A/N: Hello, Hello! Welcome to my next big story. My other story, "Strange things about America", while my longest running story, is starting to prevent me from doing other projects that I would like to work on. I won't be ending that series anytime soon, but I did want to do more. I found I liked writing about the interactions between America and the other nations, and wanted to write story's where I could explore that more without a fun fact about America being written into the story. I just want to write story's, so I will. Welcome to my new short story series, "My friend, My enemy, My Acquaintance, Mr. America!" Enjoy!
Little America hummed as he hurriedly threw on his coat. England had finally got a day off, and promised that he and America would get to spend the whole day together. Because this didn't happen very often, as England usually was overseas or always working, America was very excited. Running out of his room, he ran to the kitchen, where England was making a picnic basket full of sandwiches, fruit, and other small snacks for their ride into the country. Bouncing over to England, America hugged England's leg and gave the man a large toothy grin.
"England, is the picnic basket ready yet?" America asked as he excitedly tugged on the older man's pants.
"Almost poppet." England said with a smile, ruffling his hair. "Just need to pack the drinks then we can go."
"Alright!" America said happily. Just then, James, the old head butler*, walked into the room. Looking down at America, he was amused to see that America had put his coat buttons in all wrong, making the coat uneven.
"Alfred, your coat is not buttoned correctly." James chuckled as he crouched down and started to fix America's coat.
"What wrong with my coat? I think it looks fine." America laughed.
"Indeed." James said with an amused face. Finishing fixing the buttons, James stood back up and nodded to the basket of food on the counter. "Is the basket ready to be loaded into the carriage?" He asked England.
"Yes, I just finished." England said, handing the basket over. "Come on then America, it's time to get going."
"Finally!" America cried. Sprinting out the door, England yelled after him, "Don't run in the house!"
"He's very excited about this." James said as he and England followed America. "It's all he's talked about all week."
"Is that so?" England said with a small smile. While he loved spending time with America, he never seemed to spend time with him. In fact, he was a little surprised how fast America seemed to be growing. It just made him want to be around the young colony more. So, he really did treasure all the time he got with him.
"He really loves spending time with you." James said as they walked out of the house, and to the carriage that was waiting outside the door. "He's always asking me when you're coming over."
"Come on, you're both so slow." America whined as he opened the carriage door.
"Unlike you Alfred, I'm not a young boy anymore." James chuckled as he lifted America into the carriage. "You'll have to forgive these old bones, they aren't as fast as they used to be. As for Mr. England's lack of speed," James whispered to America, "he has no excuse."
As America burst out laughing, England raised an eyebrow at the two. "I heard that you know." He said to James. James just gave England a cheeky grin. "I wasn't meaning to hide what I said."
"Always the jokester." England said with rolling his eyes, but smirking at the comment. As James put the basket next to America, England climbed in the carriage, closing the door behind him. James then got into the front, took the reins of the horses, and they were off.
"So where are we going?" America asked excitedly as he bounced up and down.
"America, sit still." England scolded.
"Sorry." America said as he stilled himself.
"As for where we're going, I was thinking about going to the field that I found you in." England said with a smile. "There is a nice spot where wildflowers grow that would be a perfect place for a picnic."
"Do you know a lot about flowers?" America asked, looking curious.
"I know about a few of the different ones around here." England said nodding. If you want, I could teach you the names of them if you want.
"Really? That'd be so cool!" America said happily.
"Why are you so enthusiastic about flowers all of a sudden?" England asked curiously.
"Me and Davie found a book about flowers the other day, and I was wondering if I could find any of the ones that I read about there." America said happily.
"Ah, I see." England said with a smile. "Well, I see you're becoming quite the botanist."
"What's a botanist?" America asked confused.
"A botanist is someone who studies plants." England replied.
"You can study plants for a living?" America asked in awe.
England laughed at Americas response. "Well, yes you can. A botanist was most likely responsible for writing that book you and your friend read."
"Wow!" America said as he thought about it. "I want to study plants too!" America stated suddenly.
"If you work and study hard, I'm sure you could." England said ruffling America's hair.
"Oh, I can see the field!" America said happily as he suddenly looked out the window.
"Ah, we should start gathering up our things then. It's a bit of a walk to the wild flower patch." England said as he started to pick up the basket. As they came to a stop, America eagerly opened the carriage door, and hopped out. He then started running towards the long grass, when James caught him by the arm.
"Slow down Alfred, we don't want to lose you in the grass." James said sternly. "You're so short we'd lose you in the field."
"I'm not short!" Alfred huffed. "England said I was tall for my age."
"While that may be true, that does not mean you can run off." James said gently. "How about you help Mr. England carry the basket, that way you can get going quicker?"
"Ok." America said. Running over to England, he grabbed the basket from England's hands, and held it over his head.
"Why are you holding it like that?" England asked in confusion.
"So when I walk in the grass, you can find me!" America said like it was the most obvious thing ever.
"I see." England said. "In that case, I'll carry the blanket and the drinks."
