Review Responding Time!

ThorBringsTheThunder- And thus my streak ends. Aw, well, there's always next season. I liked Jasmine's friends all helping her and I really liked Sky, the 'irrelevant pre-merge boot'.

Me- Cool!

GolddenKikachu5413- Wow. I knew it! I couldn't believe my eyes! Well, at least it ended well.

Me- Thanks!

MichaelFang9- YES! My prediction was correct! Scott won!

Alright, so who do I think will be in Action?

Maybe some characters that didn't get enough development; like Leonard, Sky, Sammy, Beardo, Ella. Also some characters who made it far, but will most likely get an earlier boot like Scarlett, Dave, Jo, Max, and Amy.

Me- We'll see... right now actually :)

FeartheDarkness Inside- That was an enjoyable finale

Me- Thanks!

Gabox15- My predictions for Total Drama What If? Action
-Dave and Sky hook up
-Lightning will be a finalist
-Cameron and Dawn will merge
-Sugar will be main antagonist

Me- Interesting...

AnonReviewer- FUCK D:! Jasmine being the official winner would've been so much better than Scott, but at least we had an alternate ending with her taking the crown and I'm still glad she reached the finals. On another note, has Scamy (Scott x Amy) officially become a couple now that it's clear that the Amy's affections for him are mutual? Him calling her hot was the giveaway. I'd also like to know either way how in the world Mike and his "Chester" personality senses there was anything between them when there were no discernible signs of either liking the other as more than friends/allies before she was voted off. After the mean cheerleader was first shown to have the hots for our dirt eater, it was not at all surprising that she'd be his biggest supporter in the finale. Speaking of supporters, what DOES shock me is that Jo actually backed Jasmine given how angry she was with her after getting eliminated. As for the next chapter, not sure who will qualify for season 2, but hoping Rodney (too pathetic), Staci (too irritating and probably crazy), and the twins aren't in it (at least not both as their conflict would get annoying if dragged on for too long unless at least one is eliminated early, thank you by the way for avoiding it here). Exited regardless for the results!

Me- Yes Scamy is official

Well hopefully the cast I picked is likable enough

Jacob- I think the obvious choices for the Action would be Jasmine, Shawn, Max, Scarlett, Scott, and Jo. Less obvious choices would be Mike, Zoey, Topher, Amy, Dave, Sky, Brick and Sammy

Me- Good choices

Derick Lindsey- Looks like Scott managed to win season 1 despite everyone else except for Scarlett, Max, and Amy supporting Jasmine and yeah Jasmine winning would have been too obvious. Now for the special where Scott trades in his $100,000 check for a million dollars and cause a tie which leads to season 2. Hopefully some people get some redemption in the next season like Staci, Sam, Sky, Sammy etc. (funny enough all 4 I mentioned start with an S). So congratulations Scott for winning for the bad guys and what a way to start this AU fanfic then with a antagonist winning but hey better him then Scarlett winning am I right?

Me- Yep.

Yeah there's definitely going to be some development in season 2

" Welcome back to TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND! It' been a long time since you've seen our campers slugging it out for the 100,000 grand prize. Since the competition came to it's shocking conclusion, our campers have had some time to eat some REAL food" Chris said

Chef throws a coconut at Chris

" Ow!... I was just kidding. They taken hot showers, enjoyed their electronics, and came to see how many followers they gained on social media. There were losers.. LOTS of losers. But there was only one winner, Scott!" Chris said

Chris pulled out a picture of Scott eating dirt

" The oldest of three siblings, self proclaimed "master saboteur" turned out to be the surprise champ!" Chris said

" With everyone wrapping up, the contestants are scheduled to head home tomorrow... or maybe not? Find out here on... TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND!" Chris said

~Playa de Losers:Buffet~

Scott is gorging on some pancakes while Amy massages his shoulders

" So... I was thinking about this little teensy car you could get me once we get home" Amy said

" How much?" Scott asked

" A million dollars..." Amy said nervously

Scott spat out his pancakes

"A million?! Babe, that's less money than I even earned.. You sure I can't just give you my donkey?" Scott asked

