Welcome to my first Gratsulu story! (Gray x Natsu x Lucy) If that's not your thing, I suggest exiting out now. Don't like it, don't read it. This is the story I wrote for NaNoWriMo 2017.

If you are not interested in gratsulu, please exit out now. Just like you have a right to read whatever story you want, I have a right to write whatever ship/story I want to. Me writing gratsulu doesn't mean I dislike nalu any less. I'm a multi-shipper and I choose to write about more pairings than just nalu. I will continue to write nalu stories, so if you want to read those that's fine, if not that's fine too. Just understand that I do this for free and I enjoy writing in general. Hateful comments or messages will be deleted or blocked. Please be mature enough to leave if this story makes you feel uncomfortable. I wrote this story for me, I'm just sharing it with whoever wants to read it. I'm not forcing anyone to stay, so if you stay, that's on you. I don't have time to deal with drama or ship hate, and I won't tolerate either. If you decide to stay, I hope you enjoy the story. If at any point in time you decide it's not for you, please feel free to stop reading. I won't be offended because I know you don't have to read every story I post, just like I'm allowed to right whatever ship I want to write.

Rated M for foul language, sexual content, and adult situations.

Additional warnings: This story will contain graylu, nalu, gratsu, and gratsulu. Until the three of them get together, I will put a warning before each chapter for the pairing that will be intimate. The first half of this story will mainly be nalu with a bit of graylu sprinkled in, while the second half is gratsulu. If you couldn't tell by the title, this story will be about an open marriage between Lucy and Gray (in the beginning anyway). If you are uncomfortable with that, or any of the things I said above, please don't read. The endgame is gratsulu.

I do not own Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima does. I do not give anyone permission to repost any parts of this story anywhere. Please be respectful.

The cover was drawn by the wonderful Hokorinn and is being used with permission! I commissioned the art. You can find them on Tumblr if you'd like to see more of their amazing art!

*Chapter one contains nalu, no smut.*

Chapter One: Assistant

"And over here is the break room," Mira, the HR rep said as they walked past a room filled with tables and chairs. She smiled as she made a joke about cleaning up after himself, otherwise their 'friends' would find the crumbs and infest the office. By 'friends', she meant roaches, which caused Natsu's skin to crawl.

"Yeah, no problem." He would make sure he kept his area clean to ward off any pesky critters.

Mira continued the tour of the new office he would be working in. From what he could tell, the woman was nice. He met her briefly when he was getting interviewed the first and second time, both times for different jobs within the same company.

"Here's accounting. Talk to them if you need to get any prices for Lucy."

Natsu nodded at the mention of his new boss's name. Lucy Heartfilia, daughter of the CEO, Jude Heartfilia. She was in charge of the Hargeon branch for her father's company. Though he knew next to nothing about her, he had seen her around a few times when he worked downstairs in the distribution center. The only word he could describe her with was 'pretty' since he hadn't had the pleasure of meeting her yet.

Which seemed odd to him considering he was about to work directly under her.

"That room has the copier and fax machine. The main numbers we use are posted over it, so you don't have to memorize them," Mira said with a laugh. "Unless you really want to, that is."

Natsu gave her a smile, more out of habit than anything. Mira was nice, but she needed to work on her humor if she wanted to get a real laugh out of him.

"And last stop, Lucy's office." Mira was about to knock on the door, but froze before a frown tugged at her lips. "Oh dear, I forgot the forms I needed her to sign. Can you wait right here? I'll be back in a minute."

Natsu nodded, watching as the woman made her way back to her office. He shifted his weight from his heels to his toes as he waited, nervous and excitement bubbling in his chest. He hoped he was ready for his new job.

"No, it was time. I needed to end things with him," a female voice said, causing Natsu to raise a brow.

He looked at the office where his boss was, realizing he could hear someone's muffled voice through the door. He wondered if normal people could also hear, or if his sharp hearing gave him an advantage. Taking a step closer, he turned his head so he could hear better.

"How'd he take it when you broke up with him?" a different female asked, her voice sounding concerned or bored, Natsu couldn't tell.

"All things considered, I think he took it well. I feel better now that it's over."

Natsu realized they were talking about one of the women ending something with a man, probably a relationship. He listened further, surprised by what the first female said.

"He was suffocating me. I should have ended it sooner, but you know what they say about hindsight. I'm just glad it's over."

"Well, I'm here if you need to talk about it."

"Thanks. I appreciate the offer, Levy."

Natsu blinked, recognizing that name. If the woman speaking wasn't Levy, then that had to mean she was Lucy, seeing as they were in the boss's office.

"No problem. What are friends fo—"

"Okay, I'm back," Mira said, cutting off Natsu's concentration.

He blinked as he took a step back, hoping it wasn't obvious he was eavesdropping. If Mira noticed, she didn't say anything.

"Ready to meet the boss?" Mira asked, knocking on the door before Natsu could respond.

A moment later, a short woman answered the door. Her blue hair was pulled back into a bun, a pair of yellow glasses resting on her nose. Natsu knew she wasn't the boss since he had seen Lucy a few times. The two women looked nothing alike.

She smiled at Natsu before beckoning them in. "Hello, you must be the new assistant."

