Another day, another adventure for Max.

Today we will revisit Lightwood-Bane, so if you haven't read it, we will wait.


Let's go, we have a wedding to get to.


Max aced the exam and now he wants to celebrate with a great visit. He runs the program and waits. Magnus is mixing a potion for a client.

Alec is working. What else is new.

Max taps on the table as he waits.

Magnus laughs at him, "Max why don't you just create a program to give you what you want?"

Max shakes his head, "Because I like the surprise."

His phone beeps, signalling that it is done. Max grabs his phone, kisses Magnus 'goodbye' and creates a portal.

He is in Brooklyn Tailors on Grand Street. Poppa gets a lot of his clothes from here. Max wonders why he's here. He walks around and is surprised to see Aunt Izzy.

She is tapping her foot and looks impatient.

Max watches her. Max wonders why she went shopping with Poppa and why the program thought that was important.

Max watches as her eyes widen and she whispers, "By the angel."

Max moves closer so that he can see what has caught her eye.

It's Daddy and he looks gorgeous.

He's wearing black pants with a thin gold pinstripe, a white shirt, his tie matches the pants and a gold jacket.

Max knows that gold is for ShadowHunter weddings, could this be his fathers wedding?

Daddy looks at Aunt Izzy nervously, "How do I look?"

She laughs, "Are you kidding? You are stunning." She grabs his arm and pulls him to a full length three panel mirror. "Here look for yourself."

Daddy nods, "I look okay."

Aunt Izzy and Max laugh.

Aunt Izzy shakes her head, "Okay? Alec, Magnus is going to die when he sees you."

Daddy looks at her confused, "Die? How is that good?"

"Because he loves you so much and you look beautiful."

"Oh. Is he wearing the same clothes?"

"Yes, he is. And HE looks stunning as well. The two of you are going to knock everybody's socks off. They won't be able to stand all that cuteness in one room."

They continue to look at Daddy's reflection in the mirror.

Daddy giggles as she rests her head on his arm, "Izzy, I'm marrying Magnus."

She laughs, "Yes, my dear sweet big brother you are."

Max glances in the mirror and even though they can't see him in its reflection, he can see himself. His eyes are twinkling and his smile is bright. There are no pictures from his fathers' wedding simply because nobody thought to take any. He can't wait to get a front row seat and see the awesomeness with his own eyes.

Aunt Izzy smiles, "Of course, I won't tell Magnus how beautiful you look."

"Why not?"

She laughs, "Because that would spoil the surprise of actually seeing you. I'll tell him that you look 'ok' or 'good', that way when he sees you, he can die."

"Izzy, I don't want a dead husband."

She laughs, "When you see him, you will die too."

Daddy sighs, "Two dead husbands."

She laughs, "But damn cute ones."

Max can't help the big grin on his face as he listens and watches his Daddy and Aunt Izzy.

Aunt Izzy kisses Daddy's cheek, "Go change, so we can get back to the Institute."

Daddy nods, "Okay."

She smiles as he takes one more look in the mirror, then goes back to the fitting room.

She takes out her phone. Max walks closer to see what she is doing.

She is texting Poppa.

Magnus, Alec just had his final fitting. He looks good.

A few minutes later Poppa texts back a response.

Good? Thanks Izzy.

Aunt Izzy laughs as she puts her phone back in her pocket.

Max giggles. Aunt Izzy is evil.

He snaps his fingers, he wants to get to the wedding.

But finds himself in the Institute. It's dark, quiet and seems to be closed for the night. Max doesn't like this. He walks through the War Room and goes upstairs to Daddy's room, only because he has no idea where else to go.

He is surprised to see Daddy in his bed. Alone.

Why is Daddy sleeping in his room in the Institute and not with Poppa in the loft?

Did they have a fight?

Was the wedding postponed? Max knows they got married on October 8, 2017, but he has no idea what tonight is.

Max moves closer to the bed and sees that Daddy looks sad. Shit, they did have a fight. But Daddy looked so happy in the store, what happened?

Max sits on the corner of the bed and puts his hand on Daddy's leg. Daddy won't feel it but Max feels a bit better.

What could they have fought about?

He wants to tell Daddy that it all worked out and there is nothing to worry about, but he can't.

Daddy suddenly sits up and puts on the lamp. Max stays where he is.

Daddy grabs his phone off the nightstand, looks at it then puts it back. He leans against the pillows and sighs.

Max is anxious. Why are his fathers sleeping apart?

Daddy grabs his phone again only to put it back on the nightstand.

Daddy sighs, grabs his phone a third time and this time makes a phone call.

Max hopes he is calling Poppa, so that they can get married.

