After making sure that the creature was indeed safe, Craig coaxed Tweek into getting closer. The giant guinea pig, who Craig dubbed Stripe Two, had hissed lightly at the blonde but allowed Tweek to nervously pet it. Soon enough, it grew used to him as well, and they were able to sit close by with the guinea creature to their backs.
"What do we do-AGH!-now?" Tweek asked, his fists clenched tightly as he shook in place on the ground. "Are we just going to hide here forever and eventually die, or are we going to go out and look for people and end up dead that way?"
"Chill out, dude, everything's fine," Craig said, putting up his hands and motioning for him to take a few deep breaths. "We'll just take Stripe Two and go out to find Stripe and your parents. We'll be alright." When Tweek showed no sign of relaxing, he sighed and added, "I'm not going to let anything hurt you, Tweek. I promise."
Having half expected this to not work, he was surprised when Tweek finally settled. "Okay, Craig. I'll trust you."
They glanced outside, then snuck around to the back of the shop. The back wall was missing, as Craig had predicted, and the guinea creature shuffled out. Craig gave it a few pets, then lead the way back into the destroyed town.
He stuck his hands in his pockets, looking around with a heavy sigh, the rumble of the guinea creature's steps making it difficult to keep his balance. This was all Stan and his gang's fault, he was sure of it. He didn't know how exactly, but whenever something happened it was always their fault.
They made their way towards the mall, hearing screams still echoing from that direction. If nothing else, it meant people, which could mean Tweek's parents, and potentially Stripe. Oh, and his family. Before they could reach the building, it occurred to Craig it might be a terrible idea to bring a monster to an area filled with panicking South Parkians. That was the perfect recipe for disaster.
They paused in the forest between the mall and Token's house, and he commanded the guinea creature to stay put, then grabbed Tweek's trembling hand and continued on the rest of the way.
As they approached the doors, they were thrown open and a few of the adults ran out. They were screaming to each other about 'saving the children!', and the pair were snatched and rushed back into the mall. Tweek screamed when he was lifted, and as soon as they were set down he bowled into Craig, clinging to his arm.
Craig let him, patting his friend's wild hair lightly. "You're alright, Tweek, just remember to breath."
The adults around them were firing question after question at the two, not giving them any time to actually offer an answer. Craig rolled his eyes and dragged Tweek with him away from the crowd that didn't even notice they left.
"Alright, let's look for Stripe and your parents," he said, walking towards some of the stores.
"Oh, God, I hope my parents aren't dead!" Tweek commented as they looked around at the people milling about. "I would have to take over the coffee shop and pay bills on the house all by myself! That's way too much pressure for me to handle, man!"
"Don't think about that. I'm sure they're fine."
The pair explored the mall thoroughly as each store had different groups of people gathered inside. Unsurprisingly, the hunting store had been converted into a command station for the national guard troops that had come to the town to help them. Craig made sure to steer clear of them. He knew he couldn't hide Stripe Two forever, but he wasn't going to go out of his way to get him caught.
"Craig, is it just me, or does it seem like this kind of stuff happens really often?" Tweek asked, breaking the silence between them.
"It's not you, Tweek. It's Stan and his friends. That's why people don't hang out with them, remember?" he answered, glancing at him. "You learned that first hand, since you spent more time with them than pretty much everyone but Butters."
Tweek nodded. "That's true, I guess I just hadn't thought of that before."
Finishing their unsuccessful search, the two returned to the front doors, sitting on the floor by the escalators. Craig tugged on the sides of his hat in irritation. "Dammit, where could Stripe be?"
"I'm sure we'll find him, Craig," Tweek assured him, making his best attempt to be comforting.
Growing bored quickly, they got up and started walking once again. "Hey, what are you going to do about Stripe Two?" Tweek questioned. "I mean, what's going to happen to him? Do you need to go back and feed him? Will he just leave on his own?"
"I don't know. I figure not, and I assume so," he responded.
Hours passed, then a deafening crash sounded throughout the building. Screams filled the air, informing the pair that a guinea creature had smashed it's way into the mall. They looked at each other in surprise, then ran towards the noise, pushing their way through the panicking adults who were running past them.
"Ah! Craig!" Tweek yelled. The boy turned around, but was powerless to help his friend who was being borne away, Tweek unable to break away from the surge of humanity.
Craig pressed on, finding himself standing just behind a group of soldiers firing on Stripe Two, who was fighting to get in.
"Stop! Stop it! He isn't going to hurt anyone!" he called, but went unheard thanks to the commotion surrounding them. Finally, he ran out in front, standing between the soldiers and the guinea creature, his arms out to either side. "I SAID STOP!"
The soldiers froze, none of them wanting to shoot an innocent child.
