Author's Notes

Hey, so this is MikeX713 and I regret to inform people but this fic's other author, Darthmart will no longer be available. She has had some family trouble that has resulted in some personal drama that I won't get into. But she is no longer able to keep in touch with me in a regular fashion because of this and so I will be taking full ownership of this fic. I have her notes and do know generally what her story was going to be so I hope I can do it right.

That being said, don't expect new updates all the time. People that know me know how I tend to do things. A bunch of updates over the course of a month or two and then dead for random amounts of time.

Hopefully you can all enjoy this.

My Discord, Realm of Nonsense. Link - mgHeyJ8






He had no time left, but he wasn't going to let him win. He was the Overlord! Not this ghost puppeteering the body of a hero. In fact, the spirit of his predecessor should be greatly ashamed of himself to even consider possessing the body of such a champion of Good.

"FOOL! You are nothing but a pretender to the throne!" The Wizard shouted as the ritual under him began emitting a brighter glow than ever before. Bathing the Tower throne room in dark red light. "But soon it shall be over, soon you will be used for something far greater. You will be my vessel, and I will once again rule over all!"

"Would just shut up." He grumbled as he forced his body to stand up against the sheer weight of the magic pushing down on him. Through his helmet he glanced over to Rose, smirking at him from behind the Wizard holding her father's soul. He would gut her and plant her hand on a spike for all to see and cheer for her death. "I will not… submit to anyone!" He roared before he took another step toward the aged and wakened body his foe was using. It wouldn't take anything at all to finish this, just a quick swing down and his axe would be buried in the head of his foe.

"You will, I am the Overlord… I have always been the Master of Evil. Just because you fooled the Tower, the Minions, and even my own daughter…" The Wizard glanced to his Velvet who was at the very center of the ritual circle. The true Overlord admired her beauty and honesty when it came to her love of power and wealth, a far better mistress than Rose ever was. He had no regrets for spurning Rose for her sister… the fact that Velvet was a fantastic fuck in bed also played into this opinion. But now the Overlord was using the sight of his mistress being used like this a another source of fuel for his rage.

Nearby, Gnarl watched the scene with an evil gleam in the old Minion's eye. What ever happened, Evil would win out. Either with the old or with the new. But Evil would find a way. It had been a long journey for the new Overlord, Aizen Korath, a strong and cunning man that wasted no time in becoming a master of Evil in his own right. Gnarl would have no problem if it was him that overthrew the previous Overlord. Nothing wrong with a bit of regicide in order to advance one's own position of power.

"You shouldn't have spurned me so quickly Aizen." Rose said as she circled the struggling armored man. Oh how he had come to hate her voice, sounding so superior to everything he did. He would rip that tongue out of her skull soon enough. "Going to this tramp… that was the worst mistake you ever made."

"No… that was choosing those Elves over that pile of gold…" Aizen grumbled to himself as he continued to fight the power barraging down on him. "Ungrateful pointy eared whores… you on the other hand. No longer hearing your constant complaining in my ear… worth it." She sneered at his words before returning to her father's side.

"Enough of this… now it is time for my return to power." The Wizard declared as the ritual circle changed from red to blue. "Now! It is time!" He called out as magical energy began whipping around him, Velvet, and the current Overlord. "Yes… I can feel it… soon my time shall-" In a instant there was a load bang and a puff of smoke filling the throne room. It soon cleared and the four that were in the circle was down to one… Rose… and she was laying on the floor unmoving.

"Ugaa… my lord?" Gnarl asked, not specifying which Overlord that he was referring to. "Oh no… it seems they both have been blow up." Gnarl said not liking this outcome at all. Both were fine Overlords and to lose them was a damn shame. But Gnarl felt… unchanged… in the most vital of ways. He still felt the need to serve… not to search like he had when they had lost the previous Overlords. "Strange… very strange… Gripler! Take the wench on the floor to the dungeons. I will question her later." One of the Brown Minion guards saluted and with a few of his spawn brothers he collected the downed former mistress and began dragging her off to her fate.

"What 'appened to da masta?" Brikly asked Gnarl and honestly the aged Minion had no idea. The gray minion wandered the Throne room for some time before he stopped and eyed the black and red banners of Overlord Korath.

"We must find answers… we must have an Overlord." Gnarl said as he began shuffling his way to the barrows under the Tower. "Brikly, Bister, and Hoter you will round up the Minions and search the crypts… perhaps our master is already awake." The selected Minions all ran off to do just that with glee as Gnarl entered the barrows of the Tower. He eyed the Tower Heart carefully… it was all so confusing. The Tower Heart was losing power just as it would if a Overlord was yet to be found. "Mortis! Get up here… I need to talk to a minion with brains." Gnarl ordered and out from the Blue Spawning Pit came out a Blue Minion wrapped in a dark cloak.

"Yes Gnarl… what has happened… the Minions in the Netherworld want to know what is the outcome of the duel." The grim Minion asked as he slushed himself over to the fellow ancient minion.

"I don't know what happened… one second everything was fine and we had two fighting Overlords and about to have one triumphant Overlord but then… poof." Gnarl said with a throw of his hands to exemplify the event, the other actually intelligent minion raised a eyebrow at this.


"Poof… they were gone." Gnarl said before he looked up to the Tower Heart. The artifact was crafted by the First Overlord who built the Dark Tower, meant as a means of centralizing the powers of the Overlords that would come after. "The previous Overlord is dead… I saw his ashes in the throne room and kicked them a bit… he's dead."

"Sound reasoning." Mortis nodded satisfied with Gnarl's process.

"Yes… I thought so too. But… the newest Overlord… he's… I don't know."

"Something happened when you kicked his ashes?"

"No ashes to kick… unfortunately… but maybe not so. I feel… this feeling is what I have felt after an Overlord dies. I have only felt this once before in the many Overlords that I have seen. Once before when an Overlord had created his very own little spawnling." Gnarl said carefully as he wasn't too sure on this theory but as he thought on it things began making more sense. The Tower Heart wasn't losing energy because it lacked a Overlord but because the current Overlord was but a small little clump of cells in a woman's belly. Too weak to be able to properly have a connection with the artifact of Evil.

"Aah… Overlord Barkcus… big one that." Mortis commented as the old minion dragged up his memories of the man. "I do remember that he managed to plant his seed into his mistress. But the child never took its first breath."

"Yes, Overlord Barkcus' successor saw to that." Gnarl darkly laughed at that. The Overlord that followed Barkcus had been a bloodthirsty one. His time was short but… very fun for the Browns indeed. "Oh how they raided and slaughtered their way through the lands… ah… good times."

"He kicked me once… good riddance." Mortis grumbled before he returned to the subject at hand. "But you are correct… now that think on it… I feel more like waiting than searching."

"Well that is wrong because we have no idea where our master is!" Gnarl shouted angrily as he pressed his aged face and hands into the Tower Heart. "Now show me damn you! Where is our next master!"