Poppa sounds worried, "Yes, Alexander?"

Daddy is six foot, three inches of demon killing ShadowHunter badassness, but he answers Poppa in a scared whisper, "I miss you."

Poppa whispers, "I miss you too."

Max wants to scream, then why are you fighting?

"This was a stupid idea."

Max is confused, they are sleeping apart on purpose?

"You thought it would be fun."

"This is definitely not fun. This is terrible. I can't sleep."

"Me too. I'm just laying here, staring at the ceiling."

Max nods, so is Daddy.

"How is this considered good luck?"

"I guess if we can live through one night apart, we can live through anything?"

Max looks at the phone sadly, Poppa you couldn't live with Daddy dead.

"But we HAVE lived through anything."

Poppa laughs, "Yes, but most people aren't ShadowHunters or warlocks."

Max nods.

"Whatever." Daddy giggles "We are getting married tomorrow."

"Actually we are getting married today. Fifteen hours to be precise."

"Fifteen hours?"

"Yes, fifteen hours."

"So, I have to wait fifteen hours until I see you again?"

Max giggles, Daddy is going to need a lot of coffee.


"By the angel, Magnus. That's a long time."

"I know."

"Ugh, why did I think this would be a good idea?"

Max giggles.

"In all fairness, I did agree to it."

Max smiles.

"We are both idiots."

Max nods, idiots in love.

Poppa laughs.

"I love you, Magnus."

"I love you, Alexander."

"Talking to you has helped a bit."

Max smiles.

"Yes it has. I should have called you, hours ago."

"I wanted to call you sooner, but I figured you were sleeping."

"No, I wasn't."

Daddy looks at his engagement ring on his right ring finger. Poppa resized it because Daddy wanted to wear it after they were married, even though Poppa said that it wasn't necessary.

"Do we kiss?"

"At the ceremony?"

"Uh huh."

"After Brother Andrew announces that we are married, we kiss."

Max smiles, his fathers kissing, always good.

"Oh, we don't kiss before that?"

"No, Alec, that is our first kiss as husbands."

"But we don't get to kiss as husbands to be?"

Poppa laughs, "That is what we have been doing for almost two weeks."

"But, I want to kiss you when I see you."

"I'm sorry, Alexander, we don't kiss until the end of the ceremony."

"Ugh." Daddy stares at the ceiling, "Magnus?"

"Yes, Alexander."

"Can I at least hold your hand?"

"Yes, Alexander, you can hold my hand."

Daddy smiles, "Good."


"Yes, Magnus."

"I love you."

Daddy giggles, "Love you too, Magnus."

"Maybe we should try to get some sleep?"


"See you in a few hours, Alexander."

"Yes, Magnus." Daddy ends the call and puts his phone back on the nightstand. With a smile, he turns off the lamp, lays down in the bed and closes his eyes.

Max stands up. Today is the wedding. Max hopes that HE doesn't die at the ceremony.

He snaps his fingers.

He smiles. This is the second time he has shown up in the Main Hall of the Institute and it has been decorated for a wedding. But the decorations are different and THIS wedding actually happens.

Max stands by the door. He looks at the altar and sees Poppa with Aunt Izzy. Both of them look gorgeous. Poppa is dressed in the same clothes as Daddy. He has gold highlights in his hair.

Max smiles, Poppa looks like he is going to pass out and Daddy hasn't even walked in yet.

Max looks around the crowd. He sees Aunt Clary sitting with Jocelyn, Luke and Simon. He sees Catarina. He sees a few warlocks that have been by the loft. He sees some ShadowHunters that he recognizes.

Max watches as Brother Andrew walks to the alter. It's time to begin.

Max stands over to the side so that he will get a view of the door. His hands are sweaty. He giggles. If HE is nervous, what about Poppa? He glances at Poppa. He is holding Aunt Izzy's hand tight.

Brother Andrew says, "The ceremony is about to commence."

Uncle Jace walks in and goes to the altar. He smiles at Poppa. Poppa nods without looking at him. Poppa is waiting for one person to show up and it isn't Uncle Jace.

Daddy walks in with Grandma Maryse.

Max watches Poppa's face as Daddy walks up the aisle. He knows the exact moment when his fathers' eyes meet. Poppa's eyes sparkle and his smile brightens.

Daddy gets to the altar and Poppa puts out his hand. Daddy walks up the steps, holding Poppa's hand tight.

Max walks closer to the altar because he wants to hear and see everything.

Brother Andrew begins the ceremony, "It is time for Alexander Lightwood and Magnus Bane to unite."

Max smiles, this is it.

