I'm so sorry I'm going so long between chapters guys. Mental health and life in general are just getting to me and I'm trying to finish this up with as much energy and passion as I started it with. We're getting close to the end! I appreciate your patience and your support, as always!

This one is a lot of talking and preparing but the battle is coming up and who knows what twists await ;) ;)

Thank you again! Everyone have a great week!

When she returned downstairs, Peeta was finishing up his speech to the room. She saw the fear on the soldiers' faces, though many of them tried to hide it. Others, it seemed, didn't care that they were seen as cowards. She supposed it was because they were all scared. They were completely unprepared for

this and despite what Peeta had said, their chances of slipping by Snow's army unseen were slim.

Aurelia was in the corner of the room, rifling through papers. Finnick was crouching next to Gale, piling weapons and Rory was surrounded by boxes of ammunition, so he and a few others could ready the guns. Peeta caught her eye and looked relieved. The soldiers sprang into action, grabbing a weapon from the pile and readying it themselves, or making sure they were prepared with water and a bladed weapon of some kind. Prim and Everett were rushing around the nursing stations, setting out medicine and bandages on the small tables around them. Katniss inhaled sharply and looked up to see Peeta trying to catch her eye and walking toward her. When he reached her, he slid his hand into hers and he breathed "come with me" in her ear.

He tried to carry her upstairs but she shook her head and pressed her palm against the wall as she made her way up. He watched her with worry in his eyes but she was finished making him fear for her safety.

"Will you sit," he asked softly, gesturing toward the bed. Katniss quickly kicked her packed bag under the bed and sat on the edge, looking up at him. Peeta was chewing his lip and pacing back and forth.

"You know what I'm going to say, Katniss."

"We're a team, Peeta. Remember? The Mockingjay and her Protector, her "humble servant" as you put it."

"That was before our doctor told you that you can't walk on that ankle. Please love, I can't… I can't argue with you about this. Yes, we make a hell of a team. We need each other. But I won't be able to focus if you are there beside me. Us doing this together may get us killed. I don't want to fight, or beg, or spend the next few hours we have together trying to convince you. Katniss, you have to stay here. Stand by with the radio and keep us informed of the army's movements. Aurelia will assist. I'll even order another soldier to stay with you, if I need to."

"You need all the help you can get out there. So no, you won't order a soldier to stay with me." She buried her hands in her lap and lowered her head.

"You're right, Peeta. I would only be putting you in more danger. I don't like it, but I know you're right." His eyes widened in shock. Did she just agree with him about this?!

"So… you'll stay here where you're safe?"

"You have to promise me you'll come back to me. Do you understand? I want your promise that you will come straight back here after we win." He dropped to his knees in front of her and reached for her hands.

"You know that's an impossible promise, sweetheart. None of us know what will happen. But I do promise that I will do everything in my power to make it home to you. Alright? I will fight, I will kill, to make it back to you. You are my world, Katniss. No matter what happens, don't ever forget that." She told herself that she would not cry anymore. She would stay strong, be the stoic Mockingjay that everyone was expecting, but the moment her husband rose and kissed her, her emotions flowed like water from a dam. Their kisses were teary and messy, her hair was a mess from his hands, and the words "i love you" dripped from both of their lips. Finally, Peeta forced himself to become the disciplined soldier once more and pulled back.

"Thank you for being reasonable about this. I thought I was going to have to tie you to the bed."

"I'm a rebel, Peeta, but I don't have a death wish. I'll be here, waiting for you." He pressed a kiss to her forehead and grabbed his bag to start packing necessities. He stuffed a new syringe of super serum in and clicked his tongue while he eyed his belongings.

"I think that's everything."

"You've got some food and water, right? Knife? Gun?"

"My rifle is downstairs, and yes I packed those other three. I need to get back downstairs to go over the plan with Aurelia. Want me to help you with the stairs?"

"I'm fine," she said dismissively. "I just need a minute though."

