Author Note: I didn't forget about this store, or that this is the sequel of Leading the Blind. Life had really kicked me where the sun don't shine. I just have had little energy to sit down and write. Fortunately, due to the lock downs I have had time and sit down to write Turn A Blind Eye. I don't even know if anyone is still interested in this story, but I promise you I try my best to make more updates. I have chapters here and there scattered. I just need to write the scenes in between.

Please be patient.

Now for the longest freaking chapter I have ever written. Enjoy!

Update 4/19/2020: Minor Fixes. I forget that it is not a perfect transfer from google docs.

"Yrd' Zachary muttered as the water wicked away from his teammates' clothes. The salt of the sea sticking to his skin as a thick fog hovered over the ocean. Why they decided to drop them into the middle of the ocean was beyond the magician's comprehension. Zachary looked at Aqualad with envy, the Atlantean already dry as soon as he exited the ocean.

The team squeezed behind a cargo box, as Aqualad watched out. Static squeezed the extra salt water from his hair. He smiled, impressed how quickly Zachary died off. "Neat trick,you used to be a stage magician, right?"

"Still am, in my spare time," the magician answered, "though, I haven't had any recently."

"My boy used to have all these magicians for his parties until like fourteen, which stopped being cool, y'know?" He shrugged. " But dude, real magic on stage, now that's cool."

Aqualad cut into the conversation. "Anyone have a plan on how we are going to approach this?"

"From the mission file, this area isn't well monitored." Zachary said adjusting his gloves.

Static and Aqualad looked at each other in awe. Zachary wasn't really one the top list of people who would actually read mission details, nor was he one to be really into this whole superhero business. No one in the Teen Titans really read the mission details, except for the obvious: Red Robin. Static gave a wicked look towards Zachary, their dark haired mentor may have been the cause of this change.

Zachary looked at their stunned faces, especially at Aqualad who looked at him blankly in astonishment. Was it really that surprising?

"Hey, I know what you're thinking." The magician pointed at them. "I actually do read our mission files."

"Well what else does it say in there?" Static inquired.

"Well this wing has three more floors." The magician frowned in thought. " Blueprints show two suspiciously large rooms. One with a little too many security measures."

"Do you remember what floor?" The Atlantean asked squatting a little closer to the two.

"I think the third floor. This is considered the basement." Zachary answered.

"It's going to be difficult getting to the third floor from here, without drawing attention," Aqualad said, pressing his lips together in thought.

"I can listen into radio chatter." The metahuman snapped his hands in thought, which caused Zachary to nudge him over the sound. "I can tap into their frequency and figure out their security routes so we can avoid them. Hopefully they can just say what room the suit is."

"That is actually a good plan." Zachary blinked as Aqualad nodded in agreement. "I'm actually surprised."

"That's actually a compliment," Static retorted back, "I should be the one floored."

"A wonder if his change of attitude has anything to do with Ms. Raven reprimanding him for his carelessness last mission." Aqualad smirked, giving Static a quick nudge.

The metahuman smiled, joining in on the teasing. "Oh , please look at me. Tell me just how a good boy I'm being."

"Hey!" Zachary said pouting. "What are you trying to imply?"

"Nothing." Static tilted his head towards Aqualad as he made kissing noises towards Zachary. The two boys joined in silent laughter.

It was common knowledge among the Teen Titans that Zachary had a crush on Raven. It started out small enough a tender curiosity towards the beast his cousin had to vehemently talked about. After a couple of months, Zachary jumped at the chance to impress the empath. He had started this one sided flirtatious relationship with her, only for Raven to mock him at every turn. The magician ate up all the retorts instead, his affection for the empath becoming more bold. Even Nightwing recognized how attached Zachary had grown to Raven, and Nightwing was Mr. Oblivious.

"I swear once my powers start working on humans." Zachary frowned with resentment, crossing his arms across his chest.

"We should focus and keep chatter to a minimum." Aqualad cut in, his silent laughter dying down "We should start heading out."

Static nodded pressing his hand against his communicator. After finding the right signal, he connected his team to the frequency. They carefully made it through each floor. They moved according to Static's instructions, feeling when the radio signal would become check room after room, Zachary spelling a small seeing eye glass to the other side of the room. By the time they were on the third floor, they had stopped around a corner, taking a moment to catch their bearings.

"Do you hear anything on the radio?" Aqualad asked, watching over the corner as one bodyguard passed them by.

"There's some chat." Static pressed his lips together. "Give me a second."

Wildebeest is back, meet at the roof.

The team looked at each other, taking in the information.

"Perfect," The magician noted, "we knock out one of the members, destroy the suit, and get home before nightfall."

"The mission is to destroy the suit," Aqualad added, "we aren't supposed to engage unless necessary."

"What is the big deal?" The magician rolled his eyes. "We will still be completing the mission objective."

"You can't take unnecessary risk." The Atlantean cold blue eyes narrowed, "That's what got you injured last mission."

Zachary squared his jaw, his hand balling into a fist. "How did you—"

"I smelled it on you —the blood—as much as you tried to hide it, "Aqualad said, his tone clearly concerned, "you are supposed to report all injuries."

"Yeah so I can get healed by Raven?" Zachary tempered flared, his voice raising an octave. Static gave Zachary a quick nudge to quiet down. He tried not to yell, but his temper was getting the best of him."You have no idea what it does to that girl do you?"

"Raven would never offer her aid if she didn't think she could handle it." The Atlantean said.

