Hello Ladies and Germs! I'm back from my self exile and I have a serious question for you all. would you like one long continuous story, or would you like a school Harry and an adult Harry story. That's two stories, one after another. I was thinking about it and wasn't sure what to do. Just write it in a review and I'll judge based on how many I get. If it is the two stories the first one will end after certain... events have happened at the end of year 7. Cuzz a lot of stories I see they do the whole we won, now epilogue they have kids and thats it. I want to do the whole we did the prophecy now what happenes. So send me a review on your thoughts. Now, ON WITH THE SHOW! Brad was going to say Uranus. WRONG SHOW!

"I take it this is your doing Mr. Thornwood." McGonagall said as she approached the head table.

"You would be correct." Harry informed before the quartet sat down at the Slytherin table.

"And you felt that alerting the DMLE instead of the professor's about such a breach of school security?" The Scottish professor questioned.

"Indeed. What professor would take such drastic actions at the word of four first years." He explained before the four started filling their plates with dinner.


"Diamond formation." Amelia commanded. They had arrived at third floor and were currently standing behind the door. The three nodded before moving into position. Moody in the back, Shacklebolt to the right, and Rivers to the left. "Alohamora." She spoke opening the door.

Before them slept the Cerberus, however, the trap door it was supposed to guard lay wide open, a harp gently playing on its own next to it. Amelia formed some hand motions to signal to approach carefully. The group nodded before they all were at the door. "Periculum." Shacklebolt uttered sending a red flare down the hole, illuminating the path before slamming into a strange mass.

One by one they dropped down onto the mass, casting aresto momentum as they fell, allowing themselves a relative easy landing. "Alright, what do we do now?" Rivers asked.

"Incendio!" Moody yelled, burning the mass to a crisp. Had he waited a moment more the mass would have tried to strangle them. "Devil's Snare. Lively little bugger unless burned." He explained after they picked themselves up off the floor.

"Shall we?" Amelia asked. They walked for about ten minutes until the sound of wings could faintly be heard. "Careful now." She said as they slowed their pace. Eventually they came to a large chamber with hundreds of flying keys.

"Must be Flitwick's work." Shacklebolt said. He raised his wand and chanted, "Immobulus." He said, freezing the keys in mid air. "Which one is the right key?" He asked. Moody's eye swivelled around until he saw it.

"Accio!" He growled, causing an old beaten up key to fly into his hand. He quickly put the key in the lock and opened the door, revealing a large room filled with giant statues. Off to the side sat a bushy haired girl and an unconsious redhead.

"Profe- oh, who are you?" Hermione asked.

"We are Aurors. Who are you? And what are you doing down here girl?" Rivers asked.

"Oh, Aurors I read about you. Your supposed to be the magical police. I hope you've come here to arrest Professor Snape." She rambled. "I'm Hermione Granger. This is Ron Weasley. Damien Potter is just ahead. He went on to stop Professor Snape while I came back to make sure Ronald was fine." She continued.

"You believe Snape to be the possessed teacher?" Amelia inquired.

"Possessed? Professor Snape is not possessed. He wants the philospher's stone to give to You-Know-Who." Hermione explained.

"The Stone? Here?! No wonder Mr. Thornwood called us." Amelia groaned.

"Hadrian Thornwood? He's a strange fellow, probably dark since he's in Slytherin. If I were you I'd investigate him." Hermione sneered. Rivers cut her off with a silencing charm. The girl didn't noticed and continued on her tangent silently. Amelia cast a silent diagnostic charm on the red head to reveal him to be in moderatly fine condition. Just a broken arm and a concussion.

"Miss Granger. You are to remain here and look after your friend. Do you understand?" Amelia asked. Hermione nodded before turning to look at the redhead. "Let's go." Amelia said as they approached the door.

The first thing they noticed was the smell. In the corner was a dead troll, its body attracting flies. "Disgusting." Rivers said.

"We need to keep going." Moody informed. "And stick on your toes." He said.

"You don't have many toes to stick on Moody." Shacklebolt joked, lightening the tention slightly. The next room had a dark purple fire blocking their path with a large amount of vials on a table in the center of the room. A piece of paper hung on the wall, revealing some sort of riddle.