"Have a good time you two. I shall pick you up in a few hours." James said, climbing back onto the carriage. "If you need me Mr. England, I shall be in town attending to a few errands." With that, James took the reins, and went off on his way.
"Come on America, let's get going." England said as he walked to the field, America following behind him. If anyone where to look at England and America as they walked through the field, they would have had to do a double take, because America was so short, that only the basket was visible over the grass, making the basket look as though it were floating behind England. After about ten minutes of walking, the grass suddenly fell away to a small clearing, surrounded by thousands of flowers. There were a large number of different colored and shaped ones, making America stare in awe.
"Do I know how to pick a picnic spot or what?" England said with a smug look as he looked at the awe on America's face.
"There must be hundreds of different types of flowers here!" America said excitably, jumping up and down.
"Woah!" England yelped as he caught the basket that America had accidentally let slip out of his grasp in his excitement. "Do try and be more careful America."
"Oops, sorry." America said sheepishly as he took the basket back from England.
After that, they set up the blanket, and put out all the food. America enthusiastically picked up the sandwiches, and started to chow down on the food. England ate some of the fruit he had packed, and plucked a nearby flower and showed it to America.
"This one is called a Butterfly Weed, you can tell by the orange color. Like the name suggests, it attracts butterfly's." England explained, handing the flower to America for him to examine.
"It's pretty." America said happily. "Maybe we could plant these in our garden and attract more butterfly's!" America suggested as he put the flower down next to him.
"You'd have to ask James about that." England chuckled. England plucked another flower nearby, and again showed it to America. "This one is called a Jerusalem Artichoke." England said giving the yellow flower to America. "This little bugger can spread like wildfire. In fact, I think these are a favorite of bees around here."
"I don't like bees very much." America said with a shudder. "They sting me."
"They won't sting you if you didn't bother them." England said. "Plus, bees are vital for pollinating plants and making honey. No bees, no honey. I know that you enjoy the stuff, so you should like bees."
"Hmm." America hummed doubtfully as he put the other flower down. Looking around, he grabbed a purple flower near him and showed it to England. "What about this one?" America asked curiously.
"If I remember correctly, that one is called a Liatris. Not only are they pretty, but they also attract butterfly's, bees, and hummingbirds." England said after a moment of thought.
"I don't think I've ever seen a hummingbird up close before." America said with a frown. Looking up at England he asked, "Do you think we'll see one?"
"Maybe if we're lucky." England said as he finished his apple. "Are you done eating? If you are we can walk around and look at more of the flowers." He said standing up, dusting himself off as he did.
"Yeah!" America said brightly as he jumped up. For the next hour, the two of them wandered through the meadow, occasionally stopping here and there to look at a certain flower that caught their eye. Eventually, America started to get bored, and they wandered back to the picnic blanket. Sitting down, America grabbed a few of the flowers around them and started to make a flower crown. England pulled out a book he had brought with him, and started to read. They stayed like that for a while, enjoying the comfortable silence between them, both absorbed in their respective tasks. However, their silence was broken by the shifting of grass, and the sound of footsteps. Looking up, America saw James and a man he didn't recognize above them. The man didn't look very happy. England, apparently recognizing the man, scowled at him.
"Mr. Handcock, may I ask why you are intruding on my day off?" England asked harshly.
"You are needed at meeting with a messenger from the king. I am afraid that you need to come at once, as it is an urgent matter." Mr. Handcock said stiffly, ignoring the glare that America sent him.
"Can this not wait until later?" Asked England, pursing his lips in annoyance.
"I am afraid that it cannot." Handcock said bluntly.
"But England, you promised that you wouldn't be working today!" America said, hurt clearly showing on his face, making England's face fall. "You promised."
"I'm sorry, America." England said with a sigh, guilt making his stomach twist painfully. "But I'm afraid we're going to have to cut our day out short." The look of utter betrayal and hurt that America gave England just made him feel worse. "I promise we'll continue this another day." England said as he stood up, offering his hand to help America get up. America, obviously angry, ignored it and got up himself, and put the flower crown down on the ground. Not looking at England, he started to pack up their things, if a little bit forcefully.
James helped pack up their things, and this time America didn't offer to carry anything, instead storming off in the direction of the carriage. James shot England a sympathetic look, and followed Alfred to carriage. When they got to it, there was a second one. America didn't even give it a second glance, as he climbed into his and England's carriage, and slammed the door shut behind him. Wincing at the strength that America had used to shut the door, (which had dented the door), England sighed, and walked over to the other carriage. But before he got far, James placed a hand on England's shoulder, and nodded in America's direction.
"I'll talk to him sir." James promised. Giving England's shoulder a gentle squeeze, James let go and walked back to the carriage. England shook his head softly, promising himself he'd talk to America as soon as he got back, and climbed into the carriage with Handcock.
Meanwhile, America was fuming. How could England just abandon him like that? He had promised him the whole day with him. He had promised!
"England is such a jerk." America sniffed, and wiped his eyes, which had started to tear up. For the rest of the ride back, America sat in angry silence, trying not think about England. When they arrived back at the house, America opened the door, and silently hopped out of the carriage.
