Alec turned in his bed, again, for like fifth time in an hour. He just couldn't sleep. Maybe it was because he had a lot on his mind. Lydia for example.

Flashback :

The doors burst open and Jace, Izzy and his mom ran inside with others following them. Alec inwardly sighted in relief, that he and Magnus were no longer kissing. Yeah, that would be embarrassing. Apparently, it was pretty obvious what was happening, as Jace and his mom ran straight to where Lydia still laid, crumpled on the ground from Magnus throwing her against a wall.

"What happened here?" Izzy asked while hugging him, done with checking him over for any injuries. Alec didn't know what to say. What if they would think that he was weak. Thankfully, Magnus was more than glad to tell them what happened. Mainly because he wanted that bitch to suffer for what had she done to his Alexander.

"Our dear alpha here." he pointed with his head at Lydia, who just started waking up and panicking when she saw the people around her "has decided that she wanted Alexander as her omega." he glared. Izzy and Jace glared, too. They knew that Alec was happy with Magnus and that Magnus really loved him so they didn't like this one bit.

"But unfortunately, Alec didn't like her, so she decided to force him to like her with something she invented." he pointed to the small container that laid under Alec's bed where she threw it earlier. Maryse bent down and picked it up, taking a quick sniff before turning her head away and wrinkling her nose at the smell.

"What is this?" she asked and passed it to Jace and Isabelle. "I couldn't move when I smelled it." Alec murmured but everyone heard him. "You little bitch!" Izzy shouted and Jace had to hold her back or otherwise she would really kill Lydia. "How dare you? If you ever come near my brother I will fucking kill you!" if looks could kill, Lydia would be a hundred feet under. Isabelle's eyes were blazing and she was so angry that her glamor around her wings fell.

They were fluttering angrily, twitching and spreading to their full length. It was really impressive as her wings were massive. Lydia's eyes were wide and she was slightly trembling in some Shadowhunter's hold. She was never as afraidof someone before. But this time, she knew that if Jace wasn't holding Isabelle back, she would really kill her.

"Izzy! Calm down, I'm okay now." Alec slowly touched her arm, knowing that if an alpha is this pissed off, they could hurt someone even if they didn't mean to. Thankfully, Izzy calmed down and hugged him tightly, her arms around his waist and her face smashed against his chest. He too wrapped his arms around her shoulders and buried his face in Izzy's hair, breathing in her familiar scent.

End of flashback:

Yeah, that was intense. Another thing was the Book of the White.


"Are you sure you are okay to go with us? We can go without you. You can relax some more if you need." Izzy was pestering him again. He told her, maybe four times already, that he was feeling fine. Rolling his eyes, Alec glared at Jace who was laughing behind his hand.

"For the last time, I'm fine Izzy. Don't worry about me. Just concentrate on finding the Book of the White." she just huffed, but thankfully let him be and instead knocked on the door of DUMORT and waited. It was opened by a harassed looking Simon and an amused looking Raphael behind him. Alec could just literally feel Jace's smirk and inwardly rolled his eyes.

"Can we help you?" Raphael smirked at them, pulling the still flustered Simon behind him. Mainly because he saw Clary's glare and he really didn't need another argument with her.

"Yes, can we talk inside?" Alec asked and when Raphael nodded, he motioned for Izzy to go before him. Once they were all inside, Alec motioned for Clary to begin. It was for her and her mom, so she could ask herself. "R-Raphael, We...I would like to ask ...if we could go ask Camille, something about the Book of the White.

I...need it to make an antidote for my mom so she can wake up and Camille has the book. Or better said, she know where it is." Raphael had a blank look but after Simon elbowed him into the side, he chuckled. "Yeah, of course you can. Just be careful around her, she can be a real bitch when she wants to."

Hotel DUMORT, the cellar:

Alec didn't really feel comfortable in the cellar. The place was cold and the air was stale. And the coffin in the middle wasn't too nice to look at. Also Camille must have felt them as the top was shaking like crazy and she was screaming. He wanted to flinch at how high pitched it was. He felt Magnus's presence behind him and Izzy's on his right side and suppressed a smile.