" Scott, I can't brag to my friends about riding a freaking donkey!" Amy said

"Yah speaking of donkey, I got Shrek on DVD, anyone wanna watch?" Staci said

Amy and Scott glare at Staci until she leaves

~ Hot Tub~

Sam and Dakota are making out in the hot tub, with Jasmine and Shawn, Mike and Zoey waiting in line

" Could you two hurry it up?!, You've been using the hot tub for almost two hours!" Jasmine said

" Heh heh... sorry guess we must've lost track of time" Sam said

" Um Sam..." Dakota said

" What is it babe?" Sam asked

" I think you forgot to wear your shorts..." Dakota said

Sam looked down and then looked up with a blush on his face

" W-Whoops..." Sam said nervously

" You know what... You two can have the hot tub" Jasmine said, not trying to puke

The two couples waiting in line walked away

" You want me to go grab my shorts?" Sam asked

" No you can stay like that.." Dakota said seductively

Dakota and Sam resumed kissing each other

~ Pool Line~

Lightning and Brick are playing frisbee

" Sha-yoink!" Lightning said catching the frisbee

" Go long, army guy!" Lightning said

Lightning threw the Frisbee, it flew across the pool and hit Cameron who wobbled and fell into the pool

" Not again!" Brick said

Brick hopped into the pool and pulled out Cameron, he then performed CPR


" I think that's the fifth time I almost drowned..."

" Note to self: Stay away from the pool.."


~ Longue Chairs~

Rodney is reading a romance novel

Samey then walks by and asks the farm boy a question

" H-Hey is this seat taken?" Samey asked

Rodney then lovingly looked at Samey

" O-Of course not, my love!" Rodney said

Rodney then bent down one knee and handed Samey a ring pop

" I couldn't afford a real ring but I found one of those in the vending machines..." Rodney said

" But it would be an honor if you married me Samey" Rodney asked

" No thank you... Oh and my name is Sammy" Sammy said

"R-Really? But Amy always called you Samey" Rodney said

Amy then abruptly walked by

" Ooh, Are we insulting SAMEy?" Amy asked

" Amy, I'm not in the mood for your bullshit today.." Sammy said, rubbing her forehead

" HOW DARE YOU!" Amy screamed

Scott then ran over to see what his girlfriend was screaming about

"What's going on?" Scott asked

" My worthless, pathetic sister is defying me!" Amy said

"So...?" Scott asked

"SO?.. I'm her superior, help me make her life a living nightmare!" Amy asked

"And why would I do that?" Scott asked

" Because that's what good boyfriends do.." Amy said

Amy then hugged Scott

" Well sure I guess..." Scott said

Scott then took Sammy and shoved her into the pool

" Scott, you dick!" Sammy said

"Wow, not gonna lie Scott. That was kinda... sexy" Amy said


" Wait so seeing me be a jackass to Sammy, turns her on?"

" Man, women are weird..."

" Too bad the only advice my dad gave me about dating women was whenever your in Holland, go dutch"

" Oh... Now I get it"

Scott then chuckled


~ Broom Closet~

Amy and Scott quickly ran into the broom closet and locked the door

Dave stood there with a puzzled look on his face

He then shrugged

" Not even going to question it" Dave said

"Fellow warrior Dave!, How would you like to hear about the time I conquered an entire kingdom?!" Leonard said

" Let me think about it... NO!" Dave said before walking away

~ Playa De Losers: Lobby~


All the contestants gather at the lobby

Chris arrives with a suitcase in one hand

" Hello campers!" Chris said with a smile on his face

" Um that's ex-campers, Mclean" Jo said

" Your twisted game is over or did you forget due to government brainwashing?" Shawn asked

" We'll see.." Chris said whispering to Chef

They both chuckled

" Congratulations to our winner, Scott!" Chris said

"You played dirty" Chris said

"Shows clip of Scott throwing the challenge"

" You ate dirty" Chris said

"Shows clip of Scott eating a dirt clod"

