The late afternoon sun sprawled out against the ivory sheets, making the young brunette man feel tired as he lay in its warmth and listened to the distant sound of Wingulls and Pelippers sing along to the crashing waves. He opened his eyes for a moment, bringing his hand to his face. He gazed at his ring finger, with a small, silver ring wrapped around it. He awoke every morning with this ring here, ate each meal with it, and so forth, but seldom did he ever actually remember to acknowledge it. When he did, it brought a warm feeling to his cheeks and his chest. The only time he truly did take it off and slip it in his back pocket was during Pokémon battles, as he feared it could be lost or destroyed during one. As he gazed tenderly at the piece of jewelry, a voice called for him from the other side of the room.

"Babe, are you getting ready?" the voice called. The brunette was distracted, rotating his hand around, looking at the ring from each angle still. "Love?" the voice spoke again. No response. Suddenly, steps crunched on the carpet as the voice appeared closer. "Red? Red!" The man on the bed finally lost his focus on the ring and turned to look at the voice. There stood a familiar, loving face, although its expression seemed to be a bit annoyed at the moment. The face belonged to a young man named Blue, who stood with one hand on his hip, ginger hair and hazel eyes glimmering in the sunlight coming from the window. "Red, dear, we have to be at the party in an hour." Red lifted his body up a bit from the bed and looked at Blue. Red didn't speak much, but when he did, his voice was a low, rich voice, which was quite contrary to that of Blue's higher, lighter voice. "I'm already ready." Red spoke. Blue took a quick moment, his eyes scanning Red. "I suppose it doesn't matter what you wear anyway," Blue spoke as he turned, "The party is more of a gathering, it's casual. That's what Professor Kukui said, anyhow." He began to walk back towards the bathroom. The comment seemed a bit backhanded to Red, as he jumped quickly off the bed and walked to Blue. He stopped him in his path as he swung his large arms around the ginger's chest and lay his chin on his shoulder. "Was that comment necessary?" Red jeered. A muffled chuckle was heard from Blue. "I'm sorry dear, you just don't seem to care about your fashion as much as I do."

"I don't think it's important."

"I suppose it doesn't matter anyway…" Blue trailed off. Red puffed out his cheeks in a pout. "I… don't really care about this party-thing either… We're not supposed to be doing work stuff… We're on…" he stopped mid-sentence. Blue freed himself from Red's embrace and turned to face him. "On…?" Red's cheeks formed a light blush. "Our… honeymoon…" Red, a rather large, and occasionally intimidating, young man, turned his face towards the floor in a fluster as his face turned as red as a pokéball. Him and Blue had been together romantically for a few years now, had been together even longer if you count their childhood rivalry, and now they had made it official and tied the knot. Yet, Red still often found himself flustered with his stomach in knots when he thought of his husband. Needless to say, any talk of their romance that seemed out of the blue sent him into a tizzy. Blue smiled sympathetically as he brought a hand to his husband's face. "I'm sorry, love… you know how it is. World famous champions spotted in the Alola region…" Blue trailed off again, catching his thought after a bit. He stepped closer to Red, wrapping his arms around his neck. "Tonight is the last work-related obligation, alright? The rest of the trip is free to us." Blue smiled as Red leaned in, giving his husband a light kiss on this lips. "Alright." He reiterated. For a moment the two stared at each other affectionately, until a small tug was felt on Red's pant leg. He looked down to see his partner Pikachu, who just a moment ago was curled up asleep on the bed, gazing up at him. "Pikaa!" the little Pokémon cried. Red turned and squatted, speaking to it in a singsong voice. "What is it buddy? You want a kiss too?"

"Pii!" It sung out with joy. Red reached out for it, lifting it up, and gave it a large smooch on its forehead. Small bolts of electricity rose from its red cheeks as it giggled with delight. Red and Blue both chuckled as they watched the little flustered Pokémon wriggle with happiness. After the laughter faded, Red took a glance at the clock. "I suppose I have time to take a shower before the party."

"Yeah? I thought you were already ready?" Blue queried. "I am, but honestly I still have the feeling of seawater on my skin from this morning." Red said as he put Pikachu back down. Blue laughed. "Alright, just don't make us late."

"I won't…" Red replied as he began to undress for his quick shower.