Author's Note: It's cold as heck where I am, so was able to turn this out. Epilogue here. Walk of shame, without any shame at all. Thanks for all the reviews and faves, and thanks for reading! This may be a little OOC for Rey, but maybe not. Happiness can do strange things to a person.

Disclaimer per usual – I do not own Star Wars or any aspect of the SW universe; just a fan with an idea. No profit here, just fun for me.

Rey wakes up slowly to the sounds of birds in the trees that surround the ridge. Her head is a little foggy, but it only takes a moment for her to realize that she and Poe spent the night out here. The first blanket is still under them, but he'd brought a second one, explaining that he thought she might get cold, and it's covering them both.

He's still asleep, sprawled on his back on the blanket, his jacket balled up under his head. She's curled into his side, leg thrown over his and arm across his chest. Her head rests on his shoulder, and his arm is wrapped around her protectively. She watches his face as he sleeps, a shadow of a beard now showing but the peace of sleep making him look years younger. She nestles her head back down, her cheek meeting bare skin.

It takes her a second to process the fact that he's not wearing his shirt, only his pants and his mother's ring on the chain around his neck. She notices that while she has her tunic and pants on, her belt, vest, and arm wraps are discarded near his belt, shirt, and socks, their blasters both within reach.

She blushes a little when she remembers the night before, but the memories also make her feel warm all over, as images and feelings go through her head. He shifts, his arm tightening around her. He turns to his side, facing her and pulling her even closer as he murmurs, "Keep thinking about last night, and we're going to be out here all morning, too."

She laughs softly and presses a kiss to the bare skin of his shoulder. "I'd say I'm fine with that, but I'd guess that the others will come looking for us soon."

She lifts her head and he leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to her mouth. When they pull apart slightly, he smiles and says, "Good morning."

"Good morning." She gently bumps his nose with hers before kissing him again. He pushes forward until she's on her back and he's caging her body with his. She smiles against his lips, and he responds by deepening the kiss.

After a few moments, she pulls back abruptly, banging her head on the ground. "Kriff!"

He blinks in surprise. "Are you all right?"

She rubs the back of her head with her hand, grimacing. "You know how we can do tracking pings in space?" He nods, and she explains, "Well, it appears that you can use the Force the same way." She pushes up gently, and he frees her. It's clear to him from her emotions that their morning of quiet is over. She sits up, and he sits up next to her, grabbing his shirt and pulling it over his head. She reaches over him and grabs her vest and belt. "The general just pinged me. We need to head back."

He yanks on his boots and lifts an eyebrow. "Why didn't they just call my comm? I have it in the bag." He passes her boots to her, and he grabs the comm from the bag as she pulls them on. He swears. "Yeah, that's my fault. I turned the kriffing thing off. I never do that."

She crouches next to him, handing him his belt. "Hopefully we can slip back into the base quietly. I did tell her as best as I could that we're fine."

Seconds later, they're both fully dressed save for her arm wraps which are folded up in his bag with the blankets, lantern, and flashlights. She slips her staff over her shoulder, and she pulls her hair into a loose ponytail. He stands in front of her, leaning down to press a lingering kiss to her mouth.

When they separate, they quickly climb down from the ridge. They make their way back to the base, quickly cutting their way along the now very-familiar path. As they walk, he takes her hand tight in his, making her grin. She'd worried that he might regret the night before. Once again, she must think it directly at him, because he thinks back, "I was worried about the same from you, Beautiful."

She pulls on his hand, stopping him for a moment. He looks at her with a question in his eyes. "I could never regret it, Poe. It was perfect." She goes silent, her gaze intent upon his.

He cocks his head at her for a moment before a wave of emotion hits him. It's immediately clear how she feels, and he steps towards her and sweeps her into a deep, possessive kiss. When they pull apart, he rests his forehead against hers, and he whispers, "I love you, too, Rey."

Her face lights up in a grin that lights her eyes with joy. She throws herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'm glad you picked up on that."

He laughs. "It was kind of hard to miss."

A crashing sound followed by a string of angry beeps makes them jump apart. BB-8 rolls past them, turns around and bumps Poe's legs from behind. He then does the same to Rey's. They both try to look suitably chastised in the wake of BB-8's small tirade. Poe raises his hands. "I'm sorry, Buddy. We didn't plan to fall asleep out here. I should have called you to let you know we were coming back."

