There was so much to do. Riko fretted as she slumped over onto the table, gazing at the partially disassembled furniture and piles of boxes throughout her new apartment. After You proposed to her, they decided they should move in together. Riko assumed one of them would just move in with the other, but You had insisted they should find a new place together. Their busy schedules meant that this took some time. So much so that Riko was worried she'd just have to renew her current lease anyway. But they finally found a suitable place that wasn't unreasonably far from the train station.

The day they had picked up the keys, You embraced Riko and enthusiastically exclaimed "Our first home!"

"I know You. I know it isn't a house by the sea, but I think its quaint anyway." Riko rested her head on You's strong shoulder.

"Riko," You looked at her with an unwavering gaze. "You're worried about something like that? My home is wherever you are." You had behaved like a fool the night she proposed. But she was her typical, confident self here. "We'll have that someday. But I couldn't ask for anything more than to be with you right now."

Riko smiled at the memory then sighed. "Moving is so tiring."

Chika walked through the door carrying the final box of Riko's belongings.

"Where do I put this?" she asked.

"Anywhere is fine." Riko replied.

Chika set the box down on a pile beside the door and made her way to the table with Riko.

"Kanan and You should be on their way with the last of her things. I wish I could stay longer and hang out with all of you. But I've got to get the truck back to my sister soon." Chiak slumped onto the table, dejected.

"I'll have to thank her properly the next time I visit." Riko smiled as she patted Chika on the head. "We were thinking of having a housewarming by the end of the month. We'll be able to hang out then at least, all nine of us."

"Now that you have a bigger place, were you going to get your piano from your mom's?"

"I'd like to but we don't have that much more room. I'd have to talk to You about that. We'd just lose so much space."

"I guess, but it's not like you two are going to have separate bedrooms, so what were you planning to use the spare room for?"

"We had talked about maybe a guest room or treating it like an office."

"What? That's boring though. Not even married and you're already acting like old ladies." Chika teased. Riko pulled her cheek.

"Who are you calling an old lady?"

"Wah the engaged Riko is such a bully now." Chika fake pouted. The two friends laughed together. Chika soon afterwards bid her farewell, promising to come visit again soon.

You balanced several boxes in her arms as she hurried through the hallway to her apartment. Kanan trailed behind her, also carrying enough boxes to obscure her vision.

"You, you almost tripped getting out of the elevator, slow down." Kanan called out as she peeked around a box."

"Hey I'm only carrying clothing. Besides I need to pee." You announced as she set the boxes down to open the door. She pushed them over the threshold and told Kanan to just set her boxes down anywhere. "I'll be a moment then we can go back down."

Kanan wondered where Riko was. But she didn't need to wonder for long as a scream soon broke the silence.

"You!" Riko was sitting on the toilet, mortified as a flustered You stammered out an apology. "Just get out! Get out!" she screamed as she threw the toilet paper roll at her.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry!" You slammed the door and scurried away.

"Wait! You!" Riko called out.

"I'm sorry!"

"No! Could you…um…give me back the toilet paper?"

The three girls were sitting at the table, You and Riko looking embarrassed, and Kanan laughing her ass off at them.

"It just didn't occur to you that the door was closed?" Kanan couldn't stop laughing.


"You aren't living alone anymore You. We need to keep each other in mind." Riko declared.

"Well," Kanan jumped in. "Eventually the two of you will get to the point where you don't care anymore."

"What?" the two girls responded in unison.

"That's so improper." Riko stated.

"Eh. You'll see." Kanan grinned. "Anyways, You, let's go get the rest of your things."

Later that night You and Riko were snuggling on their futon.

"Today was so tiring." Riko broke the silence.

"Yeah. And we've still got to put most of it away and in its place."

"We've got the necessities taken care of. We can do the rest at our leisure throughout the next few weeks."

"Yeah. Although we should probably go mattress shopping soon." The two had agreed to replace their individual beds with a new larger one, but hadn't actually bought a new one yet. "Unless you just want to get a new futon?"

"If you want to do that, then I don't mind."

"I'm not sure…hey, Riko?"


"Did you want to bring your piano here?" You asked quietly.

"Were you talking to Chika?" Riko voiced her suspicion.

"Huh? No. I just, Riko without her piano, it feels like something's missing. I know you missed having your piano at your old apartment."

"I did, but it just takes up so much space You." Riko didn't want to impose on her fiancée like that.

"What if we turned the extra room into a library? We can put your piano in there too. When we have guests they can just sleep in the main room. And we don't really need an office space." You gazed into Riko's eyes as she spoke.

"You, are you sure?" Riko liked the idea, but she was still hesitant.

"Of course."

"It'll be expensive to have it moved here though."

"I don't care." You insisted. "This place is our home now. Your piano belongs in our home Riko."

Riko smiled and finally relented. "Okay. I'll see about hiring movers, but not until we've unpacked everything."

You smiled and kissed Riko. "I love you." She said.

"I love you too You, so much."