A/N- Hello! So this is my first story, and I know this is an overused plot, but I'm hoping that it becomes something unique. So please give it a chance! I cant guarantee when I will have chapters out exactly, but I will try my best. So please, read and review!

Disclaimer- Not mine, not at all!

He didn't mean to, and everyone knew it, but for Edward and Liz, it was the last straw. For weeks on end, they all had been struggling to help Alex. Even Alex himself was trying to improve, but kept having relapses. Edward and Liz were not equipped to deal with an ex-spy. It was Fourth Of July, the family was enjoying the nice weather on their back porch in San Francisco, watching Edward BBQ some burgers for dinner. Alex had seemed relaxed and content, sitting on a porch swing with his arm around Sabina. He smiled a small smile when he noticed Sab glancing at him every now and then.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing,just...happy."Sab smiled

Alex didn't reply, his words drowned out by the start of the fireworks. He froze. His face turned pale and his hands started to shake. His vision blurred and all he could hear was each boom of the fireworks. Sabina quickly turned to Alex when she realized something was wrong. She knew if she could just get him to his, admittedly conveniently placed, bedroom in their basement, where he would be unable to hear the loud, resounding cracks of the fireworks, she could help him calm down. But from past experiences, she knew it was a bad idea touch him when he got like this, the small scar on her mother's hand can attest to that. But she knew there was no other way, and he would only get worse, and deeper into a panic if she just let him sit here. She hesitantly reached out to touch one of his shaking hands. The reaction was instantaneous. Alex jumped off of his seat, sending the swing they were sitting on, and Sabina, flying backwards. With the fireworks still cracking in his mind, Alex couldn't tell friends from enemies. Edward noticed the commotion behind him and turned around, seeing the destruction, and realizing what was happening. He approached Alex as slowly as he could, his hands out in a placating gesture, to assure him he meant no harm. He tried talking to him, assuring him he was ok, and that no one was going to hurt him, and that if he just let him help, he can get him to a quiet room. Alex heard none of this. The sounds of the fireworks pushed all of his nightmares through his head as fast as a bullet train, his body reacting on survival mode. Edward got close enough to touch Alex. He reached out a hand, slowly, gently placed it on his shoulder. Alex reacted in the only way his mind could, and grabbed Edward's hand, flips him over his shoulder, breaking his wrist. Alex quickly turned around to face his next perceived threat-Sabina. She decided to try and yell over the fireworks. It doesn't work, it only sends more hectic dysfunction through Alex's panicked brain. He takes a few steps back, trying to make sense of all the noise. Liz, realizing what is happening, runs out from the kitchen, knowing these specific fireworks last exactly 10 minutes. They have only been going for 5. Sabina tries again in the few seconds of quiet between blasts to try and get to Alex.

"Alex! Please, it's me! Just relax!" Sab pleaded with him. She noticed a small amount of clarity return to his eyes, before the fireworks when off again, sending him back into the fog of terror. Sabina knew that if she just got another moment, she could get through to him again. Her wish was answered. Finally, after what seemed like ages, the fireworks stopped. Liz had run over to Edward to check him over, while Sab slowly approached a skittish Alex.

"Hey Alex, your ok", She muttered, keeping her voice low. Alex slowly starts to come back to his surroundings, looking around, his eyes settle on Liz leaning over Edward.

"Alex, hey look at me." Sab tries to get his attention. He still doesn't focus on her.

"Please, Alex!" She pleads. Finally, his eyes shift to her.

"Y-yeah?" He stumbles out.

"Let us get you to your room, ok?"

"Wait...your dad... I...I was the one who hurt him..right?".He looked down, knowing the answer.

"Let's get you to your room" Sabina sighed, avoiding the question. She helped him to his room, helping him sit on his bed.

"I...I'm sorry.." He breathed out, stunned with the knowledge of what he had done.

"It's ok, just rest ok?" Sabina let him lay down, then ran upstairs to see how her dad was doing. As she approached, she overheard their whispered conversation.

"We are unequipped to deal with this Edward! For Christ sake, your wrist is broken! You need to go to the hospital!" Liz exclaimed.

"Liz, please, calm down. We will deal with this, but we have to do this in a calm way. We can try and take him to a psychologist or something!" Edward exclaimed.

" We already tried a psychologist! He frightened the poor lady! Or he wouldn't talk to the other one!" Liz huffed out.

Edward sighed. "The only other option is to call you know..."

"I really didn't want to send him back to them, but we may have to..lets talk about this later, we need to get you medical attention." Sabina's mother looks up and sees her daughter standing there, and knows that she heard the whole conversation.

"Are you coming with us, or staying here?" Liz questioned her daughter.

"I'll stay with Alex, just in case," Sab stated. Her mother just nods.

Alex looks up when Sab comes downstairs, knowing that her parents were going to the hospital. He felt terrible. He knew he lost control, the control he fights to keep almost every day.

"Sab I-"

"Alex stop" She cuts him off, knowing he's already beating himself up. "It is ok. We should have known that the fireworks would.." she trailed off, watching him pick at the hem of the blanket on his bed.

"But still, I can't lose control like that... I could kill you guys! It would not be that hard. I, I shouldn't be here. I don't belong.."

"Alex, please. I need you here." She pleaded, knowing it was hopeless. Alex had already made up his mind, and it seemed like her mom had as well.

"Sab, I'm gonna hurt you one day, and I don't want that to happen. Please, just let me have my space tonight ok?" He asked her.

"Fine, but this conversation isn't over." Sabina left, walking to her room. Alex turned over in his bed, facing the wall, not wanting to go back to MI6, but knowing he couldn't stay with the Pleasures, as he may seriously hurt them one day. He finally fell into a fitful sleep.

The next morning, Alex woke up to the Pleasures in the kitchen discussing something in whispered tones. He knew they were discussing him. He listened for a minute or so before making his presence known by stepping heavily into the entryway and then into the kitchen.

"Morning" he mumbled, starting to make some toast.

"Alex, we need to talk," Edward said gently, hoping to placate Alex.

"About what?" Alex questioned, playing dumb. He knows exactly what they are going to say.

"Come sit Alex, please." Liz requested gently. Alex walked over with his toast, sitting down across from Mr. and Mrs. Pleasure, next to Sabina.

"We have been thinking, and please don't think we are just throwing you away, but we just, we don't think we are equipped to take care of you. There are things that we have no idea how to approach, and we feel someone who knows or has your...background..may be able to take care of you better than we can." Edward regrettably mumbled out quickly. Alex looked down, knowing this was coming, but hearing it coming directly from them hurt still. He didn't say anything, just nodded.

"Alex, please say something" Sab whispered, holding his hand under the table.

He stayed quiet for another minute before slowly saying, "If that is your choice, then I respect that. When do I go back?" He inquired hesitantly.

"Tomorrow. We already called Mrs. Jones. The flight is all paid for. 9 am flight, first class. Someone will pick you up at the airport. We are truly sorry Alex, we wish this could have worked out.." Edward sighed.

" Yeah, me too," Alex muttered, wondering where he was going to be placed now.