Title: Tiber's Compendium – Book II
Character centric: Harry (no pairings at this time)
FYI - "no pairings at this time" means NO PAIRINGS AT THIS TIME!, author's note contains information about where to go to see author's preferred pairing style, do not assume that this story contains any romantic information about the Boy-Who-Lived being gay in this story. If I had paired him, it would be in the character profile of this story's FFnet's search engine.
MY Inspiration: Harry Potter (all media forms), Elder Scrolls "Oblivion & "Skyrim" (PS3 version, video games)
Disclaimer: This is my standard disclaimer; I don't own anything in regards to the sources of MYInspiration. All publically recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
All the characters, worlds, base concepts or general ideas are just a bit food for the writing bug. This story is pure fiction and is in no way meant to copy or reflect real life, events or people, should this happen then obviously it is pure coincidence.
Author's Note: See author profile for preferred pairing style.
Important: Initiated in 2013-06. Posted 'as is' due to high demand for a sequel and this is what I had done so far. Not a cliff hanger.
Warning: Be prepared for implications about Dumbledore's true motives and others without too many details. The author has never read, OoF, HBP or DH, but may take bits and pieces of them based on fanfiction stories that contained such spoilers or information from the web. There may possibly be some game spoilers, but since they've been out for a while judging by the amount walkthrough faqs and youtube 'let's plays' available, it's doubtful.
Summary: End of Year 5 re-write, Char. Ooc, AU/AR, still within JKR's world and then some – Continued from Tiber's Compendium – Away at summer school in the US, Harry is not that unaware of what's happening in the wizarding UK. He still has to return for his fifth year to a whole new set of problems, including a Ministry plant inside his precious Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Speech Legend: (This is the standard by which I write most of my stories and therefore you will not see this repeated in future chapters)
(…Other Languages/Mind Speak/Alternate Speech Patterns like sign language…)
Harry - James - Potter - Harry - James - Potter
CH 1
Harry - James - Potter - Harry - James - Potter
The soon to be fifteen year-old looked at his magically blood adopted father, Remus Lupin. The man had been staring at the acceptance letter that his newly acquired by ritual magic and blood son, Harry Potter known as the Boy-Who-Lived, had received before the previous summer's holiday that led up to the boy's most eventful fourth year attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The man had been reading it or staring at different parts of the letter ever since his son had handed it to him.
They were currently traveling on the triple-decker purple Knight Bus and were headed to the joke research laboratory called the Marauder Mischief Lab or MML for short. It had been created in honour of the boy's biological father and the friends that the man had made when attending Hogwarts in his youth.
The two had gone from the platform nine and three-quarters straight to the Department of House-Elf Relocation with the purpose of getting at least a mated pair or maybe even three elves, who would be familiar with administration, cleaning and basic human infirmary or human medical emergency procedures. The elves were found, paid for and bonded to Harry because the Lab and surrounding property legally and magically belonged to him. The elves could be bonded to others, but needed a primary owner before the relocation department would allow them to leave their holding cells which made sense when things were done based on property ownership.
The elves promised to obey the others that may come into the Lab, but only after they saw the building and knew what their tasks were going to be. Harry had managed to get four house-elves for the place.
They were mated pairs because the male of one of the pairs was familiar with animal care which was going to be needed since the company planned to have on-site animals for fresh ingredient cultivation. The animals and gardens would supply items for potions and one of the females had experience with emergency first aid for a variety of beings including humans.
The Boy-Who-Lived had considered offering a family bond to Winky and Dobby, but planned to wait until he'd returned to the United Kingdom after his summer school in the United States. This had been on the advice from both of his fathers, when he talked to them about those two particular elves. He also felt the need to discuss a few things with the two freed elves before offering them a bond. He knew that Dobby would be disappointed if he didn't make him an official offer. As for Winky he truly felt sorry for the little female elf because her staunch loyalty and fervent love for her former family. She had been betrayed in the most upsetting manner this past year.