"He isn't going to hurt anyone, just leave him alone," Craig demanded, glaring down the guns aimed indirectly at him. Stripe Two nudged him, purring deeply. He looked over his shoulder at the guinea creature and smiled slightly. As he turned to the soldiers once more, he saw something fly past his face.
Blinking rapidly, he faced the men, and froze. One of them had his gun up, still staring down the barrel, but he was aiming just over Craig's shoulder. He whipped around to see Stripe Two, his heart pounding in his chest.
The guinea pig looked surprised for a moment, the white fur going down it's forehead smudged with black. On the ground by his feet was a tiny metal lump. Before Craig could say anything, the creature's fur ruffled all along it's body and hissed, charging straight towards the soldiers. Craig was knocked to the side by the giant body, hitting the ground heavily.
He groaned as the wind was knocked out of him, and he rolled onto his stomach, pushing himself onto his knees as he watched the solider that had shot at Stripe Two get bitten in half by the enraged animal. The soldiers opened fire, emptying clip after clip into the guinea creature to no avail. The giant guinea pig ripped into their ranks, crushing most under it's paws.
He didn't notice someone standing beside him until he was pulled onto his feet and the terror filled voice of Tweek Tweak filtered through to his brain. "Craig! Don't just sit there, we have to go! Come on!" He let the other yank him away, running out through the hole in the wall into the cold night air. They didn't stop to catch their breath until they reached City Wok, bending over and gasping for air.
Even from this distance, they could hear the renewed screams and the echoes of the guns.
"Are you alright?" Tweek's voice cut through the growing noise and Craig glanced up at him before nodded. They straightened, looking around the area. The restaurant in front of them had been practically leveled.
They climbed over the broken walls into the tackily decorated remains, sitting against the counter.
"Craig, what are we going to do? What if we just doomed the last people in the world?!" Tweek asked, his voice raising in pitch with each word. His eyes widened with fear, his fingers tangling in his wild hair and tugging hard.
"Calm down, Tweek. 'We' didn't do anything. If anything, it's my fault. You didn't do anything wrong," he comforted. "Besides, I really doubt the last people left on earth are in South Park. I am getting annoyed that every single place I go seems to come under attack, though. It's making finding Stripe way more difficult than it needs to be." Craig crossed his arms, glaring at the ground. "You know, we clearly aren't any safer trying to run around town. Let's just get to main street, I'm sure that's where most people are."
Tweek nodded in agreement and they left the relative safety of the restaurant, walking down the road. They were close, only needing to go down a street and walk a ways to the right.
Craig hadn't been wrong in figuring most people were in the center of town, he had just overlooked the fact that that would mean most of the guinea creatures would be there as well. As they approached the red building that housed the news' office, the screams of panic and fear were renewed, the sounds of guinea creatures and gun fire filling the air.
Tweek groaned in fear, yanking at the hem of his shirt, but continued to follow behind Craig closely as they approached.
It was when they came into site of a new find of guinea creature that the chaos came to a sudden halt. This guinea creature wasn't like the others. It was bigger, and dressed like a pirate. As soon as the boys were in view, it's eyes locked onto Craig.
"Argh! Damn ye, Craig!" it snarled, it's deep voice reverberating throughout the area. "Ye just never stop, do ye!?"
Craig glanced around in confusion before turning back to the monster. "I... haven't done anything?" he said, putting his hands up to show his innocence as Tweek latched onto his arm and glared at the giant creature.
The guinea pirate ignored him, launching into a speech. "Ye see, for thousands of years horrid creatures have lived in the Guinea Valley of Peru. The Incas learned how to keep the creatures at bay: by playing pan flute music. Guinea creatures hate it even more than humans do. Argh, but the prophecy foretold that one day the creatures would be unleashed and I have made that happen! The Incas predicted the world would be saved... by ye, Craig! But that part of the prophecy will not come true!" The guinea creature snarled at him again, it's fur ruffling with rage.
Craig blinked. Then blinked again. Letting out a sigh, he shook his head. "No, see, I don't care about this," he said, waving at the area around them. "I'm not going to try and stop you, I don't care if you take over the world. I just want to find Stripe."
"Silence! Ye will die in this mountain town, dargh!" The guinea pirate ran towards him, and Tweek screamed in fear.
Craig watched him nearing blankly. From deep within him, he felt something change, and a slight tingling sensation flooded through his body. He didn't know what it was or why it happened, but in an instant he knew what to do.
When the guinea pirate was only a few feet away, he spoke a single, powerful word.
The pirate was thrown back as though it had slammed into an invisible brick wall. It bounced away a few feet before scrambling back to it's paws. It's beady black eyes glared at Craig angrily, but the boy didn't notice, turning to his friend.
"Are you okay, Tweek?" he asked softly, the other wrapped around his arm like it was the only thing keeping him alive. Tweek, who had shut his eyes so he wouldn't have to see death coming, slowly allowed them to crack open and looked up at his friend. He stared at the other, his jaw dropping as his eyes widened in shock.