Rey nods. "Yes, we're very sorry, BB-8. It was truly not our intention to worry you."

Poe retakes her hand, and they continue towards the base. It's barely daylight, so they both hope that they'll be able to slip inside unnoticed. When they get to the open hanger bay, though, they realize that is not going to happen.

Leia is waiting for them, a cup of Caf in her hand and a sly grin on her face. Worse, though, is the fact that a worried-looking Finn is also there, as well as Rose and Chewie. The latter is leaned against some large cargo boxes, cleaning his bowcaster.

Poe and Rey stop in their tracks, and BB-8 rolls right into the backs of Poe's legs, making him stumble forward. Using their joined hands and maybe a small assist from the Force, Rey keeps Poe on his feet, pulling him upright again. Finn approaches, looking equal parts worried and irritated. "Where have you two been?"

Rey and Poe exchange a look, and Leia and Rose both laugh out loud as Chewie seems to quietly growl, making Poe grip Rey's hand a little tighter. It's Leia who speaks. "Yes, Commander. Where have you been indeed?" Her grin is downright devious.

Rey thinks at him, "Just tell her the truth. It'll be fun to watch Finn's reaction."

He looks at her, one eyebrow raised, thinking back, "Remember, Chewie can break me in half."

"I'll protect you," she responds, again by thought.

Finn throws his hands up in the air. "You're doing it again!" He looks at the others, motioning to Poe and Rey. "See! They're doing it again!"

Poe shrugs. "General Organa, apologies. We fell asleep outside. Together."

Rey squeezes his hand. "And I love him."

Nodding, Poe agrees. "She does." Rey elbows him then, and he laughs. "Oh, and I love her, too."

Finn blinks in surprise, Rose laughs, and Chewie calls to Rey. Poe shoots Rey a questioning look, but she responds to Chewie first. "Not necessary Chewie, but I'll keep it in mind." She turns to Poe. "He basically wants to know if he needs to kill you."

Poe rolls his eyes. "Good to know you don't think that's necessary."

"Well, I did tell you I'm getting attached to you." She grins.

The general clears her throat, and they both look at her. "Are you two finished?" At their nods, she waves them away. "Go get cleaned up and get some breakfast. But you both have the day off." Before they can respond, she just says, "You're welcome." She turns to leave, but then she turns back to them. "Oh, and Commander?"

"Yes ma'am?" He stands up a little straighter, expecting something serious.

"Well done. And see, I told you you're not too old for her." She winks and sweeps towards command.

Poe laughs at that, and Rey just shakes her head. Finn is still standing there in stunned silence. Rose winks at them. "I'll take care of him. Don't worry about it."

"Thanks, Rose." Rey smiles at their friends. "Come on, Commander. We need to shower. My quarters or yours?"

That breaks Finn's shock. "Together?" he splutters.

She grins back. "Good idea. I was just thinking we'd wait for each other. Thanks, Finn. So glad they're water instead of sonics."

Poe, Rose, and even Chewie all laugh at Finn, who is now opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water. Poe turns to Rey and says, "Yours." He looks down at BB-8. "Buddy, why don't you help Chewie or Rose with something." The droid looks back and forth between Poe and Rey a few times before, apparently satisfied that they're both going to be fine, beeping out an affirmative and rolling towards Rose.

With a nod to everyone, Poe and Rey head down into the base. When they get to the hallway fork in the residential area, instead of heading towards her quarters, he guides them towards his. "What are you doing, Poe?"

"Finn thinks we'll be in yours. We're going to mine. Maybe we can hide out until at least lunch." He smiles mischievously, and she laughs. He knows they're at war, and they'll get back to it tomorrow, but sometimes it's good to just be people for a while.

When they get to his quarters, she follows him in, leans her staff against the wall, and then pins his back against the door once it's closed, pressing a kiss to his lips. After a moment, she leans up and says into his ear, "Now, how about that shower?"

He smirks. "So long as you promise to be gentle. I'm old, remember? Do you want to be the death of me?"

She steps back, walking backwards into the small refresher and its corner shower, using the Force to turn the hot water on. "Maybe. Might be fun to try."

As she moves, she sheds her boots, belt, and vest and pulls her hair free. He drops his bag and jacket, toeing off his boots as he follows her, grinning, and he slides the refresher door closed behind them. "Do your best, Beautiful. I can think of worse ways to go."