Natsu found himself smiling at his job title. It wasn't that glamorous, but it was his. Once he found out there was an opening in the office part of the branch, he went for it, wanting to get away from the smelly guys and girls he worked with downstairs. 'Seriously, did none of them know what a shower was?' He understood they sweat a lot at their job, but that didn't mean they couldn't apply some deodorant.

Natsu stepped into the office, marveling at the simplicity of it. For the CEO's daughter, her office looked pretty ordinary. She had a medium sized desk with a decent computer chair. Two bookshelves filled with various books lined one wall while a small couch lined the other. She had a few pictures up, as well as some certificates and awards. He looked past her desk to her window, surprised to see her 'view' was of another building. He thought managers were supposed to have the best of the best, but her office looked no different from Mira's aside from a few small details.

"Hello," a woman said as she approached him, her golden locks pulled back into a ponytail. Her business suit hugged her body nicely, showing off her curves without revealing any cleavage or unnecessary skin. He almost breathed a sigh of relief, worried he was going to have to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace. He had seen a few too many shows and movies about the female boss who used her looks to get where she was, but as far as Natsu could tell, she was dressed more conservatively than the HR rep.

"Hey," Natsu said, holding out his hand to his new boss. The woman in front of him was the one he had see from time to time, but he had never had the pleasure of meeting her in person. "Nice to meet you."

Lucy slipped her hand into his, her handshake soft but firm. She shook it twice before releasing his hand, her smile as warm as her chocolate brown eyes. They were hard to miss, the color deep and rich. "Likewise." She looked over at Levy, her shoulders sagging as she sighed. "I wish we were meeting under different circumstances."

Before Natsu could ask why, Lucy walked over to Levy, slinging an arm around the woman's shoulders. "I wish Levy here would stick around forever."

Levy chucked as she leaned her head over, pressing the side of it against Lucy's. "If I could help run the branch and still be your assistant here, I would."

Natsu raised a brow, not following the conversation. He didn't have to ask for an explanation, Lucy producing one without anyone prompting her. "Levy here is climbing that corporate ladder. She's been training under me for what, two years?"

"Two and half," Levy said with a laugh.

"She'll be relocating to Onibus to be their assistant manager." She looked at Natsu, holding his gaze. "Which means I need someone to try to replace her." Lucy gave the woman a squeeze before letting her go. "It won't be easy though. Levy's the best assistant I've ever had."

Natsu wondered how close the two were, considering they kept joking back and forth. It made him feel more at ease, seeing they weren't too strict about office friendships. He worried he was going to have to be upright around the boss, but there was a chance he could get on friendly terms with her.

"I've been your only assistant," Levy pointed out, earning a weak wave from Lucy.

"Anyways, Levy will be training you this week before she leaves." Lucy ended her statement with a pout, casting her glance to Levy again. "You know I wish you luck though, right?"

Levy stifled a giggle, but her shoulders still shook. "Hard to tell. I swear, I'm going to end up kidnapped by the end of the week."

The words were flying out of Natsu's mouth before he could stop himself. "Is that gonna be my first task? Kidnapping her?" He saw Lucy and Levy jolt, causing Natsu to flinch. He worried he crossed some line, but soon Lucy's lips pulled into a huge smile as she let out a soft laugh.

"It might be," she said, her eyes lighting up. "Are you up for the challenge?"

Natsu chuckled as he cupped the back of his neck, wishing he had his scarf to play with. It helped soothe him when he was nervous. "I mean, depends on how much of a firecracker she is. I might not be up for the task."

Lucy laughed again, nodding as she looked at Levy. "Oh, she's definitely a firecracker. You should see her boyfriend. Guy's taller than the door! This girl over her can go toe-to-toe with him. Saw her knock him on his ass once."

Natsu's eyes widened when his new boss cussed, his excitement now outweighing his nervousness. Lucy didn't react to her own words. She kept talking as if it were the normal thing to do. "My only regret is I didn't film it. Man, I would've posted that on YouTube if I did."

"Gajeel would've hated that," Levy said, covering her mouth while she laughed. "But I would've loved it!"

"Right?" Lucy asked, grinning.

Natsu couldn't help but keep his smile on, loving the atmosphere in the room. Another reason he left the distribution section was because people down there were too dull for his taste. They didn't joke, unless it was in a passive aggressive way, and even then it wasn't funny. Every time he tried to lighten the mood down there, he was met with sour expressions and glares. It wasn't a good place for a person like himself to work in.

But in Lucy's office, he almost forgot he was there to work, until Lucy's phone beeped, bringing them back to reality.

"Oh shoot. I have that meeting soon." Lucy turned, grabbing a stack of papers off her desk while she spoke. "Levy, will you show him to his new desk. I'll be back in an hour." She tucked the papers under her arm as she looked at Levy. "Actually, probably an hour and a half. You know how much Jose loves to talk."

Levy nodded, her chuckle more formal than before. "He certainly does."

"Real quick," Mira started, holding out some papers, "I need you to sign these for Natsu."

Lucy nodded, fumbling with the pages while Mira pointed out where her signature was needed. Before Lucy left the room, she smiled at Natsu, giving him a short nod. "I look forward to working with you."