"Do you see anything?"

"Snow… I see snow… and fluffy seals… bah… no place for a budding master of Evil." Gnarl shook his head in disgust. "We must find our master… that is the only way we can give him a proper Evil upbringing."

Year X763

Velvet opened her eyes, she felt weak… something she hated above all else. She tried to move but she felt someone stop her, a voice that sounded worried said something but she was too weak to understand. The last thing she recalled was her father and sister plotting to overthrow Aizen. Her love, her master, her one true Overlord.

No one was like Aizen, no one could ever be as cruel and cunning as a demon yet at the same time so strong and skilled with an axe that no man, mortal or otherwise, could face him in battle. He would have been a great Dark Ruler over all he could see. And she would have been right at his side. Pleasuring him and offering guidance as befitting a Mistress of the Overlord. But now… that was all ruined, unless she awoke to see the faces of a bunch of Aizen's Minion's hanging above her.

"Please miss… you mustn't move so much. You have a few wounds and you're body is quite exhausted" Nope… no Minion would speak that friendly and intelligently at the same time. It was either one or the other. "Here… drink this." The man offered, and she took whatever it was that was shoved in her face. If it was poisoned, then so be it. She would die and be returned to her love in hell or he would avenge her death

"What is that swill… it is disgusting." She spat as she finished it off. It might have tasted horrible, but she would not be such a undignified woman as to spit it up. She had far too much respect for herself for that.

"Medicine rarely is I'm afraid." The man chuckled before she felt him leave her side. Her vision had begun to clear up and she could see that wherever she was it was very… rustic would be the kind word. Velvet thought it was a run down shack.

"Just where I'm I?" She demanded as she blinked her eyes open.

"Nordberg, a small fishing town on the border with the Alvarez Empire. But don't worry… I doubt they would take notice of such an out of the way village." He assured her as he went about his work with the bowls of herbs. Meanwhile Velvet was taking in the information, for one thing… the way he talked about this Alvarez Empire made her think she should find her way there as fast as possible. She could do well in a place that made commoners like this man so afraid. But for right now she needed more information, so she would play with this man a bit more.

"I'm sorry… but I don't seem to recognize anything you have told me." She said trying to pull an innocent tone. Lost and confused woman in need had worked for her before why not now? "It seems I'm quite lost… whatever will I do?" Velvet asked with a small hitch of fear and sadness to her act. "One moment… I… was with my husband and then…" It was a risk to say she was married as it would lessen the use of sex appeal, but she knew it was worth it. Mostly because no other man would ever touch her other than her love and master. And stating the idea that she married would go quite far in that regard. "… this evil wizard and his hag came and began performing some spell or something… and now I'm here." She said with a good amount of tears in her eyes.

"Oh now… don't cry." He said warmly as he came over to her side and took her hand. She wanted nothing more than to slice his throat open for that but she kept those feelings on the inside. But she made a mental note to kill this one some time later once his usefulness came to a end. "I'm sorry to hear that… and don't worry. You are among like minded people here. There are no mages or magic users of any kind here. Nothing good comes from them anyways."

"Thank you… but… when you found was there a man with me perhaps? In armor?" She asked hopefully, with honest emotions this time. She needed her love and Master, she could no longer live without him. But her hopes were dashed by the sad look on the man's face. "No…"

"I'm sorry again… but you were the only one we found." He said and instantly Velvet's mind went blank. She couldn't see tomorrow in any way, because she had already resigned to fact she wouldn't see it. Her eyes quickly glanced a small knife on the nearby table likely to be used in any crude surgery this man needed to perform. "It is a shame too… dreadful thing for a child to never known their father." That stopped all forming thought in her mind.

"What? What did you just say?!" Velvet roared shocking and slightly scaring the man.

"Oh… you did not know. Well miss… you have been here for some time and during that time I wanted to see if there was anything wrong with your body beyond what I could see." He said before standing up and moving to a nearby shelf. Where he took out a small device no bigger than his hand. "Now while we may not have magic users… we do have a few magical items. I use this here to do full checkups, very effective. But… it informed me once I used it on you that you are indeed with child. I hope that this is good news for you." He said and once he did Velvet smiled and held a hand over her stomach.

"Yes… I think it is… very good news indeed." She said as she felt a renewed sense of purpose entering her. She had her love's child and heir growing inside her. The future Overlord, and it would be. She would make sure of that. Even if Gnarl and the rest of the Minions found someone new to follow around… her child would come and overthrow the pretender. Her love may be gone but his will and future was just as strong as it always had been.

Year X774

Aizen Korath, junior, was young child. He was at the moment in the outskirts of the small village that he had always known as his home. Mostly he was playing in the snow making snowmen that were either his minions or just his friends… it depended on how his day was going. Toady he had assembled a nice squad of fearsome looking snowmen. They were ready to attack and destroy all of his enemies. Rampage and pillage.

A person might not expect a small child to dream of being a leader of a horde of evil snowmen but Aizen was no normal child. Since he could recall he had been taught that he was Evil, the son of the Overlord and the future Overlord. His mother had taken care of him and raised him to understand what was right and wrong, that whoever had the most power could decide what was right and whoever opposed you was wrong even if they thought they were right. It was complicated but eventually Aizen understood, when the town he lived in chased away his mother he knew they were wrong but they had power so they said they were right.

"Toady my minions we undergo our most vital of missions… we will destroy Griff's stupid fort." Aizen shouted to his snowy soldiers, all of them standing at attention. It was a local bully that Aizen knew one day would be just one of many he would take revenge on for real. This was just practice. "It will be a long and bloody campaign… but one I find to be worth the costNow many of you are likely questioning your orders… to that I say…" He said from under his large hood that hid his features from sight as he raised his hand. Aizen was about to fire off at the eight snowmen that acted as his legion of evil but then his ears picked up something nearby. He took down his hood revealing his whole face.

Red scaly skin instead of normal flesh, ivory white fangs in place of teeth, lizard like yellow eyes, small forming horns protruded out from his forehead, and lastly long sharp ears twitched as he kept listening for what he heard moment ago. A large grin formed on his face as he listened in on the sounds of footsteps in the snow. They were soft and if it had been a normal human listening they would never pick it up. Aizen lowered himself to a crouch and move quietly to between his snowmen soldiers. He backed up but stopped as a bucket of snow was dumped on his head.

"Gotcha!" A happy girl's voice shouted out as she moved from behind the boy and in front of him. She stood above him as he sat in the snow trying to clean himself off from her prank. "You'll never get me Witch-Boy, you can try but you'll never get me." She giggled as Aizen shook the last bits of snow off from his head.