"And smelled even dirtier" Chris said

"Shows clip of Dave fainting after seeing Scott's laundry pile"

" Not sure why but you beat every other person on this island and your pockets will soon be stuffed with cheddar!" Chris said

Amy and Scott cheered, while the others didn't care much for the outcome

" But what I'm about to offer you may change all that" Chris said

" Inside this suitcase is ONE MILLION DOLLARS!" Chris said

" We had the producers make a cardboard check of this awesome new prize!" Chris said

A helicopter flies in a drops a humungous check for 1 million dollars

" Scott the million COULD be yours, all you have to do is figure out where were about to hide it and bring it to the Dock of Shame before anyone else does" Chris said

Everyone looked at each other bewildered

" You mean WE could win even MORE money!" Amy cheered


" This is perfect!"

" Combine the 100,000 dollars Scott won with the million I'm about to win"

"And we could like so live in a mansion, my girls back home would be SO jealous.."


"Yep! What do you say Scottmeister? Will you settle for a 100 g's or ONE MILLION DOLLARS!" Chris asked

Scott looks at his girlfriend for approval, she gives him a thumbs up

He then looks at the check

He then looks back at Amy...

" GAME ON!" Scott yelled

Chef then ripped up Scott's 100,000 dollar check

" That's the spirit Scott. Throughout the day, I'll give you all hints from the loudspeaker so your not completely lost." Chris said


" A million tokens?!"

" Just imagine all the potions I could buy with that type of money..."



" A million?!.. Sha-sweet!"

" I could buy a football stadium with that type of money!"

"And with these babies, aint no way I'm gonna lose twice!" Lightning said pointing to his biceps



" Something is off with what Chris is telling us...

"But seeing as this is our last day together, we might as well have a little fun"


" Oh and to make things "INTERESTING" you must all search for the million in teams of two!" Chris said

Everyone groaned

"Do we at least get to pick whose on our team?" Sky asked

" Nope it was decided by a random draw!" Chris said


Group 1: Dave and Staci

Group 2: Dawn and Lightning

Group 3: Scott and Sammy

Group 4: Amy and Sam

Group 5: Jo and Sky

Group 6: Cameron and Brick

Group 7: Sugar and Shawn

Group 8: Jasmine and Rodney

Group 9: Leonard and Ella

Group 10: Mike and Anne Maria

Group 11: Scarlett and Zoey

Group 12: Beardo and B

Group 13: Topher and Dakota

Group 14: Max

"Alright campers the ULTIMATE million dollar challenge starts... NOW!" Chris said

Nobody moves

" So you just expect us to run around the island like idiots for your amusement?" Dave asked

"Yes!" Chris said

" And how do we know that you didn't stuff the suitcase with something not containing the million?" Scarlett asked

"You won't..." Chris said

" Aw sit on it!" Anne Maria said

" Okay I guess we could just hand the million to Scott right now..."Chris said

Everyone looked at each other, Beardo whistling innocently, Scarlett gaining an evil smirk on her face, Max rubbing his hands together

" THAT MONEY IS SHA-MINE!" Lightning yelled

Everyone ran off with their respective partners to find the missing suitcase

~ The Forest: Montage~

The theme song plays as the contestants run around

~ END forest Montage~

~ The Forest~

" Okay this is pathetic, campers! It's been two hours and no one has even come close to finding the suitcase! Here's your first clue it's just hanging around!" Chris said on the loudspeaker

~ Group 10~

Anne Maria holds onto Mike's arm tightly as they search for the case

" Hey Anne, you think you could do less cuddling and more searching for the case?" Mike asked

" I can't help it, just look at these arms! How much you work out?" Anne Maria asked

" Not much, I mostly put my freetime into acting.." Mike said

"Acting? Oh mah gawd, I'm gonna date a future actor!" Anne Maria said

" Um Anne, I'm dating Zoey." Mike said

" Puh-lease. Why would you want that pasty indie chick when you can have some of this!" Anne Maria said gesturing to her body


" Of all the people here, why did I have to get teamed up with Anne Maria?"