"OK." He leaned forward and kissed her again. "See you in a minute." Katniss waited til she heard his loud footsteps recede before she reached over and grabbed the almost-empty syringe on the table next to the bed. She stuffed it into her own bag, then hid it behind the pillow. Standing, she winced at the pain but managed to stand up straight.

Her bow sat in the corner, next to the quiver of special arrows Beetee had made. She cast it a glance before she made her way back downstairs.

Chase peeked out from behind the tree and aimed his rifle.

"Baby, you don't need to do that," his husband whispered behind him. "I don't think they know we're here."

"And what happens when they discover us," Chase spat. "We'll all be sitting ducks."

"I just can't understand why no one is answering on the radio," Violet huffed. "Where are we supposed to go?"

"HQ location is kept secret," Cinna shook his head. "So no one can leak the information. We just have to wait here and hope someone comes soon."

"I still say we take out these perimeter guards," Chase said through gritted teeth.

"That will only draw more," Bran said softly. "Violet is right. We need to wait it out."

"Should we go back and wait in the hovercraft?""

"Someone needs to stay here, to keep watch on those perimeter guards," Bran shook his head. "You all go ahead. I'll stay here."

"No offense, Mr. Mellark, but you don't exactly have the speed to get away from them if they attack." Cinna nudged Chase, shaking his head.

"What I mean is-"

"It's ok, Chase. I know my years have caught up with me. Violet, you go on back to the hovercraft. Let the rest of them know we are waiting for Commander Cretus to reach out."

"I'm not some delicate flower you have to protect, Bran," Violet said crossly.

"No, uh, I know… of course you aren't, that's not what I-"

"Hey, look there," Cinna tapped his husband's shoulder. Chase narrowed his eyes.

"The guards are leaving?"

"What? Why?"

"District 13 soldiers," came a voice behind them. "Are you there?" Cinna was about to speak when Chase grabbed his hand and shook his head.

"Soldiers, it's Lieutenant Jackson. General Cretus is distracting the Capitol guards. Are you there?"

"We're here," Chase held onto his rifle but stepped out from behind the tree. They all turned to see Jackson standing in the open field, her rifle out and ready.

"Let's get the rest of the soldiers and supplies, so we can make it back to HQ." The small group hurried toward the hovercraft and saw the other soldiers unloading the supplies. One of the young men next to Cretus nearly dropped the box he was carrying.


"Rye," the Baker rushed forward to embrace his son.

"What… WHY are you here?"

"I couldn't just sit back while all three of my sons are fighting."


"Hate to cut this short but can we save the reunion talk for when we get back to HQ? Hi again, Mr. Mellark."

"Hello Johanna," Bran nodded.

"Mrs. Everdeen?!" Rye's eyes widened even more.

"No time, Rye, grab those boxes and let's go," Johanna growled. Jackson made sure everything was unloaded before she gestured for everyone to follow her. Rye nearly groaned when he saw how few volunteers had come to fight. There were more supplies than people. Johanna nudged him as they walked.

"More will show up."

"In time? What's the point of going after the Capitol tonight, when we don't have enough of an army to stand and fight?"

"Like in the Hunger Games, we work with what we have. We've got a lot of soldiers back at HQ, Rye, and Cretus has touched base with Commander Paylor, letting them know time is limited. Paylor is trying to be here by midnight."

"And they are just going to stroll into the Capitol , past Snow's Peacekeepers, and up to his mansion?"

"You're making me want to punch you. Just be quiet til we make it back to HQ." Rye huffed but was secretly afraid that the Victor would indeed punch him so he fell silent. As they neared the shops, they could hear roars and Johanna tensed.

"Mutts," she muttered to Jackson.

"Pick up the pace everyone," the Lieutenant hissed. Rye led them down the alley and hastily knocked at the door, mumbling the password. The door swung open and Jackson ordered them all to get inside. Jackson looked behind her, where the roars seemed to be getting louder, and she readied her rifle.

"Lieutenant, come on," Rye hissed.

"I'll make sure nothing picks up your trail. Now go."

