
Unsurprisingly, Anastasia Jackson was the prettiest girl. Atlanta was the same, though because of how shy she was, she often followed in her best friend's shadow. Besides, no one would mess with any of the ladies of the Seven; Theseus was well known for his scary temper, honey voice, and lightning bolts. The same with the younger Claude, Bianca, and Vanessa; for they all stuck together, and more often than not Milos, Vera, Silas, and Esperanza hovered protectively over them.

And that was why Percy and Jason were sitting in the office of the demigod-run elementary school, with their eldest. Their children—Theseus and Anastasia—probably got caught doing something to one of the younger children who often teased Claude, Bianca, and Vanessa.

"Misters Jackson, Grace." The principal greeted with a long-suffering side. Katie Stoll was so tired of seeing some of her friends' children in her office. "Theseus, Anastasia." The two teens both looked away, towards the wall where their picture hung.

"Mrs Stoll." Percy gave the principal a sheepish smile, and Jason nudged him. The two both looked guilty, looking like their children.

"Theseus, Anastasia, care to explain what you did to Charlotte Tanaka?" They both shook their heads, "or should I ask her mother?" All four of the guests paled, and the teens shook their heads, blond/blonde hair whipping.

"She was shoving around Bianca, Mrs Stoll. Claude had told her to knock it off, and then he got Atlanta, who told Anastasia, who told me." Theseus prattled, and Anastasia groaned, giving him a disappointed look.

"We really got to work on the whole lying thing, Seus." Percy face-palmed, wondering why only his firstborn got his lack of tact. "Deny, deny, deny."

"A noble idea, for sure, Te, but I'm pretty sure both of our moms are going to murder us when we get home." Jason cracked a smile, and Percy turned his laugh into a cough. Their children were the biggest troublemakers, and, to date, Annabeth blamed it on the "bromance."

"Especially when she finds out that Drew Tanaka is making the Jacksons buy Charlotte a new dress." Katie grinned mischievously, and the two teens knew that the worst part was over. "I will be telling your Auntie Reyna about this, and she can decide what your detention will be." The two paled, and they were soon sputtering. Jason and Percy both laughed, and they shook hands with Katie for possibly the sixth time in three days.

"Oh, and kiddos?" Theseus and Anastasia twisted around, fingers going to their mouths, promising their silence. Katie relaxed in her seat, and waved her hand. "Goodbye, Percy, Jason. Tell Annabeth and Piper I said hello, and ask them why did they raise such troublemakers?" Percy snorted, running a hand through his hair.

"My fault, apparently."

"Totally." Jason agreed, straight-faced. Katie laughed, and made a shooing motion.

"Get out of my office, Grace. You too, Jackson!" The two men laughed, following their eldest out. I love my job, Katie reminded herself, turning back to the angry email sent by Drew. I only have to deal with this one. Only. This. One.

"Anastasia Athena Jackson!" Annabeth had shouted as soon as the teens stepped into the Jacksons' residence.

"Theseus Marcus Grace!" Piper had copied, and even their husbands' paled. It was running joke between the friend group; when the kids did something bad, it was Jason and Percy's fault. (Most of the time, it was Anastasia's protectiveness and Thesues' habit of following his friend.)


"You too, Jason Grace!" The two men adopted the walk-of-shame stance—face tilted down, shuffling feet, and a pale complexion.

"You know," Piper began, setting Theseus' shirt to the side, in a semi-neat fold. Annabeth picked it back up and re-folded it, "I think we should write these down. Every time one of the children ends up in trouble, we should write it down." Annabeth hummed in acknowledgment, reaching for one of her husband's shirts. As the idea finally sunk in, the shirt fell through her fingers.

"Horror stories from mothers?" Annabeth offered, picking up a notebook. Piper produced the pen, which Annabeth clicked a few thousand times.

"How to not let your husband get involved in your kids' life?" The two women laughed, snorting at the silly idea.

"Why is it always us?"

"Dramatic, Pipes. That was too much."

"Why raising kids is hell?" Piper offered again, a smile gracing her features. Annabeth shook her head, before the title came to her.

"The Troublemakers?" She asked, and Piper nodded. Annabeth scribbled that down, and she reached for her cellphone to get Will. Piper was already texting Hazel and Calypso.

"By the mothers."

"Of course." Annabeth huffed, and Piper laughed. Annabeth pushed the laundry basket away from her, going to a bookshelf and grabbing a few notebooks and a few pens. She double-checked to make sure there was no ballpoints; Percy liked to prank Jason, who was traumatized by ballpoints. He had once asked Percy for a pen. (Suffice to say, Jason had failed that test. And grew a dislike of ballpoint pens.)

Morrigan here! If you guys want, hit me with a review. if not, that's fine. PM if you want. hope you enjoyed! :) or :(?