" I gotta make her un-attracted to me somehow..."

" I got an idea!"


Mike intentionally stubs his toe on a rock

"GASP" "Dang rock, back in my rocks were just rocks, nothing more!" Chester said

" Aw man I was hoping Vito would come out..." Anne Maria said disappointed

~ Mike's Mind~

Mike, Vito, Svetlana and Maintoba are playing cards

" Yo is that Anne Maria?!" Vito asked

Vito grabbed Mike by the collar

" Please let me out dude, She's an uber babe!" Vito begged

"Sorry Vito, but I can't risk my relationship with Zoey just so you can get busy with Anne!" Mike said

" Well then I guess I'll just have to take it!" Vito said

Vito punched Mike in the face, Mike laid down, unconscious giving Vito control of Mike's brain

" I'm coming Anne!" Vito yelled

~ Group 10~

"GASP" " Hey yo did someone say my name?" Vito asked

" VITO!" Anne Maria said happily

" So uh how bout we find us a good hiding spot and get down to business?" Vito asked

" Babe I would LOVE dat, but a MILLION DOLLARS is on the line." Anne Maria said

"But if you help me find it, there may be a reward later on..." Anne Maria said seductively

" WOOOO! LET'S DO THIS!" Vito said

Anne Maria hopped on Vito's back and the two ran off to search for the case

~ Group 11~

Zoey is pushing Scarlett on her wheelchair

" Hey Scarlett, seeing as your the psychotic Brainiac. Where would you think the case is?" Zoey asked

" Well since Chris said the case was "hanging around" I can only assume it's up a tree" Scarlett said

" Okay but which tree?" Zoey asked

" I'm a genius who uses Science, if you want an answer pulled out of your ass I suggest you ask Dawn" Scarlett said sharply

" Geez someone's cranky" Zoey said

" You'd be cranky too if you were mauled by a bunch of yetis.." Scarlett said

"Scarlett even you have to admit you kinda had that coming..." Zoey said

Scarlett made a so/so gesture as the two continued on

~ The Forest: Groups 10 and 11~

Scarlett, Zoey, Anne Maria, and Mike stopped as the four ran into each other

" Of course Chris pairs you two up.." Zoey said

" Because were soulmates! I would understand if you didn't get that, pasty!" Anne Maria said

" That's not even really Mike, it's just his douche personality, Vito!" Zoey said

" Pfft. Like I care about that lanky loser, I sticked around for VITO" Anne Maria said

" And who can blame her? Just look at me..." Vito said

" I hate to interrupt this lover's quarrel but.." Scarlett said

Scarlett pointed upwards to a tree, the case was being held up by a rope

" THE CASE?!" Anne Maria/ Vito/ Zoey said

" FINALLY!" Chris said from the helicopter

" Vito you grab the case, I'll take care of miss never heard of tan over here" Anne Maria said

"Bring it on, you Tangerine Queen!" Zoey said

Anne Maria tackled Zoey to the ground

Meanwhile Vito climbed the tree and grabbed the case

" Got it!" Vito said

Vito jumped down and prepared to run off but Scarlett ran over his foot with her wheelchair

" Ow!" Vito said

Scarlett then grabbed the case and wheeled away

" O-OW, SCARLETT WAIT FOR ME- OW!" Zoey said while fighting Anne Maria

~ Group 2~

Scarlett wheels by and notices Dawn and Lightning are in her way, she then attempts to hide the case in a nearby bush

" Why hello Scarlett, what brings you to this part of the forest?" Dawn asked

" Just you know, wheeling along" Scarlett said

" May I ask, what happened to your partner?" Dawn asked

" Oh Zoey?... Probably off somewhere making out with that Mike guy." Scarlett said

" Hmm... Interesting. Your aura says that your lying" Dawn said

" I don't understand how you do that nor do I want to, but I have a million dollars to deliver!" Scarlett said

Scarlett wheeled over to the bush and grabbed the case, she then attempted to outrun the two but thanks to Dawn's teleportation and Lightning being naturally fast they both caught up to her in no time

