The Journey to another World

Centuries ago, many many planets lived in peace, without war, without fear, and without evil. Each planet was contained with a special source, called Life Force, it helps planets stay healthy, keeps the water clear, plants green, and everything in peace.

But that was until the Undead Empire arrived and stealing it for themselves. Queen Skealtress was the ruler of them all, her and her minions have travel far from planet to planet to steal Life Force, and for the people of the planets who lost it were gone as well. She ruled many planets, stealing their source of life, ruling among other and watching them suffer.

But after many years she was stopped by a team of heroes... the Power Rangers Ani Force, they've been protecting many worlds before. After years after facing Skealtress, they were able to put her and her minions into a suspended animation where they would never steal from Life Force ever again.

Centuries later the Ani Rangers passed down their powers onto a new team of young warriors from another world, Po, Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper, and Monkey used their new powers to defeat their first enemy Éyùn. But now they must face a bigger threat that's coming, but what can it be?

In space, there was a spaceship containing some bodies. In the ship, and inside the lights were going on, and on a thrown, there was a woman's body with a skeleton life head, and humanoid body, with a staff. Her eyes open up, and so does some other people too.

"At last, awaken." She said. Three figures came by with one of having a katana helmet with two horns on the side with a black cape and dark armor, another one with two razors on his arms and hyena shape skeleton body, and a female robe with a kabuki mask bows down to her. "Welcome back Katana, Razor, and Mistress Interijento."

"Of course my queen, I'm ready," Katana said.

"Oh, yes and I'm ready to destroy anyone who gets in my way and-" Razor was stopped by Interijento.

"Even awaken after hyper nation you're still a dumb mouth." She mocked.

"Why you?" He gets out his hand blade.

"Silence. But now, it's time what we started centuries ago, head to the planet Earth, the most powerful Life Force."

"Excellent my queen." Katana bowed down.

"Thank you, but I wish to make a stopped first." She looked at her base with undead minions with swords, and black robes and skeleton-like faces, and they all bowed down to her, and she laughed evilly.

In the Spirit World, the original Ani Rangers were meditating in a circle. They opened their eyes slowing. "Did you sense that?" Master Wolf asked.

"Yes." Master Hawk replied.

"Can it be?" Master Cougar asked.

"It is, Skealtress is back." Master Dragon said.

Now at the Valley of Peace, at the Jade Palace Grey, Tigress and Po's adoptive son from the year 2115 was helping out his adoptive grandpa Mr. Ping in the kitchen with his restaurant. "Everything ok Grey?" Mr. Ping asked.

"Everythings ok Grandpa." The snow leopard said. He passed down some plates down to some animals while listing to music on his MP3 player. Sure the animals from this timeline were a little frightened at first, but Grey told them that everything was alright. His MP3 player was a gift from Master Fang, and Grey loved the music a lot. He then see's his adoptive mom sits down. "The food almost ready mom."

Tigress smiled at him, and she loved Grey a lot like he was her own biological son. "Take your time." Then the rest of his adoptive family comes. He calls Monkey, Crane and Mantis his and uncles and calls Viper his aunt, and they loved him as he was their own nephew. And Po, he loved Grey so much as he was his own son.

Grey then got everyone's food in the restaurant and jumped in the air and tossed everyone's food to their tables without spilling a drop, and when he reaches the ground, they all clapped. "Thank you, thank you." He bowed down.

Now in space, the Skeleton Fortress then reaches the Animal World, where Skealtress looked down. Katana comes to her. "My, queen, may I ask why we're making a little stop first?" He asked.

"So, I can see the original Ani Rangers again, and probably see the new Rangers too." She explained.

"New Rangers?"

"Yes, I sensed it, they're not perfect, but let's see first. Prepare the Skealtrons." She orders.

"Yes, my queen."

And now the Fortress was now at Earth where the animals of the valley looked up and saw how big the ship was. Also, the Skealtrons were running with their swords and attacking the valley. Po and the Five saw them. "What are those things?" Crane asked.