The magician snapped his mouth shut, feeling his magic ready to crack. He wasn't willing to argue, the Atlantean's retort holding some merit. The magician hated that fact but it didn't stop himself from believing that they were a little too reliant on the empath's skill set.

Static watched the tension between them and decided cut in ."Guys, as much as I love this exhilarating should be heading through this hallway soon." He pointed to his earpiece.

Both Zachary and Aqualad head snapped to look around the corner footsteps echoed in the hallway. The metahuman pointed to a group of guards surrounding a large beast-like person. Their face was red, slightly elongated mouth and chin, resembling much like a horse. They were adorned in golden armor, covering most of their chest and legs. A large golden horned helmet accenting their face. Their very footsteps shook the very ground with each step.

"Okay that's big," Static commented, pressing his lips together.

The group of guards reached the end of the hallway. As one guard started pressing numbers into the keypad to the entrance of a room, Aqualad squinted his eyes, trying to see the numbers the guards punched in. Half the keypad was covered by the guards hand.

"Plan of action?" Aqualad said, hand tentatively on his batons.

"We should wait until they leave the room," Static pitched, "then, one we are sure that they are not on the floor, try to unlock the door. I can probably short circuit the keypad. It can go two ways though." Static frowned thoughtfully. "It can either open the door, or keep it completely sealed."

"I tried to memorize the letters and key tone," Aqualad added, "it might take me a few tries though."

"We don't know if that will trigger an alarm." Static shook his head.

"I could try to magic the door open." Zachary finally spoke up, a cocky smirk gracing his lips. "There hasn't been a door that I haven't been able to open."

"We will wait then." Aqualad nodded, looking at the door where two bodyguards.

"Back to the topic of Zach's wound. Are ya' part shark or something?" Static pressed up his nose in emphasis. "The whole blood nose thing."

The Atlantean smirked in response, turning his attention to the door.

"I'm serious." Static whispered to the magician, scared at the Atlantean's non-admittal. "I'm sort of scared of sharks."

A couple of minutes passed before the door swung open. None of them could catch a glimpse of who was in the suit, the guards quickly surrounding them. The group of guards moved in unison through the hallway and the Atlantean turned to the Bang Baby. Static took the hint, quickly turning the frequency back to the place communications. All they could hear was the faint static.

"I can't tell if and when they are going to be back." Static shrugged. "If we want to move we better move now."

"Let's do this quickly then." Zachary said, being the first to move out of their corner.

The rest followed him as they carefully moved across the hallways. As Aqualad and Static watched Zachary's back, he pressed his ear against the door listening carefully for movements.

"I don't hear anyone." Zachary mumbled, nodding to the rest of his team. Standing a couple of steps back he pressed his hand against the door lock. "Nepo"

The door encased in pink light before fading. The door lock turned green as the door opened. The team quickly entered as Static closed the door behind them.

"Okay now to— " Static spoke only to be nudged by Aqualad, to stay silent.

A stranger quickly turned around, pressing his back against the clear case that housed the Wildebeest suit. They wore a stylistic skull, a red ex marked over the center as it slightly covered their right eye. They were adorned in black kevlar armor, with heavy metal gauntlets, and a red ex across their plated chest. The person looked them over dropping their shoulders in exasperation, but not at all surprised to see the Teen Titans.

"Would you believe me if I said I was doing some spring cleaning?" The stranger quipped, the voice robotic with faint static playing in the background as they pointed at the Wildebeest suit behind them.

"No." Aqualad said, unsheathing his batons.

"It was worth a try." The intruder said, giving a half shrug. "I guess we have to do this the hard way. Frankly, I prefer it." They cracked his neck, as he unleashed red blades from his gauntlets.

"What is this guy, Wolverine?" Static said, taking a fighting stance.

"Focus." Zachary barked.

The intruder quickly crossed the room to them their first target Aqualad. Aqualad quickly dodged, the sword sticking to the concreted ground. The Atlantean took the opportunity to grab his baton turning it into water swords. The stranger was quicker kicking the baton out of his hand. The intruder proceeded to break his sword off with one kick, unable to pull it off the concrete. With a flick of a wrist another red sword grew in its place.

Aqualad took the opening taking the remaining sword to strike. The intruder rolled out of Aqualad's way, quickly setting his sights on Static. Kicking themselves up with force they aimed directly at Static's face. Static dodged by an inch only to be roundhouses kicked straight into Zachary.

"Okay totally not cool." Static said, stumbling away from Zachary.

"I'll handle this." Zachary said, and with a flicker of his hand levitated objects from the room, throwing it directly at their unwelcome guest.

Whoever this person was, he had gracefully dodged each the hurricane of objects the magician threw. Aqualad and Static were caught in the scuffle, a dance of blades and furniture, as the stranger balanced attacking, and dodging Zachary's flurry of rubble. As Aqualad dodged a piece of furniture, the intruder used the opening to kick Aqualad staggering him into a sharp piece of rubble. The Atlantean let out a quick breath in pain giving a quick glare at the magician.

Static looked back and forth in between the magician and Atlantean, and knew a new fight between teammates was ready to ensue.

"Okay guys I think we all need to calm down." Static said, stepping into the fray. With a flick of his wrist he electrified the metals on the intruders suit and levitated them. Zachary stopped, the pieces of rubble dropping to the floor in a defying thud in astonishment.

"Why didn't you do that sooner?" Zachary hissed.

Static shrugged. "Maybe we are all in the same team. Now Mr. Skeleton, why are you here?"

"Really you just going to ask that?" Zachary groaned covering his face. "He clearly isn't just going to tell you."

