The Power of 5

Authors Notes: These notes are a bit long. If you wish to skip go to Chapter 2.

If you wish to read on The notes following are:

This is my first fanfic so forgive me if I don't update fast or make grammatical mistakes. I'm not a great speller but I will try to lessen as many mistakes as I can also there is no guarantee that this story will get finished.

If you wish to review go ahead but I'm being honest I probably won't read them as no doubt I will be reading other stories from here because most of the time that's what I do. Yeah I know I don't have a life but I don't care.

Now about the story. I had read a story and I really liked it and thought this a great story and then I read about six other stories and then the first story came to my head and I was like no I need to do my own version seeming as the one I read hasn't been finished (please update your story is so good) so this is my own spin from that story so I created an account and here I am.

The Story is called Three sisters and a brother by DiscordantSymphony. Its about the sisters and Chris being the Charmed ones. So clearly you know where this is going.

I suggest you guys read it cause its really good and review so the author can update it. Don't worry to anyone who is a fan of that story, my story will be different but for the beginning there will be similarity in the structure only so it makes sense also Chris will have the same power in the story and I'll explain why in the chapter when it gets to the powers.

Ok next I'm not sure if this is gonna be a rewrite or if I go into my own thing. I'm gonna be planning out a couple chapters before I decide that. Something Wicca this way comes is gonna obviously dominate the first several chapters: How many? I'm not sure. We will get there when we get there.

Dialogue for something Wicca this way comes will be done but I'm too lazy to do all it so only bits will get done which seem important and then bits will get made up to carry those cuts to the next scene type stuff.

I'm gonna be changing things or making up things for the purpose of the story. So if you don't recognise something its either been made up or I changed it. Research will done for elements of the story but if I'm being lazy its gets made up.

I am terrible at description so if you see character without description or only tiny bits of description feel free to imagine whoever you like.

Perspective is going to occur in this story.

Fill in chapters may be created to move along the timeline.

Credit to DiscordantSymphony who wrote Three sisters and a brother. I think other people have done this type of story but I got the idea from their story.

I will be doing one disclaimer and that's it. It will count for how many chappies there are.

Ok I think that's the notes finished I just really wanted to avoid putting them in the chapters as much as I could. Notes will obviously be there but hopefully they will be short.

If you have made it this far than without further ado go onto Chapter 2 and enjoy the story.