Sweet Dreams


There were many things Peter did not like, one of them was being slow. After all, he someone who could move incredibly fast and having to slow down was not something he enjoyed. Especially when he had to spend most of his time inside the Xavier Institute. There was also the small detail that Erik was spending some time at the Institute, why Peter did not know, and that made him a little anxious. He still had not told Erik that he was his son, he simply did not know how to approach that topic.

Hearing a knock on the door of his temporary room, Peter pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. With two telepaths around, one never knew when they unintentionally caught something that was not meant to be shared... in this case, it wasn't meant to be shared just yet.

"Come in..." he called, turning his attention to the door as it opened, revealing both the Professor and Hank. "I'm not in trouble, am I?" Peter asked, making the other two men smile.

"Of course not," Charles replied, glad to see the young man was doing much better. He knew how much it must have been costing him having to stay still for such an extended period of time but with a fracture like the one he suffered they needed to be careful. Peter was healing faster than any human and even faster than some mutants but the healing wasn't instantaneous, though Hank predicted he would be back on his feet in perhaps a week, two at the most. "We simply wanted to speak with you."

Peter shrugged. "Sure, I don't have anything else to do."

Charles looked at Hank for a brief moment before turning to look at the silver-haired young man. "I wanted to thank you for your assistance, Peter. You risked your life going against Apocalypse."

"You can stay that again," he chuckled nervously. For a moment he really did believe he was going to die by Apocalypse's hand, then he thought the girl with the sword would be the one ending his life but that did not happen. Raven had taken her form to get close to Apocalypse, it hadn't done much to the all-powerful mutant but she had saved his life. "My mom is going to freak out when she sees me... my sisters will probably laugh at my misfortune," he added, looking down at his injured leg. "But I'll be fine, right?" he asked, his gaze settled on Hank who was standing quietly by the Professor.

"Yes, of course," Hank was quick to reply. "With some rest, you should be fine in a week or two."

Peter smiled at that.

"I do have a proposition for when you are better, Peter," Charles spoke again, getting the young man's attention. "For when you have completely recovered, that is," he continued, getting Peter's full attention. "We are bringing the X-Men back," he said, noticing Peter's expression. The young speedster knew what that meant. "I was hoping you would join the team... Once you are fully recuperated, of course."

There was silence for a brief moment in the room before Peter broke it. "You mean that?" He asked, still not quite believing what he had heard.

"Indeed," Charles nodded in response. "Raven will be training all of you along with Hank."

"I would like that," Peter was quick to accept the offer, smiling like a small child on Christmas day. "But would it be okay if I go visit my family first? We've been back for two days and I'm sure my mom would like to see that I'm okay not just hear reassurances over the phone," he chuckled.

"Of course," Charles smiled. "We can arrange for you to leave first thing in the morning."

"Thanks, professor," Peter said.

"It's no problem at all," the telepath replied. "Now, it's best that we leave you to rest. Goodnight, Peter."

"Goodnight," he called after the pair just before the door was closed.

Laying down on the bed, Peter couldn't help but smile. He was going to be an X-Men. Just like his father had been. Sort of. After all, Erik had had his own motives for staying with the group back in the day.

Peter had been right. His mother did freak out when she saw him with that cast on his leg. He had never seen his mother in such a state, not even back when he was younger and did a lot of reckless things. His little sister did not laugh, but she couldn't help and smile at the sight of his brother.

After many reassurances that he was fine and that his leg would be fine in no time, his mother finally allowed him to go and get some rest. Though she had sent his youngest sister to make sure he was okay not long after he had laid down on his bed.

"I can only imagine how Wanda will react when mom tells her what happened," his little sister said as she left him alone and Peter couldn't help but shudder a little. His twin sister could be quite scary at times, not that he would ever admit that out loud but it was true.

Sighing, Peter tried to go to sleep. He wasn't tired but in his condition there really wasn't much he could and now that he was at home, he did doubt his mother would come check on him every so often to make sure he was not doing something he wasn't supposed to do. Or she could simply send his sister once again.

Staring at the ceiling, Peter sighed once again. He really wasn't sure how he was going to survive a week like this, let alone two if that happened to be necessary. Peter had never been described as a patient man for obvious reasons and he just hoped he wouldn't go crazy. He would be of no use to the team if he lost his mind.

Author's note: Hello guys! I'm back with a new story. This is set in the X-Men movie universe after X-Men: Apocalypse. I hope you enjoy it.

If you like it, don't forget to review and thanks for reading this new story.