"Like sending debris flying to him and your teammate is going to make him talk." Static raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, that was an accident!" Zachary frowned, waving towards said teammate." I don't see Aqualad complaining."

"You have to be more careful and have more control of your powers." The Atlantean said sheathing his weapon.

"Ugh, you sound like my cousin." Zachary groaned.

"Maybe she has a point." Static whispered.

As they bickered, Static's hold on the intruder wavered. They slowly lifted their hand onto their belt, pressing their finger against a button. The electricity seemed to fizzle out, dropping the intruder onto the floor with a thud.

They stopped the argument at the sound of the noise.

"You said you had him!" Zachary shouted.

"I did but," Static shook his head. "He encased himself in an insulator."

"Meaning?" The Atlantean frowned.

"His powers don't work on me." They said, throwing pellets on the floor.

The pellets exploded into a plume of white powdery screamed through the fog for his team mates, only for the powder to stick to his tongue.

"The stuff freaking stings!" Zachary yelled, trying to cover his eyes from the smoke.

Zachary stumbled backwards when he felt a kick straight to his stomach. Taking a quick fighting stance, he found that he couldn't defend himself. Martial arts was not part of his skill set, but every time he opened his mouth to weave his backwards words, the powdery smoke filled his lungs. This intruder was stronger and faster than any punch the magician could throw. Zachary noticed each punch and kick was focused on his midsection where his abdominal wound was still red and fresh.

How did this thief know his weak spot?

Was it the way he carried himself? Or were they following them all along?

Zachary let out a cry, feeling his wound open and tear. Blood quickly soaked his cotton white shirt and the white powder that clung onto his clothes, soaked into his wound. In seconds Zachary fell onto his knees as his body broke out in a cold sweat. Every nerve of his body was firing, bile etching up his throat. The magician opened his mouth with strong magic on the tip of his mouth, but it was useless, his mouth too dry to form any words. His arms soon gave up on him, his face plastering onto the floor as he held in his vomit.

"One down, two to go." The stranger said cracking their knuckles. Knowing that the magician would be incapacitated soon, the stranger moved onto Aqualad.

Aqualad covered his face trying not to breathe in the thick smoke. The white powder had clung onto every crevice, a thick layer of it forming on his skin. He drew his sharp nails, digging into the white dust, trying to scratch off the thick powder. As he clawed on his skin the white powder turned into a thick paste every ounce of moisture leaving his skin. His skin felt dry like paper, and with every breath the powdery substance entered deeper into his lungs.

"Wa-ter" Aqualad choked out in a feeble attempt.

"Yeah sorry bud, you missed the fountain on your way in." The thief quipped before placing a roundhouse kick straight to Aqualad's head.

Aqualad quickly fell to the floor, losing his balance as the room continued to spin. He took one large gulp of air, feeling no moisture left in its contents. His eyes fluttered closed, losing consciousness.

"Well he is out cold but." The intruder kicked Aqualad's side, watching the body turn from the force. "Never be too careful."

"You" Static gasped as a loud hissing sound escaped his throat, the powder inflaming his lungs "Forgot about me."

The thief turned, looking at the hunched over remaining Teen Titan. They shrugged taking quick note of the teen's condition. "You'll be out in a second."

Static coughed, "I still have— "

The metahuman never finished his sentence, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he passed out. With a thud his body kicked up white powdery dust that collected on the floor. The thief cracked their knuckles and turned to the Wildebeest suit, flinching at the uncomfortable squeaking noise that echoed in the room from their rubber suit

Opening their utility belt, they pulled out a small red vial. Quickly hooking it up to their silver gauntlets they aimed at the suit. Pressing their fingers against their ear they said: "Permission to proceed?"

Not with that sloppy performance. A voice echoed back.

"I actually think I did a splendid job."

The whole tower is now under alert. The voice spoke in exasperation. Abort destroying the suit, take information only. Leave the Titans to take the blame.

"Meaning I clean up while you look pretty?"

Yup. I'm going to look pretty while I jam Titan communications. Now be a sweetheart, and clean up your mess. The line went dead.

"Shit." The intruder cursed under their breath, placing their hand on their hips. "Why is it never easy with you guys." They turned to the three bodies on the floor. "I'm guessing you guys aren't going to just see yourselves out." They sighed, shaking their head in disappointment. "I guess I can't really blame it on you, if you are, you know, unconscious. "

They stood, almost expecting them to say something back. Dramatically dropping their shoulders they sighed. "Good thing I have rope."

"Nightwing! Changeling lost contact with team blue and gold, and I no longer have visuals." Raven yelled through their communications.

A deafening static rumbled back, and Raven yanked out her earpiece and crushed it in her hands to silence it. The empath stared back at Changeling and Starfire, their faces concerned. A sickening tight knot pulsed in her stomach, their emotion amplifying as her vision tinted with a green-yellow hue.

"We have to get them out." Starfire pleaded, turning towards Changeling for an answer.

"This is supposed to be their mission. It may be nothing and if we step in now it 'll just stump their progress. We also might blow their cover." Changeling counter argued, biting his thumb.

The worry turned to a sickly feeling of nerves and anxiety, the tension building as they looked at each other for an answer. Raven took a large breath, pushing the emotion down for them. In seconds the tension disappeared, as they let out a sigh in relief. Her team turned to her, trying to think through the haze of emotion.

"I will go in my intangible and invisible form and search for them. " Raven took the lead, "Changeling, try to re-establish communication with the teams and Nightwing. Starfire, try to regain visuals."

