What's a nice Jewish boy like Anthony Goldstein doing at Hogwarts? Well, for starters, he goes by Yehuda instead of Anthony, he's a transplant from a black hat yeshiva, and he's just finished his first year away at wizard school, courtesy of Laazov's incredible fan novella Goldstein, winner of the Booker Prize for fan fiction.

What does the future have in store for our favorite frum little wizard? This is an unlicensed work of Year Two fan fiction set in the Goldstein/Potterverse, printed with the gracious permission of Laazov, the series' creator. You will find canon Ravenclaws Michael Corner, Terry Boot, Kevin Entwhistle, and Stephen Cornfoot in the pages of J. K. Rowlings' Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix; Terry will continue opening his big mouth on behalf of the forces of good in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Otherwise, the resemblance of any characters or places to real persons is completely coincidental, and stems only from my limited experience.

This story is a gift to Jedi Master Laazov, who inspired us all with a saga on how there's more to any person than the color of their hat and there's room in the sandbox for every single one of us. With humble thanks to Soferet and Lamrot Hakol, my stalwart beta-readers, and to everyone else who's ever believed over the years.

If you want to have a discussion on the merits of writing fan fiction about fan fiction, drop by my second-period class, where we're doing a bang-up job on the quantum mechanics of fate vs. free will. Normal is in pretty short supply around here.

To all the Avi's of the world, who speak kindly, judge favorably, and love without stint. Ken yirbu.

So, nu, read already.