[My first request fic. Requested by CRed1988]

[Hueco Mundo]





These were the traits that arrived when talking about a certain, bat-like Vasto Lorde in the world of hollows. This particular Vasto was drastically different from others. Its power was one thing, destructive and powerful in nature, but its personality was strange. To any hollow that encountered this particular hollow and survived, they could describe 'her' in one word.


This Vasto Lorde seemingly leaked despair. It was like a virus. Spreading from one hollow to the next, causing a few to go crazy. 'Her' power was the cause of this despair. 'She' had no control over it as her soul was nothing more than an empty shell. A rusty trap.

The Vasto Lorde was shaped like a large bat with black fur completely over a 'human' figure. Its large black wings expanded to be about its height if not longer. The strange white mask over its face and those piercing eyes gave all the indication that anyone needed to avoid this particular hollow. As time went on and its power continued to grow, the Vasto Lorde decided to seek out a purpose. A reason for living, for existing. Anything to break the cycle of despair in the place where its heart soul be. What could possibly be out there though to quell that emptiness in its life?

Today was just like every other day for it. Wondering from place to place in the endless desert that 'she' just one day woke up in. No memory of how 'she' got there or what 'she' was now. Just desert and emptiness. The Vasto Lorde stood atop a sand dune and looked up to the sky with its blacked out eyes and yellow iris'. Still wondering what its purpose was in this land. Deciding that standing there got it nowhere, the Vasto spread its wings and ascended into the air at high speeds, but no matter how high it flew, all that it ever saw was more desert and different entities all around. Sometimes 'she' saw others roaming around in packs and sometimes wondering alone much like 'herself'. The thought never occurred to it to go to any of these entities. Hell, the thought of speaking to anything never crossed its mind. Deciding that this was pointless much like everything else, the hollow flew through the air at a steady and slow pace, like some kind of predator looking for its prey. The only problem with that though was the fact that this 'prey' it was looking for was nonexistent in its eyes. Nothing interested the hollow in the air. Nothing ever caught its attention no matter how hard it tried to care for something. Maybe that was just what its life was reduced to. Maybe there was truly nothing that could-


A distorted laugh broke the hollow out of its trance as it peered down and saw a mass of these creatures about to leap through some kind of tear. The tear was large and filled with a deep emptiness, much like itself. 'She' hovered high into the air away from sight and listened to what one of the creatures were saying.

"This is our moment!"
It started, some strange looking tiger-like monster.
"We will travel to the human world, rip and tear at any soul we find and kill every soul reaper in sight!"

This gained a massive cheer from the others as the Vasto in the air cocked its head in what it could only explain as, curiosity. 'She' continued to listen.

"With this garganta, we will soon invade the dreaded soul reapers stronghold and overpower them with our numbers! None shall be safe from our vicious hate!"
The leader continued to shout strange nonsense that 'she' didn't understand.
"When we take the human world, we will take the soul reapers world! And when we take their world, we will rule over all worlds!"

This brought about even louder cheers from the monsters as they all ran through the large tear. The Vasto high above became intrigued by this tear to the 'human world'. 'She' felt like 'she' knew that world. Like it was almost familiar. Without thinking, the Vasto Lorde swooped down as the last monster was heading through the garganta. As it flew through the darkness, following the last of the hollows that traversed into it, 'she' could feel something going through 'her' head. Flashes and memories of some kind.

The memories showed a pale woman with green eyes standing next to a faceless man. She looked happy, filled with hope and purpose. She was some kind of nurse at a hospital and felt joy at helping the children there. What was this? Who was that woman? Was she important? All these questions flashed through 'her' mind as one last memory played out. It was that faceless man from before hugging the woman and whispering in her ear. The hollow couldn't hear all of it, but 'she' could hear the last words coming from him.

"Ulquiorra Cifer."

That was when she went wide eyed. That woman wasn't just some random being, no. That was her. The Vasto Lorde remembered her name and at last could speak.
"Ulquiorra Cifer. That's me."
She said in a astonished tone as she exited the tear without even realizing.

There, she saw light. The first time in a long time, light from the sun shined down on her. It wouldn't fill the emptiness in her body, but for now, she would bask in its warmth. That was until she heard the scream of a little girl.

The sound of it was piercing as she saw the monsters she now knew were called 'hollow's' somehow were attacking the human world. She looked down to a street and saw a little girl in a striped shirt, plain shorts, her hair in pigtails and a strange chain coming from her chest running away from a hollow.

Without even thinking, Ulquiorra swooped down and stopped the hollow by running into it. The hollow regained its balance and looked over in rage at whatever tackled him. That is until he saw what exactly did so. He paled before backing away, looking right into the eyes of true despair. He didn't even notice the small soul reaper woman leaping to his masked face until she slashed him, causing him to dissipate. The raven haired girl turned to the new hollow and raised her sword, prepared to stop this hollow with her life if possible.

The hollow saw the girl with the sword and cocked her head to the side. That was when she saw from the corner of her eye, a head of orange. She turned and saw a human male looking right at her with wide eyes. Ulquiorra saw the confusion and shock in those brown eyes, but she also saw something else that made her shutter a bit. Wonder.

The look in those eyes caused her to fly away, fast. The raven haired girl took a sigh of relief before heading out at the sound of another hollow.
"Dammit. Where the hell are they coming from?"

She leapt away from the area to attend to the rest of the hollows, completely unaware of the orange haired boy that had saw the entire thing.
"What the hell was that?"

Hope ya'll enjoyed that chapter. It's my first requested fic as you all probably know by now, so I hope it's good.
The reason I kept calling Ulquiorra it and kept saying 'she' like that is because I'm doing this from the perspective of someone who is completely unaware of what's going on. IE both Ulquiorra and Ichigo.