" Now give me the case, crazy girl!" Lightning said grabbing onto one end of the case

"NNNEEVVERR!" Scarlett screamed

Dawn hit Scarlett's weak spot and she feel asleep, her and Lightning then ran off with the case

" Nice work creepy girl!" Lightning said

" My name is Dawn.." Dawn said

" Dawn?.. That ain't an exciting name! I'm gonna call you Thunder! SHA-BAM!" Lightning said

" Here's another hint: The case is somewhere stupid!" Chris said on the loudspeaker

" Damn creepy girl, I think the host dude just insulted you" Lightning said

" I think he was referring to you Lightning" Dawn said

"SHA-WHAT?!" Lightning yelled


" How dare Chris try and make Lightning look bad!"

" Whatever, where I lack in brains I make up for in muscle"

" Sha-bam!"


~ Group 3~

Sammy is helping Scott dig a pit trap

" And how exactly is this going to work?" Sammy asked

"Simple, Chris said the case is somewhere stupid. So I'm guessing Lightning probably has it, we'll build this pit trap. He'll fall into it and we grab the case!" Scott said

" B-But Dawn is his partner, wouldn't she like use her psychic powers to warn him or something?" Sammy asked

"... "bleep" Scott said

" Okay looks like were going with Plan B." Scott said

Scott and Sammy walked away

Zoey, Anne Maria, and Vito arrive

"Dang it Vito! The case could've been ours!" Anne Maria said

"The freaking redhead ran over my foot with a wheelchair? What'd ya expect me to do?!" Vito asked

" Maybe take the case from her like a man!" Anne Maria said

" Okay you know what, I had enough of this" Zoey said

Zoey pushed Vito and Anne Maria into the pit

" Ah much better..." Zoey said as she walked away

~ Pit Trap~

" Shoot! I knew that pasty wannabe jerk would be betraying us!" Anne Maria said

" Well since we stuck here and all..." Vito said

Both of them shrugged and pulled each other close so they could make out

~ Group 12~

B and Beardo are looking for the case using B's metal detector

"Yo B, how'd you make this sweet gadget?" Beardo asked

B pulled out his notebook and showed Beardo the blueprints for his metal detector

" Man B.. you should like totally change your name to A+ dude" Beardo said

B gave a thumbs up to that remark

The two then turned around to find themselves face to face with Dawn and Lightning who have the case

" Um, Lighting I advise that we both get out of here" Dawn said

" Why?! I can handle these two chumps!" Lightning said

B took a drone out of his hoodie, he then pointed at Lightning

The drone then started shooting lasers at Lightning


B pointed to the case

" FINE, YOU CAN HAVE THE CASE!" Lightning screamed

Lightning tossed the suitcase to B

B and Beardo ran off with the case, The drone fired one last laser and Lightning and then blew itself up


" I sure did win the partner lottery this time.."

"B's a freaking genius!"

" Hopefully I can use the money to successfully start up my rap/beatbox career"



" And I thought Thunder was creepy!"

" But that B guy takes the cake!"


~ Lake Wawanakwa~

B and Beardo build a raft

They then flip it onto the lake and hop on it and take the case with them

" So what would you do with the money if we win?" Beardo asked

B showed Beardo an application form to Harvard

" College huh? Not exactly my choice but I think it would suit you well." Beardo said

B gave a thumbs up

While the two are talking Scott has a fishing pole and is trying to grab the case

" Could you hurry it up a little bit? We don't want them to notice.." Sammy said

" Don't you think I know that?!, SAMEy!" Scott said

Sammy growled as soon as she heard Scott use that name

" Look I know your dating my sister, which I still find kind of weird. But all because she hates me doesn't mean you have to" Sammy said

" Well It's not like I have a reason not to hate you. Your a pre merger, I barely know anything about you.." Scott said

" You know what?! I was wrong about your relationship with Amy, you two are perfect for each other!" Sammy said