"You keep saying that Kelda… and one day I'll make it come true." He said as he looked up to his only friend. And the only one that called him Witch-Boy and wasn't making fun of him. Kelda was the only person in the whole town of Nordberg that willingly talked or interacted with him. He didn't know why or how it happened but Kelda started showing up after the town had run his mother out, at first she just sneaked to his home and looked in the windows. She would run away when he looked up at her but eventually she came into the house and yelled at him for not being the scary monster she had been told he was. He found the fact he wasn't scary to her so funny that he burst out laughing and she just kept yelling at to stop laughing at her.

"Not likely Witch-Boy. Just try and get me!" She challenged and Aizen was happy to try. The roles had reversed since that day with Kelda laughing and Aizen yelling at her. The two ran through the surrounding forest like the kids they were. The two had now been friends for many years, both were outcasts that had come together. Aizen was shunned by all due to his appearance and his obvious magical ancestry. While Kelda was ostracized by the other children for the rumors that had been around her saying that she was a child of her mother and a wolf.

The two children continued to play in the forest for hours as they did often. But that came to a stop when both heard someone nearby in the snow. They were too far from the town itself, none of the other kids dared to come this far. And they were in the part of the forest that the adults avoided because they thought it was cursed, more than likely they saw Aizen here one to many times and just came to that idea. It sounded like someone struggling in the snow. Both were fairly confused as to why someone would have problems in the snow. Everyone from Nordberg had lived all their lives in the snow and so none of the villagers would be without the means to move through the white ground. But then Aizen's ears twitched again as he heard this person fall into the snow. He dashed forward toward the sound with Kelda behind him.

His movements agile and effortless. He always had been able to move swiftly and all while without making a sound. His body unnaturally fast as well as strong. Even at as young age as he was he was on par with full grown men. It was all this with his appearance that made all the other villagers fear him. People said that he was cursed, that he was really a demon or maybe a child of one. His mother told him that they were wrong, oh so wrong. That he didn't come from something so pathetic as a demon nor was he one such being.

Kelda on the other had was a natural in this environment. The rumors about her being a wolf girl didn't come from nowhere after all. She spent much of her time running through the snowy trees and hunting wherever she had the chance. Anything to help out her mother put food on the table. Her skill simply came from the need to survive and the gods had seen fit to grant this poor girl a natural gift in nature.

Eventually they came upon the person that attracted their attention and it was a fallen girl. Black hair and from the red in her eyes Kelda could tell she had been crying. Aizen… was a little oblivious to that. But both could also tell that she was not prepared for the weather. All she had on was a light blue lab gown… something that really wasn't suited for the chilly environment of Nordberg.

"What should we do with her?" Aizen asked as he grabbed a nearby stick to poke the fallen girl with. He wasn't trying to be rude or mean… he just lacked the understanding that such an action would be taken that was. He wanted to see if she was still alive and poking her seemed the best means to do that. His mother had mostly raised on higher ideas than the basics as she was too enamored with the future to get the necessities of how to act. And even after Kelda came into Aizen life she hadn't been able to get him out of those bad habits.

"Don't do that." Kelda said as she took the stick and threw it back. Aizen looked back and thought about going back to get the stick. "Focus." Kelda said as she knew what was going through his head. She knew he was a little… inept when it came to interacting with people or just simply acting like a normal person. But he wasn't a normal person and he was a nicer person than any of the other kids in the town. "Here… help me pick her up."

"Why?" Aizen asked frowning. He would rather leave her here and return to what they were doing. He didn't know who this girl was and didn't want her to bring problems to him and Kelda.

"Because we're taking her to your place where she can get better." Kelda said as she started to lift the unknown girl out of the snow. Aizen grumbled a bit but did as his friend told him.

Ultear smelled something really good. The fact she hadn't had any food in days only added to the heavenly aroma that was entering her nose. She began to stir awake but then felt something being pushed in her face. She opened her eyes and saw that some sort of meat on a bone was being shoved to her closed mouth.

"Eat." She looked up and saw a… she thought it was a boy, but he looked very strange. And he was the one pushing the meat in her face. "Here… eat. Eating makes you feel better." He… wasn't wrong. But he also wasn't going about this in the best way. Ultear snatched the meat out of the boy's hand and quickly took a bite out of it. She was so hungry and it smelled so good so questions of who was this boy and where was she could wait. "See… feeling better?" He asked but all he got was a scary glare from Ultear. He quickly skittered away, moving faster than what Ultear knew a normal person could. He ended up on top of a bookshelf that hugged the back of the small cottage that they both were in.

"I… I'm sorry." Ultear said as she felt guilty for scaring him. He had saved her from the cold and was giving her food. "Come down… I'm not going to hurt you."

"Are you sure… because it kinda looked like you were going to." The boy said with a small amount of sass and reluctance. Ultear felt like she had done all that was required of her and proceeded to ignore the boy and continuing eating her first real… meal she guessed… in a long time.

She took a moment to check surroundings, it was a small cottage, there was three doors in sight and she knew one of them had to lead outside. That meant two other rooms. But she was currently occupying the only bed so that told her those other rooms had other purposes. And aside from the boy and herself they were the only ones in the building as far as she could tell. The fact he hadn't gone into one of the other rooms when she frightened meant that they were alone. He would have gone to them if they had someone he knew inside.

As she continued to eat she glanced back up to the boy who remained in his perched spot, not looking like the position made him uncomfortable in any way. His silted yellow eyes were trained on her with an intent she had seen before. He was studying her. But unlike the researchers at the Bureau of Magical Development there wasn't malice or greedy hunger behind his eyes. Just curiosity.

"What?" She asked as she was starting get very annoyed by his staring at her.

"You're not scared of me." He said bluntly as he stuck his head out a little. "Even though you've seen what I look like." She found that to be an acceptable answer, he was odd looking and if it wasn't for the fact she knew her power was great enough to protect herself she would in fact be quite scared of him. But she wasn't and was more curious about him than scared.

"No, I'm not. Why would I care what you look like?" She waved off before she finished off the last bit of meat on the bone that she had been given. She tossed the bone away and looked back to the boy with a look that said I would like more. The boy frowned but he eventually climbed down the bookshelf using his hands and feet. It was then Ultear saw the tail that extend out from his clothing, it grew to about twice his own length and ended in a sharp barbed point. Once he was at the ground he dashed over to one of the side doors and opened it and quickly closed it pulling out two uncooked sides of meat. Ultear then watched he breathed fire onto the meat until they were both cooked.

"Yes, I can breathe fire and look like this. Make of it what you want." He grumbled as he brought over her another bone of meat. Once she took it he quickly made his way to the other side of the room and began to eat his own. ripping it to pieces with his razor sharp fangs.

"At this point I should just come out and ask you… what are you?" She asked as he ripped off another piece of meat. Whatever he was he lacked basic table manners. "A demon?"

"Nope… human." He said as if he had heard that idea before, but Ultear also saw that he slowed his pace in eating. Like he was purposefully awaiting her reaction to his statement. But she was unsure how to respond to something like that. He clearly wasn't a normal human… his body confirmed otherwise. But if said he was human… it was too complicated for her at the moment, she was still tired both psychically and emotionally. So instead she decided to move past that line of questioning.

