Gringotts Part 2


"Well if it's OK with Harry if he is Harry and you Sirius as you are Harry Potter's godfather we would like to do a DNA test to find out his true identity. Is that OK?" Ribwatts asked. "Will it hurt? How long will it take? How is it done?" Asked a very frantic Harry. "All you have to do is prick the tip of your index finger with a pin and then press the same finger that you pricked with the pin onto the parchment. The results will be instantaneous and there will be some slight pain from pricking your finger." Ribwatts replied soothingly trying to convince the boy it was OK; "how does that sound Harry?"


"It sounds okay I guess but you promise it won't hurt too much? Harry replied still very unsure. "I promise it won't hurt very much Harry," Ribwatts said soothingly. "OK. Then I'll do it." Replied a very brave Harry.

Then a piece of parchment appeared on the table with a pin. Harry took the pin and pricked his index finger with it. He winced slightly at the pain and pressed his finger onto the parchment. It glowed for a moment before it burst into flames and another piece of parchment appeared on the desk.

Harry yelped at the shock of the parchment turning to flame and hid behind Sirius as a result. "It's OK Harry. I'm sorry I should have mentioned that it does that so no one can steal or use your blood or DNA. As for the results it confirms that you are indeed Harry James Potter. I do apologize for not believing you but I can hardly go around believing that people are who they say they are as this is a bank and security is of the utmost importance especially when they are reported dead." Ribwatts said.

"That's OK. It's not everyday someone comes in here claiming to be someone that's dead. It is understandable." Sirius replied whilst picking Harry up in his arms. "Now that we have established that Harry is indeed Harry, what do we do about the fact that he is officially dead?" He continued.

"Whoever declared him dead obviously wants him to stay that way; therefore we can't have Harry running around as a dead man, he needs a name change." Stated Tom calmly. "As you have said, Tom," Keith replied, "Harry can't go around being someone that is indeed dead and it would be far easier for his name to be changed instead of making the records show that Harry is alive. But whoever name he takes they will become his parents unless the name is fictitious in which case one or both of you will have to change your names and identities."

"What about Harry James Potter Black?" Harry suggested thinking that way Sirius would look after him. "What?" came Sirius's reply. "No offense Sirius or Harry but I don't think that's a good idea." Tom was saying before being abruptly cut off by Sirius, "What! Why the hell not. I am his godfather after all." "Yes but you didn't let me finish, Sirius. As I was saying it would be far too obvious for James and Lilly to be killed and then their best friend to suddenly have a son who is the same age as Harry. What about Harry Black Entwhistle, Harry?" Tom asked.

While Harry was thinking about that Sirius said "I guess you're right, Tom. Changing his name to Black would just reveal who he is. If he does decide to change his name to Black Entwhistle what do we say if people ask why Harry's middle name is Black?" "Well we can say that before Harry was born you saved my life and I am in you debt therefore naming my son after you." Tom replied. "But what about his mother?" Sirius asked. "She died during child birth." Tom said simply.

"Because Tom would become my father if I changed my name to Entwhistle would Sirius still be able to take care of me?" Asked Harry trying to make the best decision. "Harry I'm sorry but no. The only way that would happen is if Tom became unfit to provide for you but even then Sirius wouldn't be the first choice to be given custody because it would be family first." Keith replied.

"Sirius is that OK with you, Padfoot?" Harry asked not wanting to lose any more family then he already had. "Harry, Cub. Its fine with me so long as I know you're safe." Sirius said wanting to be strong for Harry's sake. "But that means you won't be looking after me and I won't get to see you Padfoot." Harry said with tears in his eyes. "I know Harry but I'll come and visit." Sirius said. "Well if it helps I have a spare room if you decided to move in, Sirius." Tom said, "if Harry takes my name." "So if I became you son I would still be with Padfoot?" Harry asked Tom trying not to get too excited. "Yes Harry if he chooses to do so otherwise he will of course be allowed to visit." Tom replied making Harry smile. "I will have to discuss it with Remus first but thank you for the offer, Tom." "That's no problem. I'm willing to do anything for Harry's well being." Tom replied.

"Now Harry, do you want to become Harry Black Entwhistle?" Keith formally asked. "Yes I do. I want to become Harry Black Entwhistle." Harry stated. "Now Tom Entwhistle do you agree to take care and provide for Harry?" Keith asked. "Yes I do." Tom replied. "Now I need you to sign these official documents to make it official." Keith said as a few pieces of parchment appeared on the desk.

As Tom was reading through the parchment and signing them Sirius spoke up and asked "what happens with Harry's accounts as James and Lilly had more money than the Malfoys have. And has anyone taken any money out of his accounts for his death or otherwise?" "We can run a security check on the Potter account and all of the accounts linked to it and see who has taken money out or into any of the accounts and how much." "Depending on the results legal action may be desired or required to be taken in which case that can be done. After the security check has been completed you will be reimbursed for any discrepancies and the accounts and balances can be transferred into the Entwhistle name as you have legally verified that Harry has changed his name."

"How long will the check take?" Asked Tom as he finished signing the forms. "The security check will take an hour or two depending on types of accounts there are and their security. You are more than welcome to leave and come back later if you have things to do. You are welcome to take as long as you like as the results may take longer and they will only be available for us to view." Ribwatts said. "We would like to security check to be run please and we will back later as we need to buy Harry some clothes and toys to play with as well as breakfast." Tom said before they began to leave. "Now Goldbrock will take you back to the lobby." Ribwatts said as a goblin appeared in the doorway.

When they got back to the lobby they preceded to leave with a new idea in mind. As they left the bank they were all squinting at the harsh sunlight after being in the bank all night. After a few moments, once they could see again Sirius asked "what are we going to do now whilst we wait?"

"Well there is the Order meeting you will want to be at and Harry and I can do some shopping for clothes and some toys as it would be impractical to go back to Godric's Hallow as Dumbledore will have someone guarding the house and that would just confirm that I have Harry. In any case I was planing on getting some breakfast in the Leaky Cauldron after we have finished shopping, as I'm hungry and I'm sure Harry is too." Tom said. "Well if you would consider I can show you some of the places Lilly and James liked to go shopping for Harry, the only problem is that it's in Godric's Hollow." Sirius suggested. "Well we could do that with the help of Glamour Charms then anyone watching the Potter house won't know who we are." Tom replied.

"Anyway I should be going, don't want to be late after all. Bye Harry. Bye Tom." Sirius said giving Harry a hug, "I'll meet up with you in the Leaky Cauldron when I'm finished." "Bye Padfoot," Harry said. "Bye Sirius," Tom said. And with that Sirius Apparated to his house in Grimmauld Place to attend the Order meeting; leaving Tom and Harry standing on the steps to Gringotts.