The remaining Titans looked at each other and nodded. In the end it was the most reasonable solution. Raven grabbed her cloak and fastened it.

"Hey, be careful okay?" Changeling said, before quickly looking back on the monitor.

Raven nodded before phasing through the plane. Raven phased down the clouds and roof landing on to the top floor. The empath hide around the corner as she heard footsteps echo in the corridor. She took a moment to look around the corner to see if it's one of the Teen Titans. But all she sees is the back of the guard as he walks down the corridor.

She let out a heavy breath as she reached out with her empathy to feel any sign of distress. A swirl of colors enveloped her sight, a coagulate ball of feeling strongly tangled up on the west wing. Pulling on each string, she could send singular emotions: anger, pride, and a sickly sense of frustration. There were at least five people, and she assumed were team blue and one member of the Wildebeest Society. She expanded her senses to the north side of the building, feeling bodies on high alert. Some had to be guards. There was one though that felt out of place, running through the corridors exuding a strong sense of cockiness. As she reached further she felt one person experiencing pain and frustration while two unconscious minds laid near them.

Pushing down the feeling of panic she decided to head north. She phased one floor down the feeling of pain tightening onto her lower abdomen. As she passed by the corridor she felt the pain the stronger inside a broom closet. Taking a quick look around, she phased to the other side.

Static and Aqualad were knocked out as a tied up Zachary wiggled in his confines, a familiar red sticky taped over his mouth. There was a sparkle of magic as Zachary looked up quickly recognizing Raven in the dark. Looking away from her, the magician started quickly rubbing his wrist together to escape his confines.

Raven kneeled down, touching Aqualad and Static. She let out a breath of relief. They were still breathing, but in bad condition. Her heart raced as she saw Aqualad laying there, his skin and lips cracked. She needed water fast. Looking around her she noticed a small sink in the corner. Using her telekinesis she opened the faucet. She levitated a quart of water holding it with her powers before closing the faucet again.

"Forgive me" Raven muttered before releasing the water on top of Aqualad.

Zachary turned away as water splashed on him. Aqualad took a large breath, thankful for every drop of water. Aqualad curled up in the fetal position, his eyes blinking to adjust to the darkness of the closet. Raven grabbed a hold of the red sticky over the magician and pulled. Zachary held in a yelp as the empath undid the rope around his wrist.

Aqualad sat up, eyes adjusting to the darkness. "What about the others? They might meet the same person that knocked us out."

"Wildebeest society member?" Raven questioned, and looked at the sticky goo in her hand.

"No, some guy in a black and red suit." Zachary rubbed his wrist. "I don't think he was part of the society."

"I think he was stealing something from them." Aqualad spoke up his voice cracking. "We found the suit but the thief was there before us."

Raven pursed her lips staring at the red sticky tape in her hands. There were memories of the sticky red goo wrapped around her mouth. The memories of pieces of a skull mask under rubble, no body to be found. As her heart clenched the red sticky tape disintegrated in her hands.

A copycat, or did Red-X have a protege? Why show up now? The empath shook her head and looked at Zachary as he held his side.

As soon as their eyes connected, the magician looked away. Defiant, he stumbled his way up and landed back on his rear. Raven leaned toward his, quickly placing her hand on his abdomen. Closing her eyes she tuned into the pain, her hands encased in a black aura.

"Stop that." Zachary hissed, his frown deepening. He snatched her hand away. "I'll be fine, you don't have to heal every wound."

She frowned. "Was this the thief?"

"Ye—" Zachary started but Aqualad interjected.

"He was hurt from a previous mission and stitched it himself. " Aqualad cool eyes narrowed at Zachary.

"Snitch." Zachary grunted. "I would have been fine if I didn't get a roundhouse kick to the stomach."

"You are all aborting this mission," she said sternly, "Zachary, you will have a word with Starfire over not reporting your wounds."

The magician frowned but couldn't argue. He turned to Static who was limped over unresponsive. He shook his teammate and looked at Raven in a panic. "I can't wake up Static."

Raven held in her breath. "We need to get out of here."

Raven opened a portal, focusing her thoughts to the Titan plane. Blackness quickly enveloped them, a cold so deep that it seeped into their bones. Zachary tried to hide his shiver. He was always sensitive to the power of darkness. He glanced at Raven knowing it was a secret he would take to his grave. Soon the blackness diminished the bright white light of the plane encasing them.

Changeling stood up from his seat, while Starfire gasped running to Static's side.

"Static is unconscious but I think he will be alright," the empath said, "Changeling please get Aqualad some water to rehydrate him. Zachary needs stitches on the wound on his abdomen."

"What happened?" Starfire asked, effortlessly picking up Static's limp body.

Raven bit her lip, wondering what story she should weave. She wasn't sure it was Red-X or even a copycat. Her teammates would be worried about her meeting either. Raven clenched her hand under her cloak, a half truth ready on her tongue.

"Someone got to Wildebeest suit first. They incapacitated them then ran. We suspect they may have stolen something from that room." Raven said.

"Are you going after them?" Changeling asked, placing Zachary's arm around his shoulders.

"Yes, are communications and visuals back online?" Raven asked, her hand outreached as a portal appeared in front of her.

"Yes, we will contact the blue team shortly. Through the cameras we found that they were able to subdue one of the members but the rest of the building is on high alert." Changeling started walking to the med room but stopped and turned towards Raven. "Also Nightwing is on his way."

Raven looked at the portal before her. "I will be done before then."

