Lucy stared up at Natsu, wondering why on earth he was where he was. Of all the places for her easily-distracted boyfriend to climb up to, why there?

Natsu stood at the top of the Kardia Cathedral, hand clenching the weathervane that crowned the golden dome. It was fine to be up there for cleaning reasons, but anything beyond that was out of the question. But Natsu wasn't there for cleaning. In fact, he claimed he was there for the scenery.

Lucy stood just below him, holding onto one of the pillars that surrounded the bell and craning her neck to stare up at him worriedly. If he lost his nerve, for any reason, if he was distracted, by anything, then he could slip and fall. The ground was hundreds of feet below them, and Happy was nowhere to be seen. The fall would not be pretty, and neither would the clean up in aisle four.

"Natsu, get down from there! Please?!"

Natsu looked down at her, a wide, blinding smile in place. Wind ripped through his rosy hair, turning it into even more of a mess than it already was.

"No way, Luce! Actually, ya should come up here with me!"

Lucy violently shook her head, glancing down from her already precarious position to the dizzying ground below. "No, that won't happen." She looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Please, Natsu?"

Again, he shook his head. He stared out at the sunset, his slit pupils taking in the sunlight without blinking. It was a little unnerving, as any other human would go blind from doing something like that. But oh no, not Natsu! His dragon slayer power prevented it somehow.

Lucy sighed. "Fine then!" she yelled up to him. He looked down, confusion creasing his brow. "I'm going to call the police!"

It... didn't have the effect she was hoping for. The corner of his lip lifted in a bit of a sneer. "Go ahead! I'll fight 'em!"

Lucy sighed, reaching for the pouch on her belt. It contained her last resort. If you couldn't appeal to his common sense, appeal to his stomach. That was the way to go with Natsu.

She pulled the drawstrings so the cookies within were clearly visible. "I have cookies!" she called up, and Natsu was beside her on the bell platform before you could've said the snack food's name. His hand darted into the bag, and he started chewing. And speaking. At the same time.

"I totally would've fought 'em," he told her, crumbs dropping from his mouth.

Lucy sighed, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "I know you would, big guy, I know you would."