" he strode over to the princesses and smiled at them. "… we do have a use for you." He nodded to the other figures who moved forward to take the princesses and bound them up with the suit clad figure letting the magic off of them. He then turned towards Ms. Heinous with an inviting smile. "My child, it has been so long since I have seen you. You were nothing more than an infant before she got her mechanical arms on you." Heinous stammered at him for a second before responding.
"You… know me?" Gemini immediately stepped forward to address him aiming the rail gun at him.
"Who might you be in the first place?" The big figure merely chuckled in amusement as he bowed to them replying.
"My apologies, introductions are in order. I am Mulgarath, master of this castle though there is not much left and leader of the goblins." He motioned to the figures who were carrying the princesses away with the suit clad figure speaking up as he bowed.
"And I am Alucard II, true king of Mewni and your brother though you don't remember right now." The trio looked at each other in concern as Heinous spoke up.
"Lower your weapon Gemini, I think it's going to do no good here." She stepped forward curtsying to the men, manners were everything. "I am Ms. Heinous of the illustrious school of St. Olga's, though there is little left of it. These are my remaining servants Gemini and Chanatel DuBois." Gemini bowed with Chantal speaking.
"Mi amor, were you the ones who saved us?" They nodded. "Merci." Gemini spoke up at this with suspicion.
"Wait, you claim to be her brother and the 'true' king of Mewni; how is all that possible and why should we believe you?" Alucard II chuckled and held out his hand to Ms. Heinous.
"Believe what you wish Gemini but we have no reason to lie to you. As for the former question… do you care to find out?"
Heinous looked at him with caution and glanced at her servants with both of them unsure as well. Heinous didn't know why but looking at Alucard II brought up the same feeling of when she visited the intersection at the school. Even if he wasn't telling the truth maybe she could get him to help her reclaim the school… and claim Marco for herself. Her cheek marks flashed again with Alucard's flashing in tandem with a blackish glow to them. Heinous nodded and took his hand with Alucard's smile growing more broad and sweet as he led her away. Gemini and DuBois looked at each other in concern before following them followed by Mulgarath.
WH: Ok now for the announcement... this story is going on hiatus.
Audience: *gasp* Oh my GOOOOODDDD!
WH: Look people, there are one shots, short stories, and what not that I want to write and I should focus on those for now. And what's more I have altered the plot of this story several times due to great ideas and have other great ideas I still want to us. Also I usually have gotten out a chapter a week in the past, now it's closer to a month. *sad noises* So that's why I am goign over this story and rereading it so I can center myself and plan out the rest of the story properly. Make no mistake I know exactly how this is going to end *spoiler, it involves space unicorn* and I even have a squeal in mind for this story. But I just need to... center myself. Regardless, shorts will be coming out and maybe other longer stories, not sure. Until then I have even more fanfiction ideas for you to follow up on... and not all Star vs. for that matter. That's right, you are gonna see stories that inspired my own writing style from before I saw Star vs the Forces of Evil.
'Averting the End' by LockAndKey989: Now characters watching their own story does not sound like a good concept, and usually it isn't, but gods DAMN does this work well. With the threat of magic being destroyed, but not sure why, Omnitraxus gathers everyone he senses is involved to watch exactly what happens. Oh and the past queens of Mewni watch it as well at the behest of Glossarcik. While this is mostly a comedy, and a good one, there is a lot of surprising drama that leads to some spectacular character development; my gods does this writer knock it out of the park. They took a concpet I actually had some contempt for and made something I now adore. In fact now I want to have a fanfiction of the canon characters watching 'The Monster Love AU' just to see their reactions. 9/10 no question.