"Red Robin how do the security cameras look?" Wonder girl asked, hovering over Red Robin shoulder as he typed over his mini computer.

"The whole building is looking for us. Raven found the gold team, and they don't look good." Red Robin said, his hands quickly typing "I'm still looking for the Wildebeest suit."

The rest of the team quietly groaned. They had to move soon. This air vent was getting too crowded and claustrophobic. Blue Beetle looked down through the one air grate. The guards rushed through the corridor below them. If only they can find the Wildebeest suit faster. Didn't the bug attached to his back have something for that?

Like it could hear his thoughts, the beetle beeped at him.

"What, you can't— wait you can?" Blue Beetle groaned, shaking his head. " Of course you can. Then why didn't you tell me sooner that you can hack into their communications system? You damn bug."

"What is wrong with him?" Kid Devil turned nudging his elbow into Wonder Girl's rib. Wonder Girl threw him a sharp glare and Kid Devil tried to make himself smaller.

"I don't ask anymore, apparently it has something to do with the technology on his back talking to him." Red Robin shrugged, eyes scanning the surveillance cameras on his computer. "Honestly, it doesn't surprise me one bit. I seen a man made of complete clay."

"What you got Blue Beetle?" Wonder Girl asked scooting closer to Blue Beetle.

Blue Beetle scrunched into a ball allowing Wonder Girl room in the front. "Well, it apparently can hack into their communications. Maybe they will mention the suit?" Blue Beetle shrugged.

"Do people just go: 'Hey protect Wildebeest suit in the room blank' , over communications. Don't they suspect people hacking into them?" Kid Devil asked.

"Honestly, half of villains' monologues are what they plan on doing." Wonder Girl shrugged.

"Well, I'm down." Red Robin closed his laptop.

Blue Beetle's backpack chirped, and a satellite dish poked out from his back. The dish circled hacking into the communications frequency. Blue Beetle listened intently, his eyes looking down at the guards.

"Man where are those Teen Titan dorks."

East wing seems clear.

Check every room on the North side, I don't want a single speck of dust unturned. Find that thief!

Protect the Wildebeest suit, check all air vents and rooms for that thief. Two should stay posted in room 303N. "

Blue Beetle turned to his team, "I think the suit is in room 303N. I also think we aren't the only intruders here."

Red Robin raised an eyebrow. He reopened his computer, hacking back into the security through the camera, he noticed a person with a black costume with a skull mask looking around a corner. They quickly scanned around them and noticed the camera. Their body tensed until the fabric of their mask stretched. The thief then bowed and saluted towards the camera before turning around the corner disappearing from view.

"We have company." Red Robin muttered.

"Blue team are you there?" The voice cracked through their earpieces.

"Changeling, it is so good to hear you!" Kid Devil chimed, "We sort of have a situation here."

"You are welcome." Red Robin said, closing his laptop and placing back into his suit.

"I like to say it was both our mutual efforts." Changeling laughed.

"What about the gold team? Are they okay?" Wonder Girl asked.

"Uhh sort of, apparently they met up with an intruder who wasn't us." Changeling gave a nervous laugh. "Raven was able to get them out. She is currently trying to hunt them down."

"We were able to spot him on the west wing." Red Robin mentioned and looked back at his team. "How do we proceed with the Wildebeest Society?"

"Too much heat, we did not expect another variable. Raven will worry about the thief in case he has valuable information we can use. Abort and come to the extraction zone. Changeling out."

"Well that was a bust." Blue Beetle groaned.

"Hey we were able to defeat Madame Rouge." Kid Devil added trying to place a positive spin.

"Yeah until her guards came and then we had to bail without the villain." Wonder Girl frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. "We will never run a high profile mission again."

"It could be worse Wonder Girl." Kid Devil smiled, and Wonder Girl sighed in agreement.

"I know, I just wanted a chance to prove ourselves" Wonder Girl looked away.

"I just hope we can get out of this air shaft." Red Robin shifted.

Kid Devil eyes went wide in realization.

Wonder Girl spoke up first, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Robin if the next words out of your mouth are—"

"My wings ejected?" Red Robin struggled rattling the air vent.

The whole team groaned.

"Raven!" Nightwing's voice echoed on her earpiece.

"Good to see you are joining us," Raven whispered as she flew intangible through the floor.

"The Teen Titans?" Nightwing asked, and she can hear the sound of jet engines in the back.

"Fine. One team is seeking medical attention, the other is stuck on the air ducts."

"Red Robin's wings?" he queried.

"Red Robin's wings, " she confirmed with a huff, "I will send one person to retrieve them. Right now busy with an intruder."

"Intruder?" Nightwing asked curiously.

"I guess Starfire hasn't updated you with the whole story." Raven turned a corner hiding in the shadows as society members ran past her, looking for the Titans. "Someone got to the suit before us."

There was silence as Raven rounded the corner. In the corner of her eye she watched a black silhouette running towards an open door. For a moment, a fraction of a second, she could almost make out a familiar white mask.

"Do you think it's related to Black Mask?" Nightwing finally spoke, shaking her out of her stupor.

"Found the intruder. In hot pursuit." Raven said, running towards the open door. As she entered the room she noticed a slightly off tile. There was an air duct, and their little thief must have gone through it.

"Raven, this person knocked out one entire team, do not pursue," Nightwing interjected.

"Oh can't hear you, I guess they jammed communications again."

"Raven don't— !"

Raven pulled out her earpiece crushing it in her hand. It was foolish of her to disobey, knowing the full dangers of pursuing on her own. She winced hearing her own voice echo on how many times she had told the Teen Titans to never go alone. But she had to prove it to herself, prove that this wasn't a ghost coming back to haunt her.

