A/N: This idea popped into my mind and I had to write it! I've never written anything for Fairy Tail, so I'm hoping this goes well. Reviews are appreciated! Let me know what you think and if you'd like to see the next chapter. The story will loosely follow some events of FT before branching off into its own AU.

I don't own Fairy Tail.

The apple she's munching with her lunch is almost gone, but she hasn't noticed. Lucy is too relaxed in the warm April sun, lost her thoughts of how to complete her next job. A man had lost his prize winning birds when someone accidentally left their pen open. Rounding up giant, flightless pigeons is really a job for more than one person but she doesn't have a partner. For a brief moment, the Celestial Mage considered summoning her spirit friend, Aquarius, but quickly changed her mind. Aquarius was more likely to drown the birds than help return them to their owner unharmed.

Life as a freelance mage isn't easy work. The job requests she's been able to pin down, a whopping three of them, haven't paid much. Even skimping by with a small amount of food each day and staying in somewhat shady inns, her small savings is dwindling much more rapidly than she'd anticipated when she left home two weeks ago.

After packing away a few outfits and snacks, the blonde had stashed (is it stealing if the money was set aside for her, anyway?) all the money her father had given her for shopping into her belt pouch and snuck away after the last servant left her bedroom for the night. Although she was becoming extremely lonely, she didn't regret leaving the Heartfilia Estate for a moment. Freedom always came with a price, and the price she seemed to be paying was in the lack of companionship. But that was okay. She'd make friends when she joined a guild.

You're not alone.

Ignoring the familiar voice, Lucy packed away the uneaten half of her sandwich to save for later. Hearing a voice didn't disturb her as much as it used to. She had always sensed a dormant presence in her mind, but the voice was a new addition since leaving home. Was it normal to hear voices in her head? The young woman didn't think so, but she's wasn't about to start asking around. She was fairly certain she wasn't crazy, but others might think so if she explained why she felt she was never truly alone.

The young woman stood and stretched her arms over her head preparing to make the long walk to the area the pigeons were last seen. As she turned to grab her pack from its spot on the ground next to the bench she'd been seated on, the blonde noticed the shadows were unusually dark and seemed to be moving. Looking around in confusion, she realized there was a young, teenage boy crouched a few feet away, nearly hidden in the shadows. Thoughts raced through her mind as she wondered what he was hiding from and how he managed to hide in a shadow on a bright, sunny day with the only mild shade coming from a tall tree nearby.

Just as she was about to question him on his unusual hiding spot, Lucy realized the boy had slowly inched towards her pack and was wrapping his hand around the strap. Before he could pull her pack towards himself, Lucy grabbed onto the bag and screeched, "What are you doing?!"

The boy froze, considering how to handle this abnormal situation, but didn't release the strap. "You can see me?"

"Of course I can see you! Now give me back my bag!"

The pair tugged back and forth, the boy unwilling to pass up the opportunity for an easy meal and the young blonde afraid to lose most of her belongings. He was surprisingly strong for being so skinny, which frustrated Lucy to no end. Her temper was beginning to boil but she was working to control it. Losing it on the kid wouldn't help anything. The teen used his other hand to give the pack a strong pull, nearly ripping it away from the young woman. An aggravated sound escaped her lips as she stumbled forward. Patience gone, the blonde growled, which seemed to shock the young man momentarily and give Lucy the perfect opening. "Lucy Kick!"

As the teenage boy flew through the air and crashed into the tree nearby, Lucy instantly regretted her actions. She had no intention of letting him steal from her but she didn't mean to hurt the boy. Rushing over to the teen's crumpled form, Lucy apologized repeatedly, fretting over his condition and patting him to check for injuries. As she helped him sit up, she asked, "Are you alright?"

The boy nodded but didn't move to stand. It was rare for girls to pay him any attention, being homeless and usually fairly dirty. He wasn't about to pass up the opportunity to have a pretty girl touching him to check for injuries he knew were nonexistent. Plus, he may be able to at least talk her into giving him the rest of the food she had in her bag. But first he had to know, "How could you see me in my shadow form?"