He had just enough time to tell her the same before she disappeared, rushing down the hall to go wherever she was headed. Mira showed him the conference room during her tour, so he assumed she was going there.

Natsu turned to Levy, a bright grin on his face and an eagerness to learn his new job coursing through his body. "So, what's first?"

Natsu found his job was easy enough. All he had to do was everything Lucy said, while also anticipating what she might want. Some tasks were better than others. He had to admit, he wasn't too fond of getting her coffee, but he knew being an assistant had that possibility. He had to start somewhere, and from what he could see, that wasn't the worst place to be. The pay wasn't bad at all either. It was more than he was making downstairs.

Plus, working for Lucy was sometimes fun.

Despite her being his boss, she was delightful, like a ray of sunshine that thankfully knew when to tone it down. Natsu had a hard time dealing with overly happy people who pretended like there was nothing wrong in the world, but Lucy wasn't like that. Her personality was bright with a healthy dose of reality. He admired her for that.

She had her moments of frustration just like everyone else, but it was never directed at him. He would hear her arguing with people over the phone about prices and deadlines, but when she hung up and took a deep breath, she was back to her normal self.

On those rare days when she wasn't able to bounce right back, she would ask Natsu to get her something from the cafe down the street, always throwing in some extra money for him to get something for himself too, for the trouble. There were definitely worse jobs than being Lucy's assistant.

Natsu worked hard to stay on Lucy's good side, being diligent with his tasks and going above expectations. Surprisingly, Levy left some pretty big shoes to fill, which was ironic given the girl's petite size. Still, Natsu did his best, and Lucy noticed, praising him every so often when he did a good job. He liked working for her.

The first two months of being Lucy's assistant went by without incidents. Natsu was doing better than he expected, while also having some fun at the office. He got along with his coworkers, enjoying his time spent in the break room during lunches. They would joke around and swap stories, something that didn't happen when Natsu worked downstairs.

He got to know the people he worked with, even indulging in a few pranks when the mood seemed right. Natsu knew he needed to pull it back when Erza demanded to know who changed the settings on her chair, furious that someone dared to move it an inch shorter than she had it set on. After that, Natsu didn't prank her, fearing for his life.

He had caught Lucy laughing in her office over it, sharing a knowing smile with Natsu. Later, when he asked how she knew it was him, she simply said, "Everyone else knows not to mess with Erza."

"Guess I didn't get the memo," Natsu joked, grabbing a post-it from his desk to make a 'note' of it. That earned a laugh from Lucy, which had been his goal in the beginning.

He really enjoyed her laugh.

Natsu was getting friendly with everyone in the office, including his boss. He found himself chatting with her every once in a while, but it was not as much as he liked. She was a busy woman, ducking in and out of meetings all week. When she wasn't doing that, she was on her phone or computer, keeping the branch functional.

Natsu supposed it made sense for her to be busy. She was the branch manager and the CEO's daughter. She mentioned once that she was being groomed to take over the company one day, but she said she still had a long way to go. Still, she found time to talk to him, but it was mainly during her lunch breaks.

Once or twice a week, she would invite Natsu into her office to share a meal. He tried asking her about her life, but she was good at dodging his questions, countering them with some of her own. He realized she wouldn't open up to him so easily, but he didn't let that get him down. She had a right to her privacy, so he left it alone.

However, Natsu was an open book, and Lucy loved turning his pages. She asked him about his previous jobs, then about high school. He spent days telling her about the shenanigans him and his friends got into during their teenage years, pulling a few giggles from his boss.

One day she asked him about his upbringing, causing them to spend a whole lunch talking about him growing up in different foster homes. He saw a familiar look in her eye, one he recognized as pity, but it was put to rest when he told her about his family, the one who ended up adopting him.

"Igneel's great! And Grandeeney's the sweetest person I've ever met. They're the best parents I could've asked for. Better even."

Lucy smiled at that, which in turn made him smile too. When she asked about siblings, he told her he had an older brother, but they didn't speak much. "After he graduated high school, he took off. I get a card from him on my birthday, but that's about it. It's probably for the best. Zeref wasn't much of a social person anyways. What about you? Got any siblings?"

Natsu thought she would dodge his question again, but she answered it, talking about how she didn't have any siblings, but she did have a cousin who she cared for dearly. They may have gone over the normal lunch hour, but Natsu didn't mind, and Lucy didn't either. It was the first time she opened up about her life, and since that day, she started doing it more often.

Three months into the job, Natsu found himself in Lucy's office again, chatting about the company over sandwiches. Lucy mentioned how her father wanted her to learn every aspect of the job, prompting Natsu to ask, "Even downstairs?"

Lucy nodded, a fond smile on her face. "Yup. That was my first job once I turned sixteen."

"How old are you now?" Natsu asked, his eyes widening as he waved his hands in front of him. "Never mind! Sorry I asked!"

Lucy laughed, shaking her head. "It's fine. It's not like it's some big secret. I'm twenty-four."

"Oh, cool." They were four years apart, possibly less depending on when her birthday was. "I'm twenty." He ran a hand through his pink locks, offering her a nervous smile. "But I'll be twenty-one in two months."

She cocked her head, her eyes glinting with something he couldn't place as she said, "We'll have to go out celebrating."