But for now the young Gryffindor only looked at his werewolf father and started to get worried because the man wasn't saying anything. He'd hoped it was the name of the school that bothered the man, but he strongly suspected that it was because of his chosen alias as the letter clearly started with:
…Dear Mr. Snape…
"Remus," Harry edged closer with a tray of tea and other treats that he had purchased from Stan Shunpike at the front of the bus. He placed it on the fixed table between the comfortable wingback chairs they were using for their journey. They were seated within a strong magical privacy barrier. "I made tea," he set the tray down and asked, "Father please, you're beginning to worry me. Is there something wrong with my letter?"
Remus sighed and asked, "Why the name Snape?"
"Because it's a name that I'd be least expected to use," Harry explained. "No one would think that I'd hide away under that name. Snape is a pretty common name in the Muggle World and since I was basically raised there I figured that if I had to go back and hide there for some reason or another, I could easily do so with a name like that."
"Oh," the werewolf said. "No other reason?"
"What other reason could there be?"
"Maybe you learned how your biological father treated the man and you felt," he rubbed the back of his head. "You...might have felt guilty about what you'd learnt?"
Harry snorted and said, "It's not my place to feel guilty because my biological father and Sirius were gits to the man when they were schoolboys." He waved his hand to shoo away the coming protest. "Don't! I've already suspected something of that nature since Snape nearly always says the phrase, "Arrogant, just like your father," when it should have been quite obvious that I never knew James Potter. Besides Pettigrew had said pretty much the same thing," he shrugged and continued. "You know…about my dad being a bully to others when he was in school. He told me that just before he brought back the Dark Idiot, stating that he'd picked the right side."
"I'm sorry," Remus said with a saddened expression. "I'm sorry that you never knew your parents."
"It's okay. At the very least I know that they were human and prone to making human mistakes. I certainly know that they aren't Saints no matter how limited the information is that I keep getting about them," Harry explained as he put an arm around the man. "I've got you and Sirius now. As for my alias name, it's exactly that. An alias that protects me at my summer school. But it's also something that protects my summer school from the political happenings here in the Magical UK. They were grateful that I'd done it. It's only the Headmaster, Heinrick Orefuliman who knows my true name there. To everyone else there, I'm either Tiber, TJ or Mr. Snape."
"Surely they suspect who you really are," Remus said looking pointedly at the boy's magical scar.
"Ball caps or bandanas," Harry said. He put one on his head, pushing back his fringe and hiding his scar under the brim of the cap. The cap was a dark one with the word 'Dodgers' written in white. He changed his glasses for a slightly darker, lensed pair with a different shape. Just those two things had really hidden who he truly was. Although just the cap did it quite well without the change in the boy's glasses. The boy's scar was his unique and most identifiable feature to which anyone would know who he was in any part of the world where magic dominated.
"Why?" The man asked.
"The cap keeps hair from falling into our work. We really don't want any hair or foreign substances to end up in our projects. Even air bubbles are a failing offence at our current levels. That's how we all received J grades, meaning Junk, in the beginning of our first lessons with the smelter when we were trying to make pure bars of a singular ore. Our hair created air pockets which meant that the metal couldn't be worked on properly until they were smelted again. It kept happening until our instructors yelled at us to cover up our hair when we were working with any kind of metal," Harry explained.
"All the students were encouraged to wear something on their heads after we'd all experienced that kind failure several times. I know that we have pointed hats at Hogwarts, but not many students know to wear them during classes. They aren't mandatory, but really should be. At the very least for potions class, but Snape doesn't wear one so most students follow his example and slick their hair back. However some others don't do anything because of how it looks, but..." he shrugged since he couldn't figure out the others' mindset in those matters. "There you have it, I guess."
He then snickered and said, "You should see the stuff the others choose to wear at Canyon though. I've seen horned Viking-like helmets, multi-coloured beanies and pith helmets with fans, just to name a few. This one is pretty common for humans or so they told me when they saw me wearing it. The dark glasses are necessary for everyone though, even our instructors wear them most of the time since none of us want to be blinded in the school's hallways when we change classes."
"What do you mean," Remus asked. "What's wrong with the halls of your school?"
"They're gilded," Harry told him with a genuine laugh and smile. "The walls are full of precious gems and metals everywhere. The rumour about it is that it was once the central seat of Dwarven power before magical humans emerged above ground. It's also been rumoured that it had to be sold to the USA Ministry of Magic to pay back taxes or something of that nature. However the US Ministry couldn't just do anything they wanted with the place because of one of the conditions of sale. They had to turn it into a permanent school for all magical beings or else the dwarves were going to gut the place in order to pay back what was needed. They'd have destroyed the monumental and natural 'Grand Canyon' feature which continues to gain a high revenue yearly from tourists, muggle and magical alike."