The dark haired boy eyed the young woman skeptically as she shrugged, as if it wasn't a completely unusual circumstance. Lucy noticed his concerned, inquisitive look and paused in her dismissal. "No one else can see you?"

"Only my mentor."

"Oh." An awkward silence settled in as the two waited for the other to make the first move. Lucy noticed the boy had the most striking red eyes hidden under his dark, shaggy hair and was quite the cutie beneath the grime built up from poor hygiene. He wasn't very tall but had the long, lanky look young boys get before they shoot up to a surprising height. It was clear to her he'd probably be a very handsome man one day. He was too young for her, though. He couldn't have been more than 12. Feeling bad for the kid who was clearly in need of some help, she asked, "What's your name?"

After a noticeable pause, the boy said, "Ryos."

"Well, Ryos, my name is Lucy." Sticking out her hand for a formal introduction, she smiled brightly and waited until he shook her hand before saying, "I can't let you take my pack but I can share the rest of my lunch with you."

The two teens settled onto the bench Lucy had been occupying and she pulled out the sandwich she had put away. Before she could even ask if he liked the tuna salad, Ryos had inhaled the sandwich much too fast to have even chewed properly and stared into her bag as if he hoped more food was hidden away.

"Sorry, I don't have anything else with me." The blonde said apologetically, making Ryos sigh quietly in disappointment. Usually this would be his cue to leave but, for a reason he hadn't figured out, the boy wasn't ready to leave the older girl's side. Though the young dragon slayer avoided most people, he felt strangely comfortable with her. Even the restless shadows inside him had quieted down in her presence.

Lucy chewed her lip as she considered a short-term solution to both their problems. Maybe she could get him to help her with the request she had and they could split the reward. That way, she could still complete the job without asking her slightly psychotic spirit for help and wouldn't have to feel guilty about sending a hungry kid off with no way to eat.

"The shadow thing was a form of magic, right? So, you're a mage?"

Ryos nodded but didn't say anything in response, wondering if staying near Lucy was a mistake. What could she possibly want with his shadow form? She didn't look like the type to condone stealing but he didn't see any other way his magic could be useful for someone else. He still wasn't very good at using it to fight.

"Well, maybe you can help me round up some overgrown pigeons." Noticing Ryos' sudden discomfort seemed to fade away at her statement, Lucy felt encouraged to go on. "I'm a freelance mage with a job request that really requires two people, since it isn't something my magic will be very helpful with. Of course, I'd split the reward money with you."

The thought of having his own money made Ryos perk up. He'd been training for a little while now, so he should be able to handle helping her with a simple mission. Plus, it would give him a reason to stay with Lucy awhile longer. When he nodded, Lucy gave him another dazzling smile, which was even more incentive to stay. No one ever smiled at him that way, especially not anyone so pretty.

Now excited to get started, the blonde bounced to her feet. "This is great! Let's get going! We have to walk a little ways out of town to find the pigeons."

During the long walk, Lucy went over the details of the job request and brainstormed ways for the duo to work together to round up the giant, flightless birds. Their conversation was mostly one-sided, with Lucy carrying on the majority of it and Ryos occasionally giving his input about how he thought he could help. He wasn't much for talking, anyway, and liked the way Lucy's voice sounded.

The afternoon went by quickly as they worked together to herd the flock of birds back to their owner. Ryos' magic was much more effective than they expected it to be, since the birds seemed to be terrified of their own shadows, even more so of ones that stalked them. Lucy was doubly grateful for Ryos coming along because it took a little while for her to get comfortable around the birds. The owner had failed to mention the pigeons would be taller than her and dangerously stupid, mistaking Lucy for something edible a few times. Eventually, the teens worked out a method of herding the birds with Lucy in front acting as bait and a guide to keep the path clear, while Ryos kept the group moving together from behind.