Natsu swallowed, feeling his face flush with heat. "Maybe," he said, not knowing if that was against company policy.

Lucy raised her brows for a second before returning to normal. "So what, your birthday's in November?"

Natsu shook his head, trying to will away his blush. "December."

Lucy smiled, her eyes narrowing a bit as she said, "But your name means summer."

He chuckled, knowing why she was smiling. "Yeah, it's ironic I guess. Can't exactly ask my birth parents what they were thinking when they named me. I wasn't even born in winter technically. It's like two weeks before."

"Huh, that's cool."

Natsu didn't know if she genuinely thought it was cool or if she was being polite. Either way, he wasn't going to ask. "My brother told me I was due on the first day of winter, but I came early."

"Oh, so maybe your name really was supposed to be ironic?"

Natsu shrugged, happy his face had calmed down a bit. Deciding to change the subject, he asked, "So, how'd you feel working downstairs?"

"I hated it," she drawled, taking a sip of her drink before sighing. "Everyone's so... bland down there. I don't get it. I tried being friendly, but it's like that job is cursed. Everyone who works there just hates life."

"I didn't hate life," Natsu pointed out as he shrugged. "I mean, I didn't like my coworkers, but the job wasn't that hard. And the pay wasn't bad either."

"Right? I made more working down there than when I started working in the office."

"What job did you do in the office?"

Lucy chewed a bite of her food as he tilted her head up, thinking over her answer. "Well, first it was a sales rep. Let me tell you, I hated that job. The only way to make good money is with commissions, but damn, I was bad at selling stuff. My father had to move me to accounting because I was actually hurting the company." She laughed, as if it was the funniest thing in the world.

Natsu laughed too, enjoying the way Lucy's eyes lit up. "Damn, well how'd accounting go?"

"Better. I worked there for a while before he switched me. I bounced around for a while until I ended up in your spot."

Natsu raised a brow, looking back to see his desk through Lucy's opened door. "You were an assistant?"

Lucy nodded. "Yup. To this guy named Mr. Capricorn." She smiled as her shoulders shook, her voice lowering to a whisper. "But between you and me, I called him Mr. Goatman in my head."

Natsu didn't know what the man looked like, but hearing Lucy call him that made him chuckle. "Why'd you call him that? Did he eat anything?"

She shook her head. "He had this white hair and this goatee thing. Man, he looked like a human-goat person. It was crazy! I wish I still had a picture of him." She pulled out her phone, her brows furrowing when she saw something on her screen. "Crap."

"What?" Natsu asked, pausing mid-bite.

Lucy took a deep breath before looking towards her door. "I hate to ask this, but could you finish your lunch somewhere else? I need to make a call."

"Yeah, absolutely." Natsu stood up, gathering his food and drink before pushing his chair towards her desk with his foot. "Everything okay?"

She shook her head. "No, but I'll handle it. Just personal stuff."

Natsu nodded, knowing that was her way of saying he shouldn't ask anything else. If it was work related he would help, but beyond that he couldn't do much. He walked out, setting his stuff on his desk before heading back to her door. As he closed it, he saw Lucy's phone pressed against her ear, her lips tugged into a frown. The door closed right after he heard her say, "I told you we're over. Don't call me again or I'll—"

Natsu stopped listening, gathering his food and drink before heading to the break room to finish. Lucy was his boss, but she was also his friend. He wanted to respect her privacy, even if the curiosity was threatening to burn him alive.

The next month went by slower than the past three. Natsu found himself distracted lately. He was able to do his work without fail, but he could have done a better job if he hadn't discovered something about himself.

It didn't take him long to realize he had developed a small crush on his boss. It was hard not to. Lucy was charming, sweet, and funny as hell. Her beauty didn't hurt, but Natsu found himself more entranced by the things she said than by her curvy body.

Yes, he noticed, he just didn't gawk at her body. She wore her suits all the time anyway, so he didn't get a great look at her form to begin with. It was all left to his imagination, which, admittedly got a little wild at times, but he didn't act on it. He knew nothing could come of his crush.

There weren't rules about coworkers dating, but he knew Lucy wouldn't go for a guy like him. She seemed like she craved sophistication and class. He had none of those things. Natsu was just her assistant and friend, nothing more, nothing less.

Despite telling himself that, he often fantasized about what it would be like to wrap his arms around her waist, or to grab her shapely hips. He knew some guys preferred thin women, but Natsu wanted someone he could hold onto, and from what he could tell, Lucy had great hips, nice and wide but not too outrageous. It made his heart race just thinking about.

He kept it professional in the workplace, not wanting to jeopardize his job or Lucy's comfort. Sure, his brain plummeted down the drain every now and then, but he didn't show it at work. Lucy was his boss, and he would show her the utmost respect.

However, he didn't expect to be tested on that as he took the elevator down, heading to the gym for employees. It was a perk of working for the company, one that Natsu took advantage of before and after he started working upstairs. He would get in a good workout after work before heading home, toning his muscles so he wouldn't lose them.

He didn't like working downstairs, but he had to admit, he used his muscles a lot more down there than he did in the office.

