Saskue was currently running away with teammates were behined him trying to catch up with him, the teen had thought that his revenge plot was to work out perfectly fine no distractions no one to hold him back it would be just him and his brother Itachi having their fated battle with each other that was what supposed to happen until his old teammates showed up this is where everything had went south for the young Uchiha as he was about to finish his brother off for good a certain friend had the bright idea to stand right in between him and his brother.

"No no no I didn't kill him he's.. he's still alive a a and he will try to bring me back to the leaf...he he will."

Said the young Uchiha

Saskue was in denial he refused to believe the person he had just killed was Naruto he did not want to believe at first but he did and the more he thought about his friend's lifeless eyes the more his mental state began to deteriorate.

"Sasuke wait!!!"

Suigetsu had yelled as he trying to catch up with his leader

"Sasuke slow down please."

Karin pleaded

Confused, Pain, Grief, Anger ,and Guilt these were all the feelings that were swirling inside him it was Itachi's fault Sasuke didn't kill his friend Itachi did just like with the clan and everyone else he may care about only if Naruto didn't do what he did.

(One hour earlier)

Sasuke was panting the battle so far was tough he expended almost all of his chakra even after all of his training and after all the power he had was not enough and it is bad enough that his curse mark was now gone so what remaining energy he had left was gone.

"Is that all little brother."

Itachi was taunting his brother hoping that his plan is finally about to come to an end all he needs to do is one more thing.

Sasuke had stood up Itachi's taunt had angered him.

"You ba*d I'll kill you!!"

Saskue drew his sword and he started charging towards Itachi although he was badly injured and out of chakra he will kill Itachi even if it means his own death as well.

Itachi sighed this may be it for him he might as well let his brother kill him now he was about to succumb to his illness anyways but before he dies he wanted to it look like he was trying so as when Sasuke was mere inches from Itachi the elder Uchiha side stepped and was about to deliver a blow to Sasuke's stomach.

Naruto had gotten the information he needed to know Sasuke was gonna be at this was his only chance to bring Sasuke back home and he would not quit until he succeeds.


Naruto looked back and he saw Sakura, Kakashi, and Sai were following him.

"Idiot what are you doing!"

Sakura yelled at her friend.

"I'm gonna get Sasuke back"

Naruto said.

"Well you should have waited for us before you took off on you own."

Kakashi said.

"You must really care about Sasuke."

Sai said.

After a few minutes Naruto had made it to the battlefield on time he had saw the two Uchiha's fighting it out but, Sasuke had charged at Itachi but he had missed the elder Uchiha was preparing to land what seem like a killing blow on Sasuke but unbeknownst to Itachi the younger Uchiha had predicted this and he had dodged the attack, Sasuke then took his sword and he had stabbed his brother in his chest.

Sasuke had smiled at the feel of warm blood trickling from his sword down to his hand it was a clear sign that he had finally done the deed. Itachi Uchiha was dead he had avenged his clan but, before he had a chance to savor his victory he had saw Itachi a few feet from him this one was alive and he had a shocked expression.

"Y you're supposed to be dead!"

Sasuke yelled as prepared a chidori in his hands but his signature jutsu had pettered out due to his lack of chakra.

The living Itachi walked beside the body shocked at what his brother has done.

"Get a good look that's gonna be you right now."

Sasuke said as he charged at the other Itachi.

This Itachi grabbed his brother's arm and he had then restrained him.

"Sasuke you didn't kill me!"

Itachi said as he forced his brother to look at his appalling deed.

When Sasuke started getting a good look at the body his vision had adjusted the person he had killed was not Itachi but instead it was.


A pink haired kunoichi ran up beside the body of Naruto and she immediately started performing her medical ninjutsu on the blonde haired teen despite her being between the two Uchiha's.

"No no no!!"

Sasuke quickly sheated his sword and he ran off.

Kakash and Sai had arrived to the area and they saw made them both rush to Naruto's side

"Naruto stay with us!"

Sai said as he searched through his bag for any medical supplies he may have.

Kakashi stood from his position and glared at Itachi the jonin's sharigan flared to life as his murderous intent filled the area.

"Calm yourself I did not kill Naruto."

Said the Uchiha.

"Then that means... Sasuke killed him."

Said the jonin's still keeping his guard up.


Was all Itachi said.

Sai summoned a bird from his beast scroll.

"Then he shouldn't be too far, I'll kill him for this."

Sai said.

"Sai wait it's too dangerous to go alone."

Said the jonin


A weak voice called out to Sai causing the ninja to turn around and find that the source of the voice was Naruto.

"Naruto stay with me.!"

Sakura yelled again pumping more of her medical ninjutsu chakra onto Naruto's ever bleeding wound.

"Sasuke c can come back now...I..kept my... promise."

With those final words said Naruto eyes closed.

Kakashi looked at his student with tears in his eyes silently mourning his student.



Sakura cried out at the loss of her friend.

Sai anger had soon turned to pure saddness he soon began to shed tears but not to the degree Sakura was.

"So why are you still here Itachi, to steal the Nine tails if that is your intention you won't live to see another day."

"Calm yourself I need to convey some intel."

Said the Uchiha.

"Some intel?"

Sai said completely confused.

"But in exchange for this info I want the crime charges dropped on my brother."

Said Itachi

"No you brother will pay for this."

Sai said his voice giving off a murderous tone.

"Sai stand down...depends on the info."

Kakashi said to Itachi.

"The truth about the Uchiha massacre and my betrayal."

