AN. A short out-take to explain what changed Katniss's mind about Peeta. Hope you enjoy.
The girl was beautiful.
Her long, auburn hair fell in soft waves over her shoulders, framing her rosy cheeks and highlighting the brightest pair of forest green eyes Katniss had ever seen.
She leaned against the counter, resting her hip against the polished glass case, and smiled lighting the whole room with her happy glow. "Hey, Peeta!" she called out.
Flashing a warm smile in the girl's direction, Peeta answered, "Hey, Dora! What would you like today?"
"Well, I was wondering if you had any of those lemon cupcakes left. They were so good! I've been thinking about them all week."
"Yeah? I'll let Rye know, he came up with the recipe," Peeta said, reaching under the counter to pull a small cardboard box out. "How many would you like?"
On the far side of the bakery, Katniss clenched her jaw and followed their conversation.
Peeta smiled some more.
Dora giggled.
Under her thick coat, Katniss trembled. A dark cloud settled over her chest, pressing down on her and filling her with despair.
Katniss wasn't interested in love, and she couldn't even stomach the idea of marriage and children, but she cared about Peeta. He was her friend. He had always been loyal and true and, even though Prim joked that he was in love with her, he had never tried to change Katniss's mind by pushing a romantic agenda on her.
But lately, his smiles had become a bit strained, his eyes had turned sad, and Katniss had begun to wonder if her efforts to protect herself from heartbreak were hurting him far more than he was willing to admit.
The thought of a sad Peeta made her miserable, but love had broken her mother, and Katniss wasn't ready to change her ways.
Peeta tied a bow over the box and handed it over to his customer.
Katniss bit down on her cheek, her heart pounded against her ribcage as she counted down the seconds until the transaction on the counter was finalized.
Tightening her delicate fingers over the parcel, Dora exchanged a few more pleasantries with the young baker, paid for her cupcakes and left.
Katniss sighed, a sweet wave of relief washed over her as she watched the gorgeous girl leave the premises.
"You ok, there?" Peeta asked. His soft voice, thick with worry, cut through Katniss's anguish. "You look a bit pale," he added, lifting the partition and walking to where she stood.
Without waiting for an answer, he placed his hand on her cheek.
Katniss leaned into his touch. "I'm fine," she murmured closing her eyes and allowing his warmth to seep into her body.
"I'm almost done here," he said, gently guiding her to an empty chair. "Why don't you sit here and wait for me? I'll be done in 10 minutes. I can take you home after that, alright?"
Katniss nodded.
Letting go of her, Peeta went back behind the counter and began emptying the display case and storing the unsold goods in air-tight containers.
Katniss watched him work, mesmerized by his movements; the graceful dance of his fingers as he placed every pastry in place, the flex of his biceps as he carried the heavier trays back into the kitchen.
Thinking back, Katniss knew there had been nothing improper or scandalous about Peeta's interaction with his customer. The girl had been pleasant and charming, but she couldn't be accused of being flirty.
And still, Katniss couldn't help the warm anger coursing through her veins as she remembered the exchange; or the utter emptiness and despair she felt at the thought of Peeta's hand brushing against someone else's, of his lips whispering another girl's name.
Like a flash of lightning slashing through the fog, one more thought shot through her mind. I don't want to lose him.
AN. That's a wrap! Once again, Happy New Year, everyone. I hope 2018 brings you love and joy.
You can also find me on Tumblr. I'm Javistg over there, come and say hi!