Aunt Izzy presents two gold bracelets. Poppa takes one and places it around Daddy's left wrist. Daddy takes the other and places it around Poppa's left wrist.

Max smiles, yes he has seen those bracelets.

Uncle Jace presents Daddy with a stele. As Daddy takes it, Poppa puts his hand over his, Daddy draws the wedding rune on his own right wrist. He hands the stele back to Uncle Jace. Poppa rubs his thumb over the rune and gasps when it glows blue. He looks up at Daddy. Daddy's eyes are wide.

Aunt Izzy asks, "Magnus, what are you doing?"

Poppa shakes his head, "I just wanted to touch it, I didn't expect that to happen."

Max giggles.

Brother Andrew claps his hands, "Let us continue."

Max nods, yes let's get to the kissing part.

Poppa nods and removes a bandage from his right wrist. He has a tattoo of the wedding rune. Daddy giggles as he places his wrist against Poppa, a perfect match.

Aunt Izzy hands Poppa a ring and Uncle Jace hands Daddy one as well.

Max holds his breath.

Poppa puts his ring on Daddy's left ring finger, "With this ring, we are one."

Max blinks back tears.

Daddy puts his ring on Poppa's left ring finger, "With this ring, we are one."

Tears run down Max's face.

Brother Andrew nods. He puts a hand on Daddy's shoulder, and one on Poppa's. He addresses the room, "I present to all, the union of Alexander and Magnus Lightwood-Bane."

Max grins through his tears.

Poppa smiles and pulls Daddy close. He kisses Daddy. Daddy grabs him and deepens the kiss.

Max giggles, his fathers are kissing, it's official.

Uncle Jace shakes his head with a smile.

Max nods.

Aunt Izzy laughs, "They haven't seen each other for a while."

Max and the crowd laughs.

Poppa slowly lets Daddy go and realizes that they have an audience.

Aunt Izzy smiles at him, "Did we interrupt something?"

Poppa smiles, "Yes you did."

Max giggles.

Daddy rests his head on Poppa's head and smiles at Aunt Izzy, "We're married."

She laughs and kisses his cheek, "Yes, you are."

Max wipes his face, that was awesome.

Max steps out of the way as Daddy and Poppa leave the altar and receive congratulations from everybody as they walk down the aisle.

With a happy sigh, he snaps his fingers.

He is in the War Room.

He watches as Poppa and Daddy walk in hand in hand.

Daddy smiles at his new husband, "It was getting to be too much."

Poppa smiles as he gently kisses his husband's lips, "That's why I grabbed you."

"We really are married, Magnus."

"We really are, Alexander."

Daddy sighs and rests his forehead against Poppa's, "I love you."

"I love you."

Max watches as they close their eyes and slowly dance even though he doesn't hear any music.

He smiles.

But his smile disappears as a portal opens up behind them. Max watches as a man walks out and slowly walks over to his fathers. The man pulls out a seraph blade as he nears them.

Max looks down the hall and doesn't see anybody who might help the newlyweds, nor do the newlyweds seem to sense the danger.

Max creates a portal. He throws an energy ball at the man to push him away from his fathers, and through the portal.

Max takes a deep breath. Ten minutes later Aunt Izzy walks in and smiles at the happy couple. She leaves without bothering them.

Max shakes his head, there is no way that Aunt Izzy would have been able to save his fathers. She arrived too late. And there is no way either of his fathers would have been able to react in time and he doubts that Daddy had his blade with him anyway.

So was this a new threat that never happened the first time? What would have happened if Max hadn't have been here? Max doesn't even want to think about that.

Something is itching at the back of Max's mind, but he is distracted by Poppa telling Daddy, "We should get back. After all the party is for us."

Daddy sighs, "You're right."

Hand in hand they leave the War Room.

Max is about to follow but stops. His eyes widen when he realizes that any portal he creates in the past instantly goes back to the loft. Max just sent that bad man to an unsuspecting Poppa.

Cursing himself, Max creates a portal and returns to the loft.

Poppa is sitting on the sofa, calmly sipping a martini. He smiles when he sees Max, "So where did you go?"

But Max has more pressing matters on his mind, "Did anybody portal here?"

Magnus nods, "Yes, some idiot popped in while I was making my martini. Unlucky for him, I saw him the moment he appeared. He is at the bottom of the East River right now. Why do you ask?"

"Because I was the one that portaled him here."

Magnus puts his glass on the coffee table, "Why would you do that?"

"Because he was going to kill you and Daddy at your wedding."

Magnus slowly stands up, "When was he going to kill us?"