Placing the shattered earpiece into her pocket, she held in a breath. She needed answers.

She made herself intangible as she went through the air ducts. She followed the rattle and noise, and quickly spotted someone crawling through slowly muttering to themselves.

"It will be an easy mission, they say." The culprit muttered, then mimicked a high pitched voice that cracked under their voice modifier "It's an in and out job. It will be quick"

Raven phased passed them, only to slowly phase her face through under their vision. "Boo." She said with a deadpan stare, grabbing tightly to the intruder, and phasing them through the ceiling.

The intruder tugged away placing their foot against Raven's chest, twisting in the air, to land on their feet. Raven glided down, black energy forming on her hands. She looked at them, as they stood up rolling their shoulders back as they took their best defensive stance.

Her eyes wandered to their suit, the same deep black suit with red accents. The gauntlets were slightly different, the design a little more sleek. The chest of the suit was heavily padded with a woven metal. Her breath hitched at the sight of their mask, the ivory skull, dark pit accented eye sockets, and the distinctive red ex across the left eye, was still the same. She clenched her hand reminding herself that the suit proved nothing,

There was no way this was the original Red-X.

Clenching her fist until her knuckles turned white, she spoke. "Who are you?"

They tilted their head at her. "Red-X, but I'm pretty sure you knew that." They paused, tensing in their form before adding: "Sunshine."

"Doesn't matter who you think you are," she spat, "you hurt my students."

"Means you aren't that good at teach— " Red-X didn't finish, backflipping out of the way as Raven slammed a desk straight at them.

"That magician guy, definitely is your student." Their mask bunched up around their mouth to indicate a smile. "Same playbook." They said unleashing swords out of their gauntlets. "Let's see how much the student learned from his master."

They ran to her, unleashing strikes so fast the sword blurred to a sheet of red. Raven dodged, placing shields every near strike. Red-X was always fast, but the brute strength between each strike was something different. It had been seven years since their last rustle, things were sure to change. Raven winced. No, this wasn't Red-X. This was not Mr. Tim.

As her confidence wavered she left an opening, the sword slicing at her arm.

Raven placed up a shield, as two swords came down on her. She shook her thoughts away. She felt them push down on the shield this Red-X hoping to over power her. She followed the push,placing one knee to the ground as they continued their onslaught on her shield.

She crossed her hands over her head, the black shield growing in size, before finally breaking with a force strong enough to push the imposter on the other side of the room. They banged against the wall, falling lithe on the floor. Raven stood up, enveloping the imposter in a black mass.

"Enough." Raven yelled, lifting them off the floor and squeezing just a little tighter. "Now tell me why you're here, Red-X."

"What do you think?" Red-X smirked, wiggling a little in her grasp. "A super powered suit that anyone can wear? That's just something ripe for the picking."

Raven frowned, rolling her shoulders back. "You are lying." she squeezed a little harder.

"What are you? A lie detector now?" They groaned. "Maybe you should change the frequency of your sensors, Sunshine." They said, while pressing a button on their belt.

With a loud bang, a red ex jetted out of their suit, and stuck her against the wall. Raven let out a huff as her head banged against the wall, her mind replaying the all too familiar scene in her head. Whomever this person was they were playing right out of Red-X's playbook.

Red-X kicked themselves off from the floor, rolling their right shoulder in pain as they walked over to her.

"Ah, before I forget." Red-X snapped their fingers, before slapping a sticky red ex across her face. "Can't be too safe right?"

Raven rolled her eyes, but decided not to struggle against her binds.

"No, I'm going to go scadaddle, while they still don't know that I'm here." Red-X said, giving Raven a small salute.

They jumped up, latching onto the tile, and pulling themselves up and out of sight. She listened for them, the sound slowly disappearing as they moved further away from the room. Raven turned her head towards the door. With a sigh she enveloped herself in a dark aura, disintegrating the red adhesive from her person. With a black hand she touched the adhesive glued to her mouth, it easily peeling off from her face.

As her feet touched the floor Nightwing came rushing into the door, two batons ready. He looked at Raven dumb founded, taking a moment to stare behind her, the residue of the red adhesive still on the wall. He looked back at Raven, unsure what to think about the familiar goo on the wall.

Nightwing tightening his grip on his baton before placing them back on his back. He walked up to Raven eyes inspecting her. Leaning in, he placed a gentle hand on her face. The red adhesive had left marks on her delicate face.

"Where is he?" Nightwing asked with a frown.

Raven looked up towards the ceiling and Nightwing followed her line of sight. Nightwing pulled away from her, taking a step back to place himself under the loose tile.

He started. "He couldn't have gone far, I'll-"

"I think you have forgotten that we have two teams indisposed right now." Raven reminded him. "Red-X is not our priority."

Nightwing clenched his hands, and sucked his teeth. This was the last thing that they needed. Whoever this was was an unpredictable variable in their plan. He watched Raven's expression, her eyes fixated at where this Red-X escaped through.

"That is not Red-X, Raven." He assured her. "I don't know who he-"

"Not the same Red-X, but a Red-X" She corrected him, turning herself back to the door. "If this copy cat is any good, we will see them again."

Raven walked out the door. Nightwing quickly looked up at the ceiling, before letting out a huff. He followed Raven out the door.

"I can't believe we failed our first solo mission!" Wonder Girl groaned, slapping her forehead in disdain.