"What are we eating?" She asked as she looked back down to the meat in her hands not noticing the small twitch of the boy's long ears at her moving past what he was.

"It's seal." He said before he continued to rip pieces off his meat until it was all gone. He then began to gnaw at the bone like a dog would. Ultear couldn't help but smile at the sight, she didn't find it scary or strange at all. More cute than anything. "I go hunting for the fluffy bastards when I run out of food." He said between chewing but once he finished speaking he threw the gnawed bone to the side and moved back to the storage room where he kept more meat.

"Don't your parents feed you?" She asked, once the words came out her mouth she frowned. What did she know about good parents? But before she could sink back into her recently formed hatred the boy spoke again.

"No… my dad is dead." He said quickly and with a tone that was a bit too casual. "My mom… she left after she heard that the townspeople were going to burn her at the stake for being a witch." He explained as he took out a new piece of seal and cooked this one to what he wanted. "It's better this way anyway… the villagers are too scared of me to outright try to kill me and I'm pretty good at surviving on my own. Better in the long run if she had left." Ultear was about to yell at him for being so weak as too accept that. That he didn't blame her for running off and abandoning him just like her mother did to her. But some part of her remined rational enough to notice the way he said all this… it was almost robotic and totally rehearsed. Like it had been something he had to tell himself over and over again. There was something very different between her and him but similar enough to make her mad.

"No… it's not." She said as she stepped out of the bed. She came over to the boy and looked him in the eye. "She should be here with you. That's what a mother is supposed to do, be there for her child." He looked at her for a moment but then frowned.

"If she was here… it would be in ashes." He said with absolute certainty before he looked down slightly lost in his thoughts. "Everyday someone comes here and yells at me to go off and die, they never come to do it themselves because they know I could kill them. But my mom was just a normal human who had no means of defending herself against people that already hated her. I remember this one time she had come back from the town furious, they had gotten so fed up that they began stoning her the second she came through the town gates." He said before looking up to Ultear. "I want her here… but I don't want her to die more."

"Then… it's their fault that she's gone." Ultear drew out of the explanation. This was different than what happened to her. Her mother left her because she didn't want her but him… people forced him to lose his family. "Aren't you going to do anything about this? It's their fault so shouldn't they pay?" She demanded and the boy just chuckled.

"Someday… someday they will all pay dearly but right now let them be happy." He said with a dark smile that Ultear couldn't help but find deeply appealing to her. It was cruel and malevolent, something she had seen many times before but it was enjoying to see it directed toward people deserving of it. "One day I'll be the next Overlord, and everyone will serve me and all these happy days will make what's to come all the worse for them." He said and eyes glowed bright yellow for a moment before returning to normal… or as normal as could be.

"Overlord?" She asked as he said it like that was something very important but she had never heard of a title like that used in the way he did. She had been taught the bare minimal education back at the labs, and that did not include history. But she understood basic titles by overhearing the magical scientists talk.

"My father was the previous Overlord. In a land far away the name of Overlord is held by the Master of Evil and Lord of the Netherworld. I am Aizen Korath… named after my father and I will someday restore my father's empire… as soon as I can find it." He admitted with a small sad slump of the shoulders. Ultear held back a small giggle that wanted to escape at seeing him like this, it was cute seeing him get all puffed up only to slump down when faced with the reality of the situation.

"Are… you sure about that? I've never heard of any of that." She asked but it wasn't so much a accusation but just trying to make sure he wasn't crazy.

"That's what my mother told me… she was his Mistress and she stood by him until her sister and father betrayed them. It was them that sent my mother to this land and killed my father in doing it. If I ever find them, I'll rip them to shreds… more than anyone they are the ones that ruined my family." Ultear nodded at his logic, if they hadn't interfered then Aizen would be with both his parents. Such people deserved a most horrible death, logic like that came naturally to the girl. But then he suddenly turned the conversation on her. "What about you… why were you in the snow with nothing but that on." He said looking to her lab gown.

"W-well… I… don't judge me! I did perfectly fine getting here, and I was just as fine getting back before you came around." She said defensively but he just chuckled. "What's so funny?"

"You would have died if it wasn't for..." He said but then was promptly shoved aside by an angered Ultear. The two then proceeded tackle and quarrel among themselves.

"Take it back!" Ultear yelled as she held Aizen to the floor with his arm to his back. "Say I could have survived all on my own." While she wouldn't admit it to him ever… she was actually having fun doing something so childish. All her life she had been in a lab where the only people she knew were the researchers that were studying her. She never had a chance to play with other children or even interact with someone her own age.

"Never!" Aizen yelled in defiance as he struggled to free himself but then to Ultear's confusion he smirked. She then felt something coil around her midsection and pull her off of him. When she landed back she looked down and saw the Aizen's red tail wrapped around her untangle itself and return back to him. "Ha… I win!" He declared as he stood over her triumphantly.

"No, you cheated! I don't have a tail and that means you have an unfair advantage." She pointed out but Aizen just blew it off.

"I'm the next Overlord… I'm supposed to cheat and play dirty." He pointed out and… she honestly couldn't fault his logic even if it was stupid. "Now tell me why you were out there completely unprepared for the cold." He demanded like he had just won a prize. She sighed and supposed that she should answer it given that he told her about himself she should do the same.

"I… escaped and went to see my mother." She said knowing that was a fairly confusing statement to some that didn't have all the information. "I have always lived in a lab… I have so much magic power in me I get sick sometimes. It used to happen a lot more but the researchers at the lab were able to limit it and with training I've been able to control it but not completely. But… I wanted to see her… they told me that she just left me, and I didn't believe them. But when I found her with them…" It was at this point where it she wasn't able to force the anger to overpower the sadness. "She found people to replace me… she abandoned me and replaced me." She said and for all her trying to stop it found it impossible to stop the tears from returning. But then surprise came to overshadow the sadness when Aizen touched her cheek where a tear had started to roll down. "What are you doing?"

"I've never seen someone cry before… I don't really like it. I like you better when you're not crying." He said bluntly and without cation. And Ultear couldn't help feeling a tightness in her chest at his honest words. She had never felt this way when someone spoke to her. "And now your face is turning red like mine… does that happen to everyone when they get sad?" He asked as he leaned in close to her face.

"N-no… it's just so hot in here." She said quickly and pushed herself away from him. He was clearly just as confused as she was though for different reasons.

"So what are you going to do now?" He asked with a small tilt of his head.

"I… don't know really." She said as she pulled her legs into her chest. "I… didn't really think of what would happen when I found her. But I thought it would be better than this. And now…" She stopped herself, all she wanted was to take revenge against her mother and those boys for taking away the life she should have.