"Alfred," James said gently, walking over and crouched down to look the boy in the eyes, "Please don't blame England for what happened today. It was just unfortunate timing, that's all."
"Yeah, that seems to happen a lot with him." America grumbled.
"He really did want to stay with you, I promise." James said sadly. "He's probably just as upset as you are over this."
America snorted in disbelief. "Yeah right. He's always too busy for me. I should have gone with France." America spat in spite.
"Do you really mean that?" James asked with a raised eyebrow. America sat in angry silence for a moment, before drooping and shaking his head. "No." He answered quietly. Suddenly, Americas lip quivered and big tears started to fall down his face. "It's not fair." He hiccupped. "He promised."
"It'll be alright." James said gently as he wiped America's tears with his handkerchief. "I'm sure he'll make it up to you somehow." Picking up the boy, James carried Alfred into the kitchen. "In the meantime," James said as he opened the cupboards, "why don't you help me make some cookies, huh?" James asked with a wink. "We don't need to tell Mr. England about them. It can be our little secret."
Alfred gave a weak laugh. "Really?" He asked looking up at the old man in front of him.
"Yes." James said patting Alfred on the shoulder. "That'll be England's punishment for leaving early. That way you don't need to be angry at him anymore."
"Ok." Alfred said perking up a bit more. "Can I lick the batter off the spoon?"
"We'll I'm too old to do such things." James laughed. "You'll have to do it sense I can't."
America scoffed at the older man. "You're never too old to lick batter off a spoon."
"Hmm, maybe you're right." James said thoughtfully. "But if I lick the spoon, there won't be any left for you to lick."
"So, let's use two spoons!" America said.
"What a clever idea!" James said, pretending to be mad at himself. "I should have thought about that."
"I'll go get the spoons!" America laughed as he ran to the drawer with the spoons.
For the next hour, the two of them baked cookies, and James told America about when he was a younger man. America listened, enthralled by the story's James told. Eventually, the batter was done, and America laughed as James made funny faces as he licked his spoon. Soon, the kitchen smelled wonderful, and the cookies were done. America ate quite a few of them, and James continued to tell America stories. Finally, America finally started to dose off, so James carried him into the living room and placed him on the sofa. He gently covered the boy with a blanket, and turned down the lights. He then started to clean up the kitchen, glancing out the window every few minutes. Finally, just after it had gotten dark, a carriage pulled up, and England entered the house, looking tired.
"How did your talk with America go?" England asked as he hung his coat on the coat rack.
"He's feeling a lot better, but he was very upset when he got home." James stated.
England stood there for a moment, deep in thought. Then snapping his fingers, he grabbed his coat, pulled it back on, and grabbed America's coat.
"I just thought of something, tell me, where is America right now?" England asked looking around for the young boy.
"He is asleep on the sofa in the living room." James said with a raised eyebrow. "You're going to take him out this late at night?"
"No better time!" England said cheerfully as he hurried towards the living room. Entering the living room, he walked over to America and shook him awake. "America, it's me. Wake up."
"Wha-?" America asked drowsily as he squinted up at England. "England? What's going on?"
"Come on, put on your coat. We're going back to the field." England said eagerly.
"But it's too late now." America said bewildered by England's actions.
"No, it's actually the perfect time to go." England said. Helping America up, he helped put on his coat, then turned to James.
"Please fetch the carriage." He asked James. "We're going back to the field."
James raised an eyebrow, but didn't question England as he walked out of the room to do as he was told.
America gave England a funny look, but followed him out the door. Helping America into the carriage, England closed the door, and they were off. England didn't say anything, but he looked pleased with himself, which just confused America. Finally, after a while, they finally arrived at the field. Picking up America, England carried him out, and gesturing for James to stay behind, he looked at America.
"America, I need you to close your eyes." England said seriously. America did as he was told, and England carried him through the field, until finally, America felt him stop.
"Ok, now you can open them." England said cheerfully. Blinking his eyes open, America was stunned to see that they were in the clearing they had been in earlier that day, and now it was filled with hundreds of fireflies.
"Wow." America said quietly. They were everywhere. It looked as though the stars had fallen out of the sky and where dancing around them. America had never seen such a sight in his life, and was speechless.
"Wow indeed." England said softly. "Listen America, I'm truly sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to break my promise to you. I really did want to spend the day with you, and I didn't mean for my work to get in the way. I know that I'm not always around, but that doesn't I don't care about you. Can you forgive me?"
America felt himself starting to tear up again, and not trusting himself to speak, nodded and hugged England.
"You're the best big brother ever." America said. England blinked in surprise, and smiled. "Thank you, America, that means a lot to me.
And for the rest of the night, they sat side by side, watching the fireflies blink around them, content to be spending time with each other.
A/N: And that's just the first story. (*Note, James is an OC character from my other story, "Strange things about America." If you want to learn more about him, then he's on chapter 81.) I hope you guys liked this new story, and tell me if you want more chapter, and if so, which country I should write with America next. Just a heads up, I may switch between adult and young America. All reviews are welcome. Thanks!