"It could have been worse." Kid Devil offered giving Wonder Girl a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Right, we could have gotten stuck in an air duct, having to have Raven phase us out." Zachary smirked, his arm wrapped around Static for support, as he got out of the airplane. "Oh wait that wasn't my team. That was yours."

"Oh, like getting your ass kicked by someone in a skeleton mask was any better?" Blue Beetle quipped.

"At least we went down fighting." Zachary retorted back, giving a small kick towards Blue. He missed, almost causing Static to falter on his steps.

"Can you watch it, Zach?" Aqualad reprimanded. "You are going to open your wounds that Starfire carefully stitched on the plane." The Atlantean shook his head before downing a bottle of water.

"Isn't anyone at least a little curious who this skeleton guy was?" Red Robin cut in, opening the door to the living room.

The rest of the Teen Titans pooled into the living room. The older Titans, except Raven, took the middle of the living room. The Titans looked between each other, a silent conversation forming between them.

"Copy Cat." Changeling said with a huff, and gave a quick look at Starfire. Starfire sighed, placing her hands on her hips.

"I think our name was better." Static said helping Zachary sit down on the couch.

"Yeah, Mr. Skeleton is noteworthy." Zachary frowned, leaning back into the couch and placing a hand on his side.

"No, he is a copycat of someone we faced in our youth." Starfire clarified, eyes darting over to Nightwing who stood arms crossed. "Red-X, the suit, is dangerous, almost as dangerous as the Wildebeest suit if in the wrong hands."

"Seeing as three of you were incapacitated, it means it has falling into the wrong hands." Changeling noted, waving a dismissive hand toward the gold team. "If you see Red-X again, do not confront them. Run."

"Just cause we got our buts whopped once, we can't just attack this guy?" Static spoke up. "What about learning from our mistakes?"

"We fought Red-X over and over again, and we were never able to apprehend him." Starfire mentioned with a frown.

"Wait," Red Robin interjected, "The way you are saying this sounds like you don't think it's the same person." Red Robin inquired.

"We are calling them Red-X because we believe it's the same suit. But this one is a copycat." Changeling rubbed his brow.

Changeling looked at Nightwing hoping their leader could find the best way to explain this.

"We have strong evidence to believe this Red-X is a copycat." Nightwing crossed his arms and started at the floor before speaking up. "The Red-X we knew disappeared seven years ago."

"As in?" Wonder Girl raised her hand in question.

Nightwing opened his mouth but Starfire quickly cut in. "We have evidence to believe that the Red-X we knew is no longer in this world."

"Oh." Wonder GIrl dropped her hand.

Nightwing frowned, but he guessed that it was better they knew the truth. Red Robin was too curious for his own good, and would dig was all over the Justice League files that Red-X perished along with Brother Blood.

Starfire cut into the tension, her clap echoing around the room. "Well, besides that, you guys did do great." Starfire gave a thumbs up with a wink. "You guys were able to locate the Wildebeest suit and fight off Madame Rogue."

"We weren't able to apprehend her because her goons got a jump on us." Blue Beetle spoke up, a little ashamed.

"And they are sure to relocate the suit now that there has been a break in." Aqualad added.

"Wow, debbie downers this bunch are." Changeling chimed in. "Look, it's hard to be a team. It is hard to be a superhero. You won't always win, but the fact that you tried, that you fought for the greater good is enough."

"I don't think that's how the whole superhero thing works." Zachary whispered to Kid Devil, and Kid Devil flicked his tail to hide his amusement.

"After the next mission, we will be doing leader assignments." Starfire announced. "Now rest up. We get them next time okay?"

"Dismissed." Changeling waved a hand, and the Teen Titans trickled out of the room. "Zachary, don't forget to go to the infirmary. Raven wants to see you."

Zachary nodded, limping his way to the infirmary.

Starfire walked over to Nightwing who was leaning against the wall. "I guess I forgot to add the part the suit was made to specifically kick our asses."

Changeling smirked. "Or the fact that Nightwing created the suit."

"It's better they don't know that." Nightwing sighed, letting out a groan. "Raven?"

"Infirmary with Prysm." Changeling said, crossing his arms across his chest. "Any leads to this Black Mask?"

"Apparently there was a break in not too long ago." Nightwing rubbed his brow. "I plan to investigate more, tomorrow night. I have to get in before they set up security."

"Better than nothing." Changeling placed his hands on his hips, shaking his hand in thought. "Two surprises in one day."

"And Richard thought Jump City was getting dull." Starfire quipped, her eyes glowing a mischievous green as she smiled.

"It is dull, Kory" Nightwing tilted his head. He guessed he should be thankful that Jump City wasn't like before.

"And Bludhaven is just filled with excitement. Look at that crime rate." Changeling whistled in fake appreciation. "City just ripe for the picking."

Nightwing shrugged with a smile. "It's just a thought, Gar"

Garfield looked at Kori, and Kori cocked her hip at Nightwing. His two teammates didn't believe it was just a thought, they thought he was trying to run away. Dig himself deeper to the life he had known for far too long in order to run away from the woman he knew like the back of his hand.

"Well I think right now there is enough excitement here right now Dick." Kori sighed, slowly walking away from her teammates. "Let's find out about this Black Mask guy before it gets worse."

Garfield laughed following Kori's lead. "I agree with Kori. Just don't get obsessed with this now, okay buddy?" Garfield winked.

Nightwing frowned as he watched Garfield leave the room.

"How are you feeling? " Raven asked, placing a cold hand against Prysm's forehead.

"I've never gotten a cold before." Prysm whined, wiping her nose with the bed sheets.

