After reading Soulmates for the first time since I started Max's Adventures, I realized that there was a BIG problem during this conversation between Magnus and Catarina:

Catarina: And it is assumed that love runes are set by birth and that as the object of the rune is more around the person with the rune, it will appear.

Magnus: That makes no sense, Catarina. I first met Alec a month or so ago, and the rune showed up two or so weeks later.

Catarina: No, you and Alec crossed paths before, maybe when he was a child?"

Magnus: A child? Catarina, where the hell would I have crossed paths with a ShadowHunter boy?


Yes, I see some of you nodding your heads.

At the time, Magnus seeing 7 year old Alec was a one time only thing. I had no way of knowing that I was going to dive further into Alec's childhood encounters with Magnus via Max.

I saw my chance to clear up that scene and explain why Magnus 'forgot' about crossing paths with a young Alec so many times. Now my Inner Virgo is happy.

Love you, DeannaG