With their reward money in hand, the pair made their way back towards the town. Lucy was quiet this time, though. She wanted to help Ryos while she was in town, but wasn't sure how to approach the topic. He hadn't said so, but she was fairly certain he was a runaway or an orphan. Being a runaway herself, she knew life had to be hard for him, especially being so young. At least she could pass for a young adult. He definitely couldn't pull that off. Deciding to just go for it, Lucy said, "If you don't have a place to stay tonight, you're welcome to stay at the inn with me."

When the boy looked bewildered and speechless, Lucy put her hands up and quickly added, "Not like that! I'm not some weirdo! I promise!" Groaning in embarrassment, the blonde scrambled for a way to fix the misunderstanding. Stumbling over her words, she tried to explain. "I just… well… you seem like you might not have anywhere to go and my room has two beds because they didn't have any other rooms available. You don't have to come at all, or you can just take a shower there and then leave. Ugh…I'm rambling. Sorry I brought it up."

A hint of a smile appeared on Ryos face and Lucy realized it was the first time she'd seen him smile all day. "Thanks. I'll come with you for now."

Relieved to have that worked out, the two started into another one-sided conversation as they finished their trek. Ryos was thrilled about how his day had gone, even if he didn't show much of that emotion outwardly. He had completed his first mission as a mage alongside the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen and now he would be able to spend more time with her. Although he knew she was likely only helping him out of pity, he didn't really care. Pride was something he'd had to let go of to make it as a homeless orphan. One day he'd become a member of Phantom Lord, then he could show everyone how strong he was meant to be.

After stopping by a food stand to get an inexpensive meal, the teens arrived at Lucy's room. It was small, with just enough space to fit two beds and a small table with one chair. Without giving much thought to his actions, Ryos sat down at the table and tore into his food. It had been so long since he'd had a freshly cooked meal. The smell had been taunting his starved belly all the way to the room, but he managed to refrain from snatching the bag from Lucy during the walk.

Deciding to give him time to eat as much as he wanted, Lucy grabbed a fresh outfit and went to the bathroom to shower. She took her time, enjoying the way her tired muscles relaxed under the hot spray. The mission hadn't been hard but her legs were tired after walking for so long. Eventually, she realized she had been in the shower much longer than planned and hurried to finish up so there would be hot water left for her temporary partner. A pang of loneliness settled in when she realized they'd likely go their separate ways tomorrow, which made the darkness in her mind stir. The blonde hated being alone after spending so many years feeling isolated in her family's mansion. When her emotions became too intense, her unwelcomed cargo would attempt to persuade her to accept its offerings of a power great enough to change her life. Ignoring the urging, she dressed quickly and stepped out of the bathroom to find Ryos sitting at the end of a bed as if he'd been waiting for her to finish. As soon as she laid eyes on the boy, the pressure in her mind eased.

"You can take a shower, if you want. I think there will be some hot water left for you." The blonde finished sheepishly. When he didn't get up right away, it dawned on her that a boy who steals to eat probably doesn't have any extra clothes to wear. Hoping she wasn't overstepping a boundary, she added, "If you want, you can use the robe in the bathroom and put your clothes outside the door in the laundry bag. Someone will stop by and take the bag of clothes to be washed overnight so you'll have something to wear tomorrow."


When Ryos closed the bathroom door, Lucy ate what was left of the food, surprised to see he had left her a good sized portion. She had expected him to eat nearly all of it but was glad he was so considerate. Having finished her meal and feeling unsure of what else to do, she decided to curl up under the covers until he came out.

The young dragon slayer waited to turn off the shower until he heard Lucy's breathing even out as she fell asleep. It hadn't been hard to hear her, even with the water on. He had thoroughly enjoyed a hot shower but got out after it turned cold, only leaving the water running as a diversion. The young teen had considered leaving the bathroom then, but it would be really weird to hang out with a girl while he only wore a robe

After putting his dirty clothes out to be cleaned, Ryos climbed into the first bed he would be sleeping in since leaving the orphanage over a month ago. That wasn't a place he could stay in. Every orphanage he'd gone to was the same, essentially a prison for homeless children. The director was never as he or she appeared to be when potential parents came to see the children. Once outsiders were gone, the director would become a heartless tyrant, abusing children in every way conceivable. There was never enough food to eat properly or enough space for them to live comfortably. Ryos only stayed in those places when it was too cold to sleep outside, and would then escape to a new town where he'd lay low until it was time to meet up with his mentor again. It had been this way since losing Skiadrum years ago and would likely stay this way until he was strong enough to join Phantom Lord.

