Lisanna of the Futas

Chapter 1: Mirajane

Lisanna giggled and slammed down the shot glass, her face flushed with pink. Mirajane's most recent story of Team Natsu's (mis)adventures was invariably hilarious, or maybe that was just the alcohol talking. Either way, the short-haired girl's bra-less breasts bounced beneath her shirt with her laughter while Mirajane told her how Natsu and Gray ran from an enraged Erza after accidentally burning and freezing a large chunk of a village.

"Things really don't change in this guild, huh?" Lisanna observed brightly, staring with a fond gaze out their Fairy Heights apartment window at the frosty night.

Mirajane, her cheeks also tinged pink, sighed and smiled warmly at her younger sister. "No, they don't," she agreed, leaning back in her one-man couch. She rested her elbow on the armrest and her face in her hand. "Not much has changed at all. Nothing except us… and now even that has gone back to normal."

Lisanna nodded happily. "I'm so glad to be back," she said, her voice quiet and grateful. "I loved the Edolas Fairy Tail, of course, but it… it just wasn't home. Not like here."

"And I'm glad to have you back," Mirajane added whole-heartedly. Her heart fluttered as she gazed upon her beautiful sister, who had grown up so much since the last time they'd shared a Christmas together. She'd become so smart, so brave, so gorgeous. Every part of her was perfect. She was the kind of girl guys would fall all over each other to date. Perhaps Lisanna was not quite as inherently beautiful as someone like Erza, but she was charming and kind and sweet all the same, boasting a serene air and a calming face that demanded your attention without her even really knowing.

Mirajane swallowed, the alcohol making her throat unreasonably dry and her head a little cloudy. Lisanna had grown in more ways than just mind and charisma. Her ass pushed against her tight jeans, supple and firm-looking. Her breasts were perhaps not huge, but they didn't need to be with the other girl's smaller frame; they made her curves more pronounced, and were desire-inducing all the same. Mirajane unintentionally licked her lips, the pink nipples on her much larger and fuller breasts pushing against her simple, white dress. Old thoughts and desires surfaced, no doubt a result of the one-too-many shots of top-quality beer she'd downed tonight because of New Years'. She remembered desiring to kiss Lisanna as a kid, wanting to share her younger sibling's adorableness with the world and boast about it for as long as she could.

Staring upon those full, rosy lips, Mirajane's most well-kept secret twitched in desire. She wanted to feel that mouth on her thick cock. Those breasts would provide for great handholds, to be sure. And that ass, oh, lord, that ass…

Calm down, Mira, she chided herself in a moment of clarity. She's your sister, not another girl to take and make yours for the night.

But look at how sexy this slut is! the more depraved side of her sneered. She's just asking for someone to fuck her. Might as well make that someone be you and not some random guy she meets on the street.

Her futa cock bulged against her panties and dress, making a little tent as Lisanna arched her back to crack it and her breasts strained against her shirt as a result.

"Lisanna," Mira growled under her breath, standing up. Her eyes ignored the rest of their apartment; the little kitchen behind Lisanna, the table set with four chairs, the little bookshelf filled with magic tomes and doodads, the coffee table sitting between the two girls. She swayed a little bit, a large part of her balance lost to the booze. Lisanna blinked and looked up at her as she stumbled around the oak coffee table, over to the red couch on which Lisanna sat cross-legged.

"Yeah, Mira?" the somewhat drunk, younger Strauss sibling said. "What is it?" She grabbed the green bottle of beer on the little circular table sitting next to her plush couch and poured some more beer in the shot glass, grabbing the glass and drinking it all in one sip. Her head a little woozy now, she slammed it back down on the table and her eyes happened to glimpse Mira's tent. An out-of-character smirk played out across her lips.

"Oo, happy to see me?" Lisanna slurred a little, the alcohol grabbing hold of her mind. She was, of course, one of the few people aware of her sister's status as a futanari, having bathed with her several times as a kid. Therefore, the fact that Mira could get a tent at all didn't much surprise her. Even so, she probably still would've been at least a little surprised and embarrassed to see it in a normal situation… With about five shots of Magnolia's strongest brew in her, though? She wasn't quite functioning enough to be embarrassed, only excited.

Mirajane hissed. "Delighted," she murmured, almost falling on Lisanna. She managed to prop herself up, though, by grabbing the armrests on the couch.

This did make Lisanna blush. "W-Well, I'm glad. You're quite… pleasing to look at yourself." Later, Lisanna would facepalm at how cliché the statement was, but in her drunken state, she only gave herself a mental pat on the back for being "smooth."

"I'm glad I decided to spend New Years alone with you," Mirajane told her sister, "because now I can do this." She pulled her dress off and unbuckled her bra, letting her breasts, so large and superior to her sister's, bounce free. She then pulled her straining panties off. Now naked, her cock stood up at full attention, all twelve inches of it.