They were being really protective of him, but it felt nice. Having someone that cares about him, it was really nice. They all stood around the coffin, Magnus at her feet and Alec her head, and after nodding at each other, they all, together, opened the locks and the top of the coffin flew open. Camille sat up and smirked, "Well, look at this, quests."

Magnus rolled his eyes, "Yes, hello again Camille. I would like to say that it's nice seeing you again but I don't want to lie." he said sarcastically. Camille's smile was fake as she crossed her arms across her chest and her eyes darkened. "What do you want?"

"We want you to tell us where the Book of the White is." Clary said from Camille's left, her face stone hard but her eyes pleading. But Camille ignored her, instead focusing on Simon. "Hello again, little omega. How have you been?" her gaze fell on his collar, the bracelet from Raphael. "And you have a collar now, too. How nice." she taunted and smirked when Simon frowned.

"Where is the Book of the White?" asked Clary and this time, there wasn't a 'please' in her eyes. She turned to her, her face annoyed, "The Book of what?" Clary rolled her eyes.

"The Book of the White. A big spell book." she smiled "Never heard of it?"

"And yet, we tracked it to you. How come then ?" this time it was Clary who was sarcastic and Camille who rolled her eyes. "And what would I possibly want with a spell book?"

Clary looked at the others ,"We don't have time for this. Let's put her back." and started pushing Camille back into the coffin. "Okay, okay. You said it was a warlock book?" Clary nodded. "I have it in my apartment at the Upper East Side. I can take you there, but you will have to get me out of here first." Clary looked at Raphael, who was frowning.

Finally, he nodded. "Fine, but I will come with you." he looked at Camille and glared, "I don't trust her."

Camille's apartment:

Stepping through a portal that Magnus made, Camille looked around herself and breathed in. "It feels nice to be home again." smiling, she turned to Magnus, who was softly talking with Alec and smirked. "Well, I should properly thank you, shouldn't I?" and smashed her lips against Magnus's.

Eyes widening, Magnus immediately pushed her away and started rubbing his mouth, trying to get every bit of Camille of off him. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" he shouted and glared. Camille dramatically touched her chest and widened eyes. "Why, thanking you, no?"

Magnus glared even harder, "Yeah, maybe a hundred and thirty-eight years ago!" he shouted but then smirked. Turning to Alexander, who just stood next to him with his mouth open and hurt in eyes, and grabbed him around waist. His other hand came to his cheek and then Magnus pressed a gentle kiss on Alexander's lips.

Ignoring the shocked gasp from Clary, Alec closed his eyes and pressed a little bit more into the kiss, enjoying the feeling of Magnus all around him. When they broke apart, Magnus's face was gentle and there was so much love in his gaze that it took Alec's breath away. It was then he remembered that they weren't alone and he blushed.

"This is nice and all, but I don't have time for it." Camille said and stormed away, leaving them looking after her and Magnus smirking smugly.

Camille's library:

"I don't get it. Why do you have a place like this when you live at DUMORT" Clary said, while looking through Camille's many books. "DUMORT has too many rules." Camille said and turned back to her conversation with her butler. Clary looked at Simon, who was next to her, and sighted. They were all tense, Magnus wouldn't move from Alecs side for more than two feet and Raphael did the same with Simon.

Even Jace was standing closer to Clary than these days and he was continuously looking around himself. Simon jumped, and collided with Raphael's chest, who wrapped his arms around Simon's waist, when suddenly Camille sighed right next to him. "I took you here. Now I'm free, right?"

Raphael slowly nodded, his eyes narrowed. Camille smirked and turned to leave, only for Clary to stand in her way. "Wait, where is the book?" Camille ran her finger across the backs of her books. "I would love to give it to you guys," she sighted dramatically," but I can't. I don't know where it is."

Everyone's eyes widened and Raphael hissed angrily. Camille just smirked at them, waved mockingly, and ran away. "Fuck!" Jace cursed angrily and kicked one of Camille's chairs. "What do we do now?"