Sammy then stormed off

"Yeesh, what a crybaby" Scott said

Scott then hooked onto the case and reeled it in

B noticed the case was missing and turned around

"Pleasure doing business with you!" Scott said

Scott then ran off with the case

B was about to swim after Scott, but Beardo tugged on his hoodie

" I think we have bigger things to worry about.." Beardo said

Beardo and B's raft crashes into a beaver dam, The beavers angry at their home being destroyed attack them


" Beavers are messed up, man"


~ Group 3~

Scott running with the case in one hand, makes a stop

" Man, I should've went to use it before we left.." Scott said

Scott hid the case in a nearby bush and went to a tree to do his business

Max walks by and notices the case

"Well, well, well... What is this?" Max asked

Max pulled the case from out of the bush and ran off

Scott returned from doing his business

" What the?... DANGIT!" Scott yelled

" New hint, The case is somewhere evil..." Chris said on the loudspeaker

~ Forest Path~

Max is running with the case until he crashes into something

Some birds fly around his head

" Be gone, foul beasts!" Max said

Max knocks on the wall

" What kind of contraption is this?" Max asked

~ Playa De Losers~

Chris and Chef watch this all happening back at the Playa

" How much you wanna bet he's gone say EVIL" Chef said

" Yeah that's getting kinda annoying, think I'll just turn this down" Chris said

Chris then muted the camera volume

" That's better, more mcnuggets with schezuan sauce?" Chris asked

" Don't mind if I do." Chef said


Max climbs over the wall

An intern that suspiciously looks like Donald Trump appears on a hot air balloon

" Hey you, get back over that wall!" Intern said

" NEVER!" Max yelled

Max jumped at the cameraman and attacked him

After successfully beating him up, he then throws him out of the hot air balloon

~ Playa De Losers~

" What is he doing?!" Chris asked

" If I had to guess-" Chef said before interrupted

"Don't say it" Chris said

~ Hot Air Balloon~

" BWAHWHAHAAA!" Max triumphantly laughed

~ Group 7~

Sugar and Shawn watch as Max passes by on his hot air balloon

" Is that Max?" Shawn asked

" Lookie! That gnome got the case!" Sugar said

"That's right mortals! Fear your EVIL superior!" Max said

" The only thing you should be fearing is ME!" Sugar said

Sugar then hopped onto the rope and started climbing up the balloon

" Wait for me!" Shawn said

Shawn then hopped on the rope, the two headed towards Max's direction

"Can't this thing go any faster!" Max said

Max tried lowering the balloon but a bear walking nearby gets scooped up into the balloon

" Why hello there my new EVIL pet! Get them!" Max demanded

The bear looked at Max, then looked at the camera with a disappointed expression

The bear throws Max out of the balloon and pulls the rope to make it go higher

~ The Sky~

" What are we gonna do? A bear has the case!" Shawn said

" Bear, possum, skunk. I don't care what it is, no one but ME is winning this pageant!" Sugar said

Sugar climbed to the top and hopped onto the balloon

The bear growled at Sugar and Sugar growled back

The two then hugged

"Ya know, your alright. I'm a call you... Berry!" Sugar said

Shawn then arrived at the balloon

"Wow, what a creative name" Shawn said sarcastically

" I know right!" Sugar said

" Now let's head to the Dock so I can get my money!" Sugar said

"Don't you mean OUR money?" Shawn asked

"That's what I said.." Sugar said

~ Group 13~

Max fell down and landed right in front of where Dakota and Topher where walking

" Hey Max, having trouble finding the case?" Dakota asked

"No! I actually had it for a bit, until that bear threw me out!" Max declared

"Really? Would you know where it is now?" Topher asked

" Sugar, Shawn, and that Bear have it, there on that hot air balloon I stole" Max said

" Well, good luck with that" Dakota said

Dakota prepared to walk away but was stopped by Topher

" Um, what are you doing?" Topher asked

"Why would I care where the case is? I'm rich" Dakota said

" But I'm not! I could use the money to fund my own spin off series!" Topher said