"Bah, we don't have time for this." Moody growled before casting the fire freezing charm on the fire. The four walked through, wands raised, unharmed, to see Damien Potter looking at a strange mirror and Quirrell holding him at wand point.

"What do you see Potter!?" Quirrell demanded.

"I see myself holding the Quidditch world cup with my family behind me." Potter said.

"Liar!" Quirrell yelled, casting a banishing charm at the boy, sending him sprawling into the stair case right below the four. "Ah, we have company. No matter. With my master here you shall not leave this room alive." Quirrell taunted. Faster than most could detect he sent out a barage of spells at the four, the battle had begun.

Moody quickly tranfigured a block of stone before them, as Shacklebolt summmoned Damien from across the room, keeping him out of the line of fire. Amelia and Rivers were shielding themselves as they returned fire, using banishing charms, bludgeoning spells, stunners, and dismarming jinxes. They battled went on for twenty minutes as Quirrel obviously had been enhanced by the spirit possessing him. A sudden Cutting curse hit Rivers in the side, knocking him over, causing Amelia to loose concentration. Luckily Quirrel was Gloating.

"You see! This is the power of my master!" He said as he prepared to finish off the downed Auror. Suddenly, with acrobatics that should be impossible for a man such as himself, Moody pole vaulted over the stone barricade and shot a bone breaking hex right into Quirrels chest, causing blood to shoot out of his mouth as he fell to the floor dying.

"No! Master! Fill me with more power!" Quirrell yelled aloud. Nothing happened for a moment before the professor spoke once more. "Yes master! Your will shall be done!" He said shooting off an unknown spell. It was blue in color and shot straight through the ceiling, going who knows where. Suddenly, Quirrell started convulsing, before his body slowly started turning to dust. Out of the cloud rose a dark menacing spirit that quickly turned to leave.

"Hoc animo!" Moody and Shacklebolt chanted, sending white ethereal chains bursting from the tips of their wands. The chains shot at astounding speeds before impaling themselves in the torso of the Shade. Amelia took a crystal out of her pocket and placed it on the floor. She then joined Rivers in chanting as the chains reeled in the spirit. Runes began to glow on the crystal as the chanting grew louder. Eventually, with a horrendous shriek, there was a flash of light, and the crystal was now a churning black color as the spirit had been captured.

Before anyone could continue, the door burst open, revealing Dumbledore. "What is the meaning of this?!" He demanded.

"Dumbledore. In your lapse of judgement, you let three students enter an extremely dangerous situation, and allowed a possessed teacher to roam the grounds." Amelia said before casting the same diagnostic charm on Damien.

"You can help rectify this by levitating your unconscious students to the infirmary." She continued.

"Wait." Moody interjected as Dumbledore was about to levitate the child. The scarred man reached into the boy's pocket and pulled out a maroon colored stone. "I believe the Flamel's will want this back, Aye?" He asked rhetorically. After that they collected Ron and Hermione and brought them to the hospital wing.

"I thank you for your intervention in this matter. But seeing as it it over, I see no reason for the DMLE to remain." Dumbledore said once they had turned the children over to the Matron.

"Not so fast Dumbledore. I need to question these students about what happened. Moony, take the spirit to a holding room until I return." She commanded. With a curt nod the man turned to the nearby fireplace and threw some floo powder in, before dissapearing in a green fire.

"Now, We'll start with Miss Granger as she's the only one awake." She stated before asking the girl what had happened. Hermione told the Auror everything, how they stumbled upon the third corridor, meeting the cerberus known as Fluffy, the flying incident, then piecing together that Snape was the one after the stone for Voldemort after Damien had encountered the wraith in the forest, only to be saved by a centaur.

"And you thought it prudent to go after a fully grown wizard by yourselves?" Amelia asked, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Well not at first. We had gone to Professor McGonagall and told her the stone was in danger." Hermione said. Rivers, whose ribs were bandaged, made a loud writing note on his pad of parchment.