"Craig?" he whispered. "Why are your eyes glowing?"
"What?" Craig rubbed his eyes curiously. They didn't feel any different than usual, but he supposed there was no reason for Tweek to lie, and it wasn't as though he could see himself at the moment. The guinea pirate roared, attempting to charge them again.
Irritated now, Craig snapped his head back towards the animal and said with more force than before, "STOP." This time, the pirate went flying, crashing to the ground a good block away. The other guinea creatures in the area had frozen their movements as well.
Tweek whimpered and pressed a little closer to him. "What's happening, Craig?"
"I'm not sure."
The screams that had filled the town for what felt like days had finally quieted. The people in the street where stood, watching the two boys and the guinea creatures, unsure if they needed to continue their panicking or not.
Craig took a step forward, and the guinea creatures scuttled back, short, uneven purrs filling the air. "They're... scared of me," Craig murmured, surprised by this realization. He took another step and they ran, clambering over one another to get away from the little boy as quickly as they could.
"No! Come back and fight for me! Worthless creatures!" the guinea pirate shrieked as it was knocked onto it's back again and again as it struggled to right itself and make it's way back to Craig's location. "Ye were supposed to kill him! He's just a child, why could ye not do it!?"
"Wait, so it was your fault that we kept getting attacked out of nowhere? You were making them find me?" Craig asked, his brow furrowing in annoyance. "Dude, I've been trying to find my guinea pig, and you just had to go out of your way to make my life harder?"
"I hate ye, Craig! I will rule the world! You cannot stop meeeeee!" the pirate screeched, not paying attention to anything the child said as it managed to roll over. It shook out it's fur, then rushed at him. "Argh!"
Anger filled Craig, and his clenched his fists at his sides. "I have been looking for Stripe all day, and you're just going to yell stupid shit at me!?" He felt a strange pressure build in his eyes, then from the sky, a yellow light struck him.
About four thousand miles away in Peru, Stan and his friends were exploring an ancient Inca temple.
"I still don't understand why Craig was on the wall," Kyle said, following Stan as they crossed a suspension bridge over a shallow river, the statues lining the walls having waterfalls flowing from them into the current. "I mean, is he Peruvian or something?"
"I don't know, dude, we can ask him when we get home," Stan answered, kicking a pebble away from him into the water.
"This is such bullcrap, I don't wanna be here," Cartman whined from across the room, him and Kenny having gone another way to investigate, covering more ground faster.
"(Shut the fuck up, fat tits, none of us want to be here,)" Kenny snapped, shoving the other boy forward. "(The faster we get through this place, the faster we can go home.)"
"Call me fat... I'll beat you up, you poor piece of shit..." Cartman murmured under his breath, continuing to walk. The two groups met up again on the other side of the giant room, stopping before a giant statue of a guinea pig. More murals covered the statue, telling the same story as the ones at the entrance, but this time with a few more pictures in the end.
"Is this telling us to pull a lever in here somewhere?" Stan asked, trying to piece together the art. "That's what I'm getting from this. What do you guys think?"
"Yeah, that seems to be it," Kyle agreed, looking around them. "There." He pointed the the center of the room, down in the water. Spouting up from the floor was a golden lever, the water gushing past it. "How do we get down?"
"I don't know if this is worth it, you guys," Cartman said, glancing over the edge. "There could be all kinds of bad stuff down there waiting for us."
"You're just scared, Cartman."
"Ay! I'm not scared, you're scared, you fuckin' Jew!"
"Fuck off, fat boy!"
As the familiar argument started up and Stan attempted to calm them, Kenny sighed and slid down the leg of a statue into the water.
It was freezing cold and he grunted softly at the sudden temperature change. He quickly sloshed his way over to the lever, and with a deep breath, yanked it down. Lightning sparked through the water, electrocuting him and rocketing him backwards and up onto the platform beside his friends.
"Oh, my God! Kenny!" Stan yelped, kneeling beside his now unconscious, but surprisingly not dead, friend.
"You bastard!" Kyle yelled at the lever, shaking his fist at the contraption before joining Stan in his worry. None of the four noticed the yellow sparks entering the statues and traveling up to the ceiling, shooting out from the top of the temple and flying across the sky towards home.
Craig didn't feel the light hit him. He only knew something had because suddenly, everything was tinged blue. That, and sparks were shooting out of his eyes and hitting the guinea pirate, making it screech. "Okay. So, sparks are coming out of my eyes now," he said to himself, trying to stay cool. This wasn't a big deal. He could make it boring and normal.
"Noooooooo!" The pirate was blasted back, and it lay still. The sparks disappeared and Craig blinked a few times before rubbing his eyes.