"Jackson! Jackson, no!" But she had turned on her heel and was gone. Rye winced when he heard roars and shots fired. He backed into the store and pulled the door shut, locking it tight.

"Shit," he muttered.

"Alright everyone, see Colonel Peeta Mellark for a debriefing," Cretus was saying. "Mrs. Everdeen, you can help your daughter with the nursing station right in the next room. Johanna, you join Gale and Finnick and get those weapons ready and distributed."

Bran was barely paying attention to his superior and was already making his way toward his younger son, who was standing in the middle of the room. Peeta's wide blue eyes landed on him and they widened even more. Bran was so close, he could almost reach out and touch his son. He looked…well, like a soldier, Bran reasoned. When he was standing right in front of him, Peeta stepped toward him.

"Dad?" Bran pulled him into his arms and sobbed against his shoulder. Peeta tensed for a moment, afraid that this sudden display of emotion would be frowned upon but then he found he couldn't really care. It had been months since he had seen his father and a part of him thought he'd never see him again. His arms came up and wrapped around Bran, his own tears falling onto the baker's sleeve. He felt more arms close around him and his father and he lifted his head curiously. Rye was embracing Peeta from behind, his arms gripping his father's shoulders. Then Bing's arms joined the jumble of limbs and he brought them all into the floor, engulfing his family. Peeta's throat was thick with emotion but he couldn't allow himself to sit here any longer and get caught in the waves of affection. No matter how much he wanted his father to hold him, he gently nudged them all and gestured for them to follow him. They moved off the side of the room and leaned against the wall. Bran sniffled as he stroked his youngest's face.

"My boy," he whispered. "My Sonnenschein. I thought I'd never see you again."

"I'm here, Papa," Peeta said quietly, his hand covering his father's. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," Bran said tearfully, before he noticed everyone staring at them. He cleared his throat and sat back on his haunches.

"Ummm, I'm sorry for the, uh, surprise attack. I just can't believe-"

"It's ok, Dad," Peeta squeezed his hand and gave him a broad smile. "But why are you here? You should be safe in 13."

"In life, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons. I don't know what's going to happen but I want to fight alongside my brave soldiers. And help them in any way I can."

"We're glad of the help. Let's move over here and let the new arrivals join in for debriefing."

He nodded to Cretus, who returned the gesture and sent the new recruits over to Peeta. He quickly but calmly explained to them what was happening and how the plan of attack was going to go.

"Um, Peeta, your wife isn't going to be going with you, is she," Bing asked nervously, glancing over at Katniss, who was coming down the stairs. He didn't miss his sister-in-law's pained grimace or the way she clutched at the wall for support. Peeta glanced over his shoulder and shook his head.

"No, we've already talked and she's agreed to stay here where she's safe. Haymitch agrees that we can bring her in for the victory or the surrender or whatever, for the morale. We still want the country to look up to the Mockingjay as their symbol."

"Peet, you'll be the one they will be looking up to," Rye pointed out. "You're the one leading them into battle."

"I'm just another soldier," he said dismissively. "It's just our horrible luck that she can't go into battle with us. But she will be there for the end. Now then, our formations are going to look like this. Dad, you'll be in this one, toward the back. Bing, I'd rather you remain in the back too."


"I don't want to hear it, Bing. You are a new daddy. You stay in the back where you can support us but stay pretty far from the fighting. Dalton, I want you, Tomas, and Ellen Lou to be here and here. Ellen Lou, I hear you're pretty handy with a gun?"

"You heard right, Peeta," the blonde smirked.

"Alright, great. I'm moving you to here," he indicated positions on the maps in front of them.

"We need to be ready to move out within the hour," Rye said firmly.

"Ryen is right," Peeta nodded. "Make sure you have a weapon and you are adequately supplied. If you have any concerns, see General Cretus or Miss Primrose Everdeen. You're dismissed, soldiers." Peeta ran his fingers through his hair as he watched the small group disperse.

"Peet," Rye knelt in front of the maps. "Johanna, Finnick and I were talking earlier and we think you should be our surprise."

