My hooded head laid against the glass. I felt the vibrations go through my head and my face. I could see the sunlight though my closed eyelids, making them orange. I heard the song Black by Pearl Jam start.

'Sheets of empty canvas. Untouched sheets of clay...All have been washed in black. Tattooed everything...'

I felt the bus jerk to a stop and my bag shift. I grabbed it and moved it back with my strong hands. Hands that had killed. Hands that now were only going to be wrapped around pencils and pens, not guns and necks.

The hours passed. I listened to music, read, and thought. I thought way too much. I couldn't stop thinking about the fight I had with my family. I couldn't stop thinking about Dean said. What Dad had said. That hurt me more than any hunting wound. He said, 'If you walk out that door, don't you ever come back!' I did walk out that door and I didn't plan on coming back.

I had ran away from my dad and hunting. Even though I was mad at Dean, I couldn't help but miss him and wish he was here. Sure I was able to be on my own, but I never had to. Dean had always looked after me. Well, I didn't need him. Even I did, he wasn't here.

I made it to Palo Alto, California three days later. My clumsy and tired legs barely carried me off the Greyhound bus. I walked on campus and stared in awe at everything. The campus was amazing. It was huge and went on forever. The buildings had historical significance in the way they were built. The tan stones and red roofs were popular on this side of the United States due to the fact…well it was interesting and I loved it.

I got my schedule, dorm number, list of events and clubs, and a map of the campus. As I stared at it I felt really nervous, but excited. Next I checked out clubs. I liked the Public Speaking and Debate one. I looked over my schedule next.

My first semester was Inventing Government with Coyne, Introduction to Archaeology with Bauer, Intensive Beginning Latin with Kelting, and Principles of Economics with Leeson. My second semester was Understanding Biology with Numbers with Fisher, Computer Organization and Systems with Lee, Introduction to Geology with Ritts, W&R Ghost Story with Russell. I didn't like all of my classes, but they fulfilled my General Education Requirements. I found my classes and found the best route possible.

After I got all of that sorted, I looked for my dorm. It took a while to find it. I wondered if the roommate was there. I looked at my key and sighed. I decided to knock. The door opened and I saw a guy about my age standing there with a beer and a wide smile.

"Hey! You must be my new roommate." He said happily.

"Yeah. I'm Sam." I mumbled.

"I'm Luis." He declared. "Come in!"

I walked in and glanced around the dorm. There was one window, two small shelves, two tiny desks, and two miniature beds. The whole thing was minuscule and I sighed. This was going to be troublesome. Well at least it is cleaner than a motel.

I knew instantly which one was my side, because Luis already decorated his side. There was posters put up by tape, books, paper, and clothes laying around. My side was perfectly manicured and untouched. I put my leather duffle bag on the bed and started to unpack. When, I finished that I heard my stomach growl.

"I know a good place to eat." Luis said to me. "I could show you."

"Okay." I nodded as I pulled out my small wad of cash.

He took me to a fast food place. It wasn't really bad or expensive. We ordered food and talked. He told a little about him. He came from a pretty poor family, but got in on a financial aid and scholarships. He was smart, but had no idea what he wanted to be. Luis liked to party and have fun. Sure he wanted to go to college, but not now. He only did because his family wanted him to.

After we ate, Luis showed me around and introduced me to people. I met Rebecca Warren and her brother, Zach. Rebecca was blonde and had blue eyes. She was into acting, theater, and various arts. Zach had black hair and dark eyes. He played football. Also, I met Emily. She had brown hair and eyes. Emily was going to medical school. Lastly, I met Brady. He had light brown hair and blue eyes. He was also in pre-med.

The next week was interesting. I started to get in the flow of things. I hung out with Luis and Brady the most. They showed me where to eat, where to get a job, and where the best place to have some fun was. I didn't really like the casual partying, but it kept my mind off of things.

I have couldn't stop but wonder how they were doing without me, what hunts they were going on, and what was out there. The last one got me the most. I had learned that monsters were everywhere. I am just waiting for something supernatural to fly in and destroy everything.

It didn't help that I couldn't really put up any protect. I just had the few weapons I brought with me. I had a curved blade, a gun, and some holy water. I couldn't lay down any salt, but I made sure that I had a lot lying around. I couldn't draw any symbols so I just had to stay prepared.

I started classes and I felt excited. This was everything I ever wanted. I wanted to be normal. I wanted to get away from hunting. I wanted to go to college. Now I have that.

I walked in my first class with confidence. The day went by fast. It was great and I couldn't wait for the next day. Next week. The next year. I couldn't wait for when I got to law school. I could taste it. It was also so close. I was free. I was normal.

A/N: I tried to make a schedule with actually classes from Stanford. I failed miserably at trying to make all of it realistic.

Dates: August 31st- September 9th 2002.