Raven pulled out tissues handing them back to the green alien. "You are acclimating to Earth. Bound to happen."

Prysm nodded, taking the tissues out of Raven's hand and blowing her nose. Prysm sniffled and looked at Raven curiously. "How long it took you to be acclimated."

"I'm from another dimension, it's a little different." Raven said thoughtfully, as she grabbed the thermometer. "Same germs, slightly different string, so about two years. It took Starfire longer."

The green alien was about to answer only to sneeze, a green beam blasting to the opposite wall. A black scorched mark appeared, next to the other various sized black marks.

"Ugh, I'm going to be sick forever." Prysm whined, borrowing a little deeper in her bed.

Raven motioned for Prysm to open her mouth as she placed a thermometer under her tongue. Prysm closed her mouth, only for both of them to turn their attention to the medical bay's door opening.

"Paging Dr. Raven." Zachary cooed.

"Zach" She clicked her tongue.

"Isn't it under the doctor's hand book not to treat patience while angry?" Zach said, holding his side.

Raven said nothing, turning to Prysm to pull out the thermometer. She looked at the temperature and looked at Prysm. "Is 120 Fahrenheit a fever for you?"

Prysm nodded, letting out a small cough.

"Rest up." She ordered before turning her attention back to the magician. " I'm going to have some choice words with you Zachary." Raven said closing the curtains behind her.

She watched as Zachary sat on the chair, his lips puckering to stop the moan of pain from leaving his lips. Raven sat in front of him, her hand encased in black aura. The magician gingerly grabbed her wrist, stopping her from inching closer.

"How about we don't do that." Zachary said through closed teeth. "I think I'll be fine with some ointment and pain killers."

With an argument carefully sealed behind her lips, Raven got up and walked to the medicine cabinet. Raven grabbed bandages and ointment, the taste of rose water hitting the tip of her tongue. She always felt it, that slight rosy tint in her vision, the flowery taste that was akin to the feeling of 'like', whenever Zachary looked at her when he thought she wasn't aware. Raven prayed to everything that was good and holy that the feeling will go away with time.

Before she turned around, bandages and medicine in hand she heard an audible smack.

She looked at Nightwing as he stood next to Zachary, his arms crossed over his chest. Zachary sat there, pitifully rubbing the back of his head.

"Take it easy on a medical patient." The magician pouted.

"Patient? All I see is a dumbass who didn't report his wounds." Their leader retorted back.

The empath rolled her eyes. "Zach raise up you shirt." She squatted down near Zachary's seat. "What are you doing here Nightwing?"

"How's Prysm?" Nightwing asked leaning against the door frame as he watched Raven.

"Needs R&R." Raven reported, placing ointment on the magician's stitches.

Nightwing kept his eyes on Zach. "How long will she be indisposed?"

"Three to five days for good measure." Raven responded, placing a bandage over Zachary's wound, pulling the magician shirt down. "I'm guessing this isn't the only thing you want to talk to me about."

Nightwing looked away from the magician. "My office."

Zachary couldn't help but give an audible gag.

Raven sighed leaning towards Zachary, while giving him the rest of the bandages and ointment. "Don't get it wet, and change it once a day." She stood up, looking back at her leader. "Better be good Boy Wonder."

Nightwing smiled, giving a modest bow as he pointed to the exit. "Let the show begin."

As she exited Nightwing soon followed. As Zachary watched them leave a sneer grew on his face. What Raven used to see in Nightwing was beyond him. Nightwing was a good leader. But he seemed to have too much heart and an unhealthy addiction to crime fighting. Didn't Raven want a way out of this life one day? Zachary pressed on his wound trying to wish away his thoughts away.

He got up, leaning against the chair's back for support. The sound of curtains being pulled open made him turn his head. Prysm laid on her side with a cheshire grin on her face.

"I didn't think you would get any more obvious. What is next, going to start shooting fireworks?" Prysm snickered only to release a cough afterwards. "Oh Raven, I like you."

"Can you just shut up." Zachary said, placing the ointment in his pocket.

Prysm's smile widened as she wiped the snot off her nose. "Good luck competing with that." She nodded to the door Nightwing walked out of.

Zachary looked at the door and felt his heart drop to his stomach. "They aren't together."

"Pu-please." Prysm rolled her eyes. "How long do you think that is going to last? Everyone knows Nightwing still likes Raven. She would be insane to pass up a man like Nightwing."

It was Zachary's turn to roll his eyes "Do all you girls gush over Nightwing?"

"Have you seen him?" Prysm's eyes twinkled with a smile."He is walking eye candy in that suit."

The magician wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"But we are just people enjoying the work of art hanging in a museum." She shrugged again, wiping her nose. Her eyes darted back at the magician. "Raven sure is pretty, and here I thought all the boys thought Starfire was the work of art."

Zachary winced at the thought. "She shows a little too much."

Prysm shrugged. "Isn't that because of her powers? Doesn't she need to expose herself to the sun?"

Zachary waved dismissively.

All the girls looked at Nightwing in appreciation. Nightwing was hot, that was undoubtable, but he was an adult. They were just a bunch of kids who liked to stare at their cute teacher. Zachary felt something slightly different than that though. Something that will only end up in disaster. Prysm wanted to knick that in the butt before that turned into something worse. Raven didn't need that drama.

"You know you have like less than a 0% chance?" Prysm said with a cough.

Zachary pursed his lips limping away from the conversation.

Author Note: If you enjoyed this chapter please comment and follow! Thank you!