"When you and Daddy went to the War Room for some quiet time. He portaled there and I didn't see any other way to save you without showing myself. I portaled him away from you and it took a few minutes until I remembered that my past portals all come here."

"We were never bothered."

Max nods, "That's what I figured because Aunt Izzy walked in later on. You and Daddy showed no sense of knowing he was there. I couldn't just stand there, I reacted without thinking."

Magnus pulls Max into his arms, "You did nothing wrong Max. I had the situation under control. I'm more worried about what he was doing back then."

"Is Daddy home?"

Magnus shakes his head, "Let's go get him."

Max nods, he is getting a bad feeling and wants to know that Alec is okay.

Magnus creates a portal and they walk into the Institute.

Clary is in the War Room, "Good evening Magnus, Max."

Magnus smiles, "Evening Clary. My husband in his office?"

"No, there was a demon attack a few blocks from the loft, so he and Jace were going to take care of it and then he said he was going home."

Magnus sighs, "Thank you." He should have tracked Alec first instead of assuming he would be safe in the Institute.

Magnus closes his eyes and gets his husband's location. He creates a portal. He and Max say 'good night' to Clary and leave.

They are in an abandoned building.

They walk around and finally see Alec and Jace in a room battling demons.

A demon is sneaking up behind Alec.

Magnus and Max see history repeating itself and create fireballs to defend him. But Alec seems to have learned a thing or two about watching his back and calmly turns around at the right moment and slices his seraph blade through the demon.

He glances up and sees his husband and son. He gives them a questioning look. Jace finishes off the last of the demons and smiles at Magnus and Max.

Max runs to Alec and holds him, "Magnus what is going on?"

"I'm not sure Alec. But I think it's time for you to come home."

"Okay" He pulls Max away from him and gently kisses his forehead, "What adventure did you have tonight?"

"You and Poppa got married. It was awesome."

Alec laughs, "Yes it was."

Magnus nods, "It was, but we had an uninvited guest."


"I didn't ask his name, but Max says that he came after us in the War Room."

Jace looks at Magnus, "I'm confused. If you didn't know he was there, then how would you have asked his name?"

"Because Max portaled him to the loft and I killed him."

Alec closes his eyes, "I'm lost."

Max kisses his cheek, "Poppa, Daddy needs coffee."

Magnus nods, "Yes, I don't feel safe here anyway."

He creates a portal and everybody walks through into the loft.

Max goes to the Keurig machine, "Uncle Jace, coffee?"

"It's nine at night."

"So that's a no?"

Magnus rolls his eyes, "Ignore him, Jace."

Max giggles as he fills a mug for Alec. He brings it to him, as Alec takes off his jacket and sits on the sofa. He gives Max a warm smile as he takes the mug.

Max asks Jace, "Orange juice?"

Jace nods, "Or water will be fine."

Max pours two glasses of orange juice and hands one to Jace. Jace sits in a chair as Max sits in another chair.

Magnus sits on the sofa and takes a sip from his abandoned martini, "Still good."

Alec looks at Max, "Now what is going on?"

"When you and Poppa were in the War Room dancing, a man portaled behind you. He had a blade in his hand. I opened a portal and pushed him through it, but I forgot that any portals I created in the past automatically opened here."

Magnus continues with the story, "He appeared here just as I was making my martini and taught him a lesson about messing with warlocks. He is now at the bottom of the East River."

Alec drinks some coffee, "Didn't it cross your mind to wonder WHY he was here in the loft, Magnus?"

"No not really. I was defending my home from an intruder that portaled here without my permission. How was I to know that my son created the portal?"

Jace asks, "But I don't remember anybody trying to hurt you at your wedding."

Alec nods, "But we can't find out why he suddenly came after us THEN, since Magnus killed him NOW. And why were you and Max at the building?"

Magnus takes a sip then answers, "We were worried about you since this assassin just appeared in the timeline."

"Right, and we can't find out WHY because you killed him."

"Excuse me for defending myself."

Alec nods and gets up. He puts his jacket back on. He tells Jace, "Come on, I'll walk you back to the Institute."

Jace gets up, "Okay." He looks at a shocked Magnus and Max, and gives them a weak smile, "Good night."

Magnus gets up, "Alexender..." But Alec walks out the door, followed by Jace.

Max looks at Magnus, "Poppa?"

Magnus sits down, "Let's give him some space, Max."

Max swallows, "Is he coming back tonight?"

Magnus takes a deep breath, "I don't know."



You shocked? Well so am I. I had no idea they were going to have this fight. But it just happened. One minute I'm typing fluffy wedding mush and then I'm typing their first argument in the Rune Series.

But don't worry, I will fix this. I promise.