"Are you okay?" Tweek whimpered, tugging lightly on Craig's sleeve. The boy sighed in response and nodded.
"Yeah, I'm fine, Tweek."
"Craig! Craig!" The familiar voice got Craig's attention and he whipped around to face the person. His mother was running towards him, and before he had the chance to say anything, he was scooping into her arms and his face covered in kisses.
"Mom!" he finally choked out, struggling to get some air. Yes, it was nice to see her and know she was okay, but he rather liked breathing and if he didn't get away, that would stop being a thing he could do.
"Oh, sweetie, I'm so glad you're okay! Why did you leave the center without telling us?" Laura demanded, finally releasing him as Thomas approached, Tricia in his arms. "We had no idea what happened to you!"
"I told you I had to go out and find food for Stripe," he explained simply.
"I told you not to go outside," Thomas huffed, too relieved knowing his son was safe to be really angry at him.
"I know."
The four hugged each other, and a welcome, happy whistle sounded. Craig wiggled away from the arms around him closer to his little sister who was holding Stripe's unharmed cage.
"Stripe!" He took it from her, popping it open and letting his fluffy pet crawl out into his arms. He hugged Stripe lightly, kissing his fuzzy head. "I'm so glad you're okay, buddy!"
He heard someone yelling, and looked up to see Mr. and Mrs. Tweak running towards them. They barreled into their son, sobbing and squeezing him. "Oh, son! I was so worried about you!" Richard cried, ruffling Tweek's hair as his mom treated him much the same as Craig's mother had: squeezing the life out of him.
A small smile formed on Craig's face, glad his friend had found his parents. Strange how conveniently everything seemed to be wrapping up...
Like after most tragedies to hit the town, South Park was quick to recover, and after only a day, the buildings had been restored and things were getting back to normal. Stan and his gang had been returned from Peru after finding their way out of the Incan temple to a city nearby. Once back in the United States, they (somehow) got in contact with the new director of Homeland Security and informed him of the importance of the Peruvian pan-flute bands. Once the bands were released, they made quick work of driving back the guinea creatures and getting the leader put in prison.
The group confronted Craig about his presence on the temple wall, but he only shrugged and flipped them off, ending the line of questioning then and there.
As everyone began to settle down, Craig found himself at the Black residence, Token having invited them over to hang out for the day before school started back up. Currently, him, Craig, Tweek, Clyde, and Jimmy were laid out in Token's room, all of them talking about the ordeal aside from Craig, who was just listening.
Finally, Tweek said, "I just want to know if it hurt." He directed this comment at Craig, who sighed and sat up from where he had been laying on a beanbag and staring at the ceiling.
"If what hurt?" he asked.
"The sparks. Did it hurt to have stuff shooting out of your eyes?" By now, the entire town knew about the prophecy and Craig's part in destroying the guinea creature leader.
Craig shook his head. "No, it didn't hurt. It just felt a little like something was pressing on my eyes, but that was it. It did make everything look blue though."
"That's so cool, dude," Clyde gushed, wiggling in his spot on Token's desk chair. "Do you think you could do it again?"
"Shoot sparks? I dunno, and I don't care. If I can, I don't intend to find out," he answered, flopping back down, ignoring the indignant "Why not!?" that followed this statement.
"If they come back you will though, right? Help keep us from dying?" Tweek asked nervously.
Craig smiled, lifting his hand from behind his head and giving a thumb up. "Sure thing, Tweek. Even I'm not that mean; I'm not going to sit around and watch as my friends get killed."
Relieved, Tweek nodded though Craig couldn't see it.
"D-Do you think the creatures will c-co-co-c-ome back?" Jimmy wondered out loud, a hand on his chin as he thought. "I heard the g-g-gui-gu-guinea pirate busted out of prison, s-s-so it's totally possible, ri-ri-right?"
Tweek squealed and yanked at his hair while Clyde shrieked and toppled from his chair into a heap on the floor as Craig gave another shrug. "If it happens, it happens. I don't plan on going anywhere, so if the time comes for sparks again, I'll figure it out. Maybe send Stan and them back to Peru so they can do whatever it was they were doing so they aren't here annoying me instead."
Token snorted and nodded. "You do whatever you think you need to do to succeed, Craig. I'll buy the plane tickets myself if another guinea attack happens," he agreed, Jimmy grinning in amusement.
"AGH! Don't even joke about it!" Tweek yelled. "It's not funny!"
"Yeah, guys, stop trying to scare us!" Clyde joined in, his face set in a pout.
Craig laughed and rolled over onto his stomach, looking up at his four best friends. "Don't worry so much, guys. I promise, if the time comes and they need me again, I'll seriously be right here. I'll help however I can." He stood up and stretched.
"Besides, it was a pain in the ass to find friends as good as you. I really don't want to have to do it again."