"Very well then. Dumbledore, We shall be talking to a few others as we wait for the children to awaken." Amelia said before turning to the remaining Auror. "Rivers, alert me if anything changes." She said as she left for the Great Hall.

"Attention!" She said having entered the large room. "The crisis has been dealt with, you may go about your day." She then approached the four.

"If you four would come with me so that I may ask you some questions." She asked. The four looked to each other before standing up to follow the law enforcer. They ended up in an unused classroom. "Now, considering it was you that alerted me to the situation, it is clear that you four know more than most will." The auburn haired woman explained. "Tell me everything."

The four spoke for nearly an hour, explaining their part in this plot, and how they drew their conclusions from the suspicious happenings during the year.

"I see. This is quite troubling. Where did this Wraith, no, Shade, come from? And how did it and up possessing Quirrell?" She asked aloud. At this Harry cleared his throat once more.

"Madame Bones. If I may, we have a theory, but it is quite out there, and only based on piecing together what little information we have." Harry explained. Amelia thought for a moment before nodding. "We believe, that it was Voldemort."

Amelia turned her head abruptly before narrowing her eyes at the raven head. "Explain." She said before The four explained their reasoning. From Dumbledore training and separating a family, to Quirrell's not so clean story, they explained everything.

"Hm. Your logic is sound. However we shall keep this as a theory, and between us. And the Unspeakables." Amelia said. "Now, Heir Thornwood." She said looking directly at Harry. "I shall forgive your missing of our appointment to discuss the... phenomena, that occured at the Ministry ball, as you were attacked before being brought to court. However, I expect a meeting between us over your summer break. Floo call me once you have reached your home and I shall set up an appointment." And with that, the head of the DMLE left the room.

"Well, that went well." Blaise said.



"Kinston!" Moody barked as he hobbled through the hallways of the Auror HQ. An older man stepped forward, having been nearby when Moody returned. "I need a containment room stat!" The older Auror nodded before power walking down the hall before performing a spell on a door.

"This one is available Moody." The man said with a raspy voice. The one legged war veteran nodded as he entered the room and placed the crystal down. "What is that?" The older Auror asked.

"That lad, is a wraith. Guard this room at all times until Amelia tells you otherwise." He commanded before slamming the door closed and walking off to send a letter.


"Ah, another year, come and gone." Dumbledore said at the goodbye feast. "We shall be sad to see some of you go off to continue the adventure of life, ready to add your own piece to the tapestry of fate." He said looking at all the seventh years. "And to the rest of you, I hope you have a wonderful break before returning next year to continue your education."

"Before we feast, I must give out the cups." He said as two trophies materialized next to him. Both were gold, but the insignia was what set them apart. "First, The Quidditch Cup." He said levitating the trophy that had crossed broomsticks over a snitch. "This year, we have had many new experiences, including in the great game of Quidditch. We have the youngest seeker in a century, not to mention that he's in his first year, Damien Potter, on the Gryffindor team. And with this new experience, the Hogwarts Quittage Cup goes to Gryffindor!" He said as the trophy moved over to McGonagall.

The Lions roared in pride, while the snakes held a cool uncaring look. Snape on the other hand, he looked like he swollowed a lemon. After a moment of celebration, Dumbledore raised his hand to quiet the students.

"Now, for the Hogwarts House Cup." He said as the other trophy levitated infront of him. This one had the Hogwarts crest as the insignia, and in the right light, the four houses shimmered with their colors. "I am pleased to announce that this year, the cup goes to Slytherin." He said, causing the snakes to cheer. Gryffindor did not take this as well as the snakes did when they lost the Quittage cup. They boo'd, loudly. Dumbledore once more raised his hand to quiet the crowd.

"Yes, well done Slytherin. However, we must take recent events into account." Dumbledore said, causing the room to become uneasy. "To one Ronald Weasley, for the best game of chess in nearly a thousand years. 50 points." He said. Slytherin, realizing what the old man was doing, put on a cold facade, but if one looked closely, they would realize the house of cunning and ambition was pissed.

"To one Hermione Granger, For quick thinking in the face of danger to protect her friends, 50 points." Gryffindor was now 100 points from being tied with Slytherin.