"Do what now," Peeta asked, scratching his chin.

"Peet, I saw you shoot back at HQ in 2. You never missed a target. You need to be in the middle, where you can take care of the guards as we approach.

You may even get a clear shot at Snow if he comes outside."

"That's exactly what I told Gale because of his bow. He's better than I am. I'm better off on the front line where I can take the army down before they get too far into our ranks."

"Talk to Gale and see what he thinks about it," Bing suggested.

"Gale and I already decided that he's the best one to be in the middle of the formation. That's the move we are going forward with." At that moment, Bran saw what his son had become. What he had been forced to become. A Peacekeeper. An authoritative Leader. He'd heard someone refer to him as 'Colonel'. His youngest, his most gentle boy had been hardened by pain and discipline. He couldn't help but feel anger toward his wife. He had told her he would stand by her but at this moment, he didn't think he could. Since he knew about the deal between Margaret and Snow Sr., he blamed her for his son's misfortunes.

And what if Peeta ever found out about it? About how his own mother had sold him? Bran blinked back tears at the thought.

There was so much he wanted to talk to his son about but he knew now was not the time. After the war… after they won the war. They could sit down and talk as much as they wanted to.

"Alright, you all have your assignments. Excuse me for a moment." Peeta stood and surveyed the room. Everyone looked ready. If Aurelia's plan worked, they would be moving out soon. He decided to spent his last bit of time with his wife but Cretus started waving him over, holding the radio in the air.

"Paylor's troops will be here by midnight," he said breathlessly as Peeta neared.

"You're sure? How many?"

"Couple thousand. Districts 8, 10, and 11 have all joined her. She is the official Commander of those parts. Peeta, we have to wait until they get here! We need those numbers." Peeta sighed as his eyes moved over the numbers they already had. He had to admit, several thousand more sounded really good.

"We need to try to reach Aurelia. She left a few minutes ago, to work on the distraction. We'll see if she can buy us some time with the search parties."

"We still have the perimeter guards to deal with too," Cretus nodded. "Paylor is taking them North. If we can guarantee that Lyme has her troops up there-"

"We can't," Peeta shook his head. "We haven't heard from Lyme since you rescued me from 2. I think we can say she is compromised. So we will send our own perimeter guard up there. And they'll need to leave now." Cretus sighed but nodded in agreement. Peeta cleared his throat and made it to the middle of the room.

"Soldiers, your attention please." He felt every eye on him and he hesitated but only for a brief moment.

"I have some good news. Commander Paylor of District 8 is marching toward us as we speak. She and several thousand soldiers will be joining us by midnight." The room erupted into cheers before Peeta hastily threw his hands into the air.

"Now we must send out our first lines of defense. Commander Cretus is coming around now, and if he selects you, you will be forming our perimeter guard either at the border around the corner, the border's entrance up North. As you know, we are limited on time so we have to move now. Best of luck to all of you and remember, the odds ARE in our favor." Some lifted their paper cups toward him, some threw a fist into the air, and some just nodded in respect. Peeta watched as Cretus selected a handful of soldiers for both guard lines. He bit his lip when he saw Vick Hawthorne join one line, and Maximus join another. He had to remember what he had told Katniss earlier, and forced himself to move.

He started to pass the shop area but paused and ducked out of the way when he saw Katniss and her mother embracing.

"- time to do the right thing, Katniss."

"And you can help us with the nursing station," Prim was saying gently. "You'll be on the radio with Rory, who can keep us informed of the wounded." Peeta closed his eyes. He was thankful Katniss had something to do. He didn't want her sitting idle and worrying about him. He peered around the corner and Prim smiled when she saw him. Violet caught sight of him and jerked him forward, throwing her arms around him.

"Peeta, thank you for taking care of my girl."

"Oh! Really, Violet, she can take care of herself."

"You have no idea what a mess she's been without you."

"Mom!" Katniss looked scandalized. Peeta smiled weakly before reaching for Katniss's hand.