"You want revenge don't you?" Aizen asked with another one of those smiles that spoke to some dark part of her soul. It was like there was nothing she could say that he would find apprehensive, nothing was taboo, Evil… was acceptable. "I'm not going to be the one to tell you revenge is bad. I'm going to tell you can't let it consume you… because then what do you have then." He explained carefully. "I will have my revenge against the people that ruined my family… but I won't let it rule my life. I will have my own dreams and goals totally separate from my revenge because if I let it rule my life then I only let what they did to me that much worse." He said and Ultear listened to his words. She was about to say something but they both stopped their focus on each other and moved it to the sound of the several thuds against the door to the outside.

"Come on out Witch-boy!" They both heard through the door. The voice was young, around their age.

"Quit hiding like chicken!"

"Come out and play with us!" The voices were not friendly.

"I am not falling for that one again." Aizen pouted easily telling Ultear that he had taken this bait several times before. "The grownups stay away from me because they know I'll kill them if they try anything. But Griff and his friends don't understand. They're stupid and just pick on me because I look different."

"So why not kill them too?" Ultear asked already not liking these kids.

"Because my mother said not too, she said that it's one thing for there to be a dangerous young magic user that would attack people that tried to deal with him. But a whole other thing if that magic user killed people's children even if it was because they harassed him." Once again she couldn't fault his logic… or at least his mother's logic. People did stupid things when they were mad, even if that stupid thing would get them killed.

"Well she didn't say anything about me." Ultear said as she stood up with a determined look on her face. She began her way toward the door but fell forward on her face once Aizen tripped her up with his tail. "Hey! I was trying to help you!"

"You would be more effective if you changed." Aizen said bluntly as he pulled back his tail and walked over to a dresser. He soon pulled out a bundle of fur clothes and handed them over to Ultear. "You would look silly otherwise." She took the clothes and looked back to him expecting him to leave the room, but he didn't. "What?" He asked not understanding why she wasn't changing into the provided clothes. He was promptly punched into the floor.

"I'm not changing in front of a boy! Leave!" She ordered and Aizen whimpered his way into the nearby meat storage room to provide Ultear her privacy. "He really is clueless." She grumbled as she took off the lab gown that she had been using since she escaped. The given fur clothes were a little big on her but nothing a tightened belt couldn't fix. "Okay you can come out now!" She called to Aizen but he didn't come out. She frowned and went to the door and opened it. She found Aizen gnawing at a whole cooked seal. There was several other salted and hanging seals alongside some that hadn't yet been skinned.

"Hey…" Aizen said from his position of savagely biting on the neck of a roasted seal. He was soon dragged out of the room by Ultear who was beginning to reconsider helping the poor socially inept boy. But the children outside had continued their verbal assault along side their attack of snowballs. She deposited the boy next to the door and then opened it… and was promptly hit in the face with a snowball.

"Ha! Serves you right… witch-boy?" One of the children said as he realized that it wasn't Aizen that he had hit. The snow fell from Ultear's face and once she opened her eyes she was locked onto the one that had thrown the snowball. The children around the cottage were all very confused on just who this girl was, and more importantly why was she in the home of the witch-boy. Ultear then held out her hand and using her natural affinity for Ice Magic formed a semi solid ball of snow and threw it at the boy that had hit her. She basked in the looks of terror the other kids were giving her.

"Run away! She's another freak too!" She watched as they ran away in fear, some of them crying. Ultear just felt very good putting them all in their place. They needlessly picked on Aizen because he looked different and because their parents feared him. Her smile was broken by the sensation of Aizen rushing to her and hugging her tightly.

"That was amazing! I've always wanted to do that!" He cheered as he had seen the whole thing and couldn't be happier to see Griff get a taste of his own medicine. Aizen was so focused on excitement that he didn't noticed the spreading redness over Ultear's face. He soon put Ultear back down and ran out in the snow. She held her hand to her chest, the unfamiliar tightness in her chest returned to her and she could feel her heart beat a little faster.

"You freak!" The moment was ruined by the sound of an older boy coming inbound. He looked to be a few years older and certainly more brutish than the previous kids. Behind him was a few of the more angry and bold kids that Ultear that she had chased off. "You're going to stand up for that weirdo, big mistake" He barked as he took a step forward with a smug and cruel smile on his face. He was clearly certain that he could muscle his way to victory. Ultear just had a blank frown to the bully but before she could handle him in a similar way as the last, he was handled in way that Ultear approved of. The bully fell into the snow with the surrounding boys all looking on in horror and felt phantom pain as they had watched their leader get kicked in the nuts.

"Run! It's the wolf girl!" The other bullies all scrambled to run away while the lead boy stumbled to get up and run too. He fell a few times doing so. Meanwhile Kelda and Aizen both were laughing and rolling in the snow.

"That was great!" Aizen laughed, even though as a male he did feel sympathy toward the bully… deep down he did. Eventually both of them stopped laughing and stood up. "This has been a great day. This has been a good day." Aizen said before he once again fell back into the snow on his back. "What now? I want to go hunting!"

"But what? Deer? No more seals… I sick of seal jerky." Kelda groaned before she remembered that they weren't by themselves. "Oh wait… I almost forgot." Kelda said as she turned toward Ultear. "Hello, I'm Kelda… why were you wearing so little out in the snow?" Kelda said going right for what was on her mind. Being a fellow social outcast, she was in the same boat as Aizen when it came to talking to people.

"I-I… I wasn't able to get better clothes." Ultear defended herself.

"She escaped from some magic lab." Aizen shouted from his spot in the snow. "She was in a hurry or something."

"Oh… that's cool. Do you have anywhere to go?" Kelda asked excitedly, this was a chance to have a new friend. Something that both Kelda and Aizen wanted dearly, someone else that did hate them just because of the social stigma that surrounded them. Ultear just stuttered a bit but that hesitation was all the confirmation that Kelda needed. "Great! You can stay here, we can clear out Aizen's mother's room for you. I don't think my mom would say yes to you staying with so…" Kelda said before looking toward Aizen. "Come on!" She said before grabbing both Aizen's hand as well as Ultear's and then dragged them both back into the small cabin home.

Ultear honestly was just going along out of the whirlwind that was a excited Kelda. But half way through removing the dusty personal things of the woman that had lived with Aizen, Ultear was able to give a proper thought to what was happening to her. She didn't have anywhere to go, certainly not back to the lab. She had no other option than these two fellow outcasts, and when she really thought about it… that didn't sound too bad. And over the next two weeks, Ultear could very well say that she finally found people that she could say were her friends.

Kelda was excitable and very friendly. It was nice to have another girl to talk to. Even if Kelda was wild and not all too interested in what Ultear thought would be normal girl stuff. No, she was far more interested in hunting and running through the forest with the packs of direwolves that seemed to be perfectly fine with her presence. Meanwhile Aizen was just as good a friend, it took a few days for him to fully embrace Ultear as a friend but once that had been made perfectly clear to him he acted like she had never been apart from his life.

