Chapter 1 The New Adventure

Many generations ago in Ancient China, children have played with bamboo flying toys. Generations has passed as helicopters became more advance. The parents of Sying are two famous people who builds amazing helicopters from a long line of family into royalty that helps governments. Prince Sying has seen a darker means in the helicopters. Not only that the helicopters fly, it can kill too. Sying's parents feared that their son will go down this dark path as their great ancestor once did. He wanted to prove them by setting out, slaughtering the innocents. Sying believes his parents are weak and selfish by doing good in the world. Sying returned to his parents, feeling rather pleased. On his parents faces, Sying saw anger, betrayed and fear. Sying was sentenced to exile from all countries. He disappeared from the face of the earth. No one knows where Sying is or his whereabouts.

Somewhere high in the mountains was a factory. Inside the factory was an army of wolves building a cannon. General Fang pulled the chain as he watches the lava being poured in the canon. He jumps high on a platform and knelt down.

"It's almost done, Lord Shen, but we've run out of metal." General Fang said.

Shen was standing on a platform in the darkness. He was wearing a white robe that covered his body.

"Search the farthest villages and bring more metal." Shen snarled. Then he heard something land behind him. Shen turns around to see a man. The man has dark brown hair and green eyes. The man was wearing a silky silver robe.

"The more metal you bring, the better my weapon will be." the man said. "Has your men brought the items I asked you for?"

"Yes, Prince Sying." Fang answered.

"Good." Sying said. "Now, go."

Fang bowed his head and left.

Sying turns around and walks away with Shen.

"Are you sure THAT will help us to rule over China?" Shen asked.

"It will." Sying answered. "I have work on it for a long time in exile. It will not fail us."

Two children were holding action figures of Po, Tigress and Leo. They were both playing outside of the training hall.

"And then Leo joined the Dragon Warrior and the Furious Five!" the boy exclaimed.

"And then they came the most awesomeness team ever!" a girl pig cheered.

As they were playing with their action figures, voices can be heard from inside the training hall.

"You can hear them training right now!" the boy said.

"It's too dangerous!"

"Thirty five. Stay focused."

"Thirty six!"

The Furious Five watches in awe as Po puts in two more bean buns in his mouth. In his mouth was a lot of bean buns. Leo standing next to Tigress as Po was finish.

"New record!" Mantis cheered. "You monster!"

"Keep going!" Monkey shouted, picking up a bowl of bean buns. "Hit 40!"

"He'll never hit 40!" Crane said.

Po picks up two more bean buns. "You guys wait and we'll go to 40!" Po said.

"Do it." Tigress said.

"No problem!" Po said with a mouthful. He puts the two bean buns in his mouth as he tries to chew the last two.

Leo leaned in a bit, watching amazed.

"Give me a minute." Po said. He closed his mouth and a munching sound can heard.

"Yeah!" Mantis cheered.

"He did it!" Viper cheered.

"Well done, Po." Crane said, walking over to Po and pats him on the back. This made Po spits out all the bean buns at them.

"Your training has paid off." Tigress said, after blocking a bean bun.

Everyone heard the gong ringing outside as Po knew what it meant.

"Master Shifu!" Po gasps. "See you later!"

As Po left the training hall, Viper looks at Leo. "So how's your training, Leo?" Viper asked.

"Let me show you." Leo said.

Leo and Tigress walks to the center of the room and went into their stances. Tigress came at Leo with a flying side kick while Leo blocks with his left arm. Leo pushes her leg away and sees Tigress throwing a punch right at him. He was able grab her wrist swung her to the other side. Leo did a quick kick to the stomach and gave Tigress a quick push. Tigress skids to a stop. As Leo threw a jab, Tigress blocks the jab, spun around and did a side kick to her boyfriend's stomach.

"Gah!" Leo grunted a bit. He'll admit that was good. Then Leo had an idea. Leo ran and jumps into air with legs apart like a pair of scissors. When Tigress was in close range, he quickly brought his legs together, putting his left hand on her shoulder and brought Tigress down to the floor. With her legs in the air, Leo wasted no time by grabbing her right with both his arm and leans back while he pushes left leg away into a full split.

"You did well." Tigress said as he lets go of her.

"Thanks." Leo thanked her as he stands up. He offered his hand and Tigress accepted his help.

"Your training must be going well." Viper said.

"That's because I have good teachers here." Leo smiled.

It was true. Ever since Leo defeated Zhao, he began training the tiger style. The tiger style was a lot tougher than the other Kung Fu styles. Leo and Tigress walks over to the table and sat down with their friends.

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