"Skealtress' Wrath"
On the Skeleton Fortress Skealtress looked down on Earth, and after spending a whole year trying to get the Life Force. Every time a plan came it always gets destroyed by the Rangers. She lost so many monsters and even her most trustworthy general. But this time she decides on her ultimate plan.
Mistress Interijento comes to her. "My queen it's finally done." She says and she takes Skealtress to another room.
There Skealtress saw a giant robot with an evil sinister face, dark armor, and skeleton markings. "Behold the Undead Megazord." She said.
Skealtress sees it and got an evil sinister face than ever, and laughs. "Perfect, with this I can finally destroy the Rangers myself, and the Life Force will finally be mine."
Razor also comes in too. "And I got the perfect plan, and this time it will not fail." He said.
Skealtress looks back at her Megazord. "Perfect. Say goodbye Rangers." She laughs sinisterly now.
At Amy's house, Grey comes out and was dress up perfectly. His mom looks at him with a funny look. "Grey, you took like two showers already." She said.
"Sorry, Mom but I wanna look good tonight." He said.
"What are we celebrating?" Viper asked.
"Today is our anniversary, we've been living in the Human World for over year now."
The Rangers looked at each other. "That's right, we've been here a year, and we still need to destroy Skealtress and save the Life Force," Mantis said.
Just then the computer beeps and picked up some weird signal this time, and Grey goes to it. "Strange, I'm picking up a strange ready coming from the South at the forest, North at the mountains, East at the ocean area and West and the warehouse." He also saw four Life Suckers. "Guys looks like you're splitting up this time."
Po nods. "Right. Tigress and I will head to the North, Crane and Viper take the East, Monkey and Mantis South, and Tai Lung West."
"RIGHT!" All the Rangers said and nodded their heads, and ran outside.
While they were leaving Grey begins to get curious about something. 'Strange, why would Skealtress use four Life Suckers at different locations at Jungletopia? It doesn't make any sense.' He thought to himself.
Po and Tigress were at the mountains and were looking for the Life Sucker. Tigress activates her bracelet. "Guys, anything yet?" She asked but there was no answer, and it was all stacking. "Strange, there's no answer."
"We have to try again later, I found the Life Sucker," Po said as he and Tigress ran to it.
But before they can go to it the Skeatrons appears and so did Razor too. "Not so fast Rangers!" Razor said.
"Out of the WAY Razor, we're not fighting you," Tigress said.
"But you will. Skeatrons ATTACK!" He orders and they charge in.
Po and Tigress begin to fight them too. Razor begins to fight Po while Tigress was fighting the Skeatrons. "After spending a whole year in Human World panda you become a good fighter," Razor said.
"Thanks for that." He said while fighting with his sword.
Razor and Po continue to fight, while Tigress was fighting the last of the Skeatrons. She takes them all down and ran to the Life Sucker. She summons her Dolphin Sea Bow. "Sea Arrow Blast, FINAL ATTACK!" She shoots her arrows and destroys the Life Sucker. "Alright!" She then cheers.
Now Razor was now down, Po was about to strike him, but Razor disappears. "Great he got away, but at least we destroy the machine." He said.
"Let's hope the others will be easier," Tigress said.
"Yeah, easy, let's go." He and Tigress ran off to join the others.
Viper and Crane were now ocean area and saw the Life Sucker and the middle of the sea. "There it is." Crane pointed to.
He then takes Viper but the Skeatrons attacks them. "Wait until this Crane, we got a bag of bones to pick first." Viper said.
"Very well." He gets his Ani Pearl and transforms into his werewolf form. "I'm gonna love this."
"Much more I'm gonna love fighting these bone freaks."
Crane and Viper begin to fight the Skealtrons and were throwing them into the ocean. Viper grabs one with her tail and spins one of them around and around and throws it so far into the ocean.
Crane begins to fight with his claws and tackles them all.
And now the Skeatrons were now gone and Crane takes Viper and flies to the Life Sucker and grabs their Ani Blasters. "Ani BLAST!" They shoot it at the Life Sucker and destroys it.
"Bullseye!" Both Crane and Viper said with joy.
"Let's get to the others." Viper suggested and Crane nods and he flies off with her.
Monkey and Mantis were now at the forest and saw the Life Sucker near some trees. They also saw Skeatrons guarding it too. Mantis and Monkey begin to blast them with their Ani Blasters.
"You Skeatrons love that, but let's see how you love lighting POWER." Monkey shoots lighting out of his hands and shocks the Skeatrons.
"Also, have small power too," Mantis said while flipping one of the Skeatrons with his small razors.
They were all down and Monkey uses his Savannah Lion Staff and uses it's lighting power to destroy the Life Sucker. "Not bad for a monkey like me." He said.
"Not bad myself too," Mantis said.
Back at the base Amy, Eddie and Grey were watching it all on screen. "Ha, everything looks so easy now," Amy said.
"Skeatress has a bad plan this time," Eddie said.
Grey still thinks wonder why everything seems so easy all sudden. 'What's going on here?' He thinks once again.
Now Tai Lung was at the warehouse and found the last of the four Life Suckers.
He then charges into them and slicing them with his sword and also blasting them too with its blaster mode too. He starts to take them down one by one until the last one finally falls. He then destroys the Life Sucker.
The other Rangers comes to him. "Awesome buddy," Po said giving him a high five.
"Thanks, it did seem to easy." He said.
"Strange, back at the forest the Skeatrons didn't really put up a fight much," Mantis said.
"That's odd, the Skeatrons that Crane and I were fighting didn't do a good fight either." Viper said.
"Now that's even weirder," Po said.
Just then Skeatress appears and claps her hands. "Not bad Rangers, bad not good enough." She said.
"What are you up to skealton face?" Tigress asked.
"Oh, the Life Suckers were just decoys, and the Skeatrons were just for you to destroy them so I can use their energy for THIS!" She then summons her Megazord.
The Rangers looked up and were shocked by what they saw. And also back at the base Grey, Eddie and Amy were shocked too. "So, that's why. Everything was a distraction." Grey said.
"Didn't see that coming," Eddie said.
Now Skeatress jumps into her Megazord and it was now ready to fight. The Rangers looked up. "This is not good at all." Monkey said.
"Maybe, but we need to fight," Po said. "Ani Zords ARISE!"
The Zords begins to arrive now and the Rangers hopped into their Zords and they all combine to form the Ani Fusion Force Megazord. "Ani Knight Mode ACTIVATE!" They all got into their Ani Knight Mode.
The two Megazords charge into each other and were fighting each other with the sword to sword. The Ani Fusion Force was fighting with its sword, but Skeatress tosses it away. "Ha, sorry Rangers, but no sword this time," Skealtress said mocking.
"Oh, no," Tigress said.
The Undead Megazord shoots missiles out of its fingers and hits the Rangers, and inside the cockpit, the Rangers were trying so hard to get up. "Guys, we can't give, we gotta keep trying." Tai Lung said.
"Right, let's go." The Megazord tries Skeatress with its fists but Skeatress was still fighting dirty.
The Undead Megazord knocks the Ani Fusion Force to the ground and the Rangers were struggling now to get up. Now the Undead Megazord comes up and raises up its sword. "Say, goodbye RANGERS!" The Megazord was now about to strike now.
To Be Continued...
The final chapter is nowhere for Power Rangers Ani Force, and coming in early 2019 get ready for Power Rangers Super Ani Force. Super Ani Force was thought by 5UP3RNOV42015. I want to thank you all for loving this and following this story, and I hope you'll all love Super Ani Force. Read and review, please.