Morning found the two eating the last of Lucy's apples in silence. The Celestial Mage wasn't ready to leave her newfound friend behind just yet, which confused her. She didn't really understand the attachment. Assuming it was caused by the lack of socialization in her life, the blonde ignored her uncertainty in favor of deciding how to ask him if he wanted to stick with her for awhile.

Unbeknownst to her, Ryos was having a similar internal debate. He didn't understand why he felt so at home with the older girl. It wasn't as if he knew much more about her than any other friendly stranger he'd met. Regardless, the dragon slayer wasn't ready to part with the only person who had made him feel welcome since he lost his father, but he wasn't sure how to ask her if he could stay until the next time he met with his mentor.

"Do you want – "

"Would it be ok if-"

Both teens froze when they heard the other speaking at the same time then started laughing, though Ryos' was more of a quiet chuckle, realizing they had both been thinking on the same thing. Lucy's smile stayed in place when their laughter died down and the pair agreed to work together until they had to part ways.

Weeks passed quickly as April ended and May slipped by. The young mages took job requests together, falling into a rhythm that worked well. There was an unnatural balance between the two, as if they were made to be partners. Since neither was highly trained, they couldn't take on any high paying jobs but were able to make enough money to move from inn to inn as needed and stay fed. Doing simple jobs like cleaning out libraries and chasing down the same flock of pigeons two more times wasn't very glamorous work for mages, but that was ok with the teens. It was a vast improvement for Ryos and welcome change for Lucy. The stuffy life of high society was never what the blonde was meant for. This was the life she had dreamt of; well, for the most part. Eventually, she would plant roots in a city with a guild she could join where she'd get an apartment and build her life.

Although she knew it was a long shot, she held out hope Ryos would come along. It was hard for the Celestial Mage to imagine life without the young slayer after spending so much time together. The fact that the dark haired teen had a crush on her was obvious with his lingering staring and blushing if they touched, but she ignored it. There were no romantic feelings on her part, though she cared deeply for him and would miss him greatly when they parted soon.

He was determined to become a mage of Phantom Lord, even knowing it was a dark guild. His mentor was there, who Ryos clearly idolized, and planned to follow in the nameless man's footsteps. Lucy had asked once about his mentor's identity but dropped the subject entirely when Ryos clammed up. The blonde assumed the man must also be a dragon slayer since she'd learned her friend was a dragon slayer, but didn't know anything beyond what she'd deduced. If the teen's reaction was anything to go by, his mentor had taught Ryos a very memorable lesson in keeping the man's name from passing between his lips.

When the middle of June came around, the now close friends knew it was time to say goodbye. Lucy had heard Salamander of Fairy Tail would be passing through a nearby port town soon and she needed to leave to be there to search for him. Hopefully, the Salamander would be able to take her to his guild.

Ryos also couldn't stay any longer. His mentor should have returned from a long term mission a couple of weeks ago and would be expecting his mentee to come around. If the teen wanted to continue in his apprenticeship, he'd have to leave Lucy.

Saying their farewells to one another, Lucy hugged Ryos close, lingering long enough to notice he had grown in the short time they'd been together. He was no longer shorter than her but now about the same height. She just knew he'd grow into a handsome heartthrob and looked forward to teasing him next time she saw him. The beautiful blonde kissed his cheek, leaving the boy blushing as red as his ruby colored eyes as she walked away laughing. Ryos watched her leave looking forward to the next time he'd see the girl that had stolen his heart. He had no way of knowing that wouldn't happen until many years had passed filled with unfathomable heartache.