Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight

Chapter 1: Escape

Nessie's POV

With every step I took, every move I made, I felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest. Everything had been perfectly planned out for months but that didn't make it any easier or less nerve wrecking for me.

Looking at my son's sleeping form in my arms and my daughter as she struggled to keep up with me reminded me why I was running in the first place. It was for myself and them but mostly it was for them. Of course they didn't fully understand what I was doing. How could they when Sophie was only seven years old and my son Royce V was only four years old.

People looked at us funny as we rushed out of the airport into the cold rainy Washington weather. We'd just landed in Port Angeles but our final destination was Forks, Washington. I'd specifically chosen this place because it's the last place Royce King IV would think to look. My husband knew how much I hated small towns and rain so this was the perfect place to hide.

I couldn't help but wonder what I'd done to lead me to this point in my life. I have no memory of the beginning of my life though I had to be at least 17 years old when I started suffering from a severe case of amnesia. All I know is that somehow I ended up in the state of New York with no memory or identification for that matter.

The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me as I had not suffered any apparent injuries that would've caused my amnesia. They did discover that I was two months pregnant at the time. That just left me more sad and confused. I was going to have a baby and for the life of me I couldn't remember who the father was.

Seven months later I gave birth to my daughter Sophie. My skin was pure white but my daughter had a beautiful shade of russet color skin. She had dark brown eyes and black hair. Considering she didn't look a lot like me I'd guess that she probably looked a lot like her biological father, whoever he was.

When Sophie was about five months old I met my future husband Royce King IV. It was like love at first sight. He was such a gentleman and he didn't mind that I had a baby. We fell in love and a little after Sophie's second birthday we got married and I got pregnant with my son.

Everything seemed fine. I had no idea just how much would change when we got married. That's when Royce's controlling side started to really manifest itself. First he demanded that I quit my job to stay home and take care of the kids. That didn't seem like such an unreasonable request since he and his family was filthy rich from the bank they owned in Rochester.

However things only got worse from there on out. Slowly he started to cut me off from the rest of my friends. Then he would yell at me over every little thing. Then slowly the verbal abuse started to turn physical.

The day he hit me in front of my kids for the first time was the day I finally decided that enough was enough. I'd never seen my kids so scared before. I decided right then and there that we all had to escape. There was no way in hell I would allow my kids to live here with this man any longer. There was no way in hell that I'd let my daughter grow up believing that men were allowed to treat her this way simply for being a woman. There was no way in hell I'd allow my son to grow up thinking it was even remotely acceptable to treat women this way.

So I made my escape plan. I researched places to live. That's when I came across Forks, Washington. Then when I found out that they'd just opened a Veterinarian's office and were hiring I knew this was the place meant for me. I had been a veterinarian in New York before my husband had forced me to quit and I missed it.

So I applied and did phone and Skype interviews. Everything seemed to be falling into place when I got the job offer. When the day came to actually escape I was still terrified but I knew I was doing the right thing.

The only problem is that I still wasn't free. I knew my husband well enough that if I tried to get a divorce he'd fight for full custody of both my kids. He legally adopted my daughter as soon as we'd gotten married so it was well within his power to fight for full custody of her and my son as well. Since he came from money and had the best lawyer I didn't stand a chance against him.

Even though I escaped I still wasn't truly free. I couldn't think of any way out of this marriage that didn't involve the strong possibility of losing my kids to Royce.

I still wasn't free.

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