Chapter 10

Final Confrontation

The next day, Dewey and Louie escorted Huey over to Derek's house. Huey was very intimidated, but Dewey and Louie were confident. They knew that today was the day that Derek left their brother alone for good. Once they got to the gate of Derek's house, Huey started to run the other direction until Dewey grabbed him.

"Huey, it's okay." Dewey said trying to reassure his brother. "We have a plan, we just need you to relax." Huey started to calm down as Derek opened the gate.

"Did you dorks come for a beating?" Derek asked as he evilly grinned. Dewey shoved a paper in Derek's face.

"We just came to give you this." Louie said as Derek looked at the paper. It was a restraining order.

"You can't be within 20 feet of Huey anymore." Dewey said triumphantly. "It's over Derek." Derek started laughing maniacally. The triplets didn't understand why he was laughing so hard. Derek started to pull something out of his pocket. It was a gun. Huey froze as Derek pointed the gun right at him. Louie tried to stop him.

"Wait don't shoot!" Louie said waving his hands in the air. "We can resolve this without violence." Derek interrupted him.

"It's too late for that, it's time to die." Derek said as he was about to pull the trigger. Before he could, he noticed a familiar voice from behind Huey. It was his father.

"Son, please don't shoot him." Hunter started to say. "He's a good kid that did nothing wrong, just let him go. I'm sorry for all the horrible things I did to you. If you want to shoot anybody, shoot me. But just know know that it won't solve anything." Derek started to lower his gun until he heard police sirens. He got angry knowing that one of them had called the police.

"Alright, which one of you did it?" Derek asked as he started pointing the gun at everyone. None of them responded. Derek then heard the voice of his sister coming from behind him.

"I did it." Lucky confessed as Derek started to cry.

"How could you betray me like this?" Derek asked as he cried angrily.

"This has to stop Derek." Lucky said angrily. "You've been torturing Huey for I don't know how long. I know you blame him for what happened, but it's not even his fault. It's your fault Derek, and the sooner accept it, the sooner this will end." Derek started crying harder knowing that Lucky was right. He lowered the gun. He started thinking about what she had just said. As everyone started to relax, a gun shot was heard. Huey fell backwards as everyone screamed.

Huey found himself in a weird dream. Everything around him was white. He was being held in the arms of his mother. He didn't understand what was going on. His mother spoke to him.

"You don't have to speak." Della said as Huey started to cry. "I know what you're thinking. I love you and your brothers very much. I wish I could see how grown you've all become. I know you want to stay here, but you have to go back to your brothers." Huey cried louder knowing that he will never see his mother again if he goes back. He realized that he can't stay in that world. He wanted to be with his brothers.

"I love you mom." Huey said as he cried. His mother kissed him on the forehead as he woke up in a hospital bed.

Everyone was in the hospital room as Huey started to wake up. Dewey and Louie rushed over and hugged him as Donald cried happy tears. Huey looking for a gun shot wound, but he realized there was no wound to be found. Dewey started to explain to him what happened.

"It was incredible Hue!" Dewey started to say excitedly. "You fainted so quick that you literally dodged a bullet!" Huey was surprised. He thought that he had gotten shot, but he actually just fainted. Huey started to get up, but then a question came to his mind.

"Where's Derek?" Huey asked as Dewey and Louie looked down trying to think of a way to answer the question. Dewey didn't know how to put it into words, so Louie explained.

"When Derek shot the gun, the cops were already there." Louie said as Huey got confused. "The cops shot Derek down and he didn't make it." Huey was shocked. He didn't know Derek died. He started to cry thinking that it could have all been avoided. His brothers started to comfort him as he remembered all the horrible things Derek has done to him. Huey immediately stopped crying. His brothers noticed this.

"Huey, are you okay?" Dewey asked confused by his brother's emotions.

"I refuse to feel bad for him." Huey said as Dewey and Louie were confused. "He had multiple chances, and he decided to waste them all on torturing me. He blew it, so why should I feel bad." Dewey and Louie started to understand why Huey wouldn't feel bad for him. Once Huey was recovered, they checked out of the hospital and went home. As they got in the limo that Launchpad was driving, Dewey looked over at Huey. Huey looked up at the sky smiling. Dewey was gonna talk to him, but he didn't want to disturb him. That was the first time Dewey has ever seen Huey that happy. Derek was finally gone forever, and he is never coming back. Huey then looked over at Dewey.

"Hey Dewey?" Huey said as Dewey looked at him. "Thanks for keeping your promise." Dewey felt touched knowing that his brother was satisfied.

"You're welcome Huey." Dewey said as he looked at the sky. He admired the clouds as they all drove home.

End of Story