When the elevator doors opened, Natsu rubbed his stomach, thankful his motion sickness medication was still effective. He went towards the weights like he did every time he came down, only to freeze in place when he heard the sound of a machine being used.

He looked over, his breath hitching when he saw his boss, Lucy Heartfilia, running on a treadmill. Her hair was in a high ponytail, swishing back and forth as her body moved. Sweat dripped down her back, soaking into her sports bra. The drenched bra was barely covered by her loose tank top that clung to her body like a second skin.

Natsu's eyes trailed down, taking in the luscious curves of her body. He was right, her hips were gorgeous, the perfect size and shape to squeeze. A very crude imagine of him holding her hips from behind popped into his head, but he had to snuff it out quickly, fearing the repercussions of his crush.

A lump formed in Natsu's throat when he looked at her ass, covered in her tight spandex shorts. Her firm cheeks taunted Natsu, making his fingers twitch. He had to force himself to swallow, mouth watering from the sight.

Natsu tore his eyes away from Lucy, reminding himself that she was his boss. Friendship was the most he was going to get out of her, and that was fine. She didn't owe him anything beyond the paycheck he received for his work.

Walking over to the weights, Natsu stretched, preparing his muscles for his workout. When he deemed himself ready, he put some weight on the bar, sitting down on the bench before lifting the weight. Sweat dripped down his tan skin as he exercised, doing multiple repetitions with short breaks in between.

His muscles pulled and pushed as he exerted himself, his clothes sticking to his sweaty body to create a familiar but welcomed feeling. He loved the way his heart beat faster when he exercised, his muscles flexing as he increased his weight, pumping out hot breaths as he felt himself growing stronger.

Lucy walked by just as he set the bar on the rack, her hips swaying in a way that made his throat tighten. "Looking good," she said, giving his body a once over before turning her gaze ahead.

Natsu got tongue-tied in an instant, his head light as he sat up too quickly. "Th-thanks. Too you." His eyes squeezed shut when he realized his mistake, feeling like an idiot. "I mean, you too."

When he opened his eyes, she was looking over her shoulder, smiling at him. She winked before slowly pulling off her sweat-soaked tank top, letting him see her glistening skin. That was the last sight he saw before she entered the women's locker room, causing Natsu to gasp when he came back to reality.

Natsu panted, both from the exercise and the view he just saw. As he wiped down the bench he had sweated on, he furrowed his brows, his body reacting more than it should have from the simple sight his boss provided.

He took a deep breath as he headed to the men's locker room, one thought pounding in his mind. 'I could really use a cold shower right about now.'

Natsu had been Lucy's assistant for five months, and so far he kept his crush to himself. Of course, Natsu had to wonder if he could still count it as a crush. He spent more time than he should imagining what it would be like to kiss Lucy's lips, her neck, her... other places. Natsu wasn't a virgin. He had a few flings throughout high school and the years following. Currently, he was single, but he wasn't looking for a relationship.

'That's not true.'

Natsu sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, feeling his cheeks burn. He wasn't looking for a relationship, unless it was with a certain blonde woman he sat less than fifteen feet away from.

Kissing Lucy wasn't the only thing occupying his mind. He wanted to get to know her more, unravel the mysteries that was her life. He knew he had just scratched the surface when it came to her.

One thing that kept coming up in his mind was Lucy's status. He had enough evidence gathered to know she ended a relationship with someone, but despite that she still wore a wedding ring. At least, he assumed it was a wedding ring. It had a diamond on it and it was on her left ring finger, making it seem like Lucy was married.

However, her last name suggested she wasn't. She was still a Heartfilia, but she wouldn't be the first woman Natsu knew that kept her last name after marriage. She never mentioned a husband or boyfriend, or even a fiancé. Then again, she didn't mention too much about her personal life, just enough to keep him guessing.

'Maybe she's just holding onto the ring for the memories?' Natsu didn't know what to think. He could always ask her if she was in a relationship, but he didn't want to jeopardize his job by asking too many questions. Lucy had a right to her privacy, end of subject.

He looked over at her office, seeing her door was closed. Even if he got the nerve to ask her now, he couldn't. She was on a phone call and asked not to be disturbed. Like a good assistant, Natsu obeyed.

In the meantime, Natsu finished up with the spreadsheet Lucy asked for, clicking the 'print' button before getting up. On his way to the printer, Natsu stopped by a few coworkers' desks, asking them what they were doing that weekend. For the ones that said they were free, he invited them out, wanting to hang out with people for his birthday.

When they asked where he wanted to have it, Natsu smiled and said, "That bar down the street." He was happy he was turning twenty-one in a few days, so close to being of legal age to consume alcohol. It wouldn't be his first time drinking, but it would be his first legal drink.

By the time Natsu made it back to his desk with the spreadsheet in hand, he had six people say they would be there and two maybes. He took a deep breath, stealing another glance at Lucy's door. She was the one Natsu really wanted to invite, but he was too nervous. 'What if she gets the wrong idea?'

Natsu tried reminding himself that Lucy was the one who suggested they celebrate, but that didn't comfort him. It was two months ago when she said that. He doubted she meant it, just joking around like her usual self.

However, if she had meant it, Natsu would be ecstatic.