Magnus slowly crossed his arms."Well, she said it was here. We just have to find it, don't we?" they all nodded.

Some hours later, with Clary, Jace, Simon and Raphael:

"We have been doing this for hours now. We just can't find it." Clary said weary and leaned against one of the shelves around them. They decided to separated in hope to work more effectively. Magnus, Alec and Isabelle went to another room but from Isabelle's smirks and winks she threw at Magnus and Alec, Clary was sure that Isabelle went looking alone.

She knew that she wasn't...exactly nicest to Alec, and Simon too, but she is happy for him. Magnus was really nice for him, helping him to be more self-confident. She was really...ashamed of herself.

"It has to be here somewhere." Jace said and threw another book to the ground, already a big heap behind him. "Maybe we are doing it wrong?" Simon tried as he returned another book back. Clary stood straight. "Maybe you are right. Maybe we have to look under it." she said and her gaze stopped on an old cook book.

Pulling it out, she put it on a small coffee table and opened it to some chicken recipe, where an old ripped bookmark was. Her eyes widened and she shared a quick look with Simon before she pulled the bookmark from Ragnor's book and measured it against the one in the book. It was a perfect match.

Once they were touching each other, the book started shinning and the recipes changed into some old tongue. "Finally!" Clary breathed out and gently touched it. They all turned when they heard high heels clicking. "We have to go. He is here." said Isabelle and ran back from where she came.

With Alec and Magnus:

Alec's back bumped into the bookshelf behind him, Magnus caging him with his arms. Alec didn't know what to do with his hands, they just hovered in the air for a bit before he settled them on Magnus's shoulders, clenching the bright fabric tightly.

Moaning when Magnus softly bit his bottom lip, he broke away, taking a deep breath. Magnus too, was breathing slightly faster, his eyes unglamored, cat like and yellow. "I hope that this is okay. I'm not going too fast?" he asked Alexander gently and smiled when the omega shook his head and blushed prettily. "N-No...I like this." he murmured and Magnus smiled.

He moved forward for another kiss, but Alec's hands on his shoulders stopped him. At Magnus's confused look, Alec nervously smiled. "I ...would like to continue but we have to look for the Book of the White." he whispered. Magnus mock pouted before smirking.

"Well okay. But later tonight, I would like to have you over for some drinks, okay?" he gently patted Alec's backside and waltzed to the other side of the room. Alec blushed slightly and turned to the books on his side of the room, hiding the wide smile that broke out on his face.

He jumped, when the door burst open and inside ran two men. They were clothed in black and when Alec's gaze fell on the seraph blades in their hands, his eyes widened. Before he could do anything, one of the men grabbed him, the other one grabbed Magnus, and started dragging them to another room.

With Jace, Clary, Isabelle, Simon and Raphael:

Clary's eyes were blazing when she saw Valentine for the first time. She vaguely heard the others run inside behind her, but she ignored them, instead focusing on Valentine who was smirking. She frowned before her eyes widened but before she could say something, three men jumped out from the shadows and captured Simon, Isabelle and Raphael.

She saw that Raphael was struggling, trying to get closer to Simon. Jace immediately ran forward, his blade ready but Valentine smirked. "Are you really sure you want to attack me? When your friends are in my hands?" he taunted and motioned to Simon and the others along with Alec and Magnus, who were also captured by Valentine's men, both being marched to the room.

Magnus was also struggling, like Raphael, wanting to help Alec whose captor was tightening his hold on him to the point that Alec's face was creased in pain. Jace stopped and settled on glaring at Valentine, his gaze murderous. "What do you want." he spat.

"I want you. I've always wanted you to join me. We are family after all. I've trained you so you could join me. It's your fate." Valentine laughed and they all looked at him as if he was stupid. "Take the book and leave us alone." Clary said, her voice tired.