"I don't know, but they looked easy to beat." Monkey said as he fights.

Po and the rest of the Five were now fighting, while Grey was guiding everyone to safety. Katana comes and gets out his swords and blasts them, but Po and the Five morphed now, and are still fighting. "Impressive." He said.

"Cougar Mountain Axe!" Viper summoned her ax and fights the Skealtrons. Razor steps in and fights her.

"Not bad little snakey. It seems that Master Cougar choose a snake, what a joke." He mocked.

Crane helped her out and knocked him over. "You're ok?" He asked.

"Yes, thanks." They continue to fight.

Grey then guided everyone to safety and saw the whole thing. "Yeah, go guys."

Katana saw how Po fight with his sword and was impressed. "Perfect, I think my challenge." He said to himself.

They continue to fight, until. "STOP!" They all looked up and came out Queen Skealtress.

"Who are you?" Mantis asked.

"I am Queen Skealtress, and I came to see the original Ani Rangers." Then they appeared. "Ahh, there you are."

"Skealtress, what do you want, and did you get free?" Master Dragon asked.

"Oh, that, before you put me into suspended animation I put a spell on myself and my minions, so it breaks someday, and after centuries of waiting, it's now broken." She explained. "But now, we must be on our way to steal the Life Force." She teleported away with her minions, as she laughed evilly, and the ship left through a portal.

Everyone comes out, and the Rangers demorphed now. "Who was that woman, and what it Life Force?" Po asked.

"That was Queen Skealtress leader of the Undead Tribe, and she's heading to the Human World." Master Dolphin explained.

"Human World?" Tigress asked.

The original Ani Rangers looked at each other and decided to explain everything to them. Nightfall came and they explained every to them. "So, now she must be stopped."

Po cracks his knuckles. "Then we must travel to the Human World." They all looked at him and gasped.

"Dad, are you crazy?" Grey asked.

"Yes, but another world is in danger, and we have to stop them."

"Then I'm with you," Tigress said.

"Me too buddy." Monkey said.

"You're not going without me," Crane said.

"Count me in." Viper said.

"Let's do it," Mantis said.

"Excellent." Master Hawk said as he snapped his feathers. And came out a ship.

"Whoa, what is that?" Mantis asked.

"That is the Dimensional Ship, it will get you to the Human World." Master Dragon explained. "Plus you better say your goodbyes."

Po and the Five said their goodbyes to their friends and family, and probably knew that they're be gone for a while. But for some reason Grey wasn't there to say goodbye, Tigress was saded and didn't want to leave her new son. They've been together for almost 2 months now and started to become very close to each other. Before they can go on the ship, the original Ani Rangers, they showed Po, and the Five images of the Human World and what it is like.

Now they were on their way. They sat down and packed some food, but they needed to survive somehow into the Human World. "Guys, if we need to eat meat, then we have to," Po said.

The Five looked at each other, they didn't want to eat meat in the Human World, but if they have to then they have to. Now the countdown was going down to 30 seconds. They all looked down at the window's ship, and they were gonna miss their friends and families but knew they will return someday. Grey comes in with a broom and hums with his MP3 player.

"Grey, what you doing here?" Tigress asked.

"Oh, this I thought the ship needs to be cleaned and-" The doors closed and begins to lift up. "What the?"

"Dimensional Ship ready to leave to the Human World in 3... 2... 1..." The ship goes up and a portal opens up. Grey sits down now. And the ships travel into the portal now.

"Whoa, I didn't expect this," Grey said.

"Didn't expect it? Then expect this you're grounded!" Po said as he screamed as the ship went faster through the portal.

The ship now travels as it went to the Human World.

To Be Continued...

New Story has been finished, and happy 2018 everyone. I've been planning this new story after I finished my first Kung Fu Panda Power Rangers story. Now Po and his friends are going to the Human World and must face monsters now, and coming soon, I'm going to surprise all of you with special surprises that come with new chapters. Tell me what you think of the villains, and let me know how you all like this new story and chapter, and don't forget to follow, and review.