He was particularly interested in the people that had experimented on Ultear, seemingly trying to pick clues out of her for some devious reason. The grin that he had on his face when Ultear asked why he wanted to know this stuff was frightening and almost darkly charming to Ultear. Like she could see the darkness behind his yellow eyes that promised a world of pain to any he deemed a foe. She liked the idea that the demon like boy would be thinking such things towards people that harmed her.

"What should we do now?" He asked bringing Ultear out of her thoughts about the past two weeks. Both her and him were overlooking the town, Kelda wasn't around because her mother had needed her for something in town. Nordberg was currently enjoying a festival for the turning of the year.

"I don't know. Why ask me?" She said, now frowning at the sight of Aizen's covered face. His large hood was over his head and a large scarf covered his lower face. Only his yellow lizard like eyes shined through the shadow of his hood. Ultear had found over the weeks she didn't like not seeing his face. But he kept it covered most of the time because it proved to be a good means at lessening the times when other kids came to bully him.

"Well there isn't much to do… we could make snowmen!" He said excitedly, it was something he always did when he was bored or feeling lonely. Kelda wasn't always around because she had to help out her mom. But his loneliness had been gone since Ultear showed up. But snowmen were great stand-ins for legions of doom and now that Ultear was here he could have a mistress to complete the picture in his head. Even if he had no idea what a mistress was for.

"I… don't really like the snow." She said as the white stuff made her remember her mother. The fact that she was now living in a town covered in the stuff had become the one downside of her living situation.

"Oh… well… we could go hunting. We have enough for a month for the both of us but I think the local wolf packs are getting a little hungry." He said casually like there wasn't a problem with the idea of even approaching wild wolves. Especially since it wasn't rare for the surrounding forests to have direwolves in them. Ultear was still having issues with how friendly Aizen and Kelda were with them. "I wish we could go into town and join Kelda in the festival."

"Why not?" She asked not liking the idea she was barred from going anywhere. "Just because they don't like you?" She said answering the reason he was about to say. "I'm not going to let them bully you like that anymore." She said before building up her magic and casted a spell that she used to help escape the labs that held her. "Take off your hood." She ordered with a happy satisfaction of her work.

"Okay… I don't know why… whoa…" He said in awe to the reflection he saw in the cottage window. He looked perfectly normal, his skin was slightly tanned, and his eyes were human but still yellow. He opened his jaw and looked at the flat teeth that lined his mouth instead of the fangs that normally were there. His black hair was still the same only it lacked the two pairs of horns that grew growing out of the sides of his head. "Wow…"

"It's Transformation Magic, it isn't that hard. I can maintain it for a few hours before it starts to get difficult to keep up." She explained as she looked over her work. She tried to imagine what he might look like if he looked normal. But… she felt unhappy with what she did, or more accurately why she needed to do it at all. Aizen looked perfectly fine even if he looked a bit… demonic. "You're going to need a name for when we go into town." Ultear said trying to think of a name that Aizen could go under. "I know, Zalty."

"Zalty… where'd you get that name?" Aizen asked, for some strange reason when he heard the name the idea of a crossdressing old man came into his mind.

"It's just one that's always been in my mind. I think one of the researchers had a brother with that or something." She shrugged and dragged Aizen down the path toward the village of Nordberg where the sounds of merriment and festivities were taking place. They both were stopped by a fairly drunk guard and questioned just who were they were. The local townspeople had heard about a magical girl living with the Witch-Boy but they never got a look at her. So the drunk let both of them in not knowing who they were. His job was clearly more meant to keep a certain type of person out, a type that included horns.

"This amazing… I've never been allowed inside the town before. Especially when something like this was going on." Aizen said quietly as he and Ultear both walked into the town center. The lights and smells of a good time floating all around them.

"Ultear!" Both of the children looked toward the source of the girl's name and saw Kelda running toward them. "I didn't expect you to be coming… who's this?" Kelda said as she looked toward Aizen with a frown on her face.

"It's Aizen, I used a bit of magic to make him look normal, so he could get in." Ultear whispered so none of the surrounding townspeople could hear. Even though Ultear said it was Aizen, Kelda's frown didn't go away.

"I don't like it." Kelda pouted, agreeing with Ultear's earlier thoughts on Aizen's appearance. She didn't think there was anything wrong with how Aizen looked. "But fine… I guess it will do." She whined both smiling. "Come on, let's have some fun anyways. Be nice to fool these guys into acting nice to Aizen for a while." She chuckled both taking both Aizen and Ultear's hand and taking they to several of the booths and games that had been set up. It was a few hours until the three stopped to take a rest. "Ah… that was great." Kelda said as she fell to the ground happy with her fun.

"Yeah… it's been really fun." Ultear agreed but it was a little strained by the anger she felt towards these people for their needless persecution of Aizen. Not only that… but ever since she entered the village she had been getting this feeling of dread building up. But now that she thought about it… it started a little earlier than that. It started with that first use of magic on that jerk and got worse every time she had used any magic over the two weeks she had spent here. And now that she was using a good deal of magic for Aizen's Transformation, that sense of dread was getting worse than ever before.

"Something wrong?" Aizen asked noting the concerned and troubled look on Ultear's face. "Are you hungry again… we can get something to eat if you want?" He said as he leaned a little to close to her. Ultear quickly backed away, having gotten used to Aizen's lack of understanding of personal space.

"No it's not that… I just have a bad feeling is all." She answered trying to minimize the worry that Aizen would feel. She didn't want to ruin this rare treat he got. Not only that but she was having a good time as well, far more fun than she ever had in the labs. She never had a friend to have any good times with to start with. Ultear then looked to Aizen as he munched on some fair food that they had… acquired. Was he really her friend? She then looked to Kelda taking a few breathes on the ground, not concerned at all about the dirt or snow. Was Kelda her friend? They had only know Ultear for less than a month. Was that long enough to make a real friendship? "Hey you guys?" Ultear started causing both Aizen and Kelda to look at her.

"Yes?" Both said returning their full attention to her. Something she liked very much, that they would actually listen to what she said. Back at the labs the researches all but ignored her requests and questions.

"Are we friends?" She asked, and the result was instant. Both Aizen and Kelda got to their feet and stood right to Ultear.

"Of course we are!" Kelda shouted drawing a few looks but no one really cared. "All these other jerks don't matter. It's us that care about each other and that's what does matter." Kelda started and Aizen then began.

"None of them understand us because we're different. We have to stick together, because no one but us are going help each other out. And we all know how it is to have no one to count on." Ultear looked at them and could that both understood what they were saying. Aizen only ever had his mother but she had to leave or risk being killed. He had no one after that. Kelda had to take care of her mother who was so grief stricken over her husband's death that she could barely do anything. Both of them had to grow up fast and learn to take care of themselves, just like she had to do. They came together because they understood each other on a core level just like they understood her.