" And I should be caring about this, because?..." Dakota asked

" Look if my show gets popular, I-I'll... let you have a guest star appearance" Topher said

" I'm only in if I get a supporting role" Dakota said

"Fine!, Now do we have a deal?" Topher asked

Dakota and Topher shook hands, Dakota then took out her cellphone

"Daddy, I'm going to need a plane covered in pink. ASAP" Dakota said

~ The Forest~

Dakota and Topher arrive at the forest

The interns drop a plane completely covered in pink

"Wow, you really are rich.." Topher said

" I know." Dakota said

Dakota and Topher hop into the plane

"Where do you want me to fly you too?" The pilot asked

" Okay were looking for one guy who looks homeless and the other who looks like Honey Boo Boo. Oh and they should be on a hot air balloon!" Dakota said

"..." The pilot said nothing

" Well what are you waiting for?" Dakota asked

"Nothing ma' am" The pilot said

The pilot took off

~ The Sky~

The pink plane Topher and Dakota are in chases after the hot air balloon Sugar and Shawn are in

" Is that a plane?" Shawn asked

"A plane... In PINK? It should be mine!" Sugar said

Sugar prepared to jump out of the hot air balloon but was stopped by Shawn

"Sugar we gotta focus on the game" Shawn said

" IT'S IN PINK, Shawn." Sugar said

" Sure go for it..." Shawn said


" There's really no winning when it comes to arguing with her"

" Plus once I make it to the dock, that's more money that goes to my Zombie Bunker"


Sugar hopped onto the plane, due to her blocking the view. The pilot couldn't see and the plane started spinning out of control

~ Plane~

" Dakota, I think we better get out of here..." Topher said

" Wait, hold up!" Dakota said

Dakota grabbed a pink fishing pole and reeled the case away from Shawn

"Hey!" Shawn said off screen

"Now we can go" Dakota said

Dakota and Topher jumped out of the plane

~ Cliff~

Dakota and Topher landed on the cliff

"We made it!" Dakota cheered

"The million is ours!" Topher said

" Okay I'm getting tired of waiting, the case is on the cliff!" Chris said on the loudspeaker

"Ugh... No fair, Chris!" Dakota said

Groups soon started running up the cliff

Soon, Brick, Cameron, Dave, Max, Staci, Jo, Sky, Jasmine, Rodney, Scott, Sammy, Zoey, Leonard, Ella, Dawn, and Lightning arrived at the cliff

" Uh oh..." Topher said

Everyone ran towards the two, but the pink plane out of control crashes into the cliff

Sugar jumps off the plane and lands on the edge of the cliff

"Made it!" Sugar said

Due to the crash of the plane and the weight of all the people.

Part of the cliff falls apart, Jo, Jasmine, Rodney, Dakota, Topher, Zoey, Max, Leonard, and Ella stumble down and fall into the lake

A wing of the plane crashes down and sends Brick, Scott, Sammy, Shawn, Cameron, Dave, Staci, Sky, Dawn and Lightning tumbling down the cliff

The case is sent flying

~ The Forest~

Scarlett still asleep from Dawn hitting her pressure point wakes up

"What the?..." Scarlett said sleepy

The wing of the plane carrying a chunk of the contestants crashes down and Scarlett is caught up as well

~ The Forest~

Sam and Amy are running through the forest trying to make it to the cliff

" Hurry up! I am not losing that case all because of some couch potato!" Amy said

" Sorry, Guess I shouldn't of had that big breakfast.." Sam said

The case flies down and lands into Sam's hands

"Great Sons of Orion! The case?!" Sam said

"I"M RICH!" Amy screamed

"Don't you mean we're rich?" Sam asked

" No..." Amy said

Amy walked over and kicked Sam in the kiwis

"Ow..." Sam said in a high pitched voice

" So long, sucker!" Amy said

The wing of the plane crashes down and scoops up Sam and Amy

~ The Forest~

Sugar lands in the middle of the forest

She then sees a baby moose

"Well I might as well get some fuel before I go back to searching for that dang case" Sugar said