"I see," Remus said not really understanding the need for darkened glasses.
"You will," Harry said as he put on his regular glasses. "So are you going to continue to submit those DA Articles to The Underground Message?" The young Gryffindor asked.
"How do you..." the man paused and then said, "I didn't choose some kind of pen name to hide who I was."
"You're the only Professor RJ Lupin that I know," Harry said with a shrug. "So it had to be you. The articles are interesting and now that the Dark Idiot has come back I think more articles like that need to be produced, particularly about self-defence and home protection spells that the average witch or wizard can do. They have wands which gives them their own power to protect themselves. Besides everyone you taught at Hogwarts respects you and will read what you have to say."
"Do you have topic suggestions for me?" Remus asked as he drank his tea. "Or is there another reason you think I should continue to write for that particular paper?"
The boy talked some of the things that he'd like to see and said that he'd been silently supporting that paper for quite some time. "I funded part of it for just that reason," Harry confessed. "I also wanted to add some competition against the Daily Prophet and to have a way to prevent the Prophet from thinking that they could ever interview me or write articles about me. I'm still working on that second part though. They are quite persistent."
"I can do something about that now since I'm officially your Regent," Remus said. "It'll be my job and my extreme pleasure to see them sued for slander without having any basis for their accusations or suppositions." He finished his tea and looked up. "It looks like we're getting near to our stop."
"Next stop," Stan yelled out. "Sedlow Wood!" (...i...)
"That's us," Harry said excited to be visiting a place that he'd never seen even though he bought property in the area.
"Calm down," Remus said and smiled at the boy's enthusiasm.
They exited the bus at an old stone marker station in the middle of nowhere. It was a hidden apparition point that many witches and wizards can get to in order to call for the Knight Bus to take them to other places. It took them a day and half by bus to reach this point. They'd slept on the bus and when they'd awoken their beds had turned into the chairs that they had been using during their conversation.
They shouldered their bags.
Harry's school trunk was in his tent which was in his carryall, very convenient… storage magic that is.
Lupin had his own version of a carryall in the form of an old fashion carpet bag style made of leather. It had a lot of wizard space pockets and compartments in it for his use. It was very much needed when he had to live a semi-transient lifestyle due to this magical affliction of being a werewolf.
They watched the bus zoom away before Lupin took hold of Harry's arm for side-along apparition to the coordinates of the MML. They arrived in a fairly large gazebo like building with an Apparition rune circle of mosaic stones, marking out a pattern to indicate the location of where a person was. It was a stylized circle with three letter Ws in a triangle form with three pictorial symbols around the outside, of a stag's head on the right, a wolf's head on the left and a full image of a large seated dog at the bottom. (...ii...) All were inside a larger circle.
They looked into the old granary and large Floo pit that they'd decided to set up.
Harry was pleased to see the narrow cabinet with a door, next to the entrance. He opened it up and noticed that it contained a large jar of Floo powder, but also clipboard list that people needed to sign or check off a box next to their names before they could take a handful of powder. The floor that led from the pit to the entrance had that same logo in mosaic tile while the rest of the floor, around the pit was plain grey and white granite set up in a checked pattern.
"This is your idea right," Harry asked about the cabinet and clipboard.
"Yes," Lupin agreed. "I've already sorted out a few administrative things like that for ingredients and supplies. It's to track who takes what and it will also let us know when or if something is needs to be replaced before it expires or runs out. Now stand away from the pit and let the twins come through. I gave them a note to give to their parents to let them come through to this location for at least half an hour."
Green flames flared in the fire pit, George stepped into the room, followed by Fred. "Hallo Harry," Fred said and turned to Remus. "Thank Merlin you gave us that note to come through today."
"Mum was in a snit, but we're glad that you sent that note," George said. "Something's going on since she's packing up the house."
"I think that I know what's going on," Remus said. "But enough of that, the two of us have a boat to catch in the early morning."
"Come on guys," Harry said. "Let's check out the place and then I'll call the house-elves we just hired."