"We're doomed!" The sound of a man screaming and running by ruined the moment.

"What's going on?" Kelda said as she looked toward the running man and then toward the town walls where he had come from. Both Ultear and Aizen shrugged when Kelda looked back to them. "Let's go see." She smirked as she began running toward the main gate to do just that. Aizen and Ultear followed her closely and all three ran up the steps to the town walls to see an army waiting outside and the banners of the Alvarez Empire flapping in the wind.

"Why is the Empire here?!"

"The gods have forsaken us!" The cries of the townspeople sounded all around as they saw their conquers ready to invade and crush them under their boots.

"Silence!" A booming voice thundered across the town. Every one looked to the hill that raised up away from the town gate where two men standing before them. The first of them was a strongly built man with dark skin and white hair wearing a lab coat over military uniform. The other was an aged man with long white hair and a long white beard, his clothes were a classic grand wizard robes with an orbed staff in his hand to complete it all. "Town of Nordberg… you are now under the domain of the Alvarez Empire." It was the elder man that spoke, his voice stern and controlled as it was projected over the town. "Your first service to your Emperor is to bring us a girl, she will not be one of your own and very recently arrived in your midst." A few eyes turned to Ultear at that order. "Secondly, you are to turn over any and all magic users to us." He finished with a small look to the man next to him. "Do these things, the sooner we have what we need… the less damage will befall your homes. Do hurry."

"Get her!" Some of the townsmen yelled as they moved to grab Ultear. But before they could do so they were all blasted with a thundering roar of blue lightning. Ultear and Kelda went wide eyed at the crackling power between Aizen's fingers. But their minds snapped back, Ultear looked back to the hill with the two men and saw the white haired man and instantly recognized him as Brain. The man in charge of the Bureau of Magical Development. She had seen him many times and knew how strong he was. Kelda meanwhile knew that the town was going to be a ruin sooner or later and was looking back toward it to pick her mother out of the crowd.

"Come on!" She heard Aizen yell before he grabbed Kelda and Ultear's hands and began dragging them down through the village. The people still in a panic and so did not have time to fully see the three kids. And how two of them fit the demands of the invaders. Aizen was leading Ultear and Kelda though Nordberg when the first of the flaming rocks fell down from the sky destroying a nearby home. The explosion knocked the three children to the ground along with several others. "We need to get out of here!" Aizen yelled as he tried to stand back up.

"No… we can't escape." Ultear cried as the screams of people ran around for their lives. The sounds of more catapult rounds falling down on the town breaking up the screams. Ultear pushed herself off the ground and looked over to Aizen. "I need to go with them."

"What? Don't tell me it's for these jerks?!" Aizen demanded as he threw his arms to motion to the terrified villagers. Who were too caught up in their impending deaths to take note of what he just said.

"They don't deserve anything from you. You don't owe them a single thing!" Kelda yelled along with Aizen feeling exactly as he did. What was happening was something a long time coming in Kelda's opinion.

"But I owe you two everything." She said destroying the glare they were sending her way. "You saved my life, now I'm going to do the same for you. I saw the man that came for me, he's from the Bureau and if he finds you as well…" She said looking toward Aizen.

"So what? He takes us with you?" Aizen said missing what she had meant. That the man was only interested in magic users like her and Aizen. Not a normal human like Kelda. "That doesn't sound too bad but I'd rather none of us go at all." He said before he went to grab her hand again only for Ultear to take a step back.

"If he finds you and he will if I stay with you. Then he'll take you in to dissect you. I heard the researchers talk about it all the time. They bring in people with strange bodies and magical properties and try to figure out why. I don't want that to happen to you." Before he could respond to that she dispelled the Transformation magic that was keeping his appearance concealed.

"THE WITCH-BOY!" Several of the townspeople screamed as they saw him. All of them knowing that he was a magic user and that if they wanted this madness to stop they needed to turn him over. One tried to tackle him but he just jumped up and landed on the dumb villager's back. He looked back to Ultear unsure how he should react to this.

"Go… run away…" Ultear said keeping her eyes and face down to the ground, not wanting to let them see her crying. When she looked back up both Aizen and Kelda were gone. She tried to wipe the tears in her eyes away but was unsuccessful in getting them all to disappear.

Brain looked down smiling at the villagers handing over Ur's daughter to his Alvarez allies. It took a little bit of convincing to get them to understand the importance of this child while at the same time downplaying her potential. Didn't want them to steal her out from under him. But in the end they agreed. Everything was working out as he needed and that gave hi a small bti of comfort. This had only been partly possible because the kingdom this little village was under was high time to learn just how fearsome the Empire was. It would do good to give them a personal example of that. And also because they had some suspicion that a talented magic user was hiding out in this town. Brain himself didn't sense much other than Ultear.

There was… something… in the air. But he just couldn't quite place a name to it. On one hand… this feeling felt very invigorating and pleasing to him. And even to the small background presence of Zero. Which was very odd because rarely if anything pleased him, other than pure destruction. But then on the other hand… it was certainly a vile feeling. Something… constricting and tethering around his mind. Trying to enact its will on him.

It was certainly something that Brain would be interested in studying but whatever it was he couldn't pinpoint the source. And if he couldn't do that then right now wasn't the time to go off and biting more than he could chew. Just being around the Imperials was putting him on edge, they could get an idea that would end poorly for him any second now.

"We did what we were told milord… we brought the girl." One of the villagers said as he approached the hill that Brain and August were using for a vantage point of the town. The villager had a hopeful look in his eye. He thought that by doing as he was told would get him rewarded with his life and his town's survival.

"Yes… you did." August said as he eyed Ultear being brought to Brain's side. "I assume that with our end of the bargain complete you will uphold your end."

"Yes, I will speak to my associates and begin working on that project you requested of us." Brain said carefully. "But I do have to warn you… the likelihood of its success is low."

"That is quite alright, if it fails than it fails. But the effort must be taken regardless." August said before returning his focus back to the villager. "Is there no magic users within your walls?" August asked although to Brain it sounded like he already knew the answer. The villager looked very uneasy and began shivering.

"N-no… milord… no magic users here. We be simple folk of the land." The villager stuttered and August looked over the town with narrowed eyes. Brain himself was confused, was there indeed something more that he wasn't able to detect. But then August spoke again.

"Have your people leave this town. You have one hour before we burn it to the ground."

Aizen watched from a thin long wooden bridge the Alvarez army totally annihilate his home town. The future Overlord just laughed and laughed at the destruction. In his mind it was completely justified. They had brought it on themselves by all their years of tormenting him. But even if he enjoyed the sight of his hometown's destruction, he had no love for those that did it for him.