"I've been an even bigger mess, believe me." Violet released him and he turned to his wife.

"Why aren't you sitting down? You should be resting that ankle."

"The medicine Everett gave me has done wonders," she said eagerly. Peeta frowned.


"Really! It doesn't hurt as much to stand anymore. I know you still don't want me to go but I can at least help out now." Peeta pulled her hands to his lips.

"That's so great to hear, sweetheart." She ignored her mother and sister as his lips touched hers.

"Hey," he lowered his voice as he pulled back, still clutching her hands. "Before we leave, will you do me a favor?"


"Will you sing for me?" His smile was earnest, his cheeks were ruddy, and his eyes were bright and hopeful. She stroked his cheek and returned the smile.

"Of course." He kissed her knuckles again.

"We still need to reach Aurelia but I'll come find you." She nodded and he hurried back to his General and Haymitch. Her eyes followed him but strayed and widened when she saw the Mellark men all huddled in a corner.

"Why is Bran Mellark here?"

"He wanted to fight with his boys," Violet said softly. "I think it's very admirable that he came."

"So poor little Mrs. Mellark is back in 13 all alone," Katniss said snidely.

"Katniss! What's gotten into you?" Katniss turned on her mother, flames dancing in her eyes.

"Peeta and I found a bunch of papers… I really don't know where to start but Mrs. Mellark needs to face some consequences of her own when we get back to 13."

"What are you talking about, Katty?" Katniss turned to her sister and her face softened.

"Nothing, Prim. Just… I think there should be some legal action taken against that woman. And Peeta agrees with me." Violet's mind swam. What did they

know, exactly? Did Katniss know that Peeta might be a witch? Did Peeta know? And the fact that Margaret had sold her son into slavery? She hoped the poor boy hadn't discovered that. Bran should be the person to talk to him, not files and documents.

"I gotta speak to Gale for a moment. Be right back." Gale was standing at the counter, stuffing his small bag with a bag of nuts and fruit. He glanced up when she approached and cocked his head.

"So, I hear you're staying behind."

"You heard right," she huffed. "Peeta doesn't want me in the fighting with my ankle messed up like this." He was quiet as he started to sharpen his knife with a white rock.

"So you told him you would stay here?"

"Yeah. I don't want him to worry. He needs to focus on the task at hand."

"Ah, I see. So you're going it alone." Her head jerked up and she opened her mouth to speak.

"Oh please, Catnip, you forget how long I've known you. How well I know you. Peeta might be convinced by your good little wife act, but I know the rebellious Katniss Everdeen is still in there. So what's your plan? Leave before the troops? Convince Aurelia to sneak you over there? Come in after we've all left?" Katniss was silent, her eyes locked on the counter.

"The troops are splitting up," he leaned against the wall, casually. "Peeta will lead one, and Cretus will lead the other. Stay beside me, keep hidden, and he won't know you're there." She raised her eyes to his and chewed on her lip.

"Why are you helping me?"

"We helped each other survive in those woods, Katniss. I know you're our best shot at winning this war, especially with that special bow from Beetee. And I know you want to end it before Peeta can get hurt. Now I don't particularly agree with you lying to your husband, and you're probably going to permanently fuck up that ankle, but… I believe in you. Your dad was the Mockingjay, the symbol. Now that's you. I want Snow to see the Mockingjay sing before you put an arrow in his heart." Gale winced and noticed that he had sliced his thumb open with the sharpened blade. He brought the digit to his lips and sucked at the wound.

"You know, I often think of our dads in those meetings together. Fighting to make the world a better place. And how awesome it would have been had they brought the rebellion out of 12. Right to the Capitol's gates. You can do that, Katniss. You can end this war with a single arrow. All the numbers and troops and weapons won't matter. Aurelia and I can help get you into that mansion and you can be the one to end it all."

"You and Aurelia have discussed this?"