Said the elder brother

Kakashi paused for a moment


[Itachi then told the group of three the truth of the Uchiha coup and also the involvement of Danzo and also the reasoning behind the Uchiha massacre and the involvement of the mysterious self proclaimed Madara Uchiha.]

"That's your story but how can we believe you."

Kakashi questioned the Uchiha.

Sai pulled out a sheet of paper and he began to write on it, once he was finished Sai showed his letter to Kakashi.

Kakashi read the letter.

"I still possess the seal on my tounge that prevents me from saying Danzo's secrets."

"I see so there is some truth to what you say Itachi."

Kakashi said.

"What do we do now."

Sai asked Kakashi.

"We must leave and report to Tsunade about our findings and our...losses."

"You must get rid of Naruto's body"

"What no you can't do that sensei we can't do that right."

Sakura's looked to kakashi for a desirable answer.

"He still possess the Nine tailed fox."

Kakashi nodded to Itachi both men understanding what must be done so they both started doing they're proper hand signs.

"What are you doing."

Sakura rushed towards Kakashi but Sai quickly hit Sakura on the back of her head instantly knocking her unconscious and catching her falling body before she hit the unforgiving ground.

Kakashi and Itachi had finished performing their handsigns.

"Fire Style:Fire ball Jutsu!!"

Both men shouted in unison while blowing bright orange flames onto the jinchuriki's lifeless body as the flames cleared the air was filled with the sickining smell of burning flesh which made Sai a little queezy.

"Both Naruto and the demon inside him are now dead and gone from existence no one can desecrate his remains for the Nine tails."

"Itachi said."

"Good he needs the rest."

Kakashi said.

"Sai hand me Sakura we must go report this to the Hokage.

Sai handed off Sakura to Kakashi and the two men left the area.

Itachi dispelled his genjutsu and as soon as he did the pile ash that was in front of him had turned back into Naruto's barely alive body.

"I only got one shot at this."

Itachi said as he pulled out a scroll with a phoenix symbol printed on it.

"I was saving this for my brother but my plan will work out better if I do this."

Itachi performed the handsign the scroll instructed him to do once he was done Naruto's body started to glow.


Itachi said.

Itachi had saw the bundle of clothes in place where Naruto's dying body was at the elder Uchiha grabbed the bundle and he started running the same direction his brother went.


Sasuke was growing weary his adrenaline rush had worn off and he was starting to feel the effects of the wounds he had obtained from his battle with Itachi, this cause the Uchiha to slow down and eventually he stopped and had sat against a tree.

Sasuke vision was getting blurry he was getting sleepy was he dying was he hurt that badly, if he was going to die he'd welcome it and maybe then he could apologize to Naruto.

Sasuke then blacked out.

Itachi came out of hiding his genjutsu barely is in effect.

"I guess I am at my limit too."

Itachi said.

The elder brother placed a bundle right besides Sasuke hoping he would see it.

"Sorry about this Sasuke my first plan had fell apart so my second plan which I came up with on the spot is my last resort... it's gonna be a hard path I set you on but you can do it."

With his parting words said Itachi poked Sasuke's forehead and he left the area releasing his genjutsu.

Naruto opened his eyes it was bright is he in heaven.

The jinchuriki eyes adjusted to the light and he saw the grey clouded sky.

("Am I alive..wait I am alive")

Naruto thought to himself.

The young jinchuriki tried to get up but he found himself unable to move something was constricting him.

"Grr(why can't I move)!!!"

Naruto words came out as somewhat incoherent babbling.

Sasuke had woke up to the babbling he looked to his left to see a baby next to him babbling loudly.

"A baby?"

Sasuke said.


Naruto turned his to source of the sound and he saw his best friend Sasuke who was now a giant to Naruto.

("Sasuke you're a giant how did you get so huge!")

Naruto words came out as coos and babbling.

Sasuke noticed the baby was looking at him so he instinctively picked the child up.

("Hey put me down I'm not a baby!")

Naruto said but his demand was ignored as his words were incoherent to the teen.

"You're a loud mouth baby."

Sasuke said.

When Sasuke called Naruto a baby the jinchuriki started thinking everything was bigger Sasuke was not only holding him but he was lot taller now and he had called him a baby.

("I'm a baby!")

What processed as words to Naruto translated to loud scream to Sasuke.

"You really are loud kid"

Sasuke said rubbing his ear.

"Shut up you meanie I am in shock here...but I can't remember why I was shocked for...why was I scared for?"

Naruto said confused by his earlier out burst.

Sasuke looked up to the sky with saddened eyes he finally had time to let the earlier events sink in and it hurt to know he unintentionally killed one of the people that genuinely cared about him this feeling of dread fell upon Sasuke as tears trailed from on his eyes dripping onto Naruto's face.


Naruto looked up to see Sasuke was crying.

("What why are you crying?")

Naruto said.

"Some friend I am huh I killed him in cold blood, I had killed Naruto."

Sasuke said as he continued to cry.

Naruto had wiggled free out of the bundle he was trapped in and he started rubbing the tears off of Sasuke's face.

("Hey I'm not dead you didn't kill me don't cry")

Naruto said as he started sniffling and tearing up.

Sasuke noticed the baby was wiping off his tears.

"Heh it's kind of funny how I am being comforted by a baby."

Sasuke said as his vision slowly grew blurrier, he soon had fell asleep exausted from all of his physical exertion the teen had then unconsciously hugged the naked baby close to his his chest.

("This feel kinda nice.")

Naruto had thought to himself.

Naruto had soon fell asleep himself the sound of quiet breathing from the teen that was holding him lulled the child to sleep.

But right before Naruto fully slipped into his sleep he heard faint voices calling out Sasuke's name.