Aelin POV

Aelin was nervous. More than nervous actually. She was TERRIFIED. She was at the moment waiting her turn to try on the sorting looked around the room and caught the eye of her cousin, Aedion, sitting at the Gryffindor table. He winked and haver her a thumbs up, she smiled at him in return.

"Aelin Galathinius" she looked away and walked towards the stool and hat. When she reached it, like all the others, she sat down and placed the hat on her head.

Five minutes later, she was walking towards the Slytherin table. It took the hat longer sorting her, deciding between Slytherin and Gryffindor, than any other student before her. She sat down and watched the others be sorted. Only one name really stood out to her, the last one on the list.

"Rowan Whitethorn" she watched him as he stalked forwards and sat down. He looked moody and not pleasant at all. She immediately hated him.

"Slytherin" she groaned in her head. Why did he have to be in HER house. Why couldn't he have been in one of the others? What made it even worse was that there was only one seat left... right next to her. He sat down and she glared at him.

"What?" He growled, she looked away and didn't reply. He snarled in annoyance and started pilling food on his plate. She shot him another glare and started doing the same. Once the meal was over the first years followed the others to their common rooms.

When Aelin arrived at hers she headed straight towards the girls dormitories but on the way there she slammed into someone... of course it had to be that boy from before. What was his name? Rowan?

"Watch it" she growled.

"Well I'm not the one who wasn't paying attention" he snarled.

"If you were paying so much gods-damned attention then why didn't you move?" She shot back.

"Because I was facing the other way dumb-ass!" The growled at each other,

"Get out of my way" she said and shoved him aside. He stumbled back,

"Don't push me!" He shouted.

"From tough guy to crybaby in a span of a few seconds I'm impressed." She said. By now they had been loud enough so that everyone stopped and listened to their argument.

"If it weren't for the look on your face that suggests that you've recently smelled something so bad there are tears in your eyes, I would've thought it fake" she continued.

"I do NOT have tears in my eyes" he argued.

"...Not anymore" and with that she walked away and closed the door to the girls dormitories.

Rowan POV

Rowan was shaking with anger. He could not BELIEVE that STUPID little girl! How DARE she talk to him that way! He was a PRINCE for crying out loud! He was to be treated with RESPECT! He stared at where she had gone through the door. He growled and stalked towards the boys dormitories slamming the door behind him. 'Aelin Galathinius' thought. 'That name sounds familiar somehow'.

He sighed, maybe he DID overreact a little bit but it was still no excuse to act so disrespectful towards him. He suddenly realized why her name sounded so familiar. She was the princess of Terassen. Well that explained why she was like that. She was used to getting her way. Well so was he, so she'd better watch her tongue around him or else there might be some problems...

Aelin POV

Aelin sighed, she was exhausted and that brute Rowan didn't make it any better. She snarled softly, what an idiot. Did he not know who she was? She would not be talked to that way! She sighed again. She was even more exhausted than before. She decided to deal with it tomorrow. She got into bed and fell asleep imagining how she would make him squirm.

Rowan POV

Rowan woke up the next morning and decided that he would completely ignore Aelin for the rest of the day. There might be some times when he HAD to talk to her, but he could avoid her the rest of the time. It proved to be harder than he expected it to be. First at breakfast she bombed him with questions. It went something like this,

"What's your name?"


"Are you royalty?"


"What territory?"

" Doranelle."

"I'm a princess too you know. My territory is Terrasen." He grunted.

She opened her mouth to ask another question but was cut of by one of the professors handing her timetable to her. He took his and sighed. It wasn't that he didn't like his timetable, it was that he just realized that he had to have all his classes with Aelin. It was going to be a long day...