Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Buffy characters, it all belongs to Joss, ME, and some other VERY lucky people.

Timeline: Set in Season 4. Spike is not in love with Buffy, although he is (somewhat grudgingly) helping the scoobies. Buffy and Riley are not dating, but they're 'flirty' with each other.

Rating: PG

AN: Here I go, attempting another spuffy fic! :D I'll update this pretty frequently, as long as school doesn't get in the way. (I don't see why I can't just write fanfiction for English, but my teacher refuses to listen to my brilliant idea. Woe is me.)

Feedback: Please! Anything that's not flames is welcome; I'd love to hear what you think!

Truth or Dare

Chapter One: Dare

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"You are so going to pay." Willow threatened, resuming her seat next to Buffy. Willow's face had turned the color of her hair, and Buffy couldn't speak from laughter.

"I'm serious! I just sang a in front of all those people!" She gestured to the crowded dance floor of The Bronze. "Me! Shy Willow, who can't sing to avert an apocalypse!"

Buffy had finally stopped laughing. "You were good!" She told the red head. "Okay, so maybe you weren't gifted with an amazing voice but . . . well, you agreed to play truth or dare!"

"Yeah, and it's your turn. You are so going to pay!"

"We'll see." Buffy said, doubting Willow could come up with anything really embarrassing.

"Truth or dare?"


Willow bit her lip, thoughtfully scanning the crowd. Buffy had made her suffer public embarrassment, and she was not going to get off easy. That's when she saw him.

Sitting in one of the darker corners of the club. Why did evil always lurk in the dark? He was leaning against the wall, inhaling cigarette smoke was he watched the crowd. The dark black leather of his duster blended into the darkness behind him. It would have been almost impossible to see him, were it not for the white-blond of his bleached hair.

Willow smiled evilly, and Buffy had to wonder if maybe she should have picked truth . . . . .

"Ask Spike to dance." Willow told the slayer.

"What??!!" Buffy demanded.

"I dare you to ask Spike to dance."

"No!" Buffy protested. "He's Spike . . . vampire, evil. Ring any bells, Willow?"

"It's a dare!" Willow cried gleefully. "You have to do it, and you can't tell him it's a dare!"

"But . . ."

"He can't hurt you, so he's not dangerous." Willow pointed out.

"Fine!" Buffy announced. "I'll ask him, but I doubt he'll say yes."

Willow folded her arms across her chest. "Buffy, that is so not fair. You have to actually get him to dace with you."

"Alright." Buffy agreed. "You win, but just one song."

"Just one." Willow echoed.

* * *

Spike took a long drag from his cigarette. It was his last one, and he was going to make it last as long as he could. He'd spent all his money, and the soddin' chip prevented him from knocking some one out to get another pack. Being physically impaired really sucked.

His eyes tracked the blond slayer making her way through the crowd, towards him.

"What do you want, slayer?" He asked.

"Um . . . Well . . ." Buffy shuffled her feet uncomfortably, staring at the ground. She could feel her face growing hot. "Will you dance with me?" She asked quickly.

"What?" Spike asked, after a moment of silence. "I could have sworn you asked me to dance with you . . ." A smirk played over his features. "Now, what kind of dancing are you talking about?"

Buffy went even redder. "The kind to music, obviously. Now come on!"


"Spike! Why not?"

"Because, one: I hate you. Two: You're the slayer, I'm a vampire. We're mortal enemies in case you've forgotten."

"Stop making this difficult. What else have you got to do?"

"I'm smoking." Spike informed her, blowing smoke into her face.

"You're always smoking." Buffy said rolling her eyes. She quickly grabbed the cigarette from his hand, dropping it to the floor and putting it out with her foot.

"Ey!" Spike protested. "I'll 'ave you know that was my last one!"

Buffy suddenly had an idea. "Tell you what. You dance with me, and I'll buy you another pack of cigarettes."

Spike sighed. "Deal. Mind you, not the cheapest kind. I want good cigarettes if I 'ave to be near you to get 'em."

"Whatever kind you want."

Spike led her on to the dance floor as the next song began; muttering something about how he had sank to an all-time low.

* * *

"Let's see what you can do." Spike said, pulling Buffy so her back was resting against his chest.

He moved his body in time to the music, preditorial instinct letting him match the beat perfectly. Buffy automatically followed him, forgetting to glare at Willow and instead focussing on exactly where Spike's body was and matching her body to his.

The music intensified, as did their pace. Buffy instinctively moved closer to him and warm fleshed merged with cold.

Buffy closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of his cold and powerful body against her own. The way he moved put her in a state of ecstasy, and she didn't ever want to leave.

The song ended, and another started as Spike spun Buffy around so they were facing each other. She draped her arms around his neck, pulling him as close to her as she could get. Spike ran his hands over her curves, noticing for the first time how beautiful the slayer really was . . .

They moved together, two enemies who for once weren't fighting, were for the first time connected.

At the end of the third song, Spike softly separated himself from the slayer. He brought his mouth centimeters from her ear, sending thrills down her spine. "You owe me three packs of cigarettes." Spike whispered softly.

Buffy rolled her eyes as she reluctantly followed him towards the bar, casting one longing glance at the dance floor.

* * *

Willow looked at Buffy curiously as the blond girl sat down beside her. "Want to tell me why you guys danced for three songs instead of one?" She asked.

"He was a good dancer." Buffy said lamely, but the embarrassment was invisible on her already flushed cheeks.

"Ooooooooh." Willow said, winking.

"Will!" Buffy protested. "Stop it! Anyway, it's your turn. Truth or dare?"

Willow laughed. "Truth . . ."

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AN: Should I continue this? I'm not sure if I want to make this a longish fic, or just leave it as a ficlit. Please tell me what you think!