Chapter 1

Chase was walking around Adventure Bay as he finally made it to the beach. He watched the waves crash against the sand as they took what was left behind in the sand. He laid down on the sand it was a little cold but the sun hitting the sand made it warm, Chase sighed as he laid down smiling. This feels relaxing he said to himself.

He closed his eyes, accidentally dozing off. "Woah where am I?" He asked as he was in a decorative room now. He walked around the halls as he saw Zuma, Rocky and Marshall pass by him. "Oh hey Chase I didn't think you were gonna come to the princess'." Marshall said as he smiled at the german shepherd.

"Well of course I came, why wouldn't I have?" He asked as he chuckled a little. "Well you don't really like Sweetie that much, so we didn't think you'd come dude." Zuma said as the four pups laughed together. "Alright we'll see you around in a little bit Chase." Rocky said as the trio left Chase alone in the hall.

He kept walking around the castle as he finally knew he was in the princess' castle. Chase was walking around when he saw her, the snow white pup walking around. "Hey Sweetie." He said, despite the differences they've had in the past, the two actually got along pretty well. "Chase we can't be seen alone together by the pups." She said as she looked down at the ground.

"I know the pups don't know we're friends but I don't think that should matter to me." Chase said smiling at her as she smiled back at him. "I think we're more than friends though." She said as she lifted herself up to give the shepherd a kiss on the lips.

"AH!" Chase yelled as he jolted awake. That was a weird dream he said to himself. Chase got up as he popped his back, getting several satisfying cracks. Chase's pup tag beeped as he answered, "Chase here!"

"Chase I need you to get to the Lookout as soon as possible. I need to tell you and the pups something." He said as Chase responded with an okay and headed to the Lookout.

Chase stumbled into the Lookout as if he had just got done running a full marathon. He walked over to the elevator door as he went up and got to HQ. "Okay pups now that you're all here. I can tell you what the meeting is about." Ryder said as Chase sat down in a bean bag chair next to Zuma.

"Why don't you sit with Skye?" Zuma whispered to him. "Can I not sit next to one of my friends?" Chase whispered as the two chuckled. "Pups, the Princess has duties that she needs to tend to before she becomes queen. So she for two whole months, Sweetie will be coming to stay with us, who will let her room with them?" He asked the pups as they all looked around.

After awhile of silence Chase broke it and said, "I will let her room with me." He said as Skye had a shocked look on her face. "Why she tried to frame you for taking the crown, and all the bad stuff she's done to us." She said as she had a look of disgust on her face. "Some pups can change Skye, plus we're teenagers now are we for real gonna for real act like that was a big deal?" Chase asked her as he glared at her.

"Well sorry Chase but it's my opinion about her, and I don't think she's a pretty good pup." She said as she rolled her eyes. "Well I think your opinion is stupid Skye and you need a chill pill." He said as he looked at Ryder. "Sweetie can room with me, there's plenty of room for her." He said as he sighed.

"Thank you Chase she will be here tomorrow. You all are dismissed thank you pups." Ryder said as half of them left and half of them stayed. Chase got up and went into his room as he laid down on his bed plopping down. He heard his door open as he turned around to see Marshall standing there.

"Yes Marshall?" He asked as Marshall hopped on his bed and walked up to him. "So why're you letting Sweetie room with you? You aren't trying to hook up with her right?" He asked as he sat down on the bed. "Marshall can y'all chill. You act like she's such a bad pup but we've all done bad stuff and made mistakes but we move on okay?"

"Okay, haha I didn't mean to be mean in anyway. And I was just kidding but are you gonna get in there?" He asked giving a smirk as Chase threw a pillow at him. "Get out of here." He said as the two laughed at each other.

Chase finally plopped down on his bed as his smile turned to a confused look. What was that dream about? He asked himself.

A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter and this story so far for the first chapter. Love y'all~