They took their time, but there was enough room for all of their ideas and they agreed that having some animals on site would help when they needed to acquire fresh ingredients and to just feed them when they needed to eat. The house-elf pairs were called and bonded to the company as well as to the Weasley twins in a looser bond than the one they had with Harry.
The elves scurried around to look about the place and asked permission to begin a garden.
"Send your requests in writing to Remus here," Harry said. "He'll see to it that you'll get everything you need okay. If you don't know how to read or write he'll teach you." That had been agreed upon with his father before to mentioning it to the elves who looked happy to be given the option of learning something new. "He's the General Manager of MML for now." He received nods from the little creatures. They turned to the twins and asked for a series of tasks that the boys needed done before they came back.
"We'll come back once we've passed our apparition tests," Fred said. "We'll bring you some things, but for now make sure that the kitchen is stocked with non-perishables."
"Settle in and find a place to stay for all of you," George said. "We'll work on getting to know your quirks as you learn ours, but no beating yourselves up and please clean up and find decent uniforms to work in."
"Make sure that your protected from anything harmful," Fred said and gave them all a small pouch that their 'silent partner' had made at the twins request. "These pouches are yours, wear them at your belts and keep them with you. Tie them to your personal magic if you can."
"These are your pay pouches," George said and held up his hand. "We need you to be able to get your own supplies and make your own uniforms. In that pouch is a uniform catalogue and we've marked the ones we'd like you to consider for the types of jobs you choose to do, understand. You'll need the money to buy them."
"The pouches also contain blanket permission slips to buy what you need and to charge them to our MML business account," Fred said. "Either the uniforms will be ready made or you'll have to make them yourselves. Enough of this, we're running out of time and Mum will go spare if we're late."
George nodded at the four little creatures, who chatted in squeaky tones about what their immediate masters had asked of them. The four turned to look at Harry since he was their primary bonded master.
Harry nodded and said, "I agree that you need to present a clean front. You know that having a uniform is not clothes. But I must insist that you wear good shoes whenever you go anywhere, unless they truly are uncomfortable to you, then I expect you to protect your hands, feet or any other exposed body part however you can with your magic. I won't be happy if any of you are hurt while you're in service to this place. It is an experimental lab and dangerous things may happen if you're not cautious."
The humans noticed how the elves cringed at the word experimental until Remus clarified, "This is a place to experiment on objects and humans only. The boys will not experiment on elves or other creatures without their permission. Your jobs are to ensure that this MML stays in one piece. You may come to me at any time you feel you need assistance or have questions about procedure since I'm the one that will be setting up standards of testing. Now off you go to get settled in. These two will come and go whenever they want to play around in the labs."
The four house-elves nodded, happy that they'd been given clear instructions and immediately set out to find a small bit of space or something to make a home.
"Choose a large closet," Harry called out to them. "One with a door that you can lock if you need to or else one that we can have a lock installed. Use spacing magic to make yourselves apartments or something. You can visit me too if you want some ideas, but not while we're traveling. It wouldn't be safe." The four little creatures nodded again and then left their young masters to find a place that they could call home.
"All right," Fred said. "Time to set up the Fidelius Charm and get back to Mum, she's panicky enough as it is." His twin nodded and they looked to the werewolf for guidance.
"The parameter wards are set," Remus said. "We need to step outside of the wards in order to cast the Fidelius Charm. Harry do you have an idea of how to allow them in?"
"Yep," Harry said as they all stepped outside of the warded area. "Bossy, Minx, Harpy and Sizzle, to me," he called to the house-elves. "We're setting up the charm we told you about so please stay beside me until it's done."
The little creatures waited patiently and let small exclamations of shock when their new home disappeared under the spell they'd been told about. They couldn't find it and pop back in there. Then they felt something go about their neck. A small silver amulet with a pearl like stone set in a wheel of runes.
"This necklace brings you home," Harry said. "Check to see if the magic allows you to get you there without seeing the place." The elves closed their eyes and felt the pull of their new home. They popped away and found that they were inside the warded place. They popped back to their master.
"Is this clothes young sir," Minx asked.