Sugar walked over to the baby moose with a devilish grin on her face

The moose's father shows up and angrily stares at Sugar

" Hold up, you got the wrong idea..." Sugar lied

The moose huffed at Sugar and chased after her

~ The Forest~

With Amy holding onto the case everyone on the plane wing tries to grab it from her

"No, this is my million!" Amy said

" Excuse me everyone but you might want to look ahead" Dawn warned

~ The Dock of Shame~

The plane wing slides across the Dock of Shame and sends everyone into the lake

Sugar being chased by the moose hops into the lake as well

"Ha! I know for a fact mooses can't swim!" Sugar declared

The moose flipped off Sugar and walked away


" Man, moose sure do have a bad attitude"


Everyone turned their attention back to Amy who had the case

Lightning then jumped out of the water and smacked it out of her hand

"Sha-bam!" Lightning said

The case then landed a few feet from them, everyone in the water swam towards the case but a shark popped up and ate it

A seagull laughs at their misfortune but then is eaten

"Great... now what?" Dave said sarcastically

A helicopter drops off Chris and he lands on the Dock of Shame

" So... you lost the case? Way to go..." Chris said sarcastically

" I didn't want to have to do this but since none of the fourteen of you officially won, you all officially tied" Chris said

"Which means you all have another shot of winning the million dollars..." Chris said

The fourteen contestants in the lake were happy about this news

" IN SEASON TWO!" Chris said


" I unfortunately foresaw this event.."

" Maybe I should've warned my friends after all.."



" Nope..."

" I've had enough DRAMA to last me a lifetime.."


" Um... I don't really want to be in season two, Can I trade my spot with someone else?" Sam asked

" Too bad, There's a thing I like to call the fine print.. Read it, live it, love it!" Chris said

Anne Maria, Mike, Zoey, Dakota, Topher, Jasmine, Max, Leonard, Rodney, B, Beardo, Ella and Jo arrived at the dock

"As for the rest of you, your treasure hunt ends here along with any hopes and dreams of you winning money off of this show!" Chris declared

" Season two?! I wanna be on season two!" Dakota said

"Tut tut tut, Fine print" Chris said


" So let me get this straight..."

"There's going to be a SEASON TWO"

"Where mostly everyone will be getting MORE SCREENTIME"

" And even my boyfriend is going to be there... but not me? This is so unfair!"



" Meh. Who needs season two when you got VITO!"



" Season two sounds interesting..."

"Sucks that I won't be there"

" But as a total drama super fan, I know this is not going to be the last season"

" So I'll just wait till there's a season three announced"



" I wish the best of luck for everyone on their brand new journey!"


"As for you fourteen, you will all report to a brand new location for a whole new challenge and the last one standing will win ONE MILLION DOLLARS!" Chris said

"So don't forget to tune in to... TOTAL DRAMA "WHAT IF?" ACTION!" Chris said

That was Chapter Twenty Nine! And the last chapter for Total Drama What If? Island. If you enjoyed this fanfic then leave a review and slap some more favorites on here

Spoilers Below

Official Total Drama What If? Action Cast

Amy- The Mean Twin

Brick- The Cadet

Cameron- The Bubble Boy

Dave- The Normal Guy

Dawn- The Moonchild

Lightning- The Uber Jock

Sam- The Gamer

Sammy- The Nice Twin

Scarlett- The Brainiac

Scott- The Dirt Farmer

Shawn- The Conspiracy Theorist

Sky- The Athlete

Sugar- The Paegant Queen

Staci- The Liar

Authors Note:After about two weeks of thinking about it, I decided these fourteen are the official cast. Sorry if your favorite didn't get in but there's always What If? World Tour. As for specific reasons why I chose them I can't really say due to plot spoilers but I have plans..."evilly rubs hands together". For the last few chapters I usually post on Wednesdays but due to my schedule being really busy on Wednesday I decided to post this today.

Another Authors Note: I don't know the specific date for when I'll be releasing Total Drama What If? Action but it should be sometime next week. Until then this has been Pastatoxic and I'll see you guys... next time.