Lisanna swallowed. "You're… really big," she said, her face hot. She licked her lips as she watched that girl meat sway up and down with Mira's breathing.

"All because of you," Mira groaned, and Lisanna felt her heart clench in happiness, as well as her pussy.

The shorter-haired girl smirked. "Guess it's pointless for me to still be in these, then." So saying, she did exactly as Mira had moments earlier and declothed. Now nude and showing off her cute, sexy body to her older sister, Lisanna giggled drunkenly and reached up to hug around Mira's neck. She pulled the futa further down towards her until the throbbing girl meat was pressed up against her increasingly wet pussy. "Kiss me?"

"Oh, I'll kiss you," Mira promised. A dangerous grin spread up her lips and her eyes glazed sadistically. "But not with my lips."

Lisanna blinked. "Wha—MMPH!"

No sooner than her younger sister started talking did Mira suddenly leap up and shove her cock into the girl's tight throat. Her thick girth pierced all the way in Lisanna's mouth and down her esophagus, filling the moist cavern and nearly choking the poor mage. Instantly, the girl's gag reflex kicked in and she fruitlessly tried to gasp for breath around twelve inches of dick. Not giving her any leeway, Mirajane rocked her hips back and then slammed them forward while straddling her sister on the couch. Instantly, Lisanna found herself being roughly facefucked.

"M-Mira…" she gasped, the word muffled by a mouthful of girl-cock. "C-Can't… breathe…"

Mirajane, who'd only heard bits and pieces of the words, smirked and slapped the top of her sister's head. "I don't know what you just said, but I can guess," she chuckled. "Bitch, you have a nose. Use it."

Mira suddenly became super-dominant, Lisanna thought groggily in the back of her mind. Realizing Mira was right, though, she simply gave in to having her throat carved out by a dick and began to breathe in and out through her nose. If her pussy moistened, it certainly wasn't because of being so suddenly and skillfully taken by her sister.

"Use your tongue more, Lisanna," Mira commanded with another thrust of her hips. "You're never going to get this cock out of your mouth until you take in at least one load, and you're never going to swallow even a bit of cum unless you help me here."

"Y-Yes, Mira," the drunk girl choked, though it came out as muffled as ever. She immediately set to work trying to figure out what Mira meant by use more tongue. While Lisanna had seen other peoples' dicks before, the most she'd ever done was give the Edolas version of Lucy a handjob. Lisanna was a smart girl, however, and after giving a few baleful licks and earning some pleasured moans from her sister, she started to understand what she was supposed to do. Blushing, she ran her tongue around the underside of the cock fucking her mouth, then licked further up.

"That's it, sister-mine," Mira groaned, her full balls slapping against Lisanna's chin with every thrust. "That's the way a good cocksucker does it. Mmf… You've probably done this shit before… I bet you were the Edolas Fairy Tail's futa cumdump, huh? Weren't you? Weren't you, you slutty little sister?"

No, she wanted to say. I only gave a few of them handjobs. But with this thick cock clogging up her mouth and throat, she couldn't say anything.

At last, when Mira's cock in her throat finally stopped feeling so foreign, the older woman pulled out. "Cumming," she gasped, and then her pink head erupted in a long stream of sticky, white cum. Lisanna, panting, opened her mouth and lapped her tongue out. She was a bitch swallowing water out of her master's hose, except the water was warm and sweet. If she'd had a tail, it would have been wagging.

"Thank you, Mira," Lisanna sighed contentedly once her sister's ejaculation ebbed off. The cum stopped reaching her mouth, and instead fell over her breasts and painted them white. Then drops of it splatted on the floor, and finally, the twelve inches of meat from which it came slumped and Mira crumpled to her knees.

"Sooo… tired…" Mira groaned, gasping for breath after her intense futa orgasm. She fell over Lisanna, lazily kissing her—for real this time. She tasted her own ejaculate and found it delicious, as always. She'd given herself enough autofellatios to know from past experience. Swallowing the beads of white on her tongue, she raised one hand up woozily to grab at Lisanna's pert breast and rest it there. Her sister squeaked as a result. "Nng… thank you, Lisanna… You're good at sucking dick."

Lisanna blushed. "Y-You're welcome," she gulped. Globs of cum still stuck to the roof of her mouth and she tried to work the sticky substance off of it with her tongue. "You okay?"

"Better than… okay…" Mira smiled and nestled her head between Lisanna's tits. "Just… tired…"

Lisanna yawned. "I know the feeling."

"Let's sleep… together, huh?"

"Sure, Mira."

The drunk girls smiled at each other and closed their eyes. As Mira drifted into exhausted slumber, she couldn't help but think, I've heard some of the other girls have been needing some relaxation lately. I think I know just who can give it to them…