'Forgotten Ventures' by Ronald reagan : Taking a similar yet completely different approach to our previous one this instead of observing a character is spirited away. Waking up one morning Marco Diaz finds himself back to the day he meets Star from when he was her squire in season three, after Lava Lake Beach I might add. Unsure of what to do once he accepts this fact Marco is not sure if he should change things or not... for multiple reasons that are quite intriguing and mature the more you think about it. However not EVERYTHING is the same as it turns out there was a reason Marco was sent back in time... and it's not a good one. A nice retelling in an original fashion that actually focuses on the Blood Moon being important, except unlike so many other fanfics it actually means something. 8/10 for a job well done.
'The Grim Ed-ventures of Ed, Edd, n Eddy' by Technomaru: Rest in peace for I sense this author is long gone and this story will never be complete. This was one of the first fanfics I ever read and it still kind of holds up. The concept is incredibly original yet so obvious, Grimm for 'Billy and Mandy' instead winds up befreinded by the trio from the cul-de-sac and participate in strange adventures with them. The cast is well thought through, the humor selective by enjoyable, and the ideas INCREDIBLY original. This is where I got my knack for including lots of references as references are everywhere in this story from top to bottom and not one feels forced. Now granted there are quite a few things lacking about this story the more I look at it; the overarching plot is basic at best, the humor can get really confusing at times, and the constant adding up of characters bogs the story down like no tomorrow. But if it weren't for this story, I wouldn't even be on this sight right now. Thank you for being my first... at least the one I remember. 7/10.
'Ed, Edd, n Eddy the Teen Series' by Easymac: This is the story I keep on coming back too in order to read it the most. In fact I think I get a lot of my writing style by this story and it's sibling work 'Ed, Edd, n Eddy Rise of the Gourd' which is a prequel for this work. This story basically follows the trio from the Cul-de-sac as they have become teenagers in late high school. The original cast is all here but aged up with a few new additions as well. The humor is great, the story is great, the action is great, even the drama is great; yeah an 'Ed, Edd, n Eddy' fanfic made me cry and do some inner thinking. This one pushes the T rating envelope with mature subjects that are actually handled with some dignity amidst the comedic bits; kind of like how I do it. The writer is long gone but the story is complete so read it and enjoy one my personal favorites for its re-readability value. This is also where I became an 'EddxMarie' shipper. 8.5/10 (Completed)
'A Fist Full of Gemstones' by Superfan44: This story is not the greatest in my opinion; it's good but not extraordinary. The basic idea is Hiccup and Merida from 'Brave' and 'How to train your dragon' are cousins going to Spain in search of some lost family jewels in a western style story. It is pretty good with some fantastically placed references that sound like they don't belong but they feel like they do. Now why am I mentioning this story? Well... ever wonder where I got the idea to include music in my stories? That's right, this story did it first! But not too well as they seem to have not noticed that we can't copy past youtube addresses and some of them are no longer available on youtube. Needless to say I refined it and that has given me a unique advantage. If your willing to type in the long addresses check it out. 7/10 for ideas. (completed)
'A Song of Sun and Shadow' multiple story AU by Finmonster: My gods the lost potential here is depressing. Why do I saw this? Well it seems this idea has been discontinued by the writer in favor of other stories. But that which is written is AMAZING! This person knows exactly how to write to perfection. This is the type of writer I wish I could be and am striving to become. This person has incorporated multiple movie worlds into one without a SINGLE FLAW. That's right, I view this as perfection. Combining the worlds of 'Tangled', 'Brave', 'How to Train your Dragon', 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame', 'Rise of the Guardians', and arguably 'Frozen' this is work I say you MUST SEE! Not just recommend, but MUST SEE! I am not going to say anything more as I would go on indefinitely and you should see this with ignorant eyes. 10/10 just go check it out NOW! (most stories are completed but the saga itself is unfinished)
WH: And now that that is done it is time for...
Audience: Guest reviews!
Shiranai Atsune: Well this next wait might be a while... or it might not. But this story will never end I promise you that.
The Book of eli: Well Kelly is safe now... I think. And Marco did learn in his own way. Good for him.
Unamed: Well most people are not MoonxToffee shippers for obvious reasons limiting our work. But I am doign this cause I love it so I will continue to do it until the end.