No, he didn't have a bit of gratitude for the Alvarez. No, if anything he felt a burning contempt and hatred for them. They had taken his friends. Ultear, even though he hadn't had much time with her was still his friend. They had taken her away to do horrible things to her all in the name of their greed and hunger for power. And now he was all alone because Kelda had to separate from him. She had to find her mother and just try to save her. They had promised to meet up right where he was, on the wooden bridge that overlooked the town. But he had been waiting for a few hours now. He wasn't so sure if Kelda had made it. He had to believe that somehow Kelda had survived, but if he ever found out that she had been killed… the reckoning that he would bring down on the Empire would be apocalyptic.

"Alvarez Empire… your days are numbered. Evil will find a way… I promise you that." Aizen promised, his eyes burning yellow and dark shadows of Evil Energy sparking around him. But then it died down as waterfall tears rolled down his face. "But I have no idea how to do that." Aizen sighed and quit his crying as he stood up. "Now… where to go…" Aizen said as he began his way, heading nowhere in particular. He thought he was heading south, he knew for a fact that there was nothing but ice and snow north. His reasoning was that maybe if he went south he would find a city or another town or something. Anywhere to find people and possibly someone like Ultear or Kelda who wouldn't hate him for what he was. So he descended into the wilderness.

He was able to survive well enough. Able to use his natural and unnatural advantages in order to find food and shelter. He hunted the game he always had, seals were always near the coasts and deer could be found in the forests. He knew enough about how to find food to know what plants to eat. And he was able to climb into the branches of the trees when night came around. Fire was easy to build and maintain thanks to his ability to breathe it.

But as the days turned to weeks his pace began to slow. He had no idea where he was going and did not understand that he was not heading south as he intended. But north. He continued his trudge through the tundra, each step began to feel like a thousand pounds were weighing him down. The snow was deep and came up to his knees at the best of times. He was beginning to have a hard time finding food, he hadn't seen any animals in days. On the eightieth day since he left Nordberg he fell forward into the snow. His body was tired and weak from hunger and the cold. He couldn't feel his fingers and the numbness continued to spread through his body.

"Pathetic." The world around the boy grew pale and when he looked up he saw standing over him an armored man. His face hidden behind a helmet with only his glowing blue eyes visible. His armor was very heavy, full plate and clearly very well made. Made with Black Iron and its design was in one word… Evil. "To think that the next Overlord would be beaten by the cold. Your death should only come from a Hero's blade or a Usurper's success."

"W-what is going on?" His voice shivered from the cold. "T-this isn't h-happening… j-just seeing things b-before I d-die." He said before he started to let his head back down into the snow but instead was picked up by the specter.

"Is this how soon you give up?" The ghost asked as he held the boy to his eyes. "Then you are unworthy to rule over anything much less a Dark Domain. You are no Overlord. " It before it dropped the boy back into the snow and began walking away.

"Stop!" The armored figured did in fact stop and turned its head back slightly. The young boy's voice certainly had more fire back in it. He couldn't take the ridicule over the one thing that had kept away the pain and torment of his isolated life. That he wasn't worthy of being the next Overlord. That was his by all rights and he would not stand to allow anyone dismiss it. "I don't care who you think you are… but I will be the next Overlord. I will not die here… because Evil always finds a way." He said and the specter just stared at him for a while.

"Come, there is a source of power nearby." The specter said as it began to walk forward. Its armored form creating a path of flattened snow for Aizen to easily walk through. The boy followed the armored ghost through the blizzard whipping around them. Before the boy had been pelted by whipping snow but now there was nothing. The world around him was dampened in pale light and seemed to be separate from the rest of the world. He was marveling at this when the specter finished leading him. "Here… this will be a suitable refuge until the blizzard fades." The ghost said before leaning down into Aizen's face. "Then you will head back the way you came in a straight line. You have been wandering in circles going north." It scolded before pulling back and ripping open a stone slab that had been covered in the snow. It now revealed a stairway descending down into darkness. "Down there is the source of the malicious power… you may be the next Master of Evil but not all Evil will recognize you as its master." It warned as Aizen took his fist step down into the stairway. And then the specter vanished along with the pale light that enveloped the world. The last thing Aizen knew before the darkness fully surrounded him was sound of the stone slab falling and sealing him in wherever he was.

Overlord's Profile (during the start of the anime)

Name – Aizen Jr. Korath

Alias – The Black Fairy

Race – Human Netherfiend hybrid

Gender – Male

Age – 21 (X784)

Birthday – Year X763

Hair Color – Black

Eye Color – Naturally Yellow, Under Glamor is Gray

Magic and Powers

Evil Presence -Powers of the Overlord, is able to use the power of Evil itself as force of magic. Under either Domination or Destruction can the power of the Overlord be used.

Destruction – Comes in the form of thunderous blue lightning, able to burn, melt, fry, and break through most armor magical or otherwise.

Domination – With this a Overlord is able to take control of weaker minds. Those controlled by this power has no active limit or strain on the Overlord's body or power. Once the mind is broken it is a permanent condition. There is a drastic loss of ability to reason or take initiative in those that have been Dominated.

Minion Control – The Overlord is served by many but none more faithfully than the race of the Netherspawn. Or simply called Minions.

Specter of the Overlord – The soul of a previous Overlord has been bound to the body of the current Overlord. And is able to provide guidance and limited assistance in battle.

Ethereal Armor – The Overlord is able to cover any part of his body instinctively with the ghostly form of the Armored Specter's Arcanium Armor. Limited to one area of the body at a time. Magical non-elemental based attacks are able to circumvent the Ethereal Armor

Specter Double – In combat the full form of the Specter is able to manifest to block, counter attacks, and deliver two sided attacks.

Shadow God Slayer Magic – The power to slay Gods of Darkness. Able to consume shadows and bend them to the users' will.

Shadow God's Tithe – Unlike other types of Shadow magic, including Shadow Dragon and Shadow Devil Slayer magic, Shadow God Slayer magic has a addition power. Researchers into the Lost Magic have dubbed it the Shadow God's Tithe, in that when contact is made with the Shadows of the magic in question with a body, the respective part of that body's shadow is taken.

Intangibility – Able to change the users' form into a black cloud of shadows. Can move along solid surfaces like a shadow and is unreachable while in this form by the physical world

Shadow God Slayer Combat Magic – The user of this Lost Magic is able to use the powers of the shadow god. Most attacks do not do more damage to take away the stamina of the enemy they make contact with.

Re-Quip Magic – Able to use standard Weapon Re-Quip to store and pull out weapons, favored type, battle axe.

Netherfiend Hybrid – A being born with the touch of the Netherworld in their blood. Holds characteristics of the Netherspawn tribes

Brown – Enhanced strength and (At most times) positive outlook on life

Red – Physical appearance of the Red Minion Tribe, power to breath fire, resistance to heat.

Green – Enhanced speed and agile body, immunity to poison, cunning and sneaky disposition.

Blue – Enhanced magical power, breath underwater.


Holy magic and Devil Slayer Magic

Poor social skills

Poor sense of direction.