"To one Damien Potter, For unmatched Courage, in the face of innumerable odds, 100 points." He said. Wands started being drawn as the snakes were becoming even more enraged at the blatant favoritism.

"And finally, to one Neville Longbottom, for the courage to stand up to his friends and tell them that what they were planning was wrong and dangerous, 1 point." Dumbledore smiled. "I do believe that the cup now belongs to Gryffindor and that means that we require some changes to our decor." He said is before flicking his hands. The banners that hung from the ceiling changed from Slytherin to Gryffindor as the lions were dancing around their table.

"Now let us-"

"Ahem." Came Flitwick, interupting the Headmaster.

"Ah, yes Filius?" Dumbledore said looking over at the tiny professor.

"Thank you Professor. You are quite right when you say recent events need to be taken into account." He said before looking straight at Harry.

"For using immense wisdom and cunning in order to protect the school, with the odds stacked against them, 150 points to Hadrian Thornwood and his friends." He said. Slytherin's mouth's dropped at the words of the diminutive Professor, raising their opinions of him quite highly. Flitwick just smiled at his favorite non Ravenclaw student.

"Yes, well, I guess we must change the decor back then." Dumbledore said before the banners changed back. He then levitated the cup over to Snape who was gobsmacked. "Now, let's eat!" He said before food appeared on the tables.

"I can't believe Flitwick did something like that!" Tracey gasped as they ate.

"Well, stranger things have happened." Harry said.

"Well, I'm just glad the favoritism was counterbalanced." Daphne said.

"Oh, are you a believer of karma now?" Harry asked. Blaise, Daphne, and a few others around them gave him a blank stare, while Tracey looked at him in confusion.

"Really? The concept of Karma has been around for centuries in the muggle world. Im surprised you don't know it." Harry said. "Essentially it's one big balance for fate if you do something bad. Say for example, Dumbledore giving out ridiculous points. Flitwick counter balanced it with actual points. Dumbledore did something wrong, and in return, suffered embarrassment from it." He explained.

"Okay? I dont think I'm quite getting it." Daphne said.

"Don't worry, just eat. I'll explain it later."

"So, what's everyone's plans for this summer?" Blaise inquired the next day. They had just left Hogsmeade station and the four has settled in for the 8 hour train ride.

"Well, my parents said they might take my family to France." Tracey smiled.

"I don't believe that my family has any plans for this summer." Daphne said as she looked up from her book.

"How about you Hadrian?"

"Hm, not really sure." He said looking out the window. "Besides my meeting with Madam Bones, the only real plan is my adept exam." He said before pulling out his master's notebook, searching through it for some information. "Blaise?"

"Just going home to Italy." He smiled.

After that the conversation trickled out until they each were doing their own thing. They played cards, ate candy, and just enjoyed being eleven and twelve year olds until they finally arrived at the station.

"Harry!" Remus called from across the station as the students mobbed the landing. With a brisk walk, he enveloped his uncle in a hug before looking for his friends to say goodbye. Eventually he found them by the portal with their parents.

"Ah, Harry. A pleasure to see you again." Cyrus said as the two approaches the group.

"A pleasure as well Lord and Lady Greengrass, Lord and Lady Davis, Lady Zabini." Harry said politely.

"Oh yes, since you are here, it saves us the time of mailing this to you." Cyrus said handing him an envelope. It was an invitation to the Greengrass Midsummer Ball.

"Thank you Lord Greengrass, this is a great honor." Harry said before bowing.

"Nonsense, we couldn't have the ball without Daphne's Bodyguard." Cyrus teased. Arabella elbowed her husband before smiling gently at the young boy.

"We would be quite pleased if you were to attend." She smiled.

"I will see to it that my schedule is clear." He said before turning to his friends. "I guess I'll see you guys later, we need to head home." He explained before they all gave their goodbyes. With that, Harry and Remus exited platform 9 and 3/4's before entering the men's restroom and apparating away.

And Done! I hope everyone enjoyed. Next chapter, which shall be released soon if not at the same time, features the summer before second year. I bd you all adieu.