Hey all, this is just a little something I've been working on recently. I only have the first couple of chapters finished at the moment so I can't really make any promises about how frequently I'll update or if I will end up writing this to completion. That's always my intention when I start a story but regrettably I don't always follow through. Still, I'm going to do my best with this one. I already have the whole story planned out in my head, it's just a matter of writing it all down.

Anyway I don't really want to say anything else about it up front. The story takes place directly following the events of Crisis on Earth-X. Enjoy!

"Well I think that was quite enough excitement for one vacation," Alex said, falling into stride next to her sister. They'd just parted ways with Barry, Oliver, and the rest of the gang from Earth 1 after a rather eventful wedding celebration.

"I don't know, I for one find punching Nazis extremely relaxing," Kara replied, turning to shoot Alex a bright smile.

"Easy for you to say," Alex responded, "They just bounce right off your firsts when you hit them. Try having human hands. Punching skulls hurts."

"You and Sara seemed to be having a pretty good time from where I was standing," Kara said, wearing a smirk.

Alex could already feel the color rising in her face at the mention of the blond assassin's name. She was irritated with herself for having such a schoolgirl reaction. Kara, on the other hand, seemed to take this as bait to continue torturing her sister.

"Sara and Alex sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-," she started to sing.

Alex cut her off. "Oh my god Kara, seriously?" she said. There was a note of frustration to her voice but she was smiling. "Please just tell me you're not going to rope Winn and J'onn into torturing me about this when we get home."

"Are you kidding?" Kara replied, "That's, like, pretty much the first thing I plan to do when we get back."

Alex threw her head back and groaned, "This was definitely not worth the amount of shit I'm going to be taking over it."

Kara smiled, "In all seriousness though, I'm glad we did this. It might not have been the weekend getaway we were hoping for, but it did at least manage to take our minds off of things."

Alex let out a laugh at this and said, "Leave it to you to look on the bright side of a nazi invasion."

Kara shrugged, "Nothing wrong with a little positivity."

"Well I for one am ready to go home. I'm sure my apartment has been lonely without me there to wallow in self pity," Alex said, taking Kara's dimension-hopping device out of her pocket.

"Very true," Kara responded. "And I'm sure National City has been missing it's greatest hero," she said with an exaggerated flourish, putting her hands on her hips in her trademark superhero pose.

Alex rolled her eyes as she handed the device to Kara. "Your modesty is charming," she deadpanned.

Kara just flashed another smile as she took the device from her sister. She clicked it, expecting the familiar portal back to her own earth to appear, but nothing happened.

"Huh, that's weird," Kara said, turning the device over in her hands.

"Is something wrong?" Alex asked.

"Maybe it was damaged at some point during all of the fighting," Kara said, smacking the device against her free hand. There were few sparks and a strange grinding sound, and a few moments later a portal sputtered to life. "Oh, there we go," she chirped, "Problem solved."

With that Kara scooped Alex up bridal style and leapt through the portal. There was a brief, familiar feeling like flying through cold water before the scenery changed and they were flying through the skies of National City.

It took only a few moments before a nagging feeling in the back of Kara's mind told her something wasn't quite right. She slowed and came to a stop in midair before addressing her sister, "Hey Alex, is it just me or does something not feel right here?"

Alex glanced around and immediately took her sister's meaning. There was no question that they had returned to National City, but there was something off about it. Many of the surrounding buildings looked damaged or abandoned, and several others had collapsed to rubble. It was the middle of the day but there were almost no cars on the road, and even fewer pedestrians walking about. It looked like a post-apocalyptic version of the city they knew.

"What happened here?" Kara asked, a nervous edge creeping into her voice, "We were only gone for a couple of days."

Alex was beginning to feel uneasy as well, "We need to get to the DEO and find J'onn and the others."

"Right," Kara said, and resumed her flight at increased speed. It only took them less than a minute to arrive, but when they did they were met with yet another unpleasant surprise.

"Oh no," Kara breathed, floating above the remains of what had once been the DEO headquarters. All that was left was a pile of rubble and shattered glass.

"This is bad," Alex said. She could feel her heart rate increasing. "Whoever or whatever did this is clearly a very real threat."

Kara found herself floating down towards the ground and into the heart of the rubble that had once been the DEO. She could hear the tinkle of glass crunching under her boots as she set them on the ground. Alex climbed down from her sister's arms and immediately set to examining the scattered remains of the building.

While Alex was doing this, Kara honed in on her super hearing. As she'd suspected, the city was oddly quiet. She was used to the mingled sounds of cars, sirens, conversations and foot traffic, but these sounds were notably absent in the stillness of the afternoon.

"This is strange," Alex mumbled from where she was crouching. Kara shifted her attention and moved to stand beside her sister.

"What is it?" she asked, looking down at a piece of glass that Alex was turning between her fingers.

"Well this rubble looks like it's far more than a couple of days old. A lot of it has started to mold or break down. It's been this way for a significant amount of time.

"But we were just here a couple of days ago," Kara said, lost in thought. "So what does this mean? Have we somehow traveled through time?"

Alex shook her head and stood up, brushing her hands together to clear off the dirt. "That shouldn't be possible though," she said, "That device that Barry gave you is only meant to cross the barrier between our world and his. It shouldn't have the capability for time travel."

"Well whatever is going on here," Kara said, "We need to get some answers. Fast."

Alex nodded and draped her arms around Kara's shoulders as they once again took to the air. This time Kara changed directions and flew back towards one of the city's major roads. It was still nearly deserted, but here there were a few people traversing the sidewalks at a brisk pace. Kara swooped down and landed, intending to pump some of the civilians for information, but was instead met with her third surprise in as many minutes.

At the sight of Kara, every person on the street went into a full-blown panic. People who had been walking along moments before now ran sprinting in the opposite direction, some of them screaming as they went. Kara just stood, dumbfounded and still holding her sister, as everyone around her fled in terror.

It was Alex who broke Kara out of her stupor. She tapped Kara's shoulder as a sign that she wanted to be let down. Shaking her head, Kara set her sister on her feet and then put on a quick burst of super speed to catch up with the nearest terrified pedestrian.

It was a mother with her young daughter in her arms. The woman was sprinting, but as Kara laid a hand on her shoulder, the woman collapsed into a heap on the ground, sobbing and clutching the little girl close.

"Please," she choked, tears streaming down her face, "Please just spare my daughter. She's only 4 years old."

Kara took a step back, completely caught off guard by the woman's outburst. The little girl looked up to meet Kara's eyes, then yelped in fright and hid her face in her mother's shirt.

Kara was so preoccupied with the strange responses she was eliciting that she was not paying the least bit of attention to the world around her. It wasn't until she heard Alex shout, "Supergirl, watch out!" from some distance away that she turned to survey the scene around her.

At some point a black van had appeared on the street, and a number of soldiers in strange grey armor were pouring out of it to surround Kara. Alex was running towards them shouting as they all began to train their weapons on the kryptonian.

The woman who had been cowering on the ground before Kara seemed to take the momentary distraction as an opportunity to flee. Scooping up her daughter, she sprinted away down the street in the opposite direction.

Kara, noticing the woman's exit, turned back to her with her arm outstretched and yelled, "Hey, wait!" just as she was struck from behind with a powerful blast.

Kara was dazed for a moment before she felt the familiar effects of kryptonite sapping her energy. Her vision was swimming as she lost her balance and sank down to one knee.

Her ears were ringing now and the soldiers with guns were closing in on her. She could still hear Alex calling for her as the last of her energy left her and she slumped over onto her side.