"I won't say I'm overly thrilled that another Snow wants to be in office but the girl has some good ideas and she pointed out that this way, we can minimize loss of life. And I agree with her. So let's have each other's backs, just like the old days. I'll cover you while you end the Snow line. I mean… at least for now," he shrugged while she tried to hide her smile.

"Thanks, Gale."

"Finnick knows too. And he's agreed to cover Peeta. We'll make sure we get you back to each other and that you're never separated again."

"We're just waiting to hear from Aurelia. She has a plan to distract the searchers, and if we-" she froze as they heard a shrill voice coming from the radio.

"Mockingjay 1, do you copy? Searchers and perimeter guards are headed back to mansion. I repeat, searchers are heading back now. Start moving your forces forward now!"

Katniss looked up to see her husband's pale face as he gripped the radio.

"About that, Winter. We need more time. We have more-"

"Negative, Mockingjay. This diversion will only last 20 minutes at most. You need to move your troops now." Peeta cast Cretus a helpless look.

"I'll take a group on ahead. Soldiers, move out!" Gale glanced sideways at Katniss and rubbed his face.

"Damn it."

"Alright, look. You leave with the first of the troops. Even if Peeta suspects something, he'll expect me to be with you. So when he sees me leaving, he can't get distracted. He'll believe you really are staying behind."

"And staying upstairs cause you're throwing a fit," Finnick winked. Katniss flipped him off and Finnick blew her a kiss.

"You need to hurry. Tigris has what you need. I'll keep Peeta distracted." Katniss nodded and hurried off to find Tigris.

Peeta watched her from across the room, his eyes narrowing. Cretus was saying something to him but he couldn't hear. His blood was pounding in his ears.

Wow he felt like such a fool.

"Yeah," he said, dazed, to Cretus. "Yeah, you take your troops. Make sure to take out the group of Peacekeepers, like Aurelia said, and we won't be far behind you."

"Is there any point in sending the perimeter guards ahead, Colonel?"

"Send the Northern line. Once we vacate Tigris's shop, it won't matter if this area is guarded again. Aurelia assured me that this will take care of the mutts too."

"Yes sir. I'll move out then." Peeta nodded and looked up to see Gale walking towards him.

"Peeta," the taller man held out his hand and Peeta's brow raised. "I just wanted to say, good luck Colonel." Peeta took his hand and shook.

"And you." He pulled Gale forward so he could whisper in his ear. "Please take care of her." When they pulled back, Gale was stammering in confusion.

"What are you-"

"She didn't even argue with me, Gale. We both know that's not Katniss. I realize that I can't stop her. No amount of begging and pleading will stop her. This is her destiny, and I know she wants to uphold her father's legacy. So I want you to promise me that you'll watch over her."

"Peeta, I don't-"

"It's fine, Gale. Just don't let her do anything rash," he snorted at his own words and rolled his eyes. "Let her. Like we have an ounce of control over her. Katniss is her own woman. Fierce, independent… but I know I don't have to tell you that. I know she's probably threatened you to keep the secret too so I'll just ask, politely, if Katniss might mention something of a plan to you, that you help her in whatever way you can. I'll try not to think of her the entire time and if I'm being honest, she's safest with you."

Gale caught sight of a bundle of coats hidden by Finnick and Johanna, being pushed out the door, and he took a step back, holding out his hands.

"I don't have a clue what you're talking about, Peeta. Katniss is up in her room, crying that she can't be with you for this. Saw her go up there a few minutes ago, her face tearstained." He turned but stopped, flexing his fingers.

"Mockingjays are miracle animals, you know," he turned back to Peeta and crossed his arms. "Some say mistakes but they're a pretty incredible species and have survived in spite of everything. You shouldn't underestimate them." With one last nod to his Colonel and his no-longer-nemesis, Gale shouldered his gun and hurried after the retreating soldiers. Peeta watched closely as each soldier exited the shop but didn't see anyone resembling Katniss. He shook his head and went to say goodbye to Haymitch.

He knew his wife. It was her strength he had fallen in love with. He knew she would be out there somewhere, defying his request and figuring out a way to end this war, once and for all.