He busied himself with a few more tasks while waiting for Lucy's phone call to end. When it did, he found himself nervous all over again. Taking a few deep breaths, Natsu stood up, grabbing some documents before walking to the door of her office. He knocked twice, waiting for her to say he could enter before doing so.

"Hey Natsu," Lucy said, peeking up from her computer at him before her eyes flitted down. "What's up?"

"I got those papers you asked for earlier." He put them on her desk, taking up the only clean spot on the surface. Papers were scattered everywhere, a chaotic mess that no doubt made perfect sense to his boss. She didn't get her job because of her father alone, learning the job and earning her place at the top. She was organized even when it didn't appear that way.

"Oh, thanks." Lucy shuffled through them until she pulled out one, filling out the blank spots before flipping it over. She looked up when Natsu didn't immediately leave, her brow raising. "Yes?"

He forced a smile, feeling sweat bead on the back of his neck. "I um, well... I was wondering if you had any plans... for this weekend?"

Lucy pulled herself away from her desk, giving him a quizzical look. "I don't. Why?"

Natsu swallowed, feeling the lump in his throat. "I uh, it's nothing, really. Kinda lame." He rubbed at the back of his neck, struggling to keep her gaze. "I invited some people to hang out Saturday night. I-I was wondering if maybe you wanted to... join us?"

Asking her to hang out with a group of people felt less scary than asking her to hang out with him alone. He didn't have to tell her the reason, letting her decide for herself if she wanted to spend her free time with her employees.

"Is it just for people from work?" Lucy asked, causing Natsu to shake his head.

"I invited some other people."


He gulped. "A couple of my friends outside of work."

Lucy studied him for a moment before her lips quirked into a smile. "Is it that time already?" She turned to her computer, clicking a few things before her grin widened. "Your birthday's on Saturday!"

Natsu bit his inner cheek, hoping his face wasn't turning red. "Y-yup. Turning twenty-one, finally."

Lucy nodded as she clicked out of her personal flies, her eyes finding Natsu's again. "Of course I'll go."

"You will?" he asked in disbelief.

Her smile seemed that much brighter as she said, "Yup. I'll even buy you your first drink. Just tell me what time and the location. I'll be there."

There was nothing Natsu could do to stop the blush that surfaced on his face, but he couldn't bring himself to care. She said yes, and that was enough to keep him happy. "Awesome! Yeah, it's just that bar down the street. I was telling everyone seven. Is that okay?"

Lucy nodded. "Sounds perfect. Can't wait."

He smiled to himself, feeling like he won a prize by having her agree to go with him. "Me either," he said, turning around to head back to his desk, his heart pounding harder than it had in a long time.

Saturday came faster than Natsu expected. He arrived at the bar twenty minutes early, grinning like a fool when they carded him at the entrance. He was allowed to enter, but after taking a few steps inside, he realized he didn't know what to do. The obvious decision was to go buy a drink, but Lucy looked excited when she said she would buy him his first drink, so he held off, ordering a soda when he got to the bar.

The bartender raised a brow at the order, but after Natsu explained he was meeting some people, the woman nodded. She poured him his drink, sliding it to him before taking the few bucks from him. Natsu sipped his soda, anticipation and nervousness eating him alive.

He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder, turning to see a flash of blonde before his vision settled on the woman sitting next to him. Lucy smiled as she waved towards the bartender, easily getting the woman's attention.

"Hey! Can I get a strawberry daiquiri and," she turned to Natsu, looking over him once before turning back to the bartender, "a fire whiskey on the rocks."

Natsu cocked his head as the bartender walked away, preparing their drinks. "Fire whiskey?"

Lucy nodded, reaching over to place her hand on his arm before giving him a squeeze. "Trust me. You look like the kinda guy who would like that."

Natsu didn't know if he should drink something with the word 'fire' in the name. His body was already heating up from her touch alone. "Okay," he mumbled, gulping as he saw the bartender scooping some ice into a glass.

When the drinks were brought over, Natsu pulled out his wallet, only for Lucy to swat at his hand. "No way, Birthday Boy! This is on me!"

Natsu chuckled as Lucy handed over the money, feeling his skin warm with a familiar blush. He swore he blushed more over the past month than he had in his entire life, even if he knew that wasn't correct. It didn't make it feel any less real.

Natsu hesitated before bringing the rim of the glass to his lips. He could feel Lucy's eyes on him as he took his first sip, his throat tightening from the liquid fire he drank. He coughed as he set the drink down, pounding on his chest. "Fuck! That's strong!"

She laughed, patting his back in a comforting way. "You'll get used to it. The ice should cool it down. How's it taste?"

"I'm supposed to taste something?" Natsu joked, causing her to laugh again. He smiled to himself as he brought the drink up to his lips again, this time taking a gulp to appease her. "This is gonna be a long night, huh?"

Lucy smiled as she dragged her hand away from his back, slowly trailing down his arm before letting go. Something devious flashed through her eyes, but it was gone after Natsu blinked. "I hope so," she whispered, starting a night Natsu would never forget.

By the time he finished his drink, a few of his friends and coworkers had arrived. They moved to a circle booth in the back, everyone yelling to be heard over the music that started up. A waitress came over to collect their drink orders, Natsu surprised when some people ordered drinks for him.

