DISCLAIMER: Rick Riordan owns Percy Jackson and the Heroes of Olympus Series along with all the things that come with.
Annabeth looked up from her book to see Percy cradling his baby sister, Estelle, in his arms. Today, Estelle was wearing a baby blue onesie with, not surprisingly, baby blue mittens. Percy himself had bought her the clothes, which would explain the abundance of blue. Percy was rocking Estelle back and forth, while humming a tune that sounded suspiciously like "Under the Sea". His baby sister cooed and grabbed at his face.
Annabeth smiled.
Sally and Paul had left an hour ago to buy groceries, leaving Percy and Annabeth to babysit. Annabeth didn't mind one bit though. It was nice to spend time with her boyfriend without having to fear for her life.
Annabeth continued to grin while watching Percy bounce his little sister in his strong hands making little whoosh sounds every time she went up. Estelle squealed with happiness.
''Don't drop her seaweed brain,'' Annabeth warned.
''Wouldn't dream of it wise girl,'' he replied his eyes still fixed on Estelle.
Percy was a great brother. Sure, he could be fierce in battle, but he had a much softer side, too. She knew Percy would defend his sister with his life if he had to. He was, after all, Percy Jackson.
Annabeth still remembered when she and Percy first saw little baby Estelle Blofis.
Percy had been afraid to hold her, scared that he would drop the fragile little being. But after a little coaxing from his mom, he warmed up to his role as big brother. As for Annabeth, Estelle was like a little sister to her.
A sharp cry stirred Annabeth from her musings.
Estelle had started to cry, and poor Percy was trying in vain to shush her. He started rocking her frantically, but the motions just got the baby agitated, leading to Estelle bawling louder.
In one swift motion, Annabeth got up from the couch from which she was sitting on, and took Estelle from Percy. After a few minutes, Annabeth passed a sleeping Estelle back to her boyfriend.
Percy looked at her in disbelief. ''How did you do that?!''
Annabeth shrugged. ''A magician never shares her secrets,'' she said playfully.
Percy frowned and sat beside her on the sofa after putting Estelle in her cradle. He was strangely quiet.
Annabeth snuggled into his side. ''What are you thinking about, Percy?''
"What if my scent attracts monsters? What if I lead them straight to Estelle? What if she gets hurt because of me? I want her to have the normal life I could never have. I couldn't bear it if something happened to her and it was my fault.''
Annabeth unfolded herself from his side and looked him straight in the eyes.
''Listen, Percy Jackson. If a monster comes it will not be you fault. You didn't want to be a demigod, did you? You should just focus on being the best big brother you can be. If she's to have a shot at a normal life, we're going to have to try our best. But under no circumstances will you blame yourself if a monster comes. For Sally's and my sake, don't. You'll drive yourself crazy! Just focus on always being there for her, okay? Besides, I have a feeling Estelle might be able to see through the mist. Then she'll be able to see what a good big brother she has. One that will defeat any monster for her.''
Percy kissed her. ''Thanks Annabeth, I needed that.''
''I know,'' she said before leaning into his side as he put her arm around her.
A/N: Aren't Percy and Annabeth so darn cute? *Fangirls* Anyway, this is my first time writing a fanfiction, so please feel free to give me constructive criticism in the comments! Cover art is mine!