Trying to reflect how much my own mind fucked with me as a highschooler is harder than I thought, but hopefully it comes across properly.

Zachary was looking over various reports from his moles in the public, truth be told most of the stuff was better handled by teachers as it was outside his expertise.

Like insults from one species to another, he had no earthly idea how to navigate something like that.

A stupid grin grew on his face as he leant into his hand and read over the first report, it detailed various suspicious students that had been acting strangely, as the full moon approached that night he somewhat expected it to be the case, if these persisted he'd investigate further.

The second report was of delinquents loitering outside school bounds, they'd be dealt with.

The third spoke of the same group, though they were addressed as the 'Anti-Schoolers' which was… nice, one could suppose. Didn't sound menacing.

"Good morning Zakari-kun!~" The door to his office almost exploded off its hinges, Zac screamed and jumped out his chair as the figure stepped through with haste, it was Jian.

She carried the same blank expression as always, "How was that?" Questioned the senior.

"You almost gave me a fucking heart attack!" Roared the Warlock with terror, kneeling pitifully on the ground behind his chair, a hand on his heart.

"Ah, my apologies. I've been trying to mesh with my peers more…" Explained the girl, "I saw this in a cartoon, and assumed it to have some basis in reality."

"Sweet mother of all that is holy…" Muttered the male, getting back into his chair and trying to sooth his shaking hands, "Why'd you burst in anyway, you don't come unless it's something important."

"There seems to be a dispute with your friend, Saizou and a few other students." Informed Jian, Zac nodded and stood up, locking his office as he left with her towards said dispute.

"So, do you know how this began?" Zachary questioned as he and the Jiang Shi quickly made their way.

"Not specifically, though I can say that the other students said something to upset Saizou-san."


"You guys have got some big balls if you think you can make trouble." Snarled the fully transformed Ogre, his breath coming out in thick gouts of steam.

Around Saizou were four students, all looking like delinquent archetypes, piercings, dyed hair, scars. Were it any other time, they may be kindred spirits to Saizou, but not anymore.

"Feh, like a guy like you has any place judging us! You're just like us, Saizou-san, we're all Monstrels the only difference is that we're proud of who we are!" Declared one of them, his beady eyes carrying defiance like that of a war veteran.

Saizou growled and smacked the teen, his true form that of a young kraken looking beast, his arms were long tentacles that ended in sharp hooks, his torso was covered in a thick bone-like armour, his hair was seemly made of writhing snakes and his skin was pallid, mottled grey.

"You think I'm not proud of who I am? You dare question a man's pride!?" He bowled forth like a cannonball and struck the teen in the chest, despite the armour covering it Saizou's fist had enough power to make the monstrel flip ass over head until his collided with a tree.

"Tsk, you're just a boot licker, ANTI-THESIS isn't gonna take this lying down, ya'know? We're gonna make the world better for people like us!" Howled another, his left arm was an enormous mass of black and red tendrils that formed into a sharp, honed blade. His legs were double-jointed like that of a werewolf but instead of fur were covered in leathery, black skin.

"You just can't shut your mouth can'ya?!" Saizou snarled, pummeling the creature into the ground.

"Oi!" A voice boomed, all creatures in the vicinity felt a chill go down their spines.

The Anti-Schoolers and Saizou turned to see the murderous expression of Captain Waller, Leader of the School Police Force, not the expression of Zachary Waller, the friendly weirdo.

"What is the meaning of this?" He barked, simply enough. Though it made everyone spectating the fight and those involved in it shiver.

"These guys they-they tried to start shit with the other students here!" Saizou said with a firm voice, "I wasn't gonna let them disturb the peace with their bullshit about monstrel superiority!"

"You're a monstrel!" One of them shouted, incensed.

"No one is superior you fucking moron!" Snarled Saizou in return a furious gout of steam leaving his lips as he raged.

"Can the witnesses confirm?" Captain Waller said quietly, looking across the crowd, several nods, several scared stiff, but it was confirmation enough. "Break up the fight, you'll be coming to my office and giving statements. After that the Headmaster will speak with you all for fighting on school time and property."

Saizou bit his tongue and transformed back into his human state, accepting the punishment for his actions with a modicum of pride.

Seeker darted out of Zac's shadow and snatched them all up, pulling the accused into a chain, each with their hands bound by a mysterious black liquid.

"You morons are already getting on my nerves and I've only just heard of you." Snarled the Captain as he looked over the delinquents, his eyes looked over to his friend and his expression softened ever so slightly, "And Saizou I expect better from you in the future, retaliating to idiocy only gives it credence."

"Hai, Waller-taichou." He said with a bow of his head, accepting the authority of the Brain over the Body.

"Fuck you, you're just a whipping boy for the purebloods you're just like us except you work for the oppressors!" Snapped the Kraken.

"Fuck you, you wank. The people in this school are kids, people whose opinions are still being formed, you think acting out like rotten brats will change their minds? You're making a cycle that feeds itself." The Kraken felt a chill go down his spine as the Captain strode towards him, their eyes met as the blond towered over him.

"And if you ever compare me to you again, I'll put my badge down and rip you apart. I don't disrupt a place of learning for my own gains." His voice was haunting and his eyes had a menacing look in them.

The Kraken shrunk in on itself, "Y-yes Taichou."

Seeker followed behind its master as he dragged the students away.