"It's your birthday," they would say, then demand he drink every last drop.

Natsu had experimented with drinking before, but never to the degree he did that night. He took shot after shot, earning a round of cheers with every drink he consumed. At one point in the night, he ended up on the dance floor with one of the girls from accounting, but the song hadn't ended before someone else wanted to dance with him. He didn't realize how much his coworkers liked him, happy he found a group of people he enjoyed spending time with.

Natsu knew he was drunk when his words stopped making sense to him. He was slurring and laughing, his actions clumsy as he sat at the booth, talking with one of his old high school friends that made the drive up to Hargeon. When he almost knocked over a drink, someone grabbed his hand, bringing it to their lap to hold it down.

Natsu looked over, surprised to see it was Lucy, her delicate fingers smoothing over his warm hand. He leaned in as he smiled, hoping his words came out clear. "Chu doin'?"

Lucy giggled as she gave his hand a squeeze, keeping her actions hidden from everyone else's eyes. "Do you need some water?" she asked, causing him to shake his head.

"Nah," he said, giving her a lazy grin. At least, he thought that was what he was doing. His face was feeling a little numb and hot.

Despite his decline for water, Lucy ordered him one. He drank it, loving the smile that surfaced on her face as he gulped the clear liquid. Hours passed and people trickled out, everyone wishing Natsu a happy birthday before they left. Erza was the last of his coworkers to leave, telling him not to drive while he was in that state of mind.

"I'mma call a cab," Natsu said, his words sounding better than before. Time and water helped ease the alcohol thrumming through his body, his head more clear than it had been a few hours ago.

He looked over, seeing Lucy was sitting about a foot away. She was typing something into her phone before pocketing the device, giving him a smile. "So, how was your birthday?"

"Awesome!" he yelled, laughing at himself. He had a good buzz going now, his body relaxed. "How's your night?"

"Great." She scooted a few inches closer, cocking her head. "Do you want some food?"

Natsu shrugged, then leaned away from Lucy on accident. She grabbed his arm before he could fall sideways in the booth, her hand staying on him even after she righted him. He looked down, swearing fire clawed at his veins were she touched him, his mouth saying things he wouldn't normally say if he was sober.

"You're beautiful tonight," he mumbled, unsure if she could hear him. He looked down at the black dress shirt she wore. It covered her breasts, but it allowed him to see her shoulders and arms. Since it was cold out, she wore jeans, but they hugged her curves and long legs perfectly.

His heart flipped when Lucy laughed, her hand squeezing his arm. "You look pretty good yourself."

He cocked his head, disbelief coloring his tone. "I do?"

She nodded, running her hand up his arm at a slow pace, brushing the pads of her fingers against his neck before finding his soft pink hair. She threaded her fingers through the locks, leaning in so he could hear her whisper.

"You have this exotic pink hair. I love it."

Her hand trailed over, her thumb tracing under his eye, right above the scar that ran up his cheek. "And these gorgeous green eyes. You have no idea what they do to me."

Natsu breathed her in as he leaned closer, hanging on every word she spoke. "What does it do to you?" Despite the buzz he felt, his words came out clear, his chest moving up and down faster as his breathing picked up. His heart beat wildly, pulsing in his tight throat.

Lucy's thumb moved again, the pad delicately tracing over his bottom lip, the urge to suck in the digit becoming more tempting by the second. She leaned in, her lips brushing over his ear as she spoke slow and softly, making sure to press her breasts against his chest. "When you look at me, it makes me feel hot all over."

Natsu sucked in a sharp breath, his body reacting to her words. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," she whispered, before giving the shell of his ear a gentle lick.

Natsu groaned, a hand reaching out to grab her waist. Lucy didn't stop him, only sighing when he touched her. He felt his face consumed with a flush, either from the alcohol or a blush, he couldn't tell.

Lucy pulled back, her lips skimming his jaw. He could smell the liquor on her breath, the scent sweet since she had been drinking fruity drinks all night, except for a shot of straight vodka she took when everyone did the same.

Natsu wasn't confused, knowing what she was doing. She was flirting with him, and he enjoyed it. He didn't think about that wedding ring on her finger, or the other things that usually kept him in check. He didn't think of her as his boss in that moment, only seeing the fierce, alluring woman he wanted.

Her lips were mere inches away from his, desire controlling his movements as he leaned in, stopping just as he felt the heat from her face on his. She didn't pull back, so he closed the gap, pressing his lips to hers.

Natsu's heart soared when her fingers weaved into his hair, applying her own pressure as she kissed him back. Their lips moved slow and deliberately at first, testing each other, getting a feel of the other's comfort. It wasn't long before things progressed, Natsu feeling her tongue slide against the seam of his lips, asking for permission to enter. He parted his lips, allowing her to explore his mouth as he melted against her.

The kiss turned hot and heavy after that, one of Natsu's hands still on her waist while the other ran through her hair, fisting the golden locks when she sucked on his tongue. He moaned, enjoying the fire that coursed through his veins. It was unlike the fire he felt from his whiskey, this one igniting desire within him. He threw caution to the wind as he deepened the kiss, needing to feel her against him.