"No," Harry said. "They're just a tool, a special key that will take you home. You lose it, you'll have to call one of the others to pop you home and you must let Remus know about the loss. You cannot give these away and you can't remove them. They have self-cleaning and maintenance charms on them so don't worry about them tarnishing or that they'd even rust. There's still the chance that they will get worn down, but I don't expect that to happen anytime soon."
"This is good magic then," Bossy said. "We be going to new home now." She and the other three popped away following her. She wasn't given that name for no reason.
"Well that's good," Fred said. "What about us?"
"Do we get a nifty jewel too," George asked.
"Well," Harry rubbed the back of his neck.
"Oh, out with it," Remus huffed with a small smile on his face to let his son know that he wasn't really that upset about it. "You've had the time to think on it."
"Fine then," the youngest Gryffindor said with a playful huff. "Here," he handed them each a length of chain with a medallion that had two disks, one of metal and one gem like charm piece that twisted in place and looked like the logo on the floor of the apparition and floo points. Both disks had a set of runes letter and numbers etched onto their sides.
"Awesome," Fred said.
George said, "Wicked, how do they work?"
"How do you think," Harry asked.
"Harry we don't have time. Now tell us before we miss our check in time at the hotel," Remus said.
"Twins birthday and map passwords," Harry said. "Push your magic into them to take ownership. You can't give them away or lose them. Twist the two pieces to A and 1, three times counter-clockwise to lock them in position. Then say, 'I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good' and you should see in your mind's eye the two points of entry. You can choose either the Floo address which you already know to be 'MML Sedlow Wood'. It will take you to the granary or you can use the apparition coordinates which are set to the gazebo. When you get here you must say, 'Mischief managed,' to disengage your amulets and gain entry onto the rest of the property. If they accidentally twist to your birthdays and you say the words it won't work because of magical intent and how they're programmed to be intentionally twisted and locked together with a chiming sound that will let you know it's been properly done."
"Wicked," Fred said.
George twisted his, when he felt the small click and heard the little tinkling sound, he was able to see the place, but couldn't cross the barrier. "What the..."
"Even if you can see it now," Harry said. "There're only two ways onto the property. Remus will you side-along us in there so that you two can go home by floo."
"I'll take you first," Remus said to his adopted son. He returned for the twins.
"Harry, what if we eventually want to show the place off to Mum or Dad," George asked.
"Here," Harry said and gave them a small box of similar medallions. The quality of those though were very cheap. "They're single use only and will dissipate after they arrive here. Nothing's needed to leave the place by apparation or floo other than marking down floo powder use. Tell me when you need me to make more charms, since I'm the secret keeper only I can make those. Right now you have ten in there and I think that should be enough for this summer. Take only one or two at a time with you and leave the rest here. Keep them either in the cabinet of the granary or in the attic office."
"Mischief managed," Fred said. His medallion became two pieces of metal with a gem in the boy's favourite colour that spun about lazily with magic. His brother copied him. "This is wicked, how did you ever think of it?"
"I had help," Harry said with a pointed look to his wolfish father.
"Right then," George said. "We must be off. See you sometime this summer, eh, Harry?"
"Sometime," Harry said and nodded. He shoved off their brotherly attentions and felt that his pockets had been stuffed with joke items from their shop. "Go on now and I'll see you later." The twins ran for the granary to floo back to the Burrow. He turned to his father and said, "Time to go?"
Remus looked at his pocket watch hanging from his vest pocket. "Yes," he said. He took hold of Harry's arm. "You have a good hold of your bags?" He received a nod. "All right then, we're off."
They apparated to Conigar Bog Harbour from there they caught the underwater sailing ship after spending the night at the local inn. It was a fast ship that would take them to the American west coast where they had to catch the tie-dyed rainbow coloured, triple-decker Knight Bus that would take them to the United States Grand Canyon Institute of Magical Learning.
Harry - James - Potter - Harry - James - Potter
(...i...) I used Google maps to find interesting names and places, for the location of the MML, this one looks to be in a forested area and secluded and I just liked how it sounded.
(...ii...) Image attached to author profile, created from images found in internet web, only bit of originality is the configuration of the logo, and all others belong to the original owners, either from deviantart or Browning Firearms (they had the best stag silhouette). I claim no ownership of the web images other than having configured them into the MML Logo. The logo idea is mine, of course.