"Ah, I see the SPF is out doing the good work once more." An unfamiliar voice said, Zac turned to see a slim man with short brown hair and a pair of glasses over his equally brown hair.

"Yep." Zac said simply, having no idea who this person was.

"Forgive me, I'm the president of the Student Committee organising the events for Parents day this year." Informed the youth, "Hokuto Kaneshiro, a pleasure."

"Zachary Waller, you know me." Zac stated more as fact, than an actual introduction, "Forgive my rudeness, but I've got business to attend to." And with a small, polite nod he led his prisoners off to lockup.

Later; Midday Lunch

After shipping the 'Anti-Schoolers' - still the dumbest name for a gang - off to Mikogami-sensei Zac dealt with Saizou personally, the youth explained that the gang members tried to start something because he was hanging around Moka and Mizore between morning classes, so the teen took exception to their insults.

Zac accepted that it was done in the moment and gave him a slap on the wrist, a detention with Mr. Kotsubo the preceding two afternoons, as the PE teacher needed someone to help him in pack up around those times anyway.

Kotsuburo-sensei was elated to get the help, so Saizou was getting less of a punishment and more so just time to hang out with a happy, older dude.

Gods above he was glad his teachers weren't bananas.

An amusing thought crossed his mind, 'What if they were all trying to kill each other.'

Probably a good thing Tsukune didn't stay, now that he thought about it.

One of his junior-seniors, Manako Mayuri - alliteration is fun kids - who whilst being older than him in terms of schooling, was his junior in the SPF, brought in another few slips of paper.

"More reports, Taichou… a little worrying this time. Looks like the swimming club are dealing with a… panty thief." Manako was a short girl with a purple bob cut and bright blue eyes, she seemed none too pleased to have to talk about women's unmentionables.

Zachary refused to smirk, goddamnit he wouldn't, and nodded, "I'll get Mizore to look into it." He assured her, getting a slightly relieved nod, "Probably for the best I don't." He added with a chuckle, managing to pull all the tension out of the poor girls shoulders.

She didn't laugh but she smiled, and that was bloody close enough.

"Anything else?" Asked the young man behind his desk, opening his tome and summoning a grinning little wisp that shot out the open window in search of something.

"No sir, though I would like to assist Mizore-senpai with the investigation. Some of my friends are on the swim team." Manako requested, though usually quiet she stood with her back straight and her eyes firmly holding his.

Sure, he'd only know her for a short time, but he liked to think he was good at reading people.

"I don't see why not, always good to having more minds on a case. Good luck with it." The girl snapped a salute and walked out the door, Zachary snickered silently into his hand when the door closed.

"Ahh, so strange." He said with a fondness, though that did remind him of something.

Fondness made him think of things he liked, which made him think of Mizore and Kurumu, which made him think - with boiling anxiety - about the mess that would inevitably become.

It wasn't that he didn't like Kurumu anymore, but he just felt… grounded with her. She was great, let it never go unsaid, but he just didn't feel that same spark.

'I suppose Dad was right about highschool relationships.' The blond thought with a grimace, 'A bit of sex and they've got you dead to rights. I'll think about it over break more, if it's what I really want.'

Though his mind did another loop of gymnastics and his thoughts turned to Moka, that girl… he didn't even know where he really stood with her, she seemed to have some territorial complex with him, sure he'd met 'her' first but she didn't really seem that interested in him, until the pink one jumped off the planet.

'Wow that was callous.' Zachary's eyes widened at that little bit of inner monologuing.

"My brain is worrying." He mumbled aloud, the grinning sprite returned and burst into a shower of pink and purple sparks, letting him know his message had been received.

'But do I care about them, or do I just have so much teenage lust pumping through me at the moment and they're being receptive?'

'Mizore certainly, we've been through some shit. And Moka is good company, though her superiority complex is a little odd.'

'Why am I with Kurumu?'

Why did he keep coming back to that? Sure, Kurumu was cool enough, and primed for sex but…

Was he just 'with' her for sex or did they actually connect?

What did they even have in common?

I didn't really like her and all of a sudden...

"Sweet jesus brain, shut up!" It was like having another person in his head, the thoughts felt so conflicting in nature to how he generally felt.

'I don't really know at the moment, but I do know that I went from not liking painfully bright, blue hair, to sleeping with her all of a sudden. Just because she decided I was her destined one? How does she prove that?'

'And Mizore, I only feel the way I do about her because I was being tortured and she was my life-line, and I told her she meant so much to me so she didn't leave me to die from a werewolf bite.'

Zac was stuck in his own head at this point, he was completely motionless as he blankly stared at his desk.

'Moka is hotness given human form, but she's a bigoted arse, I just let her get away with her bullshit because she's hot and does things to me no one else can.'

It felt like someone had poured a bucket of ice over his head, a glacier of dread settled in his gut, doubts flew about his head like a cyclone.

"I've made a massive mistake." He mumbled to himself, leaning back into his chair and looking at himself with wide eyes, "I shouldn't even be in this office… I was tortured and…"

'It's irrational, but someone should have helped me.'

He suddenly hard a hard time breathing and couldn't calm his racing heartbeat, his wolfish nature was flickering in and out of notice, claws growing and shrinking rapidly as his pupils dilated.

Oh fun, a panic attack.

Intermission chapter, just to let you guys know I'm still actually alive.

Some heavy shit went down in my personal life recently so I've been doing shit to take my mind off it.