The taste of different alcohols invaded their mouths as their tongues danced, lips sliding against each other as their eyes drifted shut. Lucy teased the roof of his mouth with her tongue, causing him to gasp against her. She did it again, making him shudder as his heartbeat sped up.

Natsu felt his cock in his pants, hard and throbbing, straining against the material that caged it. He wanted her, enough to forget where they were or who she was to him. They weren't boss and assistant in that moment. They were two adults with enough sexual tension between them to make Natsu do some things he wouldn't normally do, like slip his hand down to her thigh.

He knew if he moved a little, he could reach up and find her most intimate spot, but instead of taking that route, Natsu's hand slid around her, palming her firm ass. He couldn't stop himself from groping her, loving the surprised moan that slipped past her sweet lips. It was womanly, that fire in him burning hotter.

However, that one grope ended their kiss, Lucy shaking her head as she pulled away. They panted, chasing fresh air as they tried to regulate their breathing. Natsu felt his heart pounding, his body coursing with excitement and arousal. He wanted to keep going, but Lucy's words made it clear that wasn't going to happen.

"We can't," she breathed, cheeks as rosy as his hair. "It's against the rules."

Natsu furrowed his brows, whispering to himself, "Rules?" He remembered looking it up after he got curious. Office relationships weren't against the rules. Hell, Bisca and Alzack were married, and they met in the office. 'Maybe managers can't date their employees.' He never asked Mira, but now he wished he had. It would have saved him from making a fool of himself.

"I'm sor—" Natsu's apology was cut short when Lucy said two words that made his world stop, his blood running cold

"I'm married."

He jerked back, eyes wide and mind clearer than it was a moment ago. "What? I... I thought—" He looked down at her ring, brows furrowing as he realized he got it all wrong. Natsu saw what he wanted, which was a woman who still wore her ring despite ending things with her husband. That wasn't the case, and the more he realized it, the more confused and shocked he became. "I don't get it."

"It's my fault," Lucy said, making no effort to scoot away from Natsu. "I should have mentioned it."

Natsu nodded, his tone sharper than before. "Yeah, you should have." He closed his eyes, shaking his head. "Fuck, I'm sorry." He looked at her, throwing away the bitterness he felt over Lucy 'avoiding' that bit of information. She wore a wedding ring, and he chose to ignore it. "I thought maybe you were separated or divorced or something. I-I didn't know. I wouldn't have kissed ya if I knew you were really married. Fuck, I feel like an asshole."

Lucy shook her head, giving him a soft smile. "It's not your fault."

Even if she was right, it didn't make him feel better. "I don't know what came over me," he lied, and she saw it.

"I do." Lucy paused, waiting until she had his full attention before continuing. "There's clearly something going on between us."

Natsu blinked, shocked that his crush for Lucy wasn't a secret. "Is it that obvious?"

She nodded. "Yes." Lucy was going to say more, but she stopped when a waitress came by. Pushing aside the thick tension Natsu was feeling, he ordered some fries and another glass of water, deciding he didn't want any more alcohol tonight. He needed to get sober as soon as possible.

When the waitress left, Natsu ran his hand through his hair, feeling the difference between when he did it and when she did. He wanted her touch again, craved it, but he couldn't have it.

Embarrassment and guilt struck him hard when he realized what happened didn't just affect the two of them. Lucy had a husband, and Natsu kissing her would definitely upset the guy. 'Should I go apologize to her husband?' Natsu didn't know if that would make matters worse. Hell, he didn't even know how to find her husband. She never mentioned him.

Natsu swallowed when he thought about his working relationship with Lucy, fearing for his job. 'Am I gonna get fired now? Transferred to a different department?' He liked working with Lucy and didn't want to get moved. She was a good boss, firm but fair, and funny. He could get over the awkwardness if it meant keeping his job, as long as Lucy was okay with that too.

Before he could ask her, Lucy was clearing her throat, taking Natsu away from his thoughts. "Natsu," she started, her tone guarded. "Would you be willing to do a purely physical relationship?" His eyes widened, but Lucy didn't stop there. "There would be no romance, no feelings. Just sex."

Natsu blinked, shocked by what she was suggesting. He shook his head, feeling stunned and appalled. "Like an affair? 'Cause I'm not okay with that." He didn't want someone to cheat on him, and he wasn't looking to put someone else through that type of pain either. He liked Lucy, but he wasn't going to compromise his morals for her.

Lucy shook her head, a light flickering behind her eyes. "No, it wouldn't be an affair." She put her hand over his, the fire he felt earlier returning to sizzle over his skin. She smiled, his heart flipping at the action before dropping when she said her next sentence.

"Would you be willing to meet my husband."

Let me know what you thought of this chapter! I accept constructive criticism! There will be nalu, graylu, gratsu, and gratsulu in this story. Spoiler alert: The first half of the story is going through Natsu's relationship with Lucy while having a bit of graylu moments throughout the beginning. If you stick with the story you'll see how it progresses into gratsulu. :) The story will mainly be from Natsu's POV, but I will throw in other's as well.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, and enjoy what I have planned for this story! I had a lot of fun writing it.

Up next, Chapter Two: The rules

Please drop a review and let me know your thoughts. :)

*Spoiler: Gray is allowed to see an extra partner too. It explains that in the next chapter.