"It was never about that book. I want you to wake your mother up. You two will eventually join me. It's our fate." he said dramatically and turned back to Jace, leaving Clary wide eyed with her mouth open. "Now Jace. What will you do? Join me? Or watch your friends die? How about starting with one of the pretty omegas, hm?"

Valentine smirked and looked first at Simon but quickly dismissed him and instead turned to Alec. Walking closer, he took hold of Alec's chin, tilting his head up. "Well, you are a pretty one, aren't you. Such beautiful eyes you have." he said and leaned a bit closer to him while Alec tried to back away.

Valentine smirked and leaned even closer, this time to Alec's neck, and took deep breath. "And you even smell divine. Such a perfect gift for new Shadowhunters you could be." at their terrified looks, he smirked. "Well you know. New alphas can have some problems and having a pretty omega around could help."

"Over my dead body." Magnus spat and elbowed the man behind him. When he fell down, Magnus kicked him into the head and turned to look at the one holding Alec. His Alexander. His omega.

"Let. Him. Go." he spat and the man, clearly a beta, trembled, letting go of Alec and running with his (figurative )tail between his legs. Satisfied that Alec was free, he motioned for Alec to get behind him, he turned to Valentine, his eyes blazing yellow.

"Well look at this. One warlock thinks he can beat four professional Shadowhunters alone on his own." Valentine taunted. Magnus smirked and nodded to Raphael, who in turn stomped on his captor's foot and threw him against the wall before doing the same with Simon's captor. Isabelle used the distraction and slammed the back of her head against her captors nose, kicking him into the groin when he let her go.

Magnus smirked at Valentine, smug but still angry. He touched his Alexander, wanting to use him as a whore. That was unforgivable.

"Look at this. One old Shadowhunter thinks he can beat a warlock, two vampires and five other young and strong Shadowhunters." Magnus taunted with a smile on his face. But it quickly changed into a glare,"But your main worry should be me." he said darkly, his eyes glowing bright along with his magic around him, surrounding him and Alec in a protective cocoon.

"Oh? And what will you do? Play with your magic tricks?" Valentine tried to hide his fear, but Magnus saw right through him. "I don't need magic to handle you. And anyway, you threatened MY omega and I'll deal with you the traditional way." Magnus said and waited for his reaction, Alexander still behind him in safety.

Valentine clearly knew what he meant, because he stood straighter and puffed his chest out. The traditional way was something alphas used to do when they fought about an omega or had an argument. Basically, they compare their wings and auras, determine who is the stronger one without fighting. It was old and peaceful but also a very honored way of settling a fight.

They just stood across from each other, not moving. Clary wanted to move but Jace stopped her, shaking his head when she looked at him. This was just between the two of them. Suddenly, Valentine's wings appeared, the color a dull gray. They were pretty impressive in length, maybe maybe 6 feet. Also his aura was pretty strong.

An aura can be viewed as a display of the power an alpha wields. It showed who the stronger and more powerful alpha was. Valentine was satisfied with himself, puffing his chest out. But Magnus had other plans. "That's cute."

Alec loved Magnus's wings. They were so different from his own but beautiful in their own right. The leather so fitting for him. If Valentine's wings were big, Magnus's were massive. Easily 7 feet long and shiny, as if full of power. Along with his aura. It covered Valentine's completely.

Valentine' face was frozen, it was obvious that he lost. And when an alpha lost, they must leave, immediately.

"What are you waiting for? Do you wanna fight for real?" Magnus growled, glaring at Valentine. He looked one more time at Jace and Clary, before turning and walking into the portal along with his circle members.

Once he was gone, they all looked at Magnus, his impressive wings and all the power around him. Magnus Bane was someone you don't want to mess with. Ever.

End of Season 1

To be continued in Season 2

So this is it. In the end I've decided that season 2 will be a sequel to this one. Don't know how it will be called, and school is about to start too but I will write it no matter what. Maybe there will be a small paus but nothing major. Hope you will stay with me :)

Also, I would like to thank all of you who commented, left kudos or anything else, mainly that you read this story. It really means a lot to me